bgdZddlmZddlmZmZmZddlmZddl m Z ede Z d Z d e d e fd Z e e jZe e jZdS)zVFor backward compatibility, expose main functions from ``setuptools.config.setupcfg`` )wraps)CallableTypeVarcast)SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning)setupcfgFn)bound)parse_configurationread_configurationfnreturncbtfd}tt|S)Nc ztjddtdjdtjd|i|S)NzDeprecated API usage.zZ As setuptools moves its configuration towards `pyproject.toml`, `.zG` became deprecated. For the time being, you can use the `a` module to access a backward compatible API, but this module is provisional and might be removed in the future. To read project metadata, consider using ``build.util.project_wheel_metadata`` ( For simple scenarios, you can also try parsing the file directly with the help of ``configparser``. )remit__name__r )argskwargsrs Q/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/config/__init__.py_wrapperz%_deprecation_notice.._wrappersj$) #     3;2C      $r4"6""")rrr )rrs` r_deprecation_noticers> 2YY####Y#* H  rN)__doc__ functoolsrtypingrrrwarningsrr r __all__rrr rrr#s**********333333 WT""" 7B24)()DEE))(*FGGr