""" Create a wheel that, when installed, will make the source package 'editable' (add it to the interpreter's path, including metadata) per PEP 660. Replaces 'setup.py develop'. .. note:: One of the mechanisms briefly mentioned in PEP 660 to implement editable installs is to create a separated directory inside ``build`` and use a .pth file to point to that directory. In the context of this file such directory is referred as *auxiliary build directory* or ``auxiliary_dir``. """ from __future__ import annotations import io import logging import os import shutil import traceback from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator, Mapping from contextlib import suppress from enum import Enum from inspect import cleandoc from itertools import chain, starmap from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from types import TracebackType from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol, TypeVar, cast from .. import Command, _normalization, _path, _shutil, errors, namespaces from .._path import StrPath from ..compat import py312 from ..discovery import find_package_path from ..dist import Distribution from ..warnings import InformationOnly, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, SetuptoolsWarning from .build import build as build_cls from .build_py import build_py as build_py_cls from .dist_info import dist_info as dist_info_cls from .egg_info import egg_info as egg_info_cls from .install import install as install_cls from .install_scripts import install_scripts as install_scripts_cls if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Self from .._vendor.wheel.wheelfile import WheelFile _P = TypeVar("_P", bound=StrPath) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _EditableMode(Enum): """ Possible editable installation modes: `lenient` (new files automatically added to the package - DEFAULT); `strict` (requires a new installation when files are added/removed); or `compat` (attempts to emulate `python setup.py develop` - DEPRECATED). """ STRICT = "strict" LENIENT = "lenient" COMPAT = "compat" # TODO: Remove `compat` after Dec/2022. @classmethod def convert(cls, mode: str | None) -> _EditableMode: if not mode: return _EditableMode.LENIENT # default _mode = mode.upper() if _mode not in _EditableMode.__members__: raise errors.OptionError(f"Invalid editable mode: {mode!r}. Try: 'strict'.") if _mode == "COMPAT": SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning.emit( "Compat editable installs", """ The 'compat' editable mode is transitional and will be removed in future versions of `setuptools`. Please adapt your code accordingly to use either the 'strict' or the 'lenient' modes. """, see_docs="userguide/development_mode.html", # TODO: define due_date # There is a series of shortcomings with the available editable install # methods, and they are very controversial. This is something that still # needs work. # Moreover, `pip` is still hiding this warning, so users are not aware. ) return _EditableMode[_mode] _STRICT_WARNING = """ New or renamed files may not be automatically picked up without a new installation. """ _LENIENT_WARNING = """ Options like `package-data`, `include/exclude-package-data` or `packages.find.exclude/include` may have no effect. """ class editable_wheel(Command): """Build 'editable' wheel for development. This command is private and reserved for internal use of setuptools, users should rely on ``setuptools.build_meta`` APIs. """ description = "DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY, INTERNAL ONLY: create PEP 660 editable wheel" user_options = [ ("dist-dir=", "d", "directory to put final built distributions in"), ("dist-info-dir=", "I", "path to a pre-build .dist-info directory"), ("mode=", None, cleandoc(_EditableMode.