bgdZddlZddlmZejdZejdZejdZejdZeefZ eefZ e e e e iZ d d Zd ZdS) z requests._internal_utils ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Provides utility functions that are consumed internally by Requests which depend on extremely few external helpers (such as compat) N) builtin_strs^[^:\s][^:\r\n]*$z^[^:\s][^:\r\n]*$s^\S[^\r\n]*$|^$z^\S[^\r\n]*$|^$asciic`t|tr|}n||}|S)zGiven a string object, regardless of type, returns a representation of that string in the native string type, encoding and decoding where necessary. This assumes ASCII unless told otherwise. ) isinstancerdecode)stringencodingouts O/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/requests/_internal_utils.pyto_native_stringr s3 &+&&&mmH%% Jct|tsJ |ddS#t$rYdSwxYw)zDetermine if unicode string only contains ASCII characters. :param str u_string: unicode string to check. Must be unicode and not Python 2 `str`. :rtype: bool rTF)rstrencodeUnicodeEncodeError)u_strings r unicode_is_asciir&sX h $ $$$ $   t uus 0 >>)r)__doc__recompatrcompile_VALID_HEADER_NAME_RE_BYTE_VALID_HEADER_NAME_RE_STR_VALID_HEADER_VALUE_RE_BYTE_VALID_HEADER_VALUE_RE_STR_HEADER_VALIDATORS_STR_HEADER_VALIDATORS_BYTEbytesrHEADER_VALIDATORSr rrr r"s 'RZ(=>>&BJ';<<(bj)<=='RZ(:;;35OP57RS "          r