# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import threading import weakref from importlib import import_module from sentry_sdk._compat import string_types from sentry_sdk._types import TYPE_CHECKING from sentry_sdk.consts import OP, SPANDATA from sentry_sdk.hub import Hub, _should_send_default_pii from sentry_sdk.scope import add_global_event_processor from sentry_sdk.serializer import add_global_repr_processor from sentry_sdk.tracing import SOURCE_FOR_STYLE, TRANSACTION_SOURCE_URL from sentry_sdk.tracing_utils import record_sql_queries from sentry_sdk.utils import ( AnnotatedValue, HAS_REAL_CONTEXTVARS, CONTEXTVARS_ERROR_MESSAGE, SENSITIVE_DATA_SUBSTITUTE, logger, capture_internal_exceptions, event_from_exception, transaction_from_function, walk_exception_chain, ) from sentry_sdk.integrations import Integration, DidNotEnable from sentry_sdk.integrations.logging import ignore_logger from sentry_sdk.integrations.wsgi import SentryWsgiMiddleware from sentry_sdk.integrations._wsgi_common import RequestExtractor try: from django import VERSION as DJANGO_VERSION from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.core import signals from django.conf import settings try: from django.urls import resolve except ImportError: from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve try: from django.urls import Resolver404 except ImportError: from django.core.urlresolvers import Resolver404 except ImportError: raise DidNotEnable("Django not installed") from sentry_sdk.integrations.django.transactions import LEGACY_RESOLVER from sentry_sdk.integrations.django.templates import ( get_template_frame_from_exception, patch_templates, ) from sentry_sdk.integrations.django.middleware import patch_django_middlewares from sentry_sdk.integrations.django.signals_handlers import patch_signals from sentry_sdk.integrations.django.views import patch_views if DJANGO_VERSION[:2] > (1, 8): from sentry_sdk.integrations.django.caching import patch_caching else: patch_caching = None # type: ignore if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import Dict from typing import Optional from typing import Union from typing import List from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest from django.http.response import HttpResponse from django.http.request import QueryDict from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict from sentry_sdk.tracing import Span from sentry_sdk.scope import Scope from sentry_sdk.integrations.wsgi import _ScopedResponse from sentry_sdk._types import Event, Hint, EventProcessor, NotImplementedType if DJANGO_VERSION < (1, 10): def is_authenticated(request_user): # type: (Any) -> bool return request_user.is_authenticated() else: def is_authenticated(request_user): # type: (Any) -> bool return request_user.is_authenticated TRANSACTION_STYLE_VALUES = ("function_name", "url") class DjangoIntegration(Integration): identifier = "django" transaction_style = "" middleware_spans = None signals_spans = None cache_spans = None def __init__( self, transaction_style="url", middleware_spans=True, signals_spans=True, cache_spans=False, ): # type: (str, bool, bool, bool) -> None if transaction_style not in TRANSACTION_STYLE_VALUES: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for transaction_style: %s (must be in %s)" % (transaction_style, TRANSACTION_STYLE_VALUES) ) self.transaction_style = transaction_style self.middleware_spans = middleware_spans self.signals_spans = signals_spans self.cache_spans = cache_spans @staticmethod def setup_once(): # type: () -> None if DJANGO_VERSION < (1, 8): raise DidNotEnable("Django 1.8 or newer is required.") install_sql_hook() # Patch in our custom middleware. # logs an error for every 500 ignore_logger("django.server") ignore_logger("django.request") from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler old_app = WSGIHandler.__call__ def sentry_patched_wsgi_handler(self, environ, start_response): # type: (Any, Dict[str, str], Callable[..., Any]) -> _ScopedResponse if Hub.current.get_integration(DjangoIntegration) is None: return old_app(self, environ, start_response) bound_old_app = old_app.__get__(self, WSGIHandler) from django.conf import settings use_x_forwarded_for = settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST return SentryWsgiMiddleware(bound_old_app, use_x_forwarded_for)( environ, start_response ) WSGIHandler.