__doc__ or "")), ] def initialize_options(self): self.dist_dir = None self.dist_info_dir = None self.project_dir = None self.mode = None def finalize_options(self) -> None: dist = self.distribution self.project_dir = dist.src_root or os.curdir self.package_dir = dist.package_dir or {} self.dist_dir = Path(self.dist_dir or os.path.join(self.project_dir, "dist")) def run(self) -> None: try: self.dist_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self._ensure_dist_info() # Add missing dist_info files self.reinitialize_command("bdist_wheel") bdist_wheel = self.get_finalized_command("bdist_wheel") bdist_wheel.write_wheelfile(self.dist_info_dir) self._create_wheel_file(bdist_wheel) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() project = self.distribution.name or self.distribution.get_name() _DebuggingTips.emit(project=project) raise def _ensure_dist_info(self): if self.dist_info_dir is None: dist_info = cast(dist_info_cls, self.reinitialize_command("dist_info")) dist_info.output_dir = self.dist_dir dist_info.ensure_finalized() dist_info.run() self.dist_info_dir = dist_info.dist_info_dir else: assert str(self.dist_info_dir).endswith(".dist-info") assert Path(self.dist_info_dir, "METADATA").exists() def _install_namespaces(self, installation_dir, pth_prefix): # XXX: Only required to support the deprecated namespace practice dist = self.distribution if not dist.namespace_packages: return src_root = Path(self.project_dir, self.package_dir.get("", ".")).resolve() installer = _NamespaceInstaller(dist, installation_dir, pth_prefix, src_root) installer.install_namespaces() def _find_egg_info_dir(self) -> str | None: parent_dir = Path(self.dist_info_dir).parent if self.dist_info_dir else Path() candidates = map(str, parent_dir.glob("*.egg-info")) return next(candidates, None) def _configure_build( self, name: str, unpacked_wheel: StrPath, build_lib: StrPath, tmp_dir: StrPath ): """Configure commands to behave in the following ways: - Build commands can write to ``build_lib`` if they really want to... (but this folder is expected to be ignored and modules are expected to live in the project directory...) - Binary extensions should be built in-place (editable_mode = True) - Data/header/script files are not part of the "editable" specification so they are written directly to the unpacked_wheel directory. """ # Non-editable files (data, headers, scripts) are written directly to the # unpacked_wheel dist = self.distribution wheel = str(unpacked_wheel) build_lib = str(build_lib) data = str(Path(unpacked_wheel, f"{name}.data", "data")) headers = str(Path(unpacked_wheel, f"{name}.data", "headers")) scripts = str(Path(unpacked_wheel, f"{name}.data", "scripts")) # egg-info may be generated again to create a manifest (used for package data) egg_info = cast( egg_info_cls, dist.reinitialize_command("egg_info", reinit_subcommands=True) ) egg_info.egg_base = str(tmp_dir) egg_info.ignore_egg_info_in_manifest = True build = cast( build_cls, dist.reinitialize_command("build", reinit_subcommands=True) ) install = cast( install_cls, dist.reinitialize_command("install", reinit_subcommands=True) ) build.build_platlib = build.build_purelib = build.build_lib = build_lib install.install_purelib = install.install_platlib = install.install_lib = wheel install.install_scripts = build.build_scripts = scripts install.install_headers = headers install.install_data = data install_scripts = cast( install_scripts_cls, dist.get_command_obj("install_scripts") ) install_scripts.no_ep = True build.build_temp = str(tmp_dir) build_py = cast(build_py_cls, dist.get_command_obj("build_py")) build_py.compile = False build_py.existing_egg_info_dir = self._find_egg_info_dir() self._set_editable_mode() build.ensure_finalized() install.ensure_finalized() def _set_editable_mode(self): """Set the ``editable_mode`` flag in the build sub-commands""" dist = self.distribution build = dist.get_command_obj("build") for cmd_name in build.get_sub_commands(): cmd = dist.get_command_obj(cmd_name) if hasattr(cmd, "editable_mode"): cmd.editable_mode = True elif hasattr(cmd, "inplace"): cmd.inplace = True # backward compatibility with distutils def _collect_build_outputs(self) -> tuple[list[str], dict[str, str]]: files: list[str] = [] mapping: dict[str, str] = {} build = self.get_finalized_command("build") for cmd_name in build.get_sub_commands(): cmd = self.get_finalized_command(cmd_name) if hasattr(cmd, "get_outputs"): files.extend(cmd.get_outputs() or []) if hasattr(cmd, "get_output_mapping"): mapping.update(cmd.get_output_mapping() or {}) return files, mapping def _run_build_commands( self, dist_name: str, unpacked_wheel: StrPath, build_lib: StrPath, tmp_dir: StrPath, ) -> tuple[list[str], dict[str, str]]: self._configure_build(dist_name, unpacked_wheel, build_lib, tmp_dir) self._run_build_subcommands() files, mapping = self._collect_build_outputs() self._run_install("headers") self._run_install("scripts") self._run_install("data") return files, mapping def _run_build_subcommands(self) -> None: """ Issue #3501 indicates