"""Make sure that applying the configuration from pyproject.toml is equivalent to applying a similar configuration from setup.cfg To run these tests offline, please have a look on ``./downloads/preload.py`` """ from __future__ import annotations import io import re import tarfile from inspect import cleandoc from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest from ini2toml.api import LiteTranslator from packaging.metadata import Metadata import setuptools # noqa: F401 # ensure monkey patch to metadata from setuptools.command.egg_info import write_requirements from setuptools.config import expand, pyprojecttoml, setupcfg from setuptools.config._apply_pyprojecttoml import _MissingDynamic, _some_attrgetter from setuptools.dist import Distribution from setuptools.errors import RemovedConfigError from .downloads import retrieve_file, urls_from_file HERE = Path(__file__).parent EXAMPLES_FILE = "setupcfg_examples.txt" def makedist(path, **attrs): return Distribution({"src_root": path, **attrs}) @pytest.mark.parametrize("url", urls_from_file(HERE / EXAMPLES_FILE)) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore") @pytest.mark.uses_network def test_apply_pyproject_equivalent_to_setupcfg(url, monkeypatch, tmp_path): monkeypatch.setattr(expand, "read_attr", Mock(return_value="0.0.1")) setupcfg_example = retrieve_file(url) pyproject_example = Path(tmp_path, "pyproject.toml") setupcfg_text = setupcfg_example.read_text(encoding="utf-8") toml_config = LiteTranslator().translate(setupcfg_text, "setup.cfg") pyproject_example.write_text(toml_config, encoding="utf-8") dist_toml = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject_example) dist_cfg = setupcfg.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), setupcfg_example) pkg_info_toml = core_metadata(dist_toml) pkg_info_cfg = core_metadata(dist_cfg) assert pkg_info_toml == pkg_info_cfg if any(getattr(d, "license_files", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)): assert set(dist_toml.license_files) == set(dist_cfg.license_files) if any(getattr(d, "entry_points", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)): print(dist_cfg.entry_points) ep_toml = { (k, *sorted(i.replace(" ", "") for i in v)) for k, v in dist_toml.entry_points.items() } ep_cfg = { (k, *sorted(i.replace(" ", "") for i in v)) for k, v in dist_cfg.entry_points.items() } assert ep_toml == ep_cfg if any(getattr(d, "package_data", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)): pkg_data_toml = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_toml.package_data.items()} pkg_data_cfg = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_cfg.package_data.items()} assert pkg_data_toml == pkg_data_cfg if any(getattr(d, "data_files", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)): data_files_toml = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_toml.data_files} data_files_cfg = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_cfg.data_files} assert data_files_toml == data_files_cfg assert set(dist_toml.install_requires) == set(dist_cfg.install_requires) if any(getattr(d, "extras_require", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)): extra_req_toml = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_toml.extras_require.items()} extra_req_cfg = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_cfg.extras_require.items()} assert extra_req_toml == extra_req_cfg PEP621_EXAMPLE = """\ [project] name = "spam" version = "2020.0.0" description = "Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!" readme = "README.rst" requires-python = ">=3.8" license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"} keywords = ["egg", "bacon", "sausage", "tomatoes", "Lobster Thermidor"] authors = [ {email = "hi@pradyunsg.me"}, {name = "Tzu-Ping Chung"} ] maintainers = [ {name = "Brett Cannon", email = "brett@python.org"}, {name = "John X. Ãørçeč", email = "john@utf8.org"}, {name = "Γαμα קּ 東", email = "gama@utf8.org"}, ] classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Programming Language :: Python" ] dependencies = [ "httpx", "gidgethub[httpx]>4.0.0", "django>2.1; os_name != 'nt'", "django>2.0; os_name == 'nt'" ] [project.optional-dependencies] test = [ "pytest < 5.0.0", "pytest-cov[all]" ] [project.urls] homepage = "http://example.com" documentation = "http://readthedocs.org" repository = "http://github.com" changelog = "http://github.com/me/spam/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" [project.scripts] spam-cli = "spam:main_cli" [project.gui-scripts] spam-gui = "spam:main_gui" [project.entry-points."spam.magical"] tomatoes = "spam:main_tomatoes" """ PEP621_INTERNATIONAL_EMAIL_EXAMPLE = """\ [project] name = "spam" version = "2020.0.0" authors = [ {email = "hi@pradyunsg.me"}, {name = "Tzu-Ping Chung"} ] maintainers = [ {name = "Степан Бандера", email = "криївка@оун-упа.