bg ddlZddZdS)N ImmutableFcttr(ddfd}ddD}d||rd|znd|| }|rt |d d lm}t|d } t||n5#t$r(}tt|dz|z|d}~wwxYw||S)a Produces a class that either can be used standalone or as a base class for persistent classes. This is a thin wrapper around a named tuple. Constructing a type and using it to instantiate objects: >>> Point = immutable('x, y', name='Point') >>> p = Point(1, 2) >>> p2 = p.set(x=3) >>> p Point(x=1, y=2) >>> p2 Point(x=3, y=2) Inheriting from a constructed type. In this case no type name needs to be supplied: >>> class PositivePoint(immutable('x, y')): ... __slots__ = tuple() ... def __new__(cls, x, y): ... if x > 0 and y > 0: ... return super(PositivePoint, cls).__new__(cls, x, y) ... raise Exception('Coordinates must be positive!') ... >>> p = PositivePoint(1, 2) >>> p.set(x=3) PositivePoint(x=3, y=2) >>> p.set(y=-3) Traceback (most recent call last): Exception: Coordinates must be positive! The persistent class also supports the notion of frozen members. The value of a frozen member cannot be updated. For example it could be used to implement an ID that should remain the same over time. A frozen member is denoted by a trailing underscore. >>> Point = immutable('x, y, id_', name='Point') >>> p = Point(1, 2, id_=17) >>> p.set(x=3) Point(x=3, y=2, id_=17) >>> p.set(id_=18) Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: Cannot set frozen members id_ , cvdD}|r)dd|SdS)NcBg|]}|dd|zS)_'%s')endswith).0fs L/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pyrsistent/ z9immutable..frozen_member_test..5s+IIICI&1*IIIz frozen_fields = fields_to_modify & set([{frozen_members}]) if frozen_fields: raise AttributeError('Cannot set frozen members %s' % ', '.join(frozen_fields)) , )frozen_membersr)formatjoin)rmemberss rfrozen_member_testz%immutable..frozen_member_test4sNIIgIII  Adii&?&?@@  A rrrc3 K|] }d|zV dS)r N)r ms r zimmutable..?s&;;avz;;;;;;raq class {class_name}(namedtuple('ImmutableBase', [{quoted_members}])): __slots__ = tuple() def __repr__(self): return super({class_name}, self).__repr__().replace('ImmutableBase', self.__class__.__name__) def set(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs: return self fields_to_modify = set(kwargs.keys()) if not fields_to_modify <= {member_set}: raise AttributeError("'%s' is not a member" % ', '.join(fields_to_modify - {member_set})) {frozen_member_test} return self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__, *map(kwargs.pop, [{quoted_members}], self)) z set([%s])zset())quoted_members member_setr class_namer) namedtuplepyrsistent_immutable)r__name__z: N) isinstancestrreplacesplitrrprint collectionsrdictexec SyntaxError) rnameverboserrtemplater namespacees ` r immutabler0sQZ'34//#s++1133     YY;;7;;;;;N$ F.:HU+66g"4"4"6"6   % . h&&&&&& 5KLLLI< Xy!!!! <<<#a&&5.8344!;< T?s4C C7#C22C7)rrF)sysr0rrrr2s2 ]]]]]]r