that some plugins/customizations might rely on: 1. ``build_py`` not running 2. ``build_py`` always copying files to ``build_lib`` However both these assumptions may be false in editable_wheel. This method implements a temporary workaround to support the ecosystem while the implementations catch up. """ # TODO: Once plugins/customisations had the chance to catch up, replace # `self._run_build_subcommands()` with `self.run_command("build")`. # Also remove _safely_run, TestCustomBuildPy. Suggested date: Aug/2023. build = self.get_finalized_command("build") for name in build.get_sub_commands(): cmd = self.get_finalized_command(name) if name == "build_py" and type(cmd) is not build_py_cls: self._safely_run(name) else: self.run_command(name) def _safely_run(self, cmd_name: str): try: return self.run_command(cmd_name) except Exception: SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning.emit( "Customization incompatible with editable install", f""" {traceback.format_exc()} If you are seeing this warning it is very likely that a setuptools plugin or customization overrides the `{cmd_name}` command, without taking into consideration how editable installs run build steps starting from setuptools v64.0.0. Plugin authors and developers relying on custom build steps are encouraged to update their `{cmd_name}` implementation considering the information about editable installs in https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/extension.html. For the time being `setuptools` will silence this error and ignore the faulty command, but this behaviour will change in future versions. """, # TODO: define due_date # There is a series of shortcomings with the available editable install # methods, and they are very controversial. This is something that still # needs work. ) def _create_wheel_file(self, bdist_wheel): from wheel.wheelfile import WheelFile dist_info = self.get_finalized_command("dist_info") dist_name = dist_info.name tag = "-".join(bdist_wheel.get_tag()) build_tag = "0.editable" # According to PEP 427 needs to start with digit archive_name = f"{dist_name}-{build_tag}-{tag}.whl" wheel_path = Path(self.dist_dir, archive_name) if wheel_path.exists(): wheel_path.unlink() unpacked_wheel = TemporaryDirectory(suffix=archive_name) build_lib = TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".build-lib") build_tmp = TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".build-temp") with unpacked_wheel as unpacked, build_lib as lib, build_tmp as tmp: unpacked_dist_info = Path(unpacked, Path(self.dist_info_dir).name) shutil.copytree(self.dist_info_dir, unpacked_dist_info) self._install_namespaces(unpacked, dist_name) files, mapping = self._run_build_commands(dist_name, unpacked, lib, tmp) strategy = self._select_strategy(dist_name, tag, lib) with strategy, WheelFile(wheel_path, "w") as wheel_obj: strategy(wheel_obj, files, mapping) wheel_obj.write_files(unpacked) return wheel_path def _run_install(self, category: str): has_category = getattr(self.distribution, f"has_{category}", None) if has_category and has_category(): _logger.info(f"Installing {category} as non editable") self.run_command(f"install_{category}") def _select_strategy( self, name: str, tag: str, build_lib: StrPath, ) -> EditableStrategy: """Decides which strategy to use to implement an editable installation.""" build_name = f"__editable__.{name}-{tag}" project_dir = Path(self.project_dir) mode = _EditableMode.convert(self.mode) if mode is _EditableMode.STRICT: auxiliary_dir = _empty_dir(Path(self.project_dir, "build", build_name)) return _LinkTree(self.distribution, name, auxiliary_dir, build_lib) packages = _find_packages(self.distribution) has_simple_layout = _simple_layout(packages, self.package_dir, project_dir) is_compat_mode = mode is _EditableMode.COMPAT if set(self.package_dir) == {""} and has_simple_layout or is_compat_mode: # src-layout(ish) is relatively safe for a simple pth file src_dir = self.package_dir.get("", ".") return _StaticPth(self.distribution, name, [Path(project_dir, src_dir)]) # Use a MetaPathFinder to avoid adding accidental top-level packages/modules return _TopLevelFinder(self.distribution, name) class EditableStrategy(Protocol): def __call__( self, wheel: WheelFile, files: list[str], mapping: Mapping[str, str] ) -> object: ... def __enter__(self) -> Self: ... def __exit__( self, _exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, _exc_value: BaseException | None, _traceback: TracebackType | None, ) -> object: ... class _StaticPth: def __init__(self, dist: Distribution, name: str, path_entries: list[Path]) -> None: self.dist = dist self.name = name self.path_entries = path_entries def __call__(self, wheel: WheelFile, files: list[str], mapping: Mapping[str, str]): entries = "\n".join(str(p.resolve()) for p in self.path_entries) contents = _encode_pth(f"{entries}\n") wheel.writestr(f"__editable__.