укр"}, ] """ PEP621_EXAMPLE_SCRIPT = """ def main_cli(): pass def main_gui(): pass def main_tomatoes(): pass """ def _pep621_example_project( tmp_path, readme="README.rst", pyproject_text=PEP621_EXAMPLE, ): pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" text = pyproject_text replacements = {'readme = "README.rst"': f'readme = "{readme}"'} for orig, subst in replacements.items(): text = text.replace(orig, subst) pyproject.write_text(text, encoding="utf-8") (tmp_path / readme).write_text("hello world", encoding="utf-8") (tmp_path / "LICENSE.txt").write_text("--- LICENSE stub ---", encoding="utf-8") (tmp_path / "spam.py").write_text(PEP621_EXAMPLE_SCRIPT, encoding="utf-8") return pyproject def test_pep621_example(tmp_path): """Make sure the example in PEP 621 works""" pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path) dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject) assert dist.metadata.license == "--- LICENSE stub ---" assert set(dist.metadata.license_files) == {"LICENSE.txt"} @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("readme", "ctype"), [ ("Readme.txt", "text/plain"), ("readme.md", "text/markdown"), ("text.rst", "text/x-rst"), ], ) def test_readme_content_type(tmp_path, readme, ctype): pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path, readme) dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject) assert dist.metadata.long_description_content_type == ctype def test_undefined_content_type(tmp_path): pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path, "README.tex") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Undefined content type for README.tex"): pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject) def test_no_explicit_content_type_for_missing_extension(tmp_path): pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path, "README") dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject) assert dist.metadata.long_description_content_type is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("pyproject_text", "expected_maintainers_meta_value"), ( pytest.param( PEP621_EXAMPLE, ( 'Brett Cannon , "John X. Ãørçeč" , ' 'Γαμα קּ 東 ' ), id='non-international-emails', ), pytest.param( PEP621_INTERNATIONAL_EMAIL_EXAMPLE, 'Степан Бандера <криївка@оун-упа.укр>', marks=pytest.mark.xfail( reason="CPython's `email.headerregistry.Address` only supports " 'RFC 5322, as of Nov 10, 2022 and latest Python 3.11.0', strict=True, ), id='international-email', ), ), ) def test_utf8_maintainer_in_metadata( # issue-3663 expected_maintainers_meta_value, pyproject_text, tmp_path, ): pyproject = _pep621_example_project( tmp_path, "README", pyproject_text=pyproject_text, ) dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject) assert dist.metadata.maintainer_email == expected_maintainers_meta_value pkg_file = tmp_path / "PKG-FILE" with open(pkg_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh: dist.metadata.write_pkg_file(fh) content = pkg_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8") assert f"Maintainer-email: {expected_maintainers_meta_value}" in content class TestLicenseFiles: # TODO: After PEP 639 is accepted, we have to move the license-files # to the `project` table instead of `tool.setuptools` def base_pyproject(self, tmp_path, additional_text): pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path, "README") text = pyproject.read_text(encoding="utf-8") # Sanity-check assert 'license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"}' in text assert "[tool.setuptools]" not in text text = f"{text}\n{additional_text}\n" pyproject.write_text(text, encoding="utf-8") return pyproject def test_both_license_and_license_files_defined(self, tmp_path): setuptools_config = '[tool.setuptools]\nlicense-files = ["_FILE*"]' pyproject = self.base_pyproject(tmp_path, setuptools_config) (tmp_path / "_FILE.txt").touch() (tmp_path / "_FILE.rst").touch() # Would normally match the `license_files` patterns, but we want to exclude it # by being explicit. On