\bgU dZddlZddlZddlmZejdejZejdZejdZ dZ ej ej ej ejejejd ZGd d Zdad ZdS) zAModule for parsing and testing package version predicate strings.N)versionz'(?i)^\s*([a-z_]\w*(?:\.[a-z_]\w*)*)(.*)z^\s*\((.*)\)\s*$z%^\s*(<=|>=|<|>|!=|==)\s*([^\s,]+)\s*$ct|}|std||\}}t j5t j|}dddn #1swxYwY||fS)zVParse a single version comparison. Return (comparison string, StrictVersion) z bad package restriction syntax: N)re_splitComparisonmatch ValueErrorgroupsrsuppress_known_deprecation StrictVersion)predrescompverStrothers w/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/versionpredicate.pysplitUprs  " "4 ( (C FDDDDEEE::<A>)z>=z!=c$eZdZdZdZdZdZdS)VersionPredicateaParse and test package version predicates. >>> v = VersionPredicate('pyepat.abc (>1.0, <3333.3a1, !=1555.1b3)') The `name` attribute provides the full dotted name that is given:: >>> v.name 'pyepat.abc' The str() of a `VersionPredicate` provides a normalized human-readable version of the expression:: >>> print(v) pyepat.abc (> 1.0, < 3333.3a1, != 1555.1b3) The `satisfied_by()` method can be used to determine with a given version number is included in the set described by the version restrictions:: >>> v.satisfied_by('1.1') True >>> v.satisfied_by('1.4') True >>> v.satisfied_by('1.0') False >>> v.satisfied_by('4444.4') False >>> v.satisfied_by('1555.1b3') False `VersionPredicate` is flexible in accepting extra whitespace:: >>> v = VersionPredicate(' pat( == 0.1 ) ') >>> v.name 'pat' >>> v.satisfied_by('0.1') True >>> v.satisfied_by('0.2') False If any version numbers passed in do not conform to the restrictions of `StrictVersion`, a `ValueError` is raised:: >>> v = VersionPredicate('p1.p2.p3.p4(>=1.0, <=1.3a1, !=1.2zb3)') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid version number '1.2zb3' It the module or package name given does not conform to what's allowed as a legal module or package name, `ValueError` is raised:: >>> v = VersionPredicate('foo-bar') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expected parenthesized list: '-bar' >>> v = VersionPredicate('foo bar (12.21)') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expected parenthesized list: 'bar (12.21)' c,|}|stdt|}|std||\|_}|}|rt |}|std||d}d|dD|_|jstd|dSg|_dS) z!Parse a version predicate string.zempty package restrictionzbad package name in zexpected parenthesized list: rc,g|]}t|S)r).0aPreds r z-VersionPredicate.__init__..|sDDDEDDD,zempty parenthesized list in N) striprre_validPackagerr namere_parensplitr )selfversionPredicateStrrparenstrs r__init__zVersionPredicate.__init__is) 27799" :899 9%%&9:: MK4GKKLL L <<>> 5   NN5))E L !J!J!JKKK,,..#CDDSYYs^^DDDDI9 Y !W@S!W!WXXX Y YDIIIrc|jr4d|jD}|jdzd|zdzS|jS)Nc>g|]\}}|dzt|zS) )r')rcondvers rrz,VersionPredicate.__str__..s+DDDYT34#:C(DDDrz (z, ))r r!join)r$seqs r__str__zVersionPredicate.__str__sJ 9 DD$)DDDC9t#diinn4s: :9 rcR|jD]\}}t|||sdSdS)zTrue if version is compatible with all the predicates in self. The parameter version must be acceptable to the StrictVersion constructor. It may be either a string or StrictVersion. FT)r compmap)r$rr,r-s r satisfied_byzVersionPredicate.satisfied_bys@   ID#4=#.. uu trN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r(r1r4rrrrr(sL>>@2rrcttjdtja|}t|}|st d||dpd}|r?tj 5tj |}dddn #1swxYwY|d|fS)a9Return the name and optional version number of a provision. The version number, if given, will be returned as a `StrictVersion` instance, otherwise it will be `None`. >>> split_provision('mypkg') ('mypkg', None) >>> split_provision(' mypkg( 1.2 ) ') ('mypkg', StrictVersion ('1.2')) Nz=([a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)(?:\s*\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))?$z illegal provides specification: r) _provision_rxrecompileASCIIrrrgrouprr r )valuemr-s rsplit_provisionrBs Lbh   KKMMEE""A GEEEEFFF ''!** C -  / 1 1 - -',,C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 771::s?sB66B:=B:)r8operatorr<rr=r>r r"rrltleeqgtgener3rr;rBrrrrKsGG "*GRR 2:) * *RZ HII     + +  + +   iiiiiiiiX r