{self.name}.pth", contents) def __enter__(self) -> Self: msg = f""" Editable install will be performed using .pth file to extend `sys.path` with: {list(map(os.fspath, self.path_entries))!r} """ _logger.warning(msg + _LENIENT_WARNING) return self def __exit__( self, _exc_type: object, _exc_value: object, _traceback: object, ) -> None: pass class _LinkTree(_StaticPth): """ Creates a ``.pth`` file that points to a link tree in the ``auxiliary_dir``. This strategy will only link files (not dirs), so it can be implemented in any OS, even if that means using hardlinks instead of symlinks. By collocating ``auxiliary_dir`` and the original source code, limitations with hardlinks should be avoided. """ def __init__( self, dist: Distribution, name: str, auxiliary_dir: StrPath, build_lib: StrPath, ) -> None: self.auxiliary_dir = Path(auxiliary_dir) self.build_lib = Path(build_lib).resolve() self._file = dist.get_command_obj("build_py").copy_file super().__init__(dist, name, [self.auxiliary_dir]) def __call__(self, wheel: WheelFile, files: list[str], mapping: Mapping[str, str]): self._create_links(files, mapping) super().__call__(wheel, files, mapping) def _normalize_output(self, file: str) -> str | None: # Files relative to build_lib will be normalized to None with suppress(ValueError): path = Path(file).resolve().relative_to(self.build_lib) return str(path).replace(os.sep, '/') return None def _create_file(self, relative_output: str, src_file: str, link=None): dest = self.auxiliary_dir / relative_output if not dest.parent.is_dir(): dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True) self._file(src_file, dest, link=link) def _create_links(self, outputs, output_mapping: Mapping[str, str]): self.auxiliary_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) link_type = "sym" if _can_symlink_files(self.auxiliary_dir) else "hard" normalised = ((self._normalize_output(k), v) for k, v in output_mapping.items()) # remove files that are not relative to build_lib mappings = {k: v for k, v in normalised if k is not None} for output in outputs: relative = self._normalize_output(output) if relative and relative not in mappings: self._create_file(relative, output) for relative, src in mappings.items(): self._create_file(relative, src, link=link_type) def __enter__(self) -> Self: msg = "Strict editable install will be performed using a link tree.\n" _logger.warning(msg + _STRICT_WARNING) return self def __exit__( self, _exc_type: object, _exc_value: object, _traceback: object, ) -> None: msg = f"""\n Strict editable installation performed using the auxiliary directory: {self.auxiliary_dir} Please be careful to not remove this directory, otherwise you might not be able to import/use your package. """ InformationOnly.emit("Editable installation.", msg) class _TopLevelFinder: def __init__(self, dist: Distribution, name: str) -> None: self.dist = dist self.name = name def template_vars(self) -> tuple[str, str, dict[str, str], dict[str, list[str]]]: src_root = self.dist.src_root or os.curdir top_level = chain(_find_packages(self.dist), _find_top_level_modules(self.dist)) package_dir = self.dist.package_dir or {} roots = _find_package_roots(top_level, package_dir, src_root) namespaces_: dict[str, list[str]] = dict( chain( _find_namespaces(self.dist.packages or [], roots), ((ns, []) for ns in _find_virtual_namespaces(roots)), ) ) legacy_namespaces = { pkg: find_package_path(pkg, roots, self.dist.src_root or "") for pkg in self.dist.namespace_packages or [] } mapping = {**roots, **legacy_namespaces} # ^-- We need to explicitly add the legacy_namespaces to the mapping to be # able to import their modules even if another package sharing the same # namespace is installed in a conventional (non-editable) way. name = f"__editable__.