import io import json import logging import os import re import typing from contextlib import contextmanager from textwrap import indent, wrap from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Union from .fastjsonschema_exceptions import JsonSchemaValueException if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 11): from typing_extensions import Self else: from typing import Self _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _MESSAGE_REPLACEMENTS = { "must be named by propertyName definition": "keys must be named by", "one of contains definition": "at least one item that matches", " same as const definition:": "", "only specified items": "only items matching the definition", } _SKIP_DETAILS = ( "must not be empty", "is always invalid", "must not be there", ) _NEED_DETAILS = {"anyOf", "oneOf", "allOf", "contains", "propertyNames", "not", "items"} _CAMEL_CASE_SPLITTER = re.compile(r"\W+|([A-Z][^A-Z\W]*)") _IDENTIFIER = re.compile(r"^[\w_]+$", re.I) _TOML_JARGON = { "object": "table", "property": "key", "properties": "keys", "property names": "keys", } _FORMATS_HELP = """ For more details about `format` see """ class ValidationError(JsonSchemaValueException): """Report violations of a given JSON schema. This class extends :exc:`~fastjsonschema.JsonSchemaValueException` by adding the following properties: - ``summary``: an improved version of the ``JsonSchemaValueException`` error message with only the necessary information) - ``details``: more contextual information about the error like the failing schema itself and the value that violates the schema. Depending on the level of the verbosity of the ``logging`` configuration the exception message will be only ``summary`` (default) or a combination of ``summary`` and ``details`` (when the logging level is set to :obj:`logging.DEBUG`). """ summary = "" details = "" _original_message = "" @classmethod def _from_jsonschema(cls, ex: JsonSchemaValueException) -> "Self": formatter = _ErrorFormatting(ex) obj = cls(str(formatter), ex.value,, ex.definition, ex.rule) debug_code = os.getenv("JSONSCHEMA_DEBUG_CODE_GENERATION", "false").lower() if debug_code != "false": # pragma: no cover obj.__cause__, obj.__traceback__ = ex.__cause__, ex.__traceback__ obj._original_message = ex.message obj.summary = formatter.summary obj.details = formatter.details return obj @contextmanager def detailed_errors() -> Generator[None, None, None]: try: yield except JsonSchemaValueException as ex: raise ValidationError._from_jsonschema(ex) from None class _ErrorFormatting: def __init__(self, ex: JsonSchemaValueException): self.ex = ex = f"`{self._simplify_name(}`" self._original_message: str = self.ex.message.replace(, self._summary = "" self._details = "" def __str__(self) -> str: if _logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG and self.details: return f"{self.summary}\n\n{self.details}" return self.summary @property def summary(self) -> str: if not self._summary: self._summary = self._expand_summary() return self._summary @property def details(self) -> str: if not self._details: self._details = self._expand_details() return self._details @staticmethod def _simplify_name(name: str) -> str: x = len("data.") return name[x:] if name.startswith("data.") else name def _expand_summary(self) -> str: msg = self._original_message for bad, repl in _MESSAGE_REPLACEMENTS.items(): msg = msg.replace(bad, repl) if any(substring in msg for substring in _SKIP_DETAILS): return msg schema = self.ex.rule_definition if self.ex.rule in _NEED_DETAILS and schema: summary = _SummaryWriter(_TOML_JARGON) return f"{msg}:\n\n{indent(summary(schema), ' ')}" return msg def _expand_details(self) -> str: optional = [] definition = self.ex.definition or {} desc_lines = definition.pop("$$description", []) desc = definition.pop("description", None) or " ".join(desc_lines) if desc: description = "\n".join( wrap( desc, width=80, initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ", break_long_words=False, ) ) optional.append(f"DESCRIPTION:\n{description}") schema = json.dumps(definition, indent=4) value = json.dumps(self.ex.value, indent=4) defaults = [ f"GIVEN VALUE:\n{indent(value, ' ')}", f"OFFENDING RULE: {self.ex.rule!r}", f"DEFINITION:\n{indent(schema, ' ')}", ] msg = "\n\n".join(optional + defaults) epilog = f"\n{_FORMATS_HELP}" if "format" in msg.lower() else "" return msg + epilog class _SummaryWriter: _IGNORE = frozenset(("description", "default", "title", "examples")) def __init__(self, jargon: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None): self.jargon: Dict[str, str] = jargon or {} # Clarify confusing terms self._terms = { "anyOf": "at least one of the following", "oneOf": "exactly one of