__call__ = sentry_patched_wsgi_handler _patch_get_response() _patch_django_asgi_handler() signals.got_request_exception.connect(_got_request_exception) @add_global_event_processor def process_django_templates(event, hint): # type: (Event, Optional[Hint]) -> Optional[Event] if hint is None: return event exc_info = hint.get("exc_info", None) if exc_info is None: return event exception = event.get("exception", None) if exception is None: return event values = exception.get("values", None) if values is None: return event for exception, (_, exc_value, _) in zip( reversed(values), walk_exception_chain(exc_info) ): frame = get_template_frame_from_exception(exc_value) if frame is not None: frames = exception.get("stacktrace", {}).get("frames", []) for i in reversed(range(len(frames))): f = frames[i] if ( f.get("function") in ("Parser.parse", "parse", "render") and f.get("module") == "django.template.base" ): i += 1 break else: i = len(frames) frames.insert(i, frame) return event @add_global_repr_processor def _django_queryset_repr(value, hint): # type: (Any, Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[NotImplementedType, str] try: # Django 1.6 can fail to import `QuerySet` when Django settings # have not yet been initialized. # # If we fail to import, return `NotImplemented`. It's at least # unlikely that we have a query set in `value` when importing # `QuerySet` fails. from django.db.models.query import QuerySet except Exception: return NotImplemented if not isinstance(value, QuerySet) or value._result_cache: return NotImplemented # Do not call Hub.get_integration here. It is intentional that # running under a new hub does not suddenly start executing # querysets. This might be surprising to the user but it's likely # less annoying. return "<%s from %s at 0x%x>" % ( value.__class__.__name__, value.__module__, id(value), ) _patch_channels() patch_django_middlewares() patch_views() patch_templates() patch_signals() if patch_caching is not None: patch_caching() _DRF_PATCHED = False _DRF_PATCH_LOCK = threading.Lock() def _patch_drf(): # type: () -> None """ Patch Django Rest Framework for more/better request data. DRF's request type is a wrapper around Django's request type. The attribute we're interested in is `request.data`, which is a cached property containing a parsed request body. Reading a request body from that property is more reliable than reading from any of Django's own properties, as those don't hold payloads in memory and therefore can only be accessed once. We patch the Django request object to include a weak backreference to the DRF request object, such that we can later use either in `DjangoRequestExtractor`. This function is not called directly on SDK setup, because importing almost any part of Django Rest Framework will try to access Django settings (where `sentry_sdk.init()` might be called from in the first place). Instead we run this function on every request and do the patching on the first request. """ global _DRF_PATCHED if _DRF_PATCHED: # Double-checked locking return with _DRF_PATCH_LOCK: if _DRF_PATCHED: return # We set this regardless of whether the code below succeeds or fails. # There is no point in trying to patch again on the next request. _DRF_PATCHED = True with capture_internal_exceptions(): try: from rest_framework.views import APIView # type: ignore except ImportError: pass else: old_drf_initial = APIView.initial def sentry_patched_drf_initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # type: (APIView, Any, *Any, **Any) -> Any with capture_internal_exceptions(): request._request._sentry_drf_request_backref = weakref.ref( request ) pass return old_drf_initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs) APIView.initial = sentry_patched_drf_initial def _patch_channels(): # type: () -> None try: from channels.http import AsgiHandler # type: ignore except ImportError: return if not HAS_REAL_CONTEXTVARS: # We better have contextvars or we're going to leak state between # requests. # # We cannot hard-raise here because channels may not be used at all in # the current process. That is the case when running traditional WSGI # workers in gunicorn+gevent and the websocket stuff in a separate # process. logger.warning( "We detected that you are using Django channels 2.0." + CONTEXTVARS_ERROR_MESSAGE ) from sentry_sdk.integrations.django.asgi import patch_channels_asgi_handler_impl patch_channels_asgi_handler_impl(AsgiHandler) def _patch_django_asgi_handler(): # type: () -> None try: from django.core.handlers.asgi import ASGIHandler except ImportError: return if