the other hand, contents should be added to `license` license = tmp_path / "LICENSE.txt" license.write_text("LicenseRef-Proprietary\n", encoding="utf-8") dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject) assert set(dist.metadata.license_files) == {"_FILE.rst", "_FILE.txt"} assert dist.metadata.license == "LicenseRef-Proprietary\n" def test_default_patterns(self, tmp_path): setuptools_config = '[tool.setuptools]\nzip-safe = false' # ^ used just to trigger section validation pyproject = self.base_pyproject(tmp_path, setuptools_config) license_files = "LICENCE-a.html COPYING-abc.txt AUTHORS-xyz NOTICE,def".split() for fname in license_files: (tmp_path / fname).write_text(f"{fname}\n", encoding="utf-8") dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject) assert (tmp_path / "LICENSE.txt").exists() # from base example assert set(dist.metadata.license_files) == {*license_files, "LICENSE.txt"} class TestPyModules: # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/4316 def dist(self, name): toml_config = f""" [project] name = "test" version = "42.0" [tool.setuptools] py-modules = [{name!r}] """ pyproject = Path("pyproject.toml") pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(toml_config), encoding="utf-8") return pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(Distribution({}), pyproject) @pytest.mark.parametrize("module", ["pip-run", "abc-d.λ-xyz-e"]) def test_valid_module_name(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch, module): monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) assert module in self.dist(module).py_modules @pytest.mark.parametrize("module", ["pip run", "-pip-run", "pip-run-stubs"]) def test_invalid_module_name(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch, module): monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="py-modules"): self.dist(module).py_modules class TestExtModules: def test_pyproject_sets_attribute(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) pyproject = Path("pyproject.toml") toml_config = """ [project] name = "test" version = "42.0" [tool.setuptools] ext-modules = [ {name = "my.ext", sources = ["hello.c", "world.c"]} ] """ pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(toml_config), encoding="utf-8") with pytest.warns(pyprojecttoml._ExperimentalConfiguration): dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(Distribution({}), pyproject) assert len(dist.ext_modules) == 1 assert dist.ext_modules[0].name == "my.ext" assert set(dist.ext_modules[0].sources) == {"hello.c", "world.c"} class TestDeprecatedFields: def test_namespace_packages(self, tmp_path): pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" config = """ [project] name = "myproj" version = "42" [tool.setuptools] namespace-packages = ["myproj.pkg"] """ pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(config), encoding="utf-8") with pytest.raises(RemovedConfigError, match="namespace-packages"): pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject) class TestPresetField: def pyproject(self, tmp_path, dynamic, extra_content=""): content = f"[project]\nname = 'proj'\ndynamic = {dynamic!r}\n" if "version" not in dynamic: content += "version = '42'\n" file = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" file.write_text(content + extra_content, encoding="utf-8") return file @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("attr", "field", "value"), [ ("classifiers", "classifiers", ["Private :: Classifier"]), ("entry_points", "scripts", {"console_scripts": ["foobar=foobar:main"]}), ("entry_points", "gui-scripts", {"gui_scripts": ["bazquux=bazquux:main"]}), pytest.param( *("install_requires", "dependencies", ["six"]), marks=[ pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:.*install_requires. overwritten") ], ), ], ) def test_not_listed_in_dynamic(self, tmp_path, attr, field, value): """Setuptools cannot set a field if not listed in ``dynamic``""" pyproject = self.pyproject(tmp_path, []) dist = makedist(tmp_path, **{attr: value}) msg = re.compile(f"defined outside of `pyproject.toml`:.*{field}", re.S) with pytest.warns(_MissingDynamic, match=msg): dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(dist, pyproject) dist_value = _some_attrgetter(f"metadata.