bge @ddlmZmZddlmZddlmZGddeZGddeZ Gdd e Z ej e ej e Gd d e Z ej e ej e e Z ddZdZdS))SequenceHashable)Integral)reducec4eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dS) _PListBuilderzc Helper class to allow construction of a list without having to reverse it in the end. )_head_tailc6t|_t|_dSN) _EMPTY_PLISTr r selfs H/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pyrsistent/_plist.py__init__z_PListBuilder.__init__ s! ! c|js|||_|j|_n&|||j_|jj|_|jSr )r r rest)relem constructors r_appendz_PListBuilder._appendsNz )$T**DJDJJ)k$//DJODJzrc0||dS)Nc,t|tSr )PListr )es rz+_PListBuilder.append_elem..sE!\,B,Brrrrs r append_elemz_PListBuilder.append_elems||D"B"BCCCrc0||dS)Nc|Sr )ls rrz,_PListBuilder.append_plist..s!rr)rpls r append_plistz_PListBuilder.append_plists||B ,,,rc|jSr )r rs!s zrN) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__ __slots__rrrr%r'r"rrrrss#I"""DDD---rrceZdZdZejZejZdZdZdZ e Z dZ dZ dZ e ZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdS) _PListBase) __weakref__c0tt|ffSr )plistlistrs r __reduce__z_PListBase.__reduce__.stDzzm##rc4td|DS)a Return the length of the list, computed by traversing it. This is obviously O(n) but with the current implementation where a list is also a node the overhead of storing the length in every node would be quite significant. c3K|]}dVdS)Nr").0_s r z%_PListBase.__len__..:s"##1######r)sumrs r__len__z_PListBase.__len__2s!##d######rcFdt|S)Nz plist({0}))formatr2rs r__repr__z_PListBase.__repr__<s""4::...rc"t||S)z Return a new list with elem inserted as new head. >>> plist([1, 2]).cons(3) plist([3, 1, 2]) )rrs rconsz_PListBase.cons@sT4   rc>|}|D]}||}|S)a  Return a new list with all elements of iterable repeatedly cons:ed to the current list. NB! The elements will be inserted in the reverse order of the iterable. Runs in O(len(iterable)). >>> plist([1, 2]).mcons([3, 4]) plist([4, 3, 1, 2]) r@)riterableheadrs rmconsz_PListBase.mconsIs. # #D99T??DD rcpt}|}|r#||j}|j}|#|S)a Return a reversed version of list. Runs in O(n) where n is the length of the list. >>> plist([1, 2, 3]).reverse() plist([3, 2, 1]) Also supports the standard reversed function. >>> reversed(plist([1, 2, 3])) plist([3, 2, 1]) )r1r@firstr)rresultrDs rreversez_PListBase.reverseXsE [[,,F9D  rct}|}d}|r4||kr.||j|j}|dz }|r||k.|s |tfS||fS)z Spilt the list at position specified by index. Returns a tuple containing the list up until index and the list after the index. Runs in O(index). >>> plist([1, 2, 3, 4]).split(2) (plist([1, 2]), plist([3, 4])) rr6)rrrGrr r')rindexlb right_listis rsplitz_PListBase.splitms__  QYY NN:+ , , ,#J FA QYY  &% %xxzz:%%rc#:K|}|r|jV|j}|dSdSr rGr)rlis r__iter__z_PListBase.__iter__sC  (NNNB     rczt|tstSt|t|kSr ) isinstancer.NotImplementedtuple)rothers r__lt__z_PListBase.