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It will look in the list of all options providers until the given *option* will be found. If the option wasn't found, the *default* value will be returned. zkget_global_option has been deprecated. You can use checker.linter.config to get all global options instead. stacklevelr0_)warningswarnDeprecationWarningrKrconfigrcrs r,rr sN M C  7>(&..c*B*B C CCr.,stringsepc@d||DS)a&Return a list of stripped string by splitting the string given as argument on `sep` (',' by default), empty strings are discarded. >>> _splitstrip('a, b, c , 4,,') ['a', 'b', 'c', '4'] >>> _splitstrip('a') ['a'] >>> _splitstrip('a, b, c,') ['a', 'b', 'c'] :type string: str or unicode :param string: a csv line :type sep: str or unicode :param sep: field separator, default to the comma (',') :rtype: str or unicode :return: the unquoted string (or the input string if it wasn't quoted) c^g|]*}||+Sr7strip).0words r, z_splitstrip..5s- G G GT$**,, GDJJLL G G Gr.)split)rrs r, _splitstripr!s%( H GV\\#%6%6 G G GGr.c^|s|S|ddvr |dd}|ddvr |dd}|S)zRemove optional quotes (simple or double) from the string. :param string: an optionally quoted string :return: the unquoted string (or the input string if it wasn't quoted) rz"'rNr7)rs r,_unquoter8sN   ayE bzU Mr.rhlist[str] | tuple[str] | str Sequence[str]c\t|ttfr|St|Sr6)rIrtupler)rhs r, _check_csvrGs+%$'' u  r.cxd|D}d}d|d|zS)zReturn string as a comment.c6g|]}|Sr7r)rlines r,rz_comment..Os : : :dTZZ\\ : : :r.r%# ) splitlinesr))rlinesrs r,_commentrMsC : :f&7&7&9&9 : : :E C S***//%(( ((r.rgrrcndddkr dd|D}nt|ttfr"dfd|D}nt|t r2dd|D}ngt|d r|j}nOdd kr|rd nd }n/t|tr| rd |d }t|S)zfReturn the user input's value from a 'compiled' value. TODO: 3.0: Remove deprecated function typeN py_versionrGc34K|]}t|VdSr6)r)ritems r, z'_format_option_value..Zs(55tT555555r.rc38K|]}t|VdSr6)rb)rrrgs r,rz'_format_option_value..\s.OO-gt<<OOOOOOr.c3*K|]\}}|d|VdS)r_Nr7)rkvs r,rz'_format_option_value..^s0>>1A>>>>>>r.matchynyesnor]) rar)rIrrdictitemsrpatternrisspace)rgrhs` r,rbrbTs6 {{64  L0055u55555 ED%= ) ) OOOOOOOOO E4 >> >>>>>    V   $ $(D E3  EMMOOE  u::r.r cVtjdtd|rtt ||td|d|tj5tjdtt||d d d d S#1swxYwYd S) z0Format an option's section using the INI format.zEformat_section has been deprecated. It will be removed in pylint 3.0.rrr[]ignore)categoryN)rrrrrcatch_warningsfilterwarnings _ini_format)rmrWrYr[s r,format_sectionris MO  * hsmm&)))) .g...v&&&&  " "%%3EFFFFFG$$$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%s%,BB"%B"cPtjdtd|D]\}}}d|vr(t|dtsJd|dvr3t ||}|d}|rJt|tsJt|d}t| t|| nt| |d vrtd |d | t| }tj d t|r^ddt|zz}|dt|dD}|dd}t|d || dS)z$Format options using the INI format.zB_ini_format has been deprecated. 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