{self.name}.finder" finder = _normalization.safe_identifier(name) return finder, name, mapping, namespaces_ def get_implementation(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, bytes]]: finder, name, mapping, namespaces_ = self.template_vars() content = bytes(_finder_template(name, mapping, namespaces_), "utf-8") yield (f"{finder}.py", content) content = _encode_pth(f"import {finder}; {finder}.install()") yield (f"__editable__.{self.name}.pth", content) def __call__(self, wheel: WheelFile, files: list[str], mapping: Mapping[str, str]): for file, content in self.get_implementation(): wheel.writestr(file, content) def __enter__(self) -> Self: msg = "Editable install will be performed using a meta path finder.\n" _logger.warning(msg + _LENIENT_WARNING) return self def __exit__( self, _exc_type: object, _exc_value: object, _traceback: object, ) -> None: msg = """\n Please be careful with folders in your working directory with the same name as your package as they may take precedence during imports. """ InformationOnly.emit("Editable installation.", msg) def _encode_pth(content: str) -> bytes: """ Prior to Python 3.13 (see https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/77102), .pth files are always read with 'locale' encoding, the recommendation from the cpython core developers is to write them as ``open(path, "w")`` and ignore warnings (see python/cpython#77102, pypa/setuptools#3937). This function tries to simulate this behaviour without having to create an actual file, in a way that supports a range of active Python versions. (There seems to be some variety in the way different version of Python handle ``encoding=None``, not all of them use ``locale.getpreferredencoding(False)`` or ``locale.getencoding()``). """ with io.BytesIO() as buffer: wrapper = io.TextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding=py312.PTH_ENCODING) # TODO: Python 3.13 replace the whole function with `bytes(content, "utf-8")` wrapper.write(content) wrapper.flush() buffer.seek(0) return buffer.read() def _can_symlink_files(base_dir: Path) -> bool: with TemporaryDirectory(dir=str(base_dir.resolve())) as tmp: path1, path2 = Path(tmp, "file1.txt"), Path(tmp, "file2.txt") path1.write_text("file1", encoding="utf-8") with suppress(AttributeError, NotImplementedError, OSError): os.symlink(path1, path2) if path2.is_symlink() and path2.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "file1": return True try: os.link(path1, path2) # Ensure hard links can be created except Exception as ex: msg = ( "File system does not seem to support either symlinks or hard links. " "Strict editable installs require one of them to be supported." ) raise LinksNotSupported(msg) from ex return False def _simple_layout( packages: Iterable[str], package_dir: dict[str, str], project_dir: StrPath ) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if: - all packages are contained by the same parent directory, **and** - all packages become importable if the parent directory is added to ``sys.path``. >>> _simple_layout(['a'], {"": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") True >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.b'], {"": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") True >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.b'], {}, "/tmp/myproj") True >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") True >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"a": "a", "b": "b"}, ".") True >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"a": "_a", "b": "_b"}, ".") False >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"a": "_a"}, "/tmp/myproj") False >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"a.a1.a2": "_a2"}, ".") False >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.b'], {"": "src", "a.b": "_ab"}, "/tmp/myproj") False >>> # Special cases, no packages yet: >>> _simple_layout([], {"": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") True >>> _simple_layout([], {"a": "_a", "": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") False """ layout = {pkg: find_package_path(pkg, package_dir, project_dir) for pkg in packages} if not layout: return set(package_dir) in ({}, {""}) parent = os.path.commonpath(starmap(_parent_path, layout.items())) return all( _path.same_path(Path(parent, *key.split('.')), value) for key, value in layout.items() ) def _parent_path(pkg, pkg_path): """Infer the parent path containing a package, that if added to ``sys.path`` would allow importing that package. When ``pkg`` is directly mapped into a directory with a different