from __future__ import annotations import ast import glob import os import re import stat import sys import time from pathlib import Path from unittest import mock import pytest from jaraco import path from setuptools import errors from setuptools.command.egg_info import egg_info, manifest_maker, write_entries from setuptools.dist import Distribution from . import contexts, environment from .textwrap import DALS class Environment(str): pass @pytest.fixture def env(): with contexts.tempdir(prefix='setuptools-test.') as env_dir: env = Environment(env_dir) os.chmod(env_dir, stat.S_IRWXU) subs = 'home', 'lib', 'scripts', 'data', 'egg-base' env.paths = dict((dirname, os.path.join(env_dir, dirname)) for dirname in subs) list(map(os.mkdir, env.paths.values())){ env.paths['home']: { '.pydistutils.cfg': DALS( """ [egg_info] egg-base = %(egg-base)s """ % env.paths ) } }) yield env class TestEggInfo: setup_script = DALS( """ from setuptools import setup setup( name='foo', py_modules=['hello'], entry_points={'console_scripts': ['hi =']}, zip_safe=False, ) """ ) def _create_project(self):{ '': self.setup_script, '': DALS( """ def run(): print('hello') """ ), }) @staticmethod def _extract_mv_version(pkg_info_lines: list[str]) -> tuple[int, int]: version_str = pkg_info_lines[0].split(' ')[1] major, minor = map(int, version_str.split('.')[:2]) return major, minor def test_egg_info_save_version_info_setup_empty(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): """ When the egg_info section is empty or not present, running save_version_info should add the settings to the setup.cfg in a deterministic order. """ setup_cfg = os.path.join(env.paths['home'], 'setup.cfg') dist = Distribution() ei = egg_info(dist) ei.initialize_options() ei.save_version_info(setup_cfg) with open(setup_cfg, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: content = assert '[egg_info]' in content assert 'tag_build =' in content assert 'tag_date = 0' in content expected_order = ( 'tag_build', 'tag_date', ) self._validate_content_order(content, expected_order) @staticmethod def _validate_content_order(content, expected): """ Assert that the strings in expected appear in content in order. """ pattern = '.*'.join(expected) flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL assert, content, flags) def test_egg_info_save_version_info_setup_defaults(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): """ When running save_version_info on an existing setup.cfg with the 'default' values present from a previous run, the file should remain unchanged. """ setup_cfg = os.path.join(env.paths['home'], 'setup.cfg'){ setup_cfg: DALS( """ [egg_info] tag_build = tag_date = 0 """ ), }) dist = Distribution() ei = egg_info(dist) ei.initialize_options() ei.save_version_info(setup_cfg) with open(setup_cfg, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: content = assert '[egg_info]' in content assert 'tag_build =' in content assert 'tag_date = 0' in content expected_order = ( 'tag_build', 'tag_date', ) self._validate_content_order(content, expected_order) def test_expected_files_produced(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): self._create_project() self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env) actual = os.listdir('foo.egg-info') expected = [ 'PKG-INFO', 'SOURCES.txt', 'dependency_links.txt', 'entry_points.txt', 'not-zip-safe', 'top_level.txt', ] assert sorted(actual) == expected def test_handling_utime_error(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): dist = Distribution() ei = egg_info(dist) utime_patch = mock.patch('os.utime', side_effect=OSError("TEST")) mkpath_patch = mock.patch( 'setuptools.command.egg_info.egg_info.mkpath', return_val=None ) with utime_patch, mkpath_patch: import distutils.errors msg = r"Cannot update time stamp of directory 'None'" with pytest.raises(distutils.errors.DistutilsFileError, match=msg): def test_license_is_a_string(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): setup_config = DALS( """ [metadata] name=foo version=0.0.1 license=file:MIT """ ) setup_script = DALS( """ from setuptools import setup setup() """ ){ '': setup_script, 'setup.cfg': setup_config, }) # This command should fail with a ValueError, but because it's # currently configured to use a subprocess, the actual traceback # object is lost and we need to parse it from stderr with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as exc: self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env) # The only argument to the assertion error should be a traceback # containing a ValueError assert 'ValueError' in exc.value.args[0] def test_rebuilt(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): """Ensure timestamps are updated when the command is re-run.""" self._create_project() self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env) timestamp_a = os.path.getmtime('foo.egg-info') # arbitrary sleep just to handle *really* fast systems time.sleep(0.001) self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env) timestamp_b = os.path.getmtime('foo.egg-info') assert timestamp_a != timestamp_b def test_manifest_template_is_read(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): self._create_project(){ '': DALS( """ recursive-include docs *.rst """ ), 'docs': { 'usage.rst': "Run 'hi'", }, }) self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') sources_txt = os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'SOURCES.txt') with open(sources_txt, encoding="utf-8") as f: assert 'docs/usage.rst' in'\n') def _setup_script_with_requires(self, requires, use_setup_cfg=False): setup_script = DALS( """ from setuptools import setup setup(name='foo', zip_safe=False, %s) """ ) % ('' if use_setup_cfg else requires) setup_config = requires if use_setup_cfg else ''{ '': setup_script, 'setup.cfg': setup_config, }) mismatch_marker = "python_version<'{this_ver}'".format( this_ver=sys.version_info.major, ) # Alternate equivalent syntax. mismatch_marker_alternate = 'python_version < "{this_ver}"'.format( this_ver=sys.version_info.major, ) invalid_marker = "<=>++" class RequiresTestHelper: @staticmethod def parametrize(*test_list, **format_dict): idlist = [] argvalues = [] for test in test_list: test_params = test.lstrip().split('\n\n', 3) name_kwargs = test_params.pop(0).split('\n') if len(name_kwargs) > 1: val = name_kwargs[1].strip() install_cmd_kwargs = ast.literal_eval(val) else: install_cmd_kwargs = {} name = name_kwargs[0].strip() setup_py_requires, setup_cfg_requires, expected_requires = [ DALS(a).format(**format_dict) for a in test_params ] for id_, requires, use_cfg in ( (name, setup_py_requires, False), (name + '_in_setup_cfg', setup_cfg_requires, True), ): idlist.append(id_) marks = () if requires.startswith('@xfail\n'): requires = requires[7:] marks = pytest.mark.xfail argvalues.append( pytest.param( requires, use_cfg, expected_requires, install_cmd_kwargs, marks=marks, ) ) return pytest.mark.parametrize( 'requires,use_setup_cfg,expected_requires,install_cmd_kwargs', argvalues, ids=idlist, ) @RequiresTestHelper.parametrize( # Format of a test: # # id # install_cmd_kwargs [optional] # # requires block (when used in # # requires block (when used in setup.cfg) # # expected contents of requires.txt """ install_requires_deterministic install_requires=["wheel>=0.5", "pytest"] [options] install_requires = wheel>=0.5 pytest wheel>=0.5 pytest """, """ install_requires_ordered install_requires=["pytest>=3.0.2,!=10.9999"] [options] install_requires = pytest>=3.0.2,!=10.9999 pytest!=10.9999,>=3.0.2 """, """ install_requires_with_marker install_requires=["barbazquux;{mismatch_marker}"], [options] install_requires = barbazquux; {mismatch_marker} [:{mismatch_marker_alternate}] barbazquux """, """ install_requires_with_extra {'cmd': ['egg_info']} install_requires=["barbazquux [test]"], [options] install_requires = barbazquux [test] barbazquux[test] """, """ install_requires_with_extra_and_marker install_requires=["barbazquux [test]; {mismatch_marker}"], [options] install_requires = barbazquux [test]; {mismatch_marker} [:{mismatch_marker_alternate}] barbazquux[test] """, """ setup_requires_with_markers setup_requires=["barbazquux;{mismatch_marker}"], [options] setup_requires = barbazquux; {mismatch_marker} """, """ extras_require_with_extra {'cmd': ['egg_info']} extras_require={{"extra": ["barbazquux [test]"]}}, [options.extras_require] extra = barbazquux [test] [extra] barbazquux[test] """, """ extras_require_with_extra_and_marker_in_req extras_require={{"extra": ["barbazquux [test]; {mismatch_marker}"]}}, [options.extras_require] extra = barbazquux [test]; {mismatch_marker} [extra] [extra:{mismatch_marker_alternate}] barbazquux[test] """, # FIXME: ConfigParser does not allow : in key names! """ extras_require_with_marker extras_require={{":{mismatch_marker}": ["barbazquux"]}}, @xfail [options.extras_require] :{mismatch_marker} = barbazquux [:{mismatch_marker}] barbazquux """, """ extras_require_with_marker_in_req extras_require={{"extra": ["barbazquux; {mismatch_marker}"]}}, [options.extras_require] extra = barbazquux; {mismatch_marker} [extra] [extra:{mismatch_marker_alternate}] barbazquux """, """ extras_require_with_empty_section extras_require={{"empty": []}}, [options.extras_require] empty = [empty] """, # Format arguments. invalid_marker=invalid_marker, mismatch_marker=mismatch_marker, mismatch_marker_alternate=mismatch_marker_alternate, ) def test_requires( self, tmpdir_cwd, env, requires, use_setup_cfg, expected_requires, install_cmd_kwargs, ): self._setup_script_with_requires(requires, use_setup_cfg) self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env, **install_cmd_kwargs) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') requires_txt = os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'requires.txt') if os.path.exists(requires_txt): with open(requires_txt, encoding="utf-8") as fp: install_requires = else: install_requires = '' assert install_requires.lstrip() == expected_requires assert glob.glob(os.path.join(env.paths['lib'], 'barbazquux*')) == [] def test_install_requires_unordered_disallowed(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): """ Packages that pass unordered install_requires sequences should be rejected as they produce non-deterministic builds. See #458. """ req = 'install_requires={"fake-factory==0.5.2", "pytz"}' self._setup_script_with_requires(req) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env) def test_extras_require_with_invalid_marker(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): tmpl = 'extras_require={{":{marker}": ["barbazquux"]}},' req = tmpl.format(marker=self.invalid_marker) self._setup_script_with_requires(req) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env) assert