bgJ ddlmZmZmZmZddlmZddlmZdZ Gdde Z ej e ej e ej e ej e dZ dZe eZd S) ) ContainerIterableSizedHashable)reduce)pmapc\||||ddzS)Nr)setget)counterselements G/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pyrsistent/_pbag.py_add_to_countersrs) <<gq!9!9A!= > >>ceZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZeZeZeZdZdZdZdZdZdS)PBaga A persistent bag/multiset type. Requires elements to be hashable, and allows duplicates, but has no ordering. Bags are hashable. Do not instantiate directly, instead use the factory functions :py:func:`b` or :py:func:`pbag` to create an instance. Some examples: >>> s = pbag([1, 2, 3, 1]) >>> s2 = s.add(4) >>> s3 = s2.remove(1) >>> s pbag([1, 1, 2, 3]) >>> s2 pbag([1, 1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> s3 pbag([1, 2, 3, 4]) )_counts __weakref__c||_dS)Nr)selfcountss r__init__z PBag.__init__#s  rcFtt|j|S)z Add an element to the bag. >>> s = pbag([1]) >>> s2 = s.add(1) >>> s3 = s.add(2) >>> s2 pbag([1, 1]) >>> s3 pbag([1, 2]) )rrrrrs raddzPBag.add&s$T\7;;<<>> s = pbag([1]) >>> s.update([1, 2]) pbag([1, 1, 2]) )rrrr)riterables rupdatez PBag.update4s/  J/4<HHII I rc||jvrt||j|dkr|j|}n)|j||j|dz }t |S)z Remove an element from the bag. >>> s = pbag([1, 1, 2]) >>> s2 = s.remove(1) >>> s3 = s.remove(2) >>> s2 pbag([1, 2]) >>> s3 pbag([1, 1]) r )rKeyErrorremover r)rrnewcs rr#z PBag.removeAsw $, & &7## # \' "a ' '<&&w//DD<##GT\'-BQ-FGGDDzzrc8|j|dS)z Return the number of times an element appears. >>> pbag([]).count('non-existent') 0 >>> pbag([1, 1, 2]).count(1) 2 r)rr rs rcountz PBag.countUs|+++rcNt|jS)ze Return the length including duplicates. >>> len(pbag([1, 1, 2])) 3 )sumr itervaluesrs r__len__z PBag.__len__as 4<**,,---rc#tK|jD]\}}t|D]}|VdS)z Return an iterator of all elements, including duplicates. >>> list(pbag([1, 1, 2])) [1, 1, 2] >>> list(pbag([1, 2])) [1, 2] N)r iteritemsrange)reltr&is r__iter__z PBag.__iter__jsX,0022  JC5\\      rc||jvS)z Check if an element is in the bag. >>> 1 in pbag([1, 1, 2]) True >>> 0 in pbag([1, 2]) False r)rr/s r __contains__zPBag.__contains__wsdl""rcFdt|S)Nz pbag({0}))formatlistr*s r__repr__z PBag.__repr__s!!$t**---rclt|turtd|j|jkS)z Check if two bags are equivalent, honoring the number of duplicates, and ignoring insertion order. >>> pbag([1, 1, 2]) == pbag([1, 2]) False >>> pbag([2, 1, 0]) == pbag([0, 1, 2]) True z Can only compare PBag with PBags)typer TypeErrorrrothers r__eq__z PBag.__eq__s3 ;;d " ">?? ?|u},,rc td)NzPBags are not orderable)r:r;s r__lt__z PBag.__lt__s1222rc"t|tstS|j}|jD] \}}|||z||<!t|S)z Combine elements from two PBags. >>> pbag([1, 2, 2]) + pbag([2, 3, 3]) pbag([1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3]) ) isinstancerNotImplementedrevolverr-r& persistent)rr<resultelem other_counts r__add__z PBag.__add__s%&& "! !%%''!&!8!8!:!: : : D+::d++k9F4LLF%%''(((rcft|tstS|j}|jD]B\}}|||z }|dkr|||<)||vr||Ct|S)z Remove elements from one PBag that are present in another. >>> pbag([1, 2, 2, 2, 3]) - pbag([2, 3, 3, 4]) pbag([1, 2, 2]) r) rArrBrrCr-r&r#rD)rr<rErFrGnewcounts r__sub__z PBag.__sub__s%&& "! !%%''!&!8!8!:!: $ $ D+zz$''+5H!||'t  d###F%%''(((rc@t|tstS|j}|jD]/\}}||}t||}|||<0t|S)z Union: Keep elements that are present in either of two PBags. >>> pbag([1, 2, 2, 2]) | pbag([2, 3, 3]) pbag([1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3]) ) rArrBrrCr-r&maxrD)rr<rErFrGr&rJs r__or__z PBag.__or__s%&& "! !%%''!&!8!8!:!: $ $ D+JJt$$E5+..H#F4LLF%%''(((rcVt|tstSt}|jD]3\}}t|||}|dkr|||<4t| S)z Intersection: Only keep elements that are present in both PBags. >>> pbag([1, 2, 2, 2]) & pbag([2, 3, 3]) pbag([2]) r) rArrBrrCrr-minr&rD)rr<rErFr&rJs r__and__z PBag.__and__s%&& "! !!!<1133 ( (KD%5%++d"3"344H!||'t F%%''(((rc*t|jS)z Hash based on value of elements. >>> m = pmap({pbag([1, 2]): "it's here!"}) >>> m[pbag([2, 1])] "it's here!" >>> pbag([1, 1, 2]) in m False )hashrr*s r__hash__z PBag.__hash__sDL!!!rN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__ __slots__rrr r#r&r+r1r3r7r=r?__le____gt____ge__rHrKrNrQrTrrrr s&,+I = = =   ( , , ,...    # # #... - - -333F F F ) ) ))))$))) ))) " " " " "rrc t|S)z Construct a persistent bag. Takes an arbitrary number of arguments to insert into the new persistent bag. >>> b(1, 2, 3, 2) pbag([1, 2, 2, 3]) )pbagelementss rbrbs >>rcr|stSttt|t S)z Convert an iterable to a persistent bag. Takes an iterable with elements to insert. >>> pbag([1, 2, 3, 2]) pbag([1, 2, 2, 3]) ) _EMPTY_PBAGrrrrr`s rr_r_s1  '466:: ; ;;rN)collections.abcrrrr functoolsrpyrsistent._pmaprrobjectrregisterrbr_rdr]rrrjs@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!???\"\"\"\"\"6\"\"\"~ 4$t$    < < <d4466ll r