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Deprecated: use get_api_url instead. store)type) get_api_urlrrs r2 store_api_urlzAuth.store_api_urlDsW---r4rc J|jd|j|jd|jd|d S)z'Returns the API url for storing events.rzapi/r)rrrIr)rsrs r2rzAuth.get_api_urlMs7 KKK II III OOO DD   r4cd|jfd|jfg}|j|d|jf|j|d|jfddd|DzS) z!Returns the auth header a string. sentry_keysentry_versionN sentry_client sentry_secretzSentry z, c3*K|]\}}|d|VdS)=Nr7).0keyrxs r2 z!Auth.to_header..bs1$Q$Q UUU%;$Q$Q$Q$Q$Q$Qr4)rrrappendrrrs r2 to_headerzAuth.to_headerZsT_-0@$,/O P ; " II 4 5 5 5 ? & II8 9 9 9499$Q$Qb$Q$Q$QQQQQr4)NrNr)r) r{r|r}rrrrrrr7r4r2rr,s66 *..X.     RRRRRr4rc^eZdZdZdZdZedZedZedZ dS)AnnotatedValuea Meta information for a data field in the event payload. This is to tell Relay that we have tampered with the fields value. See: rxmetadatac"||_||_dSr6r)rsrxrs r2rzAnnotatedValue.__init__os   r4c.tddddggiS)zxThe value was removed because it could not be parsed. This is done for request body values that are not json nor a form.rremz!rawxrrclss r2removed_because_raw_dataz'AnnotatedValue.removed_because_raw_datats6    r4c.tddddggiS)zThe actual value was removed because the size of the field exceeded the configured maximum size (specified with the max_request_body_size sdk option)rr!configrrrrs r2removed_because_over_size_limitz.AnnotatedValue.removed_because_over_size_limits6!    r4c8ttdddggiS)zHThe actual value was removed because it contained sensitive information.rrsr)rSENSITIVE_DATA_SUBSTITUTErs r2+substituted_because_contains_sensitive_dataz:AnnotatedValue.substituted_because_contains_sensitive_datas6+!    r4N) r{r|r}rr~r classmethodrrrr7r4r2rres&I!!!    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See the Exception Interface documentation for more details: genericT)rhandled mechanismN exception_idmetar[numberr#r parent_idchainedris_exception_groupr!messagerxrPrQr0c Lg|] }t|j|j!S))r/rPrQr0)rRrr/)rryrPrQr0s r2rz5single_exception_from_error_tuple..sM      Kl$;#9-       r4rT stacktrace) rr] setdefaultr rrrrr5rr)exc_typer\ryclient_optionsrarbrer#exception_valuer[is_root_exceptionrgrTrPrQr0s @@@r2!single_exception_from_error_tuplerps3"O%O I$+O+OK 7C $^4)$$  $//;;FF R  *Xu % % % 17 $X.$) 9!64= $[1/8 $V,9V?;+GGG/8 $V,+47J%==B=A $%9: / 9 9OH+H55OF&y)Xi=P=PQQOG"&!%3"01J"K!/0H!I)*<=      b//   F;)16(: % r4__suppress_context__c#K|\}}}g}t}||t||vr|||fV|||t||jr|j}n|j}|dSt|}|}t|dd}||t||vdSdSdSdSdSdS)N __traceback__) setidraddrq __cause__ __context__rr)rrlr\ryseen_exceptionsseen_exception_idscauses r2walk_exception_chainr|s"*)R UU  %9 %777Ir) ) ) )  " "9 - - -  " "2i== 1 1 1- .!+!-}E{{HI66B)  %9 %77777 ! %%77 ! %%r4c#K|VdSr6r7rs r2r|r|!sr4c 0t||||||||}|g} |}|dz }t|do|j} | ro|ot|do|jdu} | rQ|j} t t | | t | dd|||d\}} | | nn|ot|do|jdu}|rQ|j}t t ||t |dd|||d\}} | | |ot|d }|rht|j D]S\}}t t ||t |dd||||d |z\}} | | T|| fS) z Creates the list of exceptions. This can include chained exceptions and exceptions from an ExceptionGroup. See the Exception Interface documentation for more details: )rlr\ryrmrarbrer#r'rqrwNrs)rlr\ryrmrarbr#rx exceptionszexceptions[%s]) rprrqrwexceptions_from_errorrrextendrx enumerater)rlr\ryrmrarbrer#parentrshould_supress_contextexception_has_causer{child_exceptionsexception_has_contentcontextrgidxes r2rr&sA&/ %!   