glob.glob(os.path.join(env.paths['lib'], 'barbazquux*')) == [] def test_extras_require_with_invalid_marker_in_req(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): tmpl = 'extras_require={{"extra": ["barbazquux; {marker}"]}},' req = tmpl.format(marker=self.invalid_marker) self._setup_script_with_requires(req) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env) assert glob.glob(os.path.join(env.paths['lib'], 'barbazquux*')) == [] def test_provides_extra(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): self._setup_script_with_requires('extras_require={"foobar": ["barbazquux"]},') environ = os.environ.copy().update( HOME=env.paths['home'], ) environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, env=environ, ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') assert 'Provides-Extra: foobar' in pkg_info_lines assert 'Metadata-Version: 2.1' in pkg_info_lines def test_doesnt_provides_extra(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): self._setup_script_with_requires( """install_requires=["spam ; python_version<'3.6'"]""" ) environ = os.environ.copy().update( HOME=env.paths['home'], ) environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, env=environ, ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_text = assert 'Provides-Extra:' not in pkg_info_text @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('files', 'license_in_sources'), [ ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE """ ), 'LICENSE': "Test license", }, True, ), # with license ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = INVALID_LICENSE """ ), 'LICENSE': "Test license", }, False, ), # with an invalid license ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ """ ), 'LICENSE': "Test license", }, True, ), # no license_file attribute, LICENSE auto-included ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE """ ), '': "exclude LICENSE", 'LICENSE': "Test license", }, True, ), # manifest is overwritten by license_file pytest.param( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICEN[CS]E* """ ), 'LICENSE': "Test license", }, True, id="glob_pattern", ), ], ) def test_setup_cfg_license_file(self, tmpdir_cwd, env, files, license_in_sources): self._create_project() environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') sources_text = Path(egg_info_dir, "SOURCES.txt").read_text(encoding="utf-8") if license_in_sources: assert 'LICENSE' in sources_text else: assert 'LICENSE' not in sources_text # for invalid license test assert 'INVALID_LICENSE' not in sources_text @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('files', 'incl_licenses', 'excl_licenses'), [ ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = LICENSE-ABC LICENSE-XYZ """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], [], ), # with licenses ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = LICENSE-ABC, LICENSE-XYZ """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], [], ), # with commas ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = LICENSE-ABC """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", }, ['LICENSE-ABC'], ['LICENSE-XYZ'], ), # with one license ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", }, [], ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], ), # empty ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = LICENSE-XYZ """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", }, ['LICENSE-XYZ'], ['LICENSE-ABC'], ), # on same line ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = LICENSE-ABC INVALID_LICENSE """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "Test license", }, ['LICENSE-ABC'], ['INVALID_LICENSE'], ), # with an invalid license ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ """ ), 'LICENSE': "Test license", }, ['LICENSE'], [], ), # no license_files attribute, LICENSE auto-included ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = LICENSE """ ), '': "exclude LICENSE", 'LICENSE': "Test license", }, ['LICENSE'], [], ), # manifest is overwritten by license_files ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = LICENSE-ABC LICENSE-XYZ """ ), '': "exclude LICENSE-XYZ", 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", # manifest is overwritten by license_files }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], [], ), pytest.param( { 'setup.cfg': "", 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'COPYING-ABC': "ABC copying", 'NOTICE-ABC': "ABC notice", 'AUTHORS-ABC': "ABC authors", 'LICENCE-XYZ': "XYZ license", 'LICENSE': "License", 'INVALID-LICENSE': "Invalid license", }, [ 'LICENSE-ABC', 'COPYING-ABC', 'NOTICE-ABC', 'AUTHORS-ABC', 'LICENCE-XYZ', 'LICENSE', ], ['INVALID-LICENSE'], # ('LICEN[CS]E*', 'COPYING*', 'NOTICE*', 'AUTHORS*') id="default_glob_patterns", ), pytest.param( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = LICENSE* """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'NOTICE-XYZ': "XYZ notice", }, ['LICENSE-ABC'], ['NOTICE-XYZ'], id="no_default_glob_patterns", ), pytest.param( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = LICENSE-ABC LICENSE* """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", }, ['LICENSE-ABC'], [], id="files_only_added_once", ), ], ) def test_setup_cfg_license_files( self, tmpdir_cwd, env, files, incl_licenses, excl_licenses ): self._create_project() environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') sources_text = Path(egg_info_dir, "SOURCES.txt").read_text(encoding="utf-8") sources_lines = [line.strip() for line in sources_text.splitlines()] for lf in incl_licenses: assert sources_lines.count(lf) == 1 for lf in excl_licenses: assert sources_lines.count(lf) == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('files', 'incl_licenses', 'excl_licenses'), [ ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = license_files = """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", }, [], ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], ), # both empty ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE-ABC LICENSE-XYZ """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", # license_file is still singular }, [], ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], ), ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE-ABC license_files = LICENSE-XYZ LICENSE-PQR """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-PQR': "PQR license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-PQR', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], [], ), # combined ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE-ABC license_files = LICENSE-ABC LICENSE-XYZ LICENSE-PQR """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-PQR': "PQR license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", # duplicate license }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-PQR', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], [], ), ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE-ABC license_files = LICENSE-XYZ """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-PQR': "PQR license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", # combined subset }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], ['LICENSE-PQR'], ), ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE-ABC license_files = LICENSE-XYZ LICENSE-PQR """ ), 'LICENSE-PQR': "Test license", # with invalid licenses }, ['LICENSE-PQR'], ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], ), ( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE-ABC license_files = LICENSE-PQR LICENSE-XYZ """ ), '': "exclude LICENSE-ABC\nexclude LICENSE-PQR", 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'LICENSE-PQR': "PQR license", 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license", # manifest is overwritten }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-PQR', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], [], ), pytest.param( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE* """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'NOTICE-XYZ': "XYZ notice", }, ['LICENSE-ABC'], ['NOTICE-XYZ'], id="no_default_glob_patterns", ), pytest.param( { 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [metadata] license_file = LICENSE* license_files = NOTICE* """ ), 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license", 'NOTICE-ABC': "ABC notice", 'AUTHORS-ABC': "ABC authors", }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'NOTICE-ABC'], ['AUTHORS-ABC'], id="combined_glob_patterrns", ), ], ) def test_setup_cfg_license_file_license_files( self, tmpdir_cwd, env, files, incl_licenses, excl_licenses ): self._create_project() environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') sources_text = Path(egg_info_dir, "SOURCES.txt").read_text(encoding="utf-8") sources_lines = [line.strip() for line in sources_text.splitlines()] for lf in incl_licenses: assert sources_lines.count(lf) == 1 for lf in excl_licenses: assert sources_lines.count(lf) == 0 def test_license_file_attr_pkg_info(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): """All matched license files should have a corresponding License-File.""" self._create_project(){ "setup.cfg": DALS( """ [metadata] license_files = NOTICE* LICENSE* """ ), "LICENSE-ABC": "ABC license", "LICENSE-XYZ": "XYZ license", "NOTICE": "included", "IGNORE": "not include", }) environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') license_file_lines = [ line for line in pkg_info_lines if line.startswith('License-File:') ] # Only 'NOTICE', LICENSE-ABC', and 'LICENSE-XYZ' should have been matched # Also assert that order from license_files is keeped assert "License-File: NOTICE" == license_file_lines[0] assert "License-File: LICENSE-ABC" in license_file_lines[1:] assert "License-File: LICENSE-XYZ" in license_file_lines[1:] def test_metadata_version(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): """Make sure latest metadata version is used by default.""" self._setup_script_with_requires("") environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') # Update metadata version if changed assert self._extract_mv_version(pkg_info_lines) == (2, 1) def test_long_description_content_type(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): # Test that specifying a `long_description_content_type` keyword arg to # the `setup` function results in writing a `Description-Content-Type` # line to the `PKG-INFO` file in the `.egg-info` # directory. # `Description-Content-Type` is described at # self._setup_script_with_requires( """long_description_content_type='text/markdown',""" ) environ = os.environ.copy().update( HOME=env.paths['home'], ) environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, env=environ, ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') expected_line = 'Description-Content-Type: text/markdown' assert expected_line in pkg_info_lines assert 'Metadata-Version: 2.1' in pkg_info_lines def test_long_description(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): # Test that specifying `long_description` and `long_description_content_type` # keyword args to the `setup` function results in writing # the description in the message payload of the `PKG-INFO` file # in the `.egg-info` directory. self._setup_script_with_requires( "long_description='This is a long description\\nover multiple lines'," "long_description_content_type='text/markdown'," ) environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') assert 'Metadata-Version: 2.1' in pkg_info_lines assert '' == pkg_info_lines[-1] # last line should be empty long_desc_lines = pkg_info_lines[pkg_info_lines.index('') :] assert 'This is a long description' in long_desc_lines assert 'over multiple lines' in long_desc_lines def test_project_urls(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): # Test that specifying a `project_urls` dict to the `setup` # function results in writing multiple `Project-URL` lines to # the `PKG-INFO` file in the `.egg-info` # directory. # `Project-URL` is described at # /specifications/core-metadata/#project-url-multiple-use self._setup_script_with_requires( """project_urls={ 'Link One': '', 'Link Two': '', },""" ) environ = os.environ.copy().update( HOME=env.paths['home'], ) environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, env=environ, ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') expected_line = 'Project-URL: Link One,' assert expected_line in pkg_info_lines expected_line = 'Project-URL: Link Two,' assert expected_line in pkg_info_lines assert self._extract_mv_version(pkg_info_lines) >= (1, 2) def test_license(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): """Test single line license.""" self._setup_script_with_requires("license='MIT',") environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') assert 'License: MIT' in pkg_info_lines def test_license_escape(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): """Test license is escaped correctly if longer than one line.""" self._setup_script_with_requires( "license='This is a long license text \\nover multiple lines'," ) environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') assert 'License: This is a long license text ' in pkg_info_lines assert ' over multiple lines' in pkg_info_lines assert 'text \n over multiple' in '\n'.join(pkg_info_lines) def test_python_requires_egg_info(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): self._setup_script_with_requires("""python_requires='>=2.7.12',""") environ = os.environ.copy().update( HOME=env.paths['home'], ) environment.run_setup_py( cmd=['egg_info'], pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, env=environ, ) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') assert 'Requires-Python: >=2.7.12' in pkg_info_lines assert self._extract_mv_version(pkg_info_lines) >= (1, 2) def test_manifest_maker_warning_suppression(self): fixtures = [ "standard file not found: should have one of,", "standard file '' not found", ] for msg in fixtures: assert manifest_maker._should_suppress_warning(msg) def test_egg_info_includes_setup_py(self, tmpdir_cwd): self._create_project() dist = Distribution({"name": "foo", "version": "0.0.1"}) dist.script_name = "" egg_info_instance = egg_info(dist) egg_info_instance.finalize_options() assert '' in egg_info_instance.filelist.files with open(egg_info_instance.egg_info + "/SOURCES.txt", encoding="utf-8") as f: sources ='\n') assert '' in sources def _run_egg_info_command(self, tmpdir_cwd, env, cmd=None, output=None): environ = os.environ.copy().update( HOME=env.paths['home'], ) if cmd is None: cmd = [ 'egg_info', ] code, data = environment.run_setup_py( cmd=cmd, pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]), data_stream=1, env=environ, ) assert not code, data if output: assert output in data def test_egg_info_tag_only_once(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): self._create_project(){ 'setup.cfg': DALS( """ [egg_info] tag_build = dev tag_date = 0 tag_svn_revision = 0 """ ), }) self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env) egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info') with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), encoding="utf-8") as fp: pkg_info_lines ='\n') assert 'Version: 0.0.0.dev0' in pkg_info_lines class TestWriteEntries: def test_invalid_entry_point(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): dist = Distribution({"name": "foo", "version": "0.0.1"}) dist.entry_points = {"foo": "foo = invalid-identifier:foo"} cmd = dist.get_command_obj("egg_info") expected_msg = r"Problems to parse .*invalid-identifier.*" with pytest.raises(errors.OptionError, match=expected_msg) as ex: write_entries(cmd, "entry_points", "entry_points.txt") assert "ensure entry-point follows the spec" in ex.value.args[0] def test_valid_entry_point(self, tmpdir_cwd, env): dist = Distribution({"name": "foo", "version": "0.0.1"}) dist.entry_points = { "abc": "foo = bar:baz", "def": ["faa = bor:boz"], } cmd = dist.get_command_obj("egg_info") write_entries(cmd, "entry_points", "entry_points.txt") content = Path("entry_points.txt").read_text(encoding="utf-8") assert "[abc]\nfoo = bar:baz\n" in content assert "[def]\nfaa = bor:boz\n" in content