bg,XdZddlZddlZddlmZmZddlmZddlm Z m Z m Z m Z ddl mZddlmZdd lmZmZ d6ddded d e ed e ed e ede ede edef dZeddedededefdZeddZedddZeddZedd d!Zed"d d#Zed$dd7d%Z edd&Z!edd'Z"edd(Z#edd8d*Z$edd9d,Z%edd-Z&edd.Z'eej(d/dZ(eej)d0dZ)eej*d1dZ*eej+d2dZ+eej,d3dZ,eej-d4dZ-eej.d5dZ.dS):zA Contains all deprecated functions. .. autofunction: deprecated N)partialwraps) FrameType)TypeCallableOptionalcast)cli)Version) DecoratorFreplaceversionremovecategoryfuncrrrrreturncttStdtdtfffd }|S)aN Decorates a function to output a deprecation warning. :param func: the function to decorate :param replace: the function to replace (use the full qualified name like ``semver.version.Version.bump_major``. :param version: the first version when this function was deprecated. :param category: allow you to specify the deprecation warning class of your choice. By default, it's :class:`DeprecationWarning`, but you can choose :class:`PendingDeprecationWarning` or a custom class. :return: decorated function which is marked as deprecated Nrr.cdg} r|d s|dn"|t  r|dn|dttj} p|}tt tt t jj}d |}tj | || t j |j|j~|i|S) Nz$Function 'semver.{f}' is deprecated.zDeprecated since version {v}. z*This function will be removed in semver 3.zUse {r!r} instead.z0Use the respective 'semver.Version.{r}' instead. )frv)rfilenamelineno)appendstrr r __qualname__rinspect currentframef_backjoinwarnings warn_explicitformatgetfilef_codef_lineno) argskwargsmsg_listrrframemsgrrrrrs c/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/semver/_deprecated.pywrapperzdeprecated..wrapper/s=:;  > OO< = = = ) OOH I I I I OOCKK ( ( (  P OO0 1 1 1 1 OON O O O DMM & LqYY0D0F0F G G NOOhhx   JJa7J + +_U\22>      tT$V$$$)r deprecatedrrr)rrrrrr1s````` r0r3r3s* |       4[[ %HS!V$4 % % % % % % % % %[ %D Nr2z3.0.0z$Still under investigation, see #258.)rrrver1ver2cPtj||S)a` Compare two versions strings. .. deprecated:: 3.0.0 The situation of this function is unclear and it might disappear in the future. If possible, use :meth:``. See :gh:`258` for details. :param ver1: first version string :param ver2: second version string :return: The return value is negative if ver1 < ver2, zero if ver1 == ver2 and strictly positive if ver1 > ver2 >>>"1.0.0", "2.0.0") -1 >>>"2.0.0", "1.0.0") 1 >>>"2.0.0", "2.0.0") 0 )r parsecomparer4r5s r0r8r8Us"6 =   & &t , ,,r2z2.10.0rcNtj|S)aP Parse version to major, minor, patch, pre-release, build parts. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.parse` instead. :param version: version string :return: dictionary with the keys 'build', 'major', 'minor', 'patch', and 'prerelease'. The prerelease or build keys can be None if not provided :rtype: dict >>> ver = semver.parse('3.4.5-pre.2+build.4') >>> ver['major'] 3 >>> ver['minor'] 4 >>> ver['patch'] 5 >>> ver['prerelease'] 'pre.2' >>> ver['build'] 'build.4' )r r7to_dictr:s r0r7r7ss 4 = ! ! ) ) + ++r2zsemver.version.Version.parse)rrc*tj|S)a# Parse version string to a Version instance. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.parse` instead. .. versionadded:: 2.7.2 Added :func:`semver.parse_version_info` :param version: version string :return: a :class:`VersionInfo` instance >>> version_info = semver.Version.parse("3.4.5-pre.2+build.4") >>> version_info.major 3 >>> version_info.minor 4 >>> version_info.patch 5 >>> version_info.prerelease 'pre.2' >>> 'build.4' )r r7r:s r0parse_version_infor>s2 = ! !!r2cTtj|}||S)aj Compare two versions strings through a comparison. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.match` instead. :param str version: a version string :param str match_expr: operator and version; valid operators are < smaller than > greater than >= greator or equal than <= smaller or equal than == equal != not equal :return: True if the expression matches the version, otherwise False :rtype: bool >>> semver.match("2.0.0", ">=1.0.0") True >>> semver.match("1.0.0", ">1.0.0") False )r r7match)r match_exprvers r0r@r@s%0 - C 99Z  r2maxz2.10.2cTtt||tjS)a> Returns the greater version of two versions strings. .. deprecated:: 2.10.2 Use :func:`max` instead. :param ver1: version string 1 :param ver2: version string 2 :return: the greater version of the two :rtype: :class:`Version` >>> semver.max_ver("1.0.0", "2.0.0") '2.0.0' key)rrCr r7r9s r0max_verrG# s47=111 2 22r2mincTtt||tjS)aB Returns the smaller version of two versions strings. .. deprecated:: 2.10.2 Use Use :func:`min` instead. :param ver1: version string 1 :param ver2: version string 2 :return: the smaller version of the two :rtype: :class:`Version` >>> semver.min_ver("1.0.0", "2.0.0") '1.0.0' rE)rrIr r7r9s r0min_verrKrHr2zstr(versionobject)c Btt|||||S)aX Format a version string according to the Semantic Versioning specification. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use ``str(Version(VERSION)`` instead. :param int major: the required major part of a version :param int minor: the required minor part of a version :param int patch: the required patch part of a version :param str prerelease: the optional prerelease part of a version :param str build: the optional build part of a version :return: the formatted string :rtype: str >>> semver.format_version(3, 4, 5, 'pre.2', 'build.4') '3.4.5-pre.2+build.4' )rr )majorminorpatch prereleasebuilds r0format_versionrRs"& wueUJ>> ? ??r2chttj|S)a Raise the major part of the version string. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_major` instead. :param: version string :return: the raised version string :rtype: str >>> semver.bump_major("3.4.5") '4.0.0' )rr r7 bump_majorr:s r0rTrT( w}W%%0022 3 33r2chttj|S)a Raise the minor part of the version string. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_minor` instead. :param: version string :return: the raised version string :rtype: str >>> semver.bump_minor("3.4.5") '3.5.0' )rr r7 bump_minorr:s r0rWrWrUr2chttj|S)a Raise the patch part of the version string. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_patch` instead. :param: version string :return: the raised version string :rtype: str >>> semver.bump_patch("3.4.5") '3.4.6' )rr r7 bump_patchr:s r0rYrY(rUr2rccjttj||S)aZ Raise the prerelease part of the version string. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_prerelease` instead. :param version: version string :param token: defaults to 'rc' :return: the raised version string :rtype: str >>> semver.bump_prerelease('3.4.5', 'dev') '3.4.5-dev.1' )rr r7bump_prereleasertokens r0r\r\:s* w}W%%55e<< = ==r2rQcjttj||S)a\ Raise the build part of the version string. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_build` instead. :param version: version string :param token: defaults to 'build' :return: the raised version string :rtype: str >>> semver.bump_build('3.4.5-rc.1+build.9') '3.4.5-rc.1+build.10' )rr r7 bump_buildr]s r0r`r`Ms* w}W%%0077 8 88r2cltj|}t|S)a Remove any prerelease and build metadata from the version string. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.finalize_version` instead. .. versionadded:: 2.7.9 Added :func:`finalize_version` :param version: version string :return: the finalized version string :rtype: str >>> semver.finalize_version('1.2.3-rc.5') '1.2.3' )r r7rfinalize_version)rverinfos r0rbrb`s-$mG$$G w'')) * **r2c Zttj|jdi|S)aH Replace one or more parts of a version and return the new string. .. deprecated:: 2.10.0 Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.replace` instead. .. versionadded:: 2.9.0 Added :func:`replace` :param version: the version string to replace :param parts: the parts to be updated. Valid keys are: ``major``, ``minor``, ``patch``, ``prerelease``, or ``build`` :return: the replaced version string :raises TypeError: if ``parts`` contains invalid keys >>> import semver >>> semver.replace("1.2.3", major=2, patch=10) '2.2.10' )rr r7r)rpartss r0rrvs0( -w}W%%-6666 7 77r2zsemver.cli.cmd_bumpzsemver.cli.cmd_checkzsemver.cli.cmd_comparezsemver.cli.cmd_nextverzsemver.cli.createparserzsemver.cli.processzsemver.cli.main)N)NN)rZ)rQ)/__doc__r!r% functoolsrrtypesrtypingrrrr r rr _typesr rDeprecationWarningrWarningr3PendingDeprecationWarningintr8r7r>r@rGrKrRrTrWrYr\r`rbrcmd_bump cmd_check cmd_compare cmd_nextver createparserprocessmainrer2r0rxs $$$$$$$$111111111111 A"! 0 AAA 1+Ac]Ac] A SM A 7m AAAAAH   1 & -#-S-S---  -2 H,,,8 2HEEE""FE"6 H!!!6 E8,,,33-,3$ E8,,,33-,3$ ((;;;@@@<;@* H444" H444" H444" H>>>>$ H9999$ H+++* H888. :cl,A7 S S S Js}.Dg V V V jO5w jO5w z7  *S[*> P P Pz#($5wGGGr2