from __future__ import annotations import builtins import importlib import os.path import platform import shutil import stat import struct import sys import sysconfig from contextlib import suppress from inspect import cleandoc from zipfile import ZipFile import jaraco.path import pytest from packaging import tags import setuptools from setuptools.command.bdist_wheel import bdist_wheel, get_abi_tag from setuptools.dist import Distribution from setuptools.warnings import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning from distutils.core import run_setup DEFAULT_FILES = { "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/top_level.txt", "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/METADATA", "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/WHEEL", "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/RECORD", } DEFAULT_LICENSE_FILES = { "LICENSE", "LICENSE.txt", "LICENCE", "LICENCE.txt", "COPYING", "", "NOTICE", "NOTICE.rst", "AUTHORS", "AUTHORS.txt", } OTHER_IGNORED_FILES = { "LICENSE~", "AUTHORS~", } SETUPPY_EXAMPLE = """\ from setuptools import setup setup( name='dummy_dist', version='1.0', ) """ EXAMPLES = { "dummy-dist": { "": SETUPPY_EXAMPLE, "licenses": {"DUMMYFILE": ""}, **dict.fromkeys(DEFAULT_LICENSE_FILES | OTHER_IGNORED_FILES, ""), }, "simple-dist": { "": cleandoc( """ from setuptools import setup setup( name="simple.dist", version="0.1", description="A testing distribution \N{SNOWMAN}", extras_require={"voting": ["beaglevote"]}, ) """ ), "simpledist": "", }, "complex-dist": { "": cleandoc( """ from setuptools import setup setup( name="complex-dist", version="0.1", description="Another testing distribution \N{SNOWMAN}", long_description="Another testing distribution \N{SNOWMAN}", author="Illustrious Author", author_email="", url="", packages=["complexdist"], setup_requires=["setuptools"], install_requires=["quux", "splort"], extras_require={"simple": ["simple.dist"]}, entry_points={ "console_scripts": [ "complex-dist=complexdist:main", "complex-dist2=complexdist:main", ], }, ) """ ), "complexdist": {"": "def main(): return"}, }, "headers-dist": { "": cleandoc( """ from setuptools import setup setup( name="headers.dist", version="0.1", description="A distribution with headers", headers=["header.h"], ) """ ), "": "", "header.h": "", }, "commasinfilenames-dist": { "": cleandoc( """ from setuptools import setup setup( name="testrepo", version="0.1", packages=["mypackage"], description="A test package with commas in file names", include_package_data=True, package_data={"": ["*"]}, ) """ ), "mypackage": { "": "", "data": {"": "", "1,2,3.txt": ""}, }, "testrepo-0.1.0": { "mypackage": {"": ""}, }, }, "unicode-dist": { "": cleandoc( """ from setuptools import setup setup( name="unicode.dist", version="0.1", description="A testing distribution \N{SNOWMAN}", packages=["unicodedist"], zip_safe=True, ) """ ), "unicodedist": {"": "", "åäö_日本語.py": ""}, }, "utf8-metadata-dist": { "setup.cfg": cleandoc( """ [metadata] name = utf8-metadata-dist version = 42 author_email = "John X. Ãørçeč" , Γαμα קּ 東 long_description = file: README.rst """ ), "README.rst": "UTF-8 描述 説明", }, } if sys.platform != "win32": # ABI3 extensions don't really work on Windows EXAMPLES["abi3extension-dist"] = { "": cleandoc( """ from setuptools import Extension, setup setup( name="extension.dist", version="0.1", description="A testing distribution \N{SNOWMAN}", ext_modules=[ Extension( name="extension", sources=["extension.c"], py_limited_api=True ) ], ) """ ), "setup.cfg": "[bdist_wheel]\npy_limited_api=cp32", "extension.c": "#define Py_LIMITED_API 0x03020000\n#include ", } def bdist_wheel_cmd(**kwargs): """Run command in the same process so that it is easier to collect coverage""" dist_obj = ( run_setup("", stop_after="init") if os.path.exists("") else Distribution({"script_name": "%%build_meta%%"}) ) dist_obj.parse_config_files() cmd = bdist_wheel(dist_obj) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(cmd, attr, value) cmd.finalize_options() return cmd def mkexample(tmp_path_factory, name): basedir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp(name)[name], prefix=str(basedir)) return basedir @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def wheel_paths(tmp_path_factory): build_base = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("build") dist_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("dist") for