__lt__s1%,, "! !T{{U5\\))rct|tstS|}|}|r&|r$|j|jksdS|j}|j}|r|$| o| S)z Traverses the lists, checking equality of elements. This is an O(n) operation, but preserves the standard semantics of list equality. F)rUr.rVrGr)rrX self_head other_heads r__eq__z_PListBase.__eq__sz %,, "! !   )J )?j&666u!I#J  )J ) }/Z/rct|tr\|j3|j,|j |jdkr||jSt t||St|ts$tdt|j z|dkr|t|z } ||j S#t$r}td|d}~wwxYw)Nr6z-'%s' object cannot be interpreted as an indexrPList index out of range)rUslicestartstopstep_dropr1rWr TypeErrortyper(lenrGAttributeError IndexError)rrKrs r __getitem__z_PListBase.__getitem__s eU # # -{&5:+=5:CUY^YcghYhYhzz%+...tU+,, ,%** dKdSXkkNbbcc c 199 SYY E @::e$$* * @ @ @788a ? @sC C=(C88C=cd|dkrtd|}|dkr|j}|dz}|dk|S)Nrr_r6)rir)rcountrDs rrdz_PListBase._dropsJ 199788 8aii9D QJEaii rc:tt|Sr )hashrWrs r__hash__z_PListBase.__hash__sE$KK   rct}|}|rH|j|kr||jS||j|j}|Ht d|)a  Return new list with first element equal to elem removed. O(k) where k is the position of the element that is removed. Raises ValueError if no matching element is found. >>> plist([1, 2, 1]).remove(1) plist([2, 1]) z{0} not found in PList)rrGr%rr ValueErrorr=)rrbuilderrDs rremovez_PListBase.removes // zT!!++DI666    + + +9D  188>>???rN)r(r)r*r,rrlrKr3r;r>__str__r@rErI __reversed__rOrSrYr]rjrdrorsr"rrr.r.%s I NE NE$$$$$$///G!!!   &L&&&, *** 000&@@@.   !!!@@@@@rr.c0eZdZdZdZfdZdZeZxZS)ra Classical Lisp style singly linked list. Adding elements to the head using cons is O(1). Element access is O(k) where k is the position of the element in the list. Taking the length of the list is O(n). Fully supports the Sequence and Hashable protocols including indexing and slicing but if you need fast random access go for the PVector instead. Do not instantiate directly, instead use the factory functions :py:func:`l` or :py:func:`plist` to create an instance. Some examples: >>> x = plist([1, 2]) >>> y = x.cons(3) >>> x plist([1, 2]) >>> y plist([3, 1, 2]) >>> y.first 3 >>> == x True >>> y[:2] plist([3, 1]) rQcttt||}||_||_|Sr )superr__new__rGr)clsrGrinstance __class__s rryz PList.__new__s3$$,,S11 rcdS)NTr"rs r__bool__zPList.__bool__str) r(r)r*r+r,ryr~ __nonzero__ __classcell__)r|s@rrrsQ4"I KKKKKrrcHeZdZdZdZeZedZedZdS) _EmptyPListr"cdS)NFr"rs rr~z_EmptyPList.__bool__ surc td)NzEmpty PList has no first)rhrs rrGz_EmptyPList.firsts7888rc|Sr r"rs rrz_EmptyPList.rests rN) r(r)r*r,r~rpropertyrGrr"rrrr saIK 99X9Xrrr"Fcz|s#t|}|td|tS)a  Creates a new persistent list containing all elements of iterable. Optional parameter reverse specifies if the elements should be inserted in reverse order or not. >>> plist([1, 2, 3]) plist([1, 2, 3]) >>> plist([1, 2, 3], reverse=True) plist([3, 2, 1]) c,||Sr rB)r$rs rrzplist../s2774==r)r2rIrr )rCrIs rr1r1 s? >> 00(L I IIrc t|S)zj Creates a new persistent list containing all arguments. >>> l(1, 2, 3) plist([1, 2, 3]) )r1)elementss rr#r#2s ??rN)r"F)collections.abcrrnumbersr functoolsrobjectrr.rregisterrr r1r#r"rrrs........F>v@v@v@v@v@v@v@v@r%%%%%J%%%P%%     *    ++{}} JJJJ$r