name, return its own path. >>> _parent_path("a", "src/a") 'src' >>> _parent_path("b", "src/c") 'src/c' """ parent = pkg_path[: -len(pkg)] if pkg_path.endswith(pkg) else pkg_path return parent.rstrip("/" + os.sep) def _find_packages(dist: Distribution) -> Iterator[str]: yield from iter(dist.packages or []) py_modules = dist.py_modules or [] nested_modules = [mod for mod in py_modules if "." in mod] if dist.ext_package: yield dist.ext_package else: ext_modules = dist.ext_modules or [] nested_modules += [x.name for x in ext_modules if "." in x.name] for module in nested_modules: package, _, _ = module.rpartition(".") yield package def _find_top_level_modules(dist: Distribution) -> Iterator[str]: py_modules = dist.py_modules or [] yield from (mod for mod in py_modules if "." not in mod) if not dist.ext_package: ext_modules = dist.ext_modules or [] yield from (x.name for x in ext_modules if "." not in x.name) def _find_package_roots( packages: Iterable[str], package_dir: Mapping[str, str], src_root: StrPath, ) -> dict[str, str]: pkg_roots: dict[str, str] = { pkg: _absolute_root(find_package_path(pkg, package_dir, src_root)) for pkg in sorted(packages) } return _remove_nested(pkg_roots) def _absolute_root(path: StrPath) -> str: """Works for packages and top-level modules""" path_ = Path(path) parent = path_.parent if path_.exists(): return str(path_.resolve()) else: return str(parent.resolve() / path_.name) def _find_virtual_namespaces(pkg_roots: dict[str, str]) -> Iterator[str]: """By carefully designing ``package_dir``, it is possible to implement the logical structure of PEP 420 in a package without the corresponding directories. Moreover a parent package can be purposefully/accidentally skipped in the discovery phase (e.g. ``find_packages(include=["mypkg.*"])``, when ``mypkg.foo`` is included by ``mypkg`` itself is not). We consider this case to also be a virtual namespace (ignoring the original directory) to emulate a non-editable installation. This function will try to find these kinds of namespaces. """ for pkg in pkg_roots: if "." not in pkg: continue parts = pkg.split(".") for i in range(len(parts) - 1, 0, -1): partial_name = ".".join(parts[:i]) path = Path(find_package_path(partial_name, pkg_roots, "")) if not path.exists() or partial_name not in pkg_roots: # partial_name not in pkg_roots ==> purposefully/accidentally skipped yield partial_name def _find_namespaces( packages: list[str], pkg_roots: dict[str, str] ) -> Iterator[tuple[str, list[str]]]: for pkg in packages: path = find_package_path(pkg, pkg_roots, "") if Path(path).exists() and not Path(path, "__init__.py").exists(): yield (pkg, [path]) def _remove_nested(pkg_roots: dict[str, str]) -> dict[str, str]: output = dict(pkg_roots.copy()) for pkg, path in reversed(list(pkg_roots.items())): if any( pkg != other and _is_nested(pkg, path, other, other_path) for other, other_path in pkg_roots.items() ): output.pop(pkg) return output def _is_nested(pkg: str, pkg_path: str, parent: str, parent_path: str) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if ``pkg`` is nested inside ``parent`` both logically and in the file system. >>> _is_nested("a.b", "path/a/b", "a", "path/a") True >>> _is_nested("a.b", "path/a/b", "a", "otherpath/a") False >>> _is_nested("a.b", "path/a/b", "c", "path/c") False >>> _is_nested("a.a", "path/a/a", "a", "path/a") True >>> _is_nested("b.a", "path/b/a", "a", "path/a") False """ norm_pkg_path = _path.normpath(pkg_path) rest = pkg.replace(parent, "", 1).strip(".").split(".") return pkg.startswith(parent) and norm_pkg_path == _path.normpath( Path(parent_path, *rest) ) def _empty_dir(dir_: _P) -> _P: """Create a directory ensured to be empty. Existing files may be removed.""" _shutil.rmtree(dir_, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(dir_) return dir_ class _NamespaceInstaller(namespaces.Installer): def __init__(self, distribution, installation_dir, editable_name, src_root) -> None: self.distribution = distribution self.src_root = src_root self.installation_dir = installation_dir self.editable_name = editable_name self.outputs: list[str] = [] self.dry_run = False def _get_nspkg_file(self): """Installation target.""" return os.path.join(self.installation_dir, self.editable_name + self.nspkg_ext) def _get_root(self): """Where the modules/packages should be loaded from.""" return repr(str(self.src_root)) _FINDER_TEMPLATE = """\ from __future__ import annotations import sys from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec, PathFinder from importlib.machinery import all_suffixes as module_suffixes from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path MAPPING: dict[str, str] = {mapping!r} NAMESPACES: dict[str, list[str]] = {namespaces!r} PATH_PLACEHOLDER = {name!r} + ".