name in EXAMPLES: example_dir = mkexample(tmp_path_factory, name) build_dir = build_base / name with jaraco.path.DirectoryStack().context(example_dir): bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(build_dir), dist_dir=str(dist_dir)).run() return sorted(str(fname) for fname in dist_dir.glob("*.whl")) @pytest.fixture def dummy_dist(tmp_path_factory): return mkexample(tmp_path_factory, "dummy-dist") def test_no_scripts(wheel_paths): """Make sure entry point scripts are not generated.""" path = next(path for path in wheel_paths if "complex_dist" in path) for entry in ZipFile(path).infolist(): assert ".data/scripts/" not in entry.filename def test_unicode_record(wheel_paths): path = next(path for path in wheel_paths if "unicode.dist" in path) with ZipFile(path) as zf: record ="unicode.dist-0.1.dist-info/RECORD") assert "åäö_日本語.py".encode() in record UTF8_PKG_INFO = """\ Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: helloworld Version: 42 Author-email: "John X. Ãørçeč" , Γαμα קּ 東 UTF-8 描述 説明 """ def test_preserve_unicode_metadata(monkeypatch, tmp_path): monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) egginfo = tmp_path / "dummy_dist.egg-info" distinfo = tmp_path / "dummy_dist.dist-info" egginfo.mkdir() (egginfo / "PKG-INFO").write_text(UTF8_PKG_INFO, encoding="utf-8") (egginfo / "dependency_links.txt").touch() class simpler_bdist_wheel(bdist_wheel): """Avoid messing with setuptools/distutils internals""" def __init__(self): pass @property def license_paths(self): return [] cmd_obj = simpler_bdist_wheel() cmd_obj.egg2dist(egginfo, distinfo) metadata = (distinfo / "METADATA").read_text(encoding="utf-8") assert 'Author-email: "John X. Ãørçeč"' in metadata assert "Γαμα קּ 東 " in metadata assert "UTF-8 描述 説明" in metadata def test_licenses_default(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path): monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(tmp_path)).run() with ZipFile("dist/dummy_dist-1.0-py3-none-any.whl") as wf: license_files = { "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/" + fname for fname in DEFAULT_LICENSE_FILES } assert set(wf.namelist()) == DEFAULT_FILES | license_files def test_licenses_deprecated(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path): dummy_dist.joinpath("setup.cfg").write_text( "[metadata]\nlicense_file=licenses/DUMMYFILE", encoding="utf-8" ) monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(tmp_path)).run() with ZipFile("dist/dummy_dist-1.0-py3-none-any.whl") as wf: license_files = {"dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/DUMMYFILE"} assert set(wf.namelist()) == DEFAULT_FILES | license_files @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("config_file", "config"), [ ("setup.cfg", "[metadata]\nlicense_files=licenses/*\n LICENSE"), ("setup.cfg", "[metadata]\nlicense_files=licenses/*, LICENSE"), ( "", SETUPPY_EXAMPLE.replace( ")", " license_files=['licenses/DUMMYFILE', 'LICENSE'])" ), ), ], ) def test_licenses_override(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path, config_file, config): dummy_dist.joinpath(config_file).write_text(config, encoding="utf-8") monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(tmp_path)).run() with ZipFile("dist/dummy_dist-1.0-py3-none-any.whl") as wf: license_files = { "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/" + fname for fname in {"DUMMYFILE", "LICENSE"} } assert set(wf.namelist()) == DEFAULT_FILES | license_files def test_licenses_disabled(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path): dummy_dist.joinpath("setup.cfg").write_text( "[metadata]\nlicense_files=\n", encoding="utf-8" ) monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(tmp_path)).run() with ZipFile("dist/dummy_dist-1.0-py3-none-any.whl") as wf: assert set(wf.namelist()) == DEFAULT_FILES def test_build_number(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path): monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(tmp_path), build_number="2").run() with ZipFile("dist/dummy_dist-1.0-2-py3-none-any.whl") as wf: filenames = set(wf.namelist()) assert "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/RECORD" in filenames assert "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/METADATA" in filenames def test_universal_deprecated(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path): monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) with pytest.warns(SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, match=".