not HAS_REAL_CONTEXTVARS: # We better have contextvars or we're going to leak state between # requests. # # We cannot hard-raise here because Django's ASGI stuff may not be used # at all. logger.warning( "We detected that you are using Django 3." + CONTEXTVARS_ERROR_MESSAGE ) from sentry_sdk.integrations.django.asgi import patch_django_asgi_handler_impl patch_django_asgi_handler_impl(ASGIHandler) def _set_transaction_name_and_source(scope, transaction_style, request): # type: (Scope, str, WSGIRequest) -> None try: transaction_name = None if transaction_style == "function_name": fn = resolve(request.path).func transaction_name = transaction_from_function(getattr(fn, "view_class", fn)) elif transaction_style == "url": if hasattr(request, "urlconf"): transaction_name = LEGACY_RESOLVER.resolve( request.path_info, urlconf=request.urlconf ) else: transaction_name = LEGACY_RESOLVER.resolve(request.path_info) if transaction_name is None: transaction_name = request.path_info source = TRANSACTION_SOURCE_URL else: source = SOURCE_FOR_STYLE[transaction_style] scope.set_transaction_name( transaction_name, source=source, ) except Resolver404: urlconf = import_module(settings.ROOT_URLCONF) # This exception only gets thrown when transaction_style is `function_name` # So we don't check here what style is configured if hasattr(urlconf, "handler404"): handler = urlconf.handler404 if isinstance(handler, string_types): scope.transaction = handler else: scope.transaction = transaction_from_function( getattr(handler, "view_class", handler) ) except Exception: pass def _before_get_response(request): # type: (WSGIRequest) -> None hub = Hub.current integration = hub.get_integration(DjangoIntegration) if integration is None: return _patch_drf() with hub.configure_scope() as scope: # Rely on WSGI middleware to start a trace _set_transaction_name_and_source(scope, integration.transaction_style, request) scope.add_event_processor( _make_event_processor(weakref.ref(request), integration) ) def _attempt_resolve_again(request, scope, transaction_style): # type: (WSGIRequest, Scope, str) -> None """ Some django middlewares overwrite request.urlconf so we need to respect that contract, so we try to resolve the url again. """ if not hasattr(request, "urlconf"): return _set_transaction_name_and_source(scope, transaction_style, request) def _after_get_response(request): # type: (WSGIRequest) -> None hub = Hub.current integration = hub.get_integration(DjangoIntegration) if integration is None or integration.transaction_style != "url": return with hub.configure_scope() as scope: _attempt_resolve_again(request, scope, integration.transaction_style) def _patch_get_response(): # type: () -> None """ patch get_response, because at that point we have the Django request object """ from django.core.handlers.base import BaseHandler old_get_response = BaseHandler.get_response def sentry_patched_get_response(self, request): # type: (Any, WSGIRequest) -> Union[HttpResponse, BaseException] _before_get_response(request) rv = old_get_response(self, request) _after_get_response(request) return rv BaseHandler.get_response = sentry_patched_get_response if hasattr(BaseHandler, "get_response_async"): from sentry_sdk.integrations.django.asgi import patch_get_response_async patch_get_response_async(BaseHandler, _before_get_response) def _make_event_processor(weak_request, integration): # type: (Callable[[], WSGIRequest], DjangoIntegration) -> EventProcessor def event_processor(event, hint): # type: (Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any] # if the request is gone we are fine not logging the data from # it. This might happen if the processor is pushed away to # another thread. request = weak_request() if request is None: return event try: drf_request = request._sentry_drf_request_backref() if drf_request is not None: request = drf_request except AttributeError: pass with capture_internal_exceptions(): DjangoRequestExtractor(request).extract_into_event(event) if _should_send_default_pii(): with capture_internal_exceptions(): _set_user_info(request, event) return event return event_processor def _got_request_exception(request=None, **kwargs): # type: (WSGIRequest, **Any) -> None hub = Hub.current integration = hub.get_integration(DjangoIntegration) if integration is not None: if request is not None and integration.transaction_style == "url": with hub.configure_scope() as scope: _attempt_resolve_again(request, scope, integration.transaction_style) # If an integration is there, a client has to be there. client = hub.client # type: Any event, hint = event_from_exception( sys.exc_info(), client_options=client.options, mechanism={"type": "django", "handled": False}, ) hub.capture_event(event, hint=hint) class DjangoRequestExtractor(RequestExtractor): def env(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, str] return self.request.META def cookies(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Union[str, AnnotatedValue]] privacy_cookies = [ django_settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, django_settings.