__path_hook__" class _EditableFinder: # MetaPathFinder @classmethod def find_spec(cls, fullname: str, path=None, target=None) -> ModuleSpec | None: # type: ignore # Top-level packages and modules (we know these exist in the FS) if fullname in MAPPING: pkg_path = MAPPING[fullname] return cls._find_spec(fullname, Path(pkg_path)) # Handle immediate children modules (required for namespaces to work) # To avoid problems with case sensitivity in the file system we delegate # to the importlib.machinery implementation. parent, _, child = fullname.rpartition(".") if parent and parent in MAPPING: return PathFinder.find_spec(fullname, path=[MAPPING[parent]]) # Other levels of nesting should be handled automatically by importlib # using the parent path. return None @classmethod def _find_spec(cls, fullname: str, candidate_path: Path) -> ModuleSpec | None: init = candidate_path / "__init__.py" candidates = (candidate_path.with_suffix(x) for x in module_suffixes()) for candidate in chain([init], candidates): if candidate.exists(): return spec_from_file_location(fullname, candidate) return None class _EditableNamespaceFinder: # PathEntryFinder @classmethod def _path_hook(cls, path) -> type[_EditableNamespaceFinder]: if path == PATH_PLACEHOLDER: return cls raise ImportError @classmethod def _paths(cls, fullname: str) -> list[str]: paths = NAMESPACES[fullname] if not paths and fullname in MAPPING: paths = [MAPPING[fullname]] # Always add placeholder, for 2 reasons: # 1. __path__ cannot be empty for the spec to be considered namespace. # 2. In the case of nested namespaces, we need to force # import machinery to query _EditableNamespaceFinder again. return [*paths, PATH_PLACEHOLDER] @classmethod def find_spec(cls, fullname: str, target=None) -> ModuleSpec | None: # type: ignore if fullname in NAMESPACES: spec = ModuleSpec(fullname, None, is_package=True) spec.submodule_search_locations = cls._paths(fullname) return spec return None @classmethod def find_module(cls, _fullname) -> None: return None def install(): if not any(finder == _EditableFinder for finder in sys.meta_path): sys.meta_path.append(_EditableFinder) if not NAMESPACES: return if not any(hook == _EditableNamespaceFinder._path_hook for hook in sys.path_hooks): # PathEntryFinder is needed to create NamespaceSpec without private APIS sys.path_hooks.append(_EditableNamespaceFinder._path_hook) if PATH_PLACEHOLDER not in sys.path: sys.path.append(PATH_PLACEHOLDER) # Used just to trigger the path hook """ def _finder_template( name: str, mapping: Mapping[str, str], namespaces: dict[str, list[str]] ) -> str: """Create a string containing the code for the``MetaPathFinder`` and ``PathEntryFinder``. """ mapping = dict(sorted(mapping.items(), key=lambda p: p[0])) return _FINDER_TEMPLATE.format(name=name, mapping=mapping, namespaces=namespaces) class LinksNotSupported(errors.FileError): """File system does not seem to support either symlinks or hard links.""" class _DebuggingTips(SetuptoolsWarning): _SUMMARY = "Problem in editable installation." _DETAILS = """ An error happened while installing `{project}` in editable mode. The following steps are recommended to help debug this problem: - Try to install the project normally, without using the editable mode. Does the error still persist? (If it does, try fixing the problem before attempting the editable mode). - If you are using binary extensions, make sure you have all OS-level dependencies installed (e.g. compilers, toolchains, binary libraries, ...). - Try the latest version of setuptools (maybe the error was already fixed). - If you (or your project dependencies) are using any setuptools extension or customization, make sure they support the editable mode. After following the steps above, if the problem still persists and you think this is related to how setuptools handles editable installations, please submit a reproducible example (see https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example) to: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues """ _SEE_DOCS = "userguide/development_mode.html"