*universal is deprecated"): bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(tmp_path), universal=True).run() # For now we still respect the option assert os.path.exists("dist/dummy_dist-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl") EXTENSION_EXAMPLE = """\ #include static PyMethodDef methods[] = { { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct PyModuleDef module_def = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "extension", "Dummy extension module", -1, methods }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_extension(void) { return PyModule_Create(&module_def); } """ EXTENSION_SETUPPY = """\ from __future__ import annotations from setuptools import Extension, setup setup( name="extension.dist", version="0.1", description="A testing distribution \N{SNOWMAN}", ext_modules=[Extension(name="extension", sources=["extension.c"])], ) """ @pytest.mark.filterwarnings( "once:Config variable '.*' is unset.*, Python ABI tag may be incorrect" ) def test_limited_abi(monkeypatch, tmp_path, tmp_path_factory): """Test that building a binary wheel with the limited ABI works.""" source_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("extension_dist") (source_dir / "").write_text(EXTENSION_SETUPPY, encoding="utf-8") (source_dir / "extension.c").write_text(EXTENSION_EXAMPLE, encoding="utf-8") build_dir = tmp_path.joinpath("build") dist_dir = tmp_path.joinpath("dist") monkeypatch.chdir(source_dir) bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(build_dir), dist_dir=str(dist_dir)).run() def test_build_from_readonly_tree(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path): basedir = str(tmp_path.joinpath("dummy")) shutil.copytree(str(dummy_dist), basedir) monkeypatch.chdir(basedir) # Make the tree read-only for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(basedir): for fname in files: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, fname), stat.S_IREAD) bdist_wheel_cmd().run() @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("option", "compress_type"), list(bdist_wheel.supported_compressions.items()), ids=list(bdist_wheel.supported_compressions), ) def test_compression(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path, option, compress_type): monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(tmp_path), compression=option).run() with ZipFile("dist/dummy_dist-1.0-py3-none-any.whl") as wf: filenames = set(wf.namelist()) assert "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/RECORD" in filenames assert "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/METADATA" in filenames for zinfo in wf.filelist: assert zinfo.compress_type == compress_type def test_wheelfile_line_endings(wheel_paths): for path in wheel_paths: with ZipFile(path) as wf: wheelfile = next(fn for fn in wf.filelist if fn.filename.endswith("WHEEL")) wheelfile_contents = assert b"\r" not in wheelfile_contents def test_unix_epoch_timestamps(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path): monkeypatch.setenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH", "0") monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(tmp_path), build_number="2a").run() with ZipFile("dist/dummy_dist-1.0-2a-py3-none-any.whl") as wf: for zinfo in wf.filelist: assert zinfo.date_time >= (1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) # min epoch is used def test_get_abi_tag_windows(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(tags, "interpreter_name", lambda: "cp") monkeypatch.setattr(sysconfig, "get_config_var", lambda x: "cp313-win_amd64") assert get_abi_tag() == "cp313" monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount", lambda: 1, False) assert get_abi_tag() == "cp313d" monkeypatch.setattr(sysconfig, "get_config_var", lambda x: "cp313t-win_amd64") assert get_abi_tag() == "cp313td" monkeypatch.delattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount") assert get_abi_tag() == "cp313t" def test_get_abi_tag_pypy_old(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(tags, "interpreter_name", lambda: "pp") monkeypatch.setattr(sysconfig, "get_config_var", lambda x: "pypy36-pp73") assert get_abi_tag() == "pypy36_pp73" def test_get_abi_tag_pypy_new(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(sysconfig, "get_config_var", lambda