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Returns a `contextvars.ContextVar`-like class with a limited API. See for more information. rr)rTrF) rrraiocontextvarsrrrrrr)rrs r2_get_contextvarsrs " # #  f $ $ 555555Z''     222222Z''       /66 66s * 77 A AAz With asyncio/ASGI applications, the Sentry SDK requires a functional installation of `contextvars` to avoid leaking scope/context data across requests. Please refer to for more information. cd} |jjd|jjd|jS#t$rYnwxYwd\}}tr)rr_partialmethod)zpartialmethod()r{)zpartial(Raised when a serverless method is about to reach its timeout.Nrr7r4r2rrsHHDr4rc$eZdZdZdZdZdZdS) TimeoutThreadzCreates a Thread which runs (sleeps) for a time duration equal to waiting_time and raises a custom ServerlessTimeout exception. ctj|||_||_tj|_dSr6)rThreadr waiting_timeconfigured_timeoutEvent _stop_event)rsrrs r2rzTimeoutThread.__init__s?!!$'''("4$?,,r4c8|jdSr6)rrtrrs r2stopzTimeoutThread.stops r4c|j|j|jrdSt |j}||jkr|dz}t d|)Nr'zZWARNING : Function is expected to get timed out. Configured timeout duration = {} seconds.)rwaitris_setrrrrj)rsinteger_configured_timeouts r2runzTimeoutThread.runs d/000   " " $ $  F%()@%A%A" &(? ? ?)Ca)G &' h o o*     r4N)r{r|r}rrrrr7r4r2rr sK---     r4rcd} |d}tj|}|d}nF#t$r9}t d||Yd}~nd}~wwxYw|S)zO Convert a string to base64, via UTF-8. Returns None on invalid input. NUTF-8z"Unable to encode {orig} to base64:)orig)r0base64 b64encoderPrloggerwarningrj)original base64_string utf8_bytes base64_byteserrs r2 to_base64r0s MX__W-- ' 33 $++G44 XXX;BBBQQSVWWWWWWWWX s>A B /BBcRd} t|}|sJ|d}tj|}|d}nF#t $r9}td ||Yd}~nd}~wwxYw|S)zQ Convert a string from base64, via UTF-8. Returns None on invalid input. Nrz#Unable to decode {b64} from base64:)b64) BASE64_ALPHABETmatchr0r b64decoderPrrrrj)r utf8_stringonly_valid_charsrrrs r2 from_base64rAs K  *00??$++G44 %l33  ''00     1 8 8] 8 K KS         sAA!! B$+/BB$ Components)rrrIqueryfragmentct|}t|jd}|rP|jd}t |dkrt dt d|d}n|j}n|j}|r'ttd|D}n|j}t|j |||j |j } |r| St| S) zL Removes the authority and query parameter values from a given URL. T)keep_blank_valuesrr'r*r=ci|] }|t Sr7)r)rrs r2 z sanitize_url..ssNNN#s5NNNr4rrrrIr)r rrrrArrrr rrrIrr ) urlremove_authorityremove_query_valuesrA parsed_url query_params netloc_partsr query_string componentss r2 sanitize_urlr!Zs #JJ,EEEL #!(..s33 |  q ))))))R  FF  &FF"( NNNNN O O  "'   _$ J &*%%%r4 ParsedUrlrrrc t|d|d}tt|j|jd|jd}t ||j|jS)z Splits a URL into a url (including path), query and fragment. If sanitize is True, the query parameters will be sanitized to remove sensitive data. The autority (username and password) in the URL will always be removed. T)rrrArrr#) r!r rrrrIr"rr)rsanitizerbase_urls r2 parse_urlr's dJ$$    H  $   r4c |t|ttfrtj|r?t d||t|dSt|}|dks|dkr1t d||dSdS) z Checks the given sample rate to make sure it is valid type and value (a boolean or a number between 0 and 1, inclusive). z|{source} Given sample rate is invalid. Sample rate must be a boolean or a number between 0 and 1. Got {rate} of type {type}.)r#raterFrr'zW{source} Given sample rate is invalid. Sample rate must be between 0 and 1. Got {rate}.)r#r)T) rrrmathisnanrrrjrfloat)r)r#s r2is_valid_sample_rater-s dT7O , , 40@0@ K R RDtDzz R     u ;;D axx4!88 e l lD m     u 4r4cr|dS|D]/}|s|ddkr|dz }tj||}|rdS0dS)NFr=$Tr)r regex_listsubstring_matching item_matchermatcheds r2match_regex_listr4siu" ! l2&6#&=&= C L)L$//  44  5r4cd}tjd|zdztjtjz} ||d}t tt| ddd}n#tttf$rYdSwxYw|S)z Parses a version string into a tuple of integers. This uses the parsing loging from PEP 440: a # noqa: N806 v? (?: (?:(?P[0-9]+)!)? # epoch (?P[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*) # release segment (?P
                                          # pre-release
            (?P                                         # post release
            (?P                                          # dev release
        (?:\+(?P[a-z0-9]+(?:[-_\.][a-z0-9]+)*))?       # local version
IGNORECASEr	groupdictrmaprrArrr)rVERSION_PATTERNpatternrS
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