from __future__ import annotations import functools import importlib import io from email import message_from_string from email.generator import Generator from email.message import Message from email.parser import Parser from email.policy import EmailPolicy from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest from packaging.metadata import Metadata from packaging.requirements import Requirement from setuptools import _reqs, sic from setuptools._core_metadata import rfc822_escape, rfc822_unescape from setuptools.command.egg_info import egg_info, write_requirements from setuptools.config import expand, setupcfg from setuptools.dist import Distribution from .config.downloads import retrieve_file, urls_from_file EXAMPLE_BASE_INFO = dict( name="package", version="0.0.1", author="Foo Bar", author_email="", long_description="Long\ndescription", description="Short description", keywords=["one", "two"], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("content", "result"), ( pytest.param( "Just a single line", None, id="single_line", ), pytest.param( "Multiline\nText\nwithout\nextra indents\n", None, id="multiline", ), pytest.param( "Multiline\n With\n\nadditional\n indentation", None, id="multiline_with_indentation", ), pytest.param( " Leading whitespace", "Leading whitespace", id="remove_leading_whitespace", ), pytest.param( " Leading whitespace\nIn\n Multiline comment", "Leading whitespace\nIn\n Multiline comment", id="remove_leading_whitespace_multiline", ), ), ) def test_rfc822_unescape(content, result): assert (result or content) == rfc822_unescape(rfc822_escape(content)) def __read_test_cases(): base = EXAMPLE_BASE_INFO params = functools.partial(dict, base) return [ ('Metadata version 1.0', params()), ( 'Metadata Version 1.0: Short long description', params( long_description='Short long description', ), ), ( 'Metadata version 1.1: Classifiers', params( classifiers=[ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', ], ), ), ( 'Metadata version 1.1: Download URL', params( download_url='', ), ), ( 'Metadata Version 1.2: Requires-Python', params( python_requires='>=3.7', ), ), pytest.param( 'Metadata Version 1.2: Project-Url', params(project_urls=dict(Foo='')), marks=pytest.mark.xfail( reason="Issue #1578: project_urls not read", ), ), ( 'Metadata Version 2.1: Long Description Content Type', params( long_description_content_type='text/x-rst; charset=UTF-8', ), ), ( 'License', params( license='MIT', ), ), ( 'License multiline', params( license='This is a long license \nover multiple lines', ), ), pytest.param( 'Metadata Version 2.1: Provides Extra', params(provides_extras=['foo', 'bar']), marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="provides_extras not read"), ), ( 'Missing author', dict( name='foo', version='1.0.0', author_email='', ), ), ( 'Missing author e-mail', dict( name='foo', version='1.0.0', author='Snorri Sturluson', ), ), ( 'Missing author and e-mail', dict( name='foo', version='1.0.0', ), ), ( 'Bypass normalized version', dict( name='foo', version=sic('1.0.0a'), ), ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize(("name", "attrs"), __read_test_cases()) def test_read_metadata(name, attrs): dist = Distribution(attrs) metadata_out = dist.metadata dist_class = metadata_out.__class__ # Write to PKG_INFO and then load into a new metadata object PKG_INFO = io.StringIO() metadata_out.write_pkg_file(PKG_INFO) pkg_info = assert _valid_metadata(pkg_info) metadata_in = dist_class() metadata_in.read_pkg_file(PKG_INFO) tested_attrs = [ ('name', dist_class.get_name), ('version', dist_class.get_version), ('author', dist_class.get_contact), ('author_email', dist_class.get_contact_email), ('metadata_version', dist_class.get_metadata_version), ('provides', dist_class.get_provides), ('description', dist_class.get_description), ('long_description', dist_class.get_long_description), ('download_url', dist_class.get_download_url), ('keywords', dist_class.get_keywords), ('platforms', dist_class.get_platforms), ('obsoletes', dist_class.get_obsoletes), ('requires', dist_class.get_requires), ('classifiers', dist_class.get_classifiers), ('project_urls', lambda