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Use the install_requires/extras_require setup() args instead.)verbosermoder dist_filesr?)2rrrurHrYrir`has_c_librariesrLrvget_ext_outputsstubs enumerater r!r"r\r%rtrr=rbreplacers byte_compilermr{rrcopy_metadata_tor r7r8isfileunlinkwrite_safety_flagzip_safeexistsrSwarnrN zap_pyfiles make_zipfilerMr gen_headerrJrgetattrr)rPinstcmdold_rootr all_outputs ext_outputs to_compilerAext_namer$_extr: archive_rootrS script_dir native_libs libs_files rrunz bdist_egg.runs $$$ 0$.AAA,,Y77<   , , . . +t +   \ * * * >> #'#7#7#9#9 [  $[11 ; ;KAxW--h77NHdW\\$.,x2H2H52PQQF J  f % % % H2H = = =< ?27++H55v>>>   f % % %%--bfc::KNN  )   Z ( ( (   ' #  " " "~ 7<< j99 H   $ Uh ::J H/ < < <   /Zt  T T T h'''gll8->??  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" * *263 7 7C CKC%2 &)9)9$)?)?)B BF D XtAFF4LLL <??DGGIII DmmL..//G' '>> H/ = = =DG    Cg~~=vsKKK Krc#K|jEd{V|jD]F}t|tr|Vt|trt |Ed{VGdS)zBYield names and strings used by `code` and its nested code objectsN)co_names co_constsrnstrrr)rconsts rrrs}++ eS ! ! +KKKK x ( ( +#E** * * * * * * * ++rrctjdstjdkrdStjdtjddS)NjavacliTz1Unable to analyze compiled code on this platform.zfPlease ask the author to include a 'zip_safe' setting (either True or False) in the package's setup.pyF)sysrXrrrrrrrrrs] < " "6 * *s|u/D/DtH @AAAH D 5r)rjrrg install_baseFTr zip_filenamer rrrcddl}ttj|t jd|fd}|r|jn|j}sP| |||} tD]\} } } || | | | n#tD]\} } } |d| | |S)aqCreate a zip file from all the files under 'base_dir'. The output zip file will be named 'base_dir' + ".zip". Uses either the "zipfile" Python module (if available) or the InfoZIP "zip" utility (if installed and found on the default search path). If neither tool is available, raises DistutilsExecError. Returns the name of the output zip file. rNrz#creating '%s' and adding '%s' to itcX|D]}tjtj||}tj|rG|t dzd}s|||tjd|dS)Nrfz adding '%s') r r!rr\rrpr8rr)zrnamesrr!rAbase_dirrs rvisitzmake_zipfile..visits , ,D7##BGLL$$?$?@@Dw~~d## ,X*,,-%GGD!$$$ -+++  , ,r) compression) zipfilerr r!rrru ZIP_DEFLATED ZIP_STOREDZipFiler-r) r!r&rrcompressrr)r'r(r$rr+r,s ` ` rrrsNNN 27??< ( ('::::H 2L(KKK,,,,,,+3J'&&8JK ( OOL$KO H H$/$9$9 % % GT5 E!We $ $ $ $  $/$9$9 ( ( GT5 E$ ' ' ' ' rr)r.r)FFTr) r!r rrrrrrr.r )2__doc__ __future__rr r rrr4 sysconfigrrtypesrtypingrr setuptoolsr setuptools.extensionr _pathr r distutilsrdistutils.dir_utilrrtyping_extensionsrr__annotations__rr%r-r=r?rrsplitrrrrrrrrrrrrrr;s#""""" 22222222))))))))((((((........22222222,++++++""45 5555   ++++${({({({({({({({(|&*]]3I3O3O3Q3Q%R%RRRRR$       %%%P+++    YXX   %%%%%%%r