# https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/16936 # mypy: disable-error-code="has-type" """Integration tests for setuptools that focus on building packages via pip. The idea behind these tests is not to exhaustively check all the possible combinations of packages, operating systems, supporting libraries, etc, but rather check a limited number of popular packages and how they interact with the exposed public API. This way if any change in API is introduced, we hope to identify backward compatibility problems before publishing a release. The number of tested packages is purposefully kept small, to minimise duration and the associated maintenance cost (changes in the way these packages define their build process may require changes in the tests). """ import json import os import shutil import sys from enum import Enum from glob import glob from hashlib import md5 from urllib.request import urlopen import pytest from packaging.requirements import Requirement from .helpers import Archive, run pytestmark = pytest.mark.integration (LATEST,) = Enum("v", "LATEST") # type: ignore[misc] # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/16936 """Default version to be checked""" # There are positive and negative aspects of checking the latest version of the # packages. # The main positive aspect is that the latest version might have already # removed the use of APIs deprecated in previous releases of setuptools. # Packages to be tested: # (Please notice the test environment cannot support EVERY library required for # compiling binary extensions. In Ubuntu/Debian nomenclature, we only assume # that `build-essential`, `gfortran` and `libopenblas-dev` are installed, # due to their relevance to the numerical/scientific programming ecosystem) EXAMPLES = [ ("pip", LATEST), # just in case... ("pytest", LATEST), # uses setuptools_scm ("mypy", LATEST), # custom build_py + ext_modules # --- Popular packages: https://hugovk.github.io/top-pypi-packages/ --- ("botocore", LATEST), ("kiwisolver", LATEST), # build_ext ("brotli", LATEST), # not in the list but used by urllib3 ("pyyaml", LATEST), # cython + custom build_ext + custom distclass ("charset-normalizer", LATEST), # uses mypyc, used by aiohttp ("protobuf", LATEST), ("requests", LATEST), ("celery", LATEST), # When adding packages to this list, make sure they expose a `__version__` # attribute, or modify the tests below ] # Some packages have "optional" dependencies that modify their build behaviour # and are not listed in pyproject.toml, others still use `setup_requires` EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS = { "pyyaml": ("Cython<3.0",), # constraint to avoid errors "charset-normalizer": ("mypy>=1.4.1",), # no pyproject.toml available } EXTRA_ENV_VARS = { "pyyaml": {"PYYAML_FORCE_CYTHON": "1"}, "charset-normalizer": {"CHARSET_NORMALIZER_USE_MYPYC": "1"}, } IMPORT_NAME = { "pyyaml": "yaml", "protobuf": "google.protobuf", } VIRTUALENV = (sys.executable, "-m", "virtualenv") # By default, pip will try to build packages in isolation (PEP 517), which # means it will download the previous stable version of setuptools. # `pip` flags can avoid that (the version of setuptools under test # should be the one to be used) INSTALL_OPTIONS = ( "--ignore-installed", "--no-build-isolation", # Omit "--no-binary :all:" the sdist is supplied directly. # Allows dependencies as wheels. ) # The downside of `--no-build-isolation` is that pip will not download build # dependencies. The test script will have to also handle that. @pytest.fixture def venv_python(tmp_path): run([*VIRTUALENV, str(tmp_path / ".venv")]) possible_path = (str(p.parent) for p in tmp_path.glob(".venv/*/python*")) return shutil.which("python", path=os.pathsep.join(possible_path)) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _prepare(tmp_path, venv_python, monkeypatch): download_path = os.getenv("DOWNLOAD_PATH", str(tmp_path)) os.makedirs(download_path, exist_ok=True) # Environment vars used for building some of the packages monkeypatch.setenv("USE_MYPYC", "1") yield # Let's provide the maximum amount of information possible in the case # it is necessary to debug the tests directly from the CI logs. print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") print("Temporary directory:") map(print, tmp_path.glob("*")) print("Virtual environment:") run([venv_python, "-m", "pip", "freeze"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize(("package", "version"), EXAMPLES) @pytest.mark.uses_network def test_install_sdist(package, version, tmp_path, venv_python, setuptools_wheel): venv_pip = (venv_python, "-m", "pip") sdist = retrieve_sdist(package, version, tmp_path) deps = build_deps(package, sdist) if deps: print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") print("Dependencies:", deps) run([*venv_pip, "install", *deps]) # Use a virtualenv to simulate PEP 517 isolation # but install fresh setuptools wheel to ensure the version under development env = EXTRA_ENV_VARS.get(package, {}) run([*venv_pip, "install", "--force-reinstall", setuptools_wheel]) run([*venv_pip, "install", *INSTALL_OPTIONS, sdist], env) # Execute a simple script to make sure the package was installed correctly pkg = IMPORT_NAME.get(package, package).replace("-", "_") script = f"import {pkg}; print(getattr({pkg}, '__version__', 0))" run([venv_python, "-c", script]) # ---- Helper Functions ---- def retrieve_sdist(package, version, tmp_path): """Either use cached sdist file or download it from PyPI""" # `pip download` cannot be used due to # https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1884 # https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-625-file-name-of-a-source-distribution/4686 # We have to find the correct distribution file and download it download_path = os.getenv("DOWNLOAD_PATH", str(tmp_path)) dist = retrieve_pypi_sdist_metadata(package, version) # Remove old files to prevent cache to grow indefinitely for file in glob(os.path.join(download_path, f"{package}*")): if dist["filename"] != file: os.unlink(file) dist_file = os.path.join(download_path, dist["filename"]) if not os.path.exists(dist_file): download(dist["url"], dist_file, dist["md5_digest"]) return dist_file def retrieve_pypi_sdist_metadata(package, version): # https://warehouse.pypa.io/api-reference/json.html id_ = package if version is LATEST else f"{package}/{version}" with urlopen(f"https://pypi.org/pypi/{id_}/json") as f: metadata = json.load(f) if metadata["info"]["yanked"]: raise ValueError(f"Release for {package} {version} was yanked") version = metadata["info"]["version"] release = metadata["releases"][version] if version is LATEST else metadata["urls"] (sdist,) = filter(lambda d: d["packagetype"] == "sdist", release) return sdist def download(url, dest, md5_digest): with urlopen(url) as f: data = f.read() assert md5(data).hexdigest() == md5_digest with open(dest, "wb") as f: f.write(data) assert os.path.exists(dest) def build_deps(package, sdist_file): """Find out what are the build dependencies for a package. "Manually" install them, since pip will not install build deps with `--no-build-isolation`. """ # delay importing, since pytest discovery phase may hit this file from a # testenv without tomli from setuptools.compat.py310 import tomllib archive = Archive(sdist_file) info = tomllib.loads(_read_pyproject(archive)) deps = info.get("build-system", {}).get("requires", []) deps += EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS.get(package, []) # Remove setuptools from requirements (and deduplicate) requirements = {Requirement(d).name: d for d in deps} return [v for k, v in requirements.items() if k != "setuptools"] def _read_pyproject(archive): contents = ( archive.get_content(member) for member in archive if os.path.basename(archive.get_name(member)) == "pyproject.toml" ) return next(contents, "")