s: getattr(s, 'project_urls', {})), ('provides_extras', lambda s: getattr(s, 'provides_extras', {})), ] for attr, getter in tested_attrs: assert getter(metadata_in) == getter(metadata_out) def __maintainer_test_cases(): attrs = {"name": "package", "version": "1.0", "description": "xxx"} def merge_dicts(d1, d2): d1 = d1.copy() d1.update(d2) return d1 return [ ('No author, no maintainer', attrs.copy()), ( 'Author (no e-mail), no maintainer', merge_dicts(attrs, {'author': 'Author Name'}), ), ( 'Author (e-mail), no maintainer', merge_dicts( attrs, {'author': 'Author Name', 'author_email': ''} ), ), ( 'No author, maintainer (no e-mail)', merge_dicts(attrs, {'maintainer': 'Maintainer Name'}), ), ( 'No author, maintainer (e-mail)', merge_dicts( attrs, { 'maintainer': 'Maintainer Name', 'maintainer_email': '', }, ), ), ( 'Author (no e-mail), Maintainer (no-email)', merge_dicts( attrs, {'author': 'Author Name', 'maintainer': 'Maintainer Name'} ), ), ( 'Author (e-mail), Maintainer (e-mail)', merge_dicts( attrs, { 'author': 'Author Name', 'author_email': '', 'maintainer': 'Maintainer Name', 'maintainer_email': '', }, ), ), ( 'No author (e-mail), no maintainer (e-mail)', merge_dicts( attrs, { 'author_email': '', 'maintainer_email': '', }, ), ), ('Author unicode', merge_dicts(attrs, {'author': '鉄沢寛'})), ('Maintainer unicode', merge_dicts(attrs, {'maintainer': 'Jan Łukasiewicz'})), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize(("name", "attrs"), __maintainer_test_cases()) def test_maintainer_author(name, attrs, tmpdir): tested_keys = { 'author': 'Author', 'author_email': 'Author-email', 'maintainer': 'Maintainer', 'maintainer_email': 'Maintainer-email', } # Generate a PKG-INFO file dist = Distribution(attrs) fn = tmpdir.mkdir('pkg_info') fn_s = str(fn) dist.metadata.write_pkg_info(fn_s) with open(str(fn.join('PKG-INFO')), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: pkg_info = assert _valid_metadata(pkg_info) # Drop blank lines and strip lines from default description raw_pkg_lines = pkg_info.splitlines() pkg_lines = list(filter(None, raw_pkg_lines[:-2])) pkg_lines_set = set(pkg_lines) # Duplicate lines should not be generated assert len(pkg_lines) == len(pkg_lines_set) for fkey, dkey in tested_keys.items(): val = attrs.get(dkey, None) if val is None: for line in pkg_lines: assert not line.startswith(fkey + ':') else: line = '%s: %s' % (fkey, val) assert line in pkg_lines_set class TestParityWithMetadataFromPyPaWheel: def base_example(self): attrs = dict( **EXAMPLE_BASE_INFO, # Example with complex requirement definition python_requires=">=3.8", install_requires=""" packaging==23.2 more-itertools==8.8.0; extra == "other" jaraco.text==3.7.0 importlib-resources==5.10.2; python_version<"3.8" importlib-metadata==6.0.0 ; python_version<"3.8" colorama>=0.4.4; sys_platform == "win32" """, extras_require={ "testing": """ pytest >= 6 pytest-checkdocs >= 2.4 tomli ; \\ # Using stdlib when possible python_version < "3.11" ini2toml[lite]>=0.9 """, "other": [], }, ) # Generate a PKG-INFO file using setuptools return Distribution(attrs) def test_requires_dist(self, tmp_path): dist = self.base_example() pkg_info = _get_pkginfo(dist) assert _valid_metadata(pkg_info) # Ensure Requires-Dist is present expected = [ 'Metadata-Version:', 'Requires-Python: >=3.8', 'Provides-Extra: other', 'Provides-Extra: testing', 'Requires-Dist: tomli; python_version < "3.11" and extra == "testing"', 'Requires-Dist: more-itertools==8.8.0; extra == "other"', 'Requires-Dist: ini2toml[lite]>=0.9; extra == "testing"', ] for line in expected: assert line in pkg_info HERE = Path(__file__).parent EXAMPLES_FILE = HERE / "config/setupcfg_examples.txt" @pytest.fixture(params=[None, *urls_from_file(EXAMPLES_FILE)]) def dist(self, request, monkeypatch, tmp_path): """Example of distribution with arbitrary configuration""" monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) monkeypatch.setattr(expand, "read_attr", Mock(return_value="0.42")) monkeypatch.setattr(expand, "read_files", Mock(return_value="hello world")) if request.param is None: yield self.base_example() else: # Real-world usage config = retrieve_file(request.param) yield setupcfg.apply_configuration(Distribution({}), config) @pytest.mark.uses_network def test_equivalent_output(self, tmp_path, dist): """Ensure output from setuptools is equivalent to the one from `pypa/wheel`""" # Generate a METADATA file using pypa/wheel for comparison wheel_metadata = importlib.import_module("wheel.metadata") pkginfo_to_metadata = getattr(wheel_metadata, "pkginfo_to_metadata", None) if pkginfo_to_metadata is None: # pragma: nocover pytest.xfail( "wheel.metadata.pkginfo_to_metadata is undefined, " "(this is likely to be caused by API changes in pypa/wheel" ) # Generate an simplified "egg-info" dir for pypa/wheel to convert pkg_info = _get_pkginfo(dist) egg_info_dir = tmp_path / "pkg.egg-info" egg_info_dir.mkdir(parents=True) (egg_info_dir / "PKG-INFO").write_text(pkg_info, encoding="utf-8") write_requirements(egg_info(dist), egg_info_dir, egg_info_dir / "requires.txt") # Get pypa/wheel generated METADATA but normalize requirements formatting metadata_msg = pkginfo_to_metadata(egg_info_dir, egg_info_dir / "PKG-INFO") metadata_str = _normalize_metadata(metadata_msg) pkg_info_msg = message_from_string(pkg_info) pkg_info_str = _normalize_metadata(pkg_info_msg) # Compare setuptools PKG-INFO x pypa/wheel METADATA assert metadata_str == pkg_info_str # Make sure it parses/serializes well in pypa/wheel _assert_roundtrip_message(pkg_info) def _assert_roundtrip_message(metadata: str) -> None: """Emulate the way wheel.bdist_wheel parses and regenerates the message, then ensures the metadata generated by setuptools is compatible. """ with io.StringIO(metadata) as buffer: msg = Parser().parse(buffer) serialization_policy = EmailPolicy( utf8=True, mangle_from_=False, max_line_length=0, ) with io.BytesIO() as buffer: out = io.TextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding="utf-8") Generator(out, policy=serialization_policy).flatten(msg) out.flush() regenerated = buffer.getvalue() raw_metadata = bytes(metadata, "utf-8") # Normalise newlines to avoid test errors on Windows: raw_metadata = b"\n".join(raw_metadata.splitlines()) regenerated = b"\n".join(regenerated.splitlines()) assert regenerated == raw_metadata def _normalize_metadata(msg: Message) -> str: """Allow equivalent metadata to be compared directly""" # The main challenge regards the requirements and extras. # Both setuptools and wheel already apply some level of normalization # but they differ regarding which character is chosen, according to the # following spec it should be "-": # # Related issues: # # extras = {x.replace("_", "-"): x for x in msg.get_all("Provides-Extra", [])} reqs = [ _normalize_req(req, extras) for req in _reqs.parse(msg.get_all("Requires-Dist", [])) ] del msg["Requires-Dist"] del msg["Provides-Extra"] # Ensure consistent ord for req in sorted(reqs): msg["Requires-Dist"] = req for extra in sorted(extras): msg["Provides-Extra"] = extra return msg.as_string() def _normalize_req(req: Requirement, extras: dict[str, str]) -> str: """Allow equivalent requirement objects to be compared directly""" as_str = str(req).replace(,"_", "-")) for norm, orig in extras.items(): as_str = as_str.replace(orig, norm) return as_str def _get_pkginfo(dist: Distribution): with io.StringIO() as fp: dist.metadata.write_pkg_file(fp) return fp.getvalue() def _valid_metadata(text: str) -> bool: metadata = Metadata.from_email(text, validate=True) # can raise exceptions return metadata is not None