{attr}", attr)(dist) assert not dist_value @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("attr", "field", "value"), [ ("install_requires", "dependencies", []), ("extras_require", "optional-dependencies", {}), ("install_requires", "dependencies", ["six"]), ("classifiers", "classifiers", ["Private :: Classifier"]), ], ) def test_listed_in_dynamic(self, tmp_path, attr, field, value): pyproject = self.pyproject(tmp_path, [field]) dist = makedist(tmp_path, **{attr: value}) dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(dist, pyproject) dist_value = _some_attrgetter(f"metadata.{attr}", attr)(dist) assert dist_value == value def test_warning_overwritten_dependencies(self, tmp_path): src = "[project]\nname='pkg'\nversion='0.1'\ndependencies=['click']\n" pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(src, encoding="utf-8") dist = makedist(tmp_path, install_requires=["wheel"]) with pytest.warns(match="`install_requires` overwritten"): dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(dist, pyproject) assert "wheel" not in dist.install_requires def test_optional_dependencies_dont_remove_env_markers(self, tmp_path): """ Internally setuptools converts dependencies with markers to "extras". If ``install_requires`` is given by ``setup.py``, we have to ensure that applying ``optional-dependencies`` does not overwrite the mandatory dependencies with markers (see #3204). """ # If setuptools replace its internal mechanism that uses `requires.txt` # this test has to be rewritten to adapt accordingly extra = "\n[project.optional-dependencies]\nfoo = ['bar>1']\n" pyproject = self.pyproject(tmp_path, ["dependencies"], extra) install_req = ['importlib-resources (>=3.0.0) ; python_version < "3.7"'] dist = makedist(tmp_path, install_requires=install_req) dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(dist, pyproject) assert "foo" in dist.extras_require egg_info = dist.get_command_obj("egg_info") write_requirements(egg_info, tmp_path, tmp_path / "requires.txt") reqs = (tmp_path / "requires.txt").read_text(encoding="utf-8") assert "importlib-resources" in reqs assert "bar" in reqs assert ':python_version < "3.7"' in reqs @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("field", "group"), [("scripts", "console_scripts"), ("gui-scripts", "gui_scripts")], ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("error") def test_scripts_dont_require_dynamic_entry_points(self, tmp_path, field, group): # Issue 3862 pyproject = self.pyproject(tmp_path, [field]) dist = makedist(tmp_path, entry_points={group: ["foobar=foobar:main"]}) dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(dist, pyproject) assert group in dist.entry_points class TestMeta: def test_example_file_in_sdist(self, setuptools_sdist): """Meta test to ensure tests can run from sdist""" with tarfile.open(setuptools_sdist) as tar: assert any(name.endswith(EXAMPLES_FILE) for name in tar.getnames()) class TestInteropCommandLineParsing: def test_version(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch, capsys): # See pypa/setuptools#4047 # This test can be removed once the CLI interface of setup.py is removed monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) toml_config = """ [project] name = "test" version = "42.0" """ pyproject = Path(tmp_path, "pyproject.toml") pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(toml_config), encoding="utf-8") opts = {"script_args": ["--version"]} dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(Distribution(opts), pyproject) dist.parse_command_line() # <-- there should be no exception here. captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "42.0" in captured.out # --- Auxiliary Functions --- def core_metadata(dist) -> str: with io.StringIO() as buffer: dist.metadata.write_pkg_file(buffer) pkg_file_txt = buffer.getvalue() # Make sure core metadata is valid Metadata.from_email(pkg_file_txt, validate=True) # can raise exceptions skip_prefixes: tuple[str, ...] = () skip_lines = set() # ---- DIFF NORMALISATION ---- # PEP 621 is very particular about author/maintainer metadata conversion, so skip skip_prefixes += ("Author:", "Author-email:", "Maintainer:", "Maintainer-email:") # May be redundant with Home-page skip_prefixes += ("Project-URL: Homepage,", "Home-page:") # May be missing in original (relying on default) but backfilled in the TOML skip_prefixes += ("Description-Content-Type:",) # Remove empty lines skip_lines.add("") result = [] for line in pkg_file_txt.splitlines(): if line.startswith(skip_prefixes) or line in skip_lines: continue result.append(line + "\n") return "".join(result)