the following", "allOf": "all of the following", "not": "(*NOT* the following)", "prefixItems": f"{self._jargon('items')} (in order)", "items": "items", "contains": "contains at least one of", "propertyNames": ( f"non-predefined acceptable {self._jargon('property names')}" ), "patternProperties": f"{self._jargon('properties')} named via pattern", "const": "predefined value", "enum": "one of", } # Attributes that indicate that the definition is easy and can be done # inline (e.g. string and number) self._guess_inline_defs = [ "enum", "const", "maxLength", "minLength", "pattern", "format", "minimum", "maximum", "exclusiveMinimum", "exclusiveMaximum", "multipleOf", ] def _jargon(self, term: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Union[str, List[str]]: if isinstance(term, list): return [self.jargon.get(t, t) for t in term] return self.jargon.get(term, term) def __call__( self, schema: Union[dict, List[dict]], prefix: str = "", *, _path: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> str: if isinstance(schema, list): return self._handle_list(schema, prefix, _path) filtered = self._filter_unecessary(schema, _path) simple = self._handle_simple_dict(filtered, _path) if simple: return f"{prefix}{simple}" child_prefix = self._child_prefix(prefix, " ") item_prefix = self._child_prefix(prefix, "- ") indent = len(prefix) * " " with io.StringIO() as buffer: for i, (key, value) in enumerate(filtered.items()): child_path = [*_path, key] line_prefix = prefix if i == 0 else indent buffer.write(f"{line_prefix}{self._label(child_path)}:") # ^ just the first item should receive the complete prefix if isinstance(value, dict): filtered = self._filter_unecessary(value, child_path) simple = self._handle_simple_dict(filtered, child_path) buffer.write( f" {simple}" if simple else f"\n{self(value, child_prefix, _path=child_path)}" ) elif isinstance(value, list) and ( key != "type" or self._is_property(child_path) ): children = self._handle_list(value, item_prefix, child_path) sep = " " if children.startswith("[") else "\n" buffer.write(f"{sep}{children}") else: buffer.write(f" {self._value(value, child_path)}\n") return buffer.getvalue() def _is_unecessary(self, path: Sequence[str]) -> bool: if self._is_property(path) or not path: # empty path => instruction @ root return False key = path[-1] return any(key.startswith(k) for k in "$_") or key in self._IGNORE def _filter_unecessary( self, schema: Dict[str, Any], path: Sequence[str] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { key: value for key, value in schema.items() if not self._is_unecessary([*path, key]) } def _handle_simple_dict(self, value: dict, path: Sequence[str]) -> Optional[str]: inline = any(p in value for p in self._guess_inline_defs) simple = not any(isinstance(v, (list, dict)) for v in value.values()) if inline or simple: return f"{{{', '.join(self._inline_attrs(value, path))}}}\n" return None def _handle_list( self, schemas: list, prefix: str = "", path: Sequence[str] = () ) -> str: if self._is_unecessary(path): return "" repr_ = repr(schemas) if all(not isinstance(e, (dict, list)) for e in schemas) and len(repr_) < 60: return f"{repr_}\n" item_prefix = self._child_prefix(prefix, "- ") return "".join( self(v, item_prefix, _path=[*path, f"[{i}]"]) for i, v in enumerate(schemas) ) def _is_property(self, path: Sequence[str]) -> bool: """Check if the given path can correspond to an arbitrarily named property""" counter = 0 for key in path[-2::-1]: if key not in {"properties", "patternProperties"}: break counter += 1 # If the counter if even, the path correspond to a JSON Schema keyword # otherwise it can be any arbitrary string naming a property return counter % 2 == 1 def _label(self, path: Sequence[str]) -> str: *parents, key = path if not self._is_property(path): norm_key = _separate_terms(key) return self._terms.get(key) or " ".join(self._jargon(norm_key)) if parents[-1] == "patternProperties": return f"(regex {key!r})" return repr(key) # property name def _value(self, value: Any, path: Sequence[str]) -> str: if path[-1] == "type" and not self._is_property(path): type_ = self._jargon(value) return f"[{', '.join(type_)}]" if isinstance(type_, list) else type_ return repr(value) def _inline_attrs(self, schema: dict, path: Sequence[str]) -> Iterator[str]: for key, value in schema.items(): child_path = [*path, key] yield f"{self._label(child_path)}: {self._value(value, child_path)}" def _child_prefix(self, parent_prefix: str, child_prefix: str) -> str: return len(parent_prefix) * " " + child_prefix def _separate_terms(word: str) -> List[str]: """ >>> _separate_terms("FooBar-foo") ['foo', 'bar', 'foo'] """ return [w.lower() for w in _CAMEL_CASE_SPLITTER.split(word) if w]