x: "pypy37-pp73-darwin") monkeypatch.setattr(tags, "interpreter_name", lambda: "pp") assert get_abi_tag() == "pypy37_pp73" def test_get_abi_tag_graalpy(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr( sysconfig, "get_config_var", lambda x: "graalpy231-310-native-x86_64-linux" ) monkeypatch.setattr(tags, "interpreter_name", lambda: "graalpy") assert get_abi_tag() == "graalpy231_310_native" def test_get_abi_tag_fallback(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(sysconfig, "get_config_var", lambda x: "unknown-python-310") monkeypatch.setattr(tags, "interpreter_name", lambda: "unknown-python") assert get_abi_tag() == "unknown_python_310" def test_platform_with_space(dummy_dist, monkeypatch): """Ensure building on platforms with a space in the name succeed.""" monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) bdist_wheel_cmd(plat_name="isilon onefs").run() def test_data_dir_with_tag_build(monkeypatch, tmp_path): """ Setuptools allow authors to set PEP 440's local version segments using ``egg_info.tag_build``. This should be reflected not only in the ``.whl`` file name, but also in the ``.dist-info`` and ``.data`` dirs. See pypa/setuptools#3997. """ monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) files = { "": """ from setuptools import setup setup(headers=["hello.h"]) """, "setup.cfg": """ [metadata] name = test version = 1.0 [options.data_files] hello/world = file.txt [egg_info] tag_build = +what tag_date = 0 """, "file.txt": "", "hello.h": "", } for file, content in files.items(): with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write(cleandoc(content)) bdist_wheel_cmd().run() # Ensure .whl, .dist-info and .data contain the local segment wheel_path = "dist/test-1.0+what-py3-none-any.whl" assert os.path.exists(wheel_path) entries = set(ZipFile(wheel_path).namelist()) for expected in ( "", "", "test-1.0+what.dist-info/METADATA", "test-1.0+what.dist-info/WHEEL", ): assert expected in entries for not_expected in ( "", "", "test.dist-info/METADATA", "test-1.0.dist-info/WHEEL", ): assert not_expected not in entries @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("reported", "expected"), [("linux-x86_64", "linux_i686"), ("linux-aarch64", "linux_armv7l")], ) @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() != "Linux", reason="Only makes sense to test on Linux" ) def test_platform_linux32(reported, expected, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(struct, "calcsize", lambda x: 4) dist = setuptools.Distribution() cmd = bdist_wheel(dist) cmd.plat_name = reported cmd.root_is_pure = False _, _, actual = cmd.get_tag() assert actual == expected def test_no_ctypes(monkeypatch) -> None: def _fake_import(name: str, *args, **kwargs): if name == "ctypes": raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"No module named {name}") return importlib.__import__(name, *args, **kwargs) with suppress(KeyError): monkeypatch.delitem(sys.modules, "wheel.macosx_libfile") # Install an importer shim that refuses to load ctypes monkeypatch.setattr(builtins, "__import__", _fake_import) with pytest.raises(ModuleNotFoundError, match="No module named ctypes"): import wheel.macosx_libfile # noqa: F401 # Unload and reimport the bdist_wheel command module to make sure it won't try to # import ctypes monkeypatch.delitem(sys.modules, "setuptools.command.bdist_wheel") import setuptools.command.bdist_wheel # noqa: F401 def test_dist_info_provided(dummy_dist, monkeypatch, tmp_path): monkeypatch.chdir(dummy_dist) distinfo = tmp_path / "dummy_dist.dist-info" distinfo.mkdir() (distinfo / "METADATA").write_text("name: helloworld", encoding="utf-8") # We don't control the metadata. According to PEP-517, "The hook MAY also # create other files inside this directory, and a build frontend MUST # preserve". (distinfo / "FOO").write_text("bar", encoding="utf-8") bdist_wheel_cmd(bdist_dir=str(tmp_path), dist_info_dir=str(distinfo)).run() expected = { "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/FOO", "dummy_dist-1.0.dist-info/RECORD", } with ZipFile("dist/dummy_dist-1.0-py3-none-any.whl") as wf: files_found = set(wf.namelist()) # Check that all expected files are there. assert expected - files_found == set() # Make sure there is no accidental egg-info bleeding into the wheel. assert not [path for path in files_found if 'egg-info' in str(path)]