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J.""T"T"T"T"T"T"TTT.6==d5=>Q>QRRSSS EO $ $64555 EM " "42333 E$ % %7566677rc"eZdZdZfdZxZS)r=a Raised when trying to assign a value with a type that doesn't match the declared type. Attributes: source_class -- The class of the record field -- Field name expected_types -- Types allowed for the field actual_type -- The non matching type ctt|j|i|||_||_||_||_dSr&)superr=rY source_classr?expected_typesr@)rXrvr?rwr@argskwargs __class__s rrYzPTypeError.__init__sJ(j$($9&999( ,&r)r<r_r`__doc__rY __classcell__)rzs@rr=r=sB'''''''''rr=PVectorPSetc@t||f}t||S)z=Unpickling function for auto-generated PVec/PSet field types.)_seq_field_typesr) checked_class item_typedatatype_s r_restore_seq_field_picklers! ]I5 6E 5$ ' ''rc@dd|DS)z4Convert a tuple of types to a human-readable string.c3bK|]*}t|jV+dSr&)r r< capitalize)rr^s rr)z"_types_to_names..s7HH38C==)4466HHHHHHr)join)rIs r_types_to_namesrs# 77HH%HHH H HHrctf}||SGfdd}t}t|j|z|_|tf<|S)zFCreate a subclass of the given checked class with the given item type.Nc$eZdZZZfdZdS)%_make_seq_field_type..TheTypec6tt|ffSr&)rr)rXrrs r __reduce__z0_make_seq_field_type..TheType.__reduce__s -"ItDzz:< >GG18]I-. Nrc t||||rdfd }nj}t|rtn|d|||S)a Create checked field for either ``PSet`` or ``PVector``. :param checked_class: ``CheckedPSet`` or ``CheckedPVector``. :param item_type: The required type for the items in the set. :param optional: If true, ``None`` can be used as a value for this field. :param initial: Initial value to pass to factory. :return: A ``field`` containing a checked class. NFc<|dS|||S)N)_factory_fieldsrLr])argumentrrLrs rrOz _sequence_field..factorys't~~h^j~kkkrT)r:rOrUr+rT)NF)rr]r? optional_type)rrr rTr+rrOrs @r_sequence_fieldrs#=)^LLG! l l l l l l l . EmG,,,g D$ )) + + ++rc6tt|||||S)al Create checked ``PSet`` field. :param item_type: The required type for the items in the set. :param optional: If true, ``None`` can be used as a value for this field. :param initial: Initial value to pass to factory if no value is given for the field. :return: A ``field`` containing a ``CheckedPSet`` of the given type. r+r)rrrr rTr+rs r pset_fieldrs) ; 8W%.*8 : : ::rc6tt|||||S)au Create checked ``PVector`` field. :param item_type: The required type for the items in the vector. :param optional: If true, ``None`` can be used as a value for this field. :param initial: Initial value to pass to factory if no value is given for the field. :return: A ``field`` containing a ``CheckedPVector`` of the given type. r)rrrs r pvector_fieldrs) >9h%.*8 : : ::rcdS)N)Trr)items rreresjrc@t||f}t||S)z8Unpickling function for auto-generated PMap field types.)_pmap_field_typesr)key_type value_typerrs r_restore_pmap_field_picklers! h 2 3E 5$ ' ''rc tf}||SGfddt}dt |jt |j|_|tf<|S)zDCreate a subclass of CheckedPMap with the given key and value types.NceZdZZZdZdS)%_make_pmap_field_type..TheMapcHt|j|jt|ffSr&)r __key_type____value_type__r)rXs rrz0_make_pmap_field_type..TheMap.__reduce__(s'.&(;T$ZZHJ JrN)r<r_r`rrr)rrsrTheMapr$s3 # J J J J Jrrz {0}To{1}PMap)rrrr5r_checked_key_types_checked_value_typesr<)rrrrs`` r_make_pmap_field_typers  ! !8Z"8 9 9E  JJJJJJJJJJJ%++12234466FO/5h *+ Mrct|||rfd}nj}td|rtn||S)ad Create a checked ``PMap`` field. :param key: The required type for the keys of the map. :param value: The required type for the values of the map. :param optional: If true, ``None`` can be used as a value for this field. :param invariant: Pass-through to ``field``. :return: A ``field`` containing a ``CheckedPMap``. c6|dS|Sr&r)rrs rrOzpmap_field..factoryBs t}}X...rT)rUrTr:rOr+)rr]r?r)rrr r+rOrs @r pmap_fieldr3s~#8Z 8 8F  / / / / / / - 4/7CmF+++V I 7 7 77r),pyrsistent._checked_typesrrrrrrr r r r rr rMr#r0r3rBrJrQobjectrPFIELD_NO_TYPErjr\rrr2r?rlrqr=rrrrrrrr_validrrrrrrrrs                      @?????444444MMM%%%RRR444IIIf*,,KFHH--)$)",1::::&',R/!4::::& ! 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