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, ] clean_cookies = {} # type: Dict[str, Union[str, AnnotatedValue]] for key, val in self.request.COOKIES.items(): if key in privacy_cookies: clean_cookies[key] = SENSITIVE_DATA_SUBSTITUTE else: clean_cookies[key] = val return clean_cookies def raw_data(self): # type: () -> bytes return self.request.body def form(self): # type: () -> QueryDict return self.request.POST def files(self): # type: () -> MultiValueDict return self.request.FILES def size_of_file(self, file): # type: (Any) -> int return file.size def parsed_body(self): # type: () -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]] try: return self.request.data except AttributeError: return RequestExtractor.parsed_body(self) def _set_user_info(request, event): # type: (WSGIRequest, Dict[str, Any]) -> None user_info = event.setdefault("user", {}) user = getattr(request, "user", None) if user is None or not is_authenticated(user): return try: user_info.setdefault("id", str(user.pk)) except Exception: pass try: user_info.setdefault("email", user.email) except Exception: pass try: user_info.setdefault("username", user.get_username()) except Exception: pass def install_sql_hook(): # type: () -> None """If installed this causes Django's queries to be captured.""" try: from django.db.backends.utils import CursorWrapper except ImportError: from django.db.backends.util import CursorWrapper try: # django 1.6 and 1.7 compatability from django.db.backends import BaseDatabaseWrapper except ImportError: # django 1.8 or later from django.db.backends.base.base import BaseDatabaseWrapper try: real_execute = CursorWrapper.execute real_executemany = CursorWrapper.executemany real_connect = BaseDatabaseWrapper.connect except AttributeError: # This won't work on Django versions < 1.6 return def execute(self, sql, params=None): # type: (CursorWrapper, Any, Optional[Any]) -> Any hub = Hub.current if hub.get_integration(DjangoIntegration) is None: return real_execute(self, sql, params) with record_sql_queries( hub, self.cursor, sql, params, paramstyle="format", executemany=False ) as span: _set_db_data(span, self.db.vendor, self.db.get_connection_params()) return real_execute(self, sql, params) def executemany(self, sql, param_list): # type: (CursorWrapper, Any, List[Any]) -> Any hub = Hub.current if hub.get_integration(DjangoIntegration) is None: return real_executemany(self, sql, param_list) with record_sql_queries( hub, self.cursor, sql, param_list, paramstyle="format", executemany=True ) as span: _set_db_data(span, self.db.vendor, self.db.get_connection_params()) return real_executemany(self, sql, param_list) def connect(self): # type: (BaseDatabaseWrapper) -> None hub = Hub.current if hub.get_integration(DjangoIntegration) is None: return real_connect(self) with capture_internal_exceptions(): hub.add_breadcrumb(message="connect", category="query") with hub.start_span(op=OP.DB, description="connect") as span: _set_db_data(span, self.vendor, self.get_connection_params()) return real_connect(self) CursorWrapper.execute = execute CursorWrapper.executemany = executemany BaseDatabaseWrapper.connect = connect ignore_logger("django.db.backends") def _set_db_data(span, vendor, connection_params): # type: (Span, str, Dict[str, str]) -> None span.set_data(SPANDATA.DB_SYSTEM, vendor) db_name = connection_params.get("dbname") or connection_params.get("database") if db_name is not None: span.set_data(SPANDATA.DB_NAME, db_name) server_address = connection_params.get("host") if server_address is not None: span.set_data(SPANDATA.SERVER_ADDRESS, server_address) server_port = connection_params.get("port") if server_port is not None: span.set_data(SPANDATA.SERVER_PORT, server_port) server_socket_address = connection_params.get("unix_socket") if server_socket_address is not None: span.set_data(SPANDATA.SERVER_SOCKET_ADDRESS, server_socket_address)