"""sdist tests""" import contextlib import io import logging import os import pathlib import sys import tarfile import tempfile import unicodedata from inspect import cleandoc from pathlib import Path from unittest import mock import jaraco.path import pytest from setuptools import Command, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning from setuptools._importlib import metadata from setuptools.command.egg_info import manifest_maker from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist from setuptools.dist import Distribution from setuptools.extension import Extension from setuptools.tests import fail_on_ascii from .text import Filenames import distutils from distutils.core import run_setup SETUP_ATTRS = { 'name': 'sdist_test', 'version': '0.0', 'packages': ['sdist_test'], 'package_data': {'sdist_test': ['*.txt']}, 'data_files': [("data", [os.path.join("d", "e.dat")])], } SETUP_PY = ( """\ from setuptools import setup setup(**%r) """ % SETUP_ATTRS ) EXTENSION = Extension( name="sdist_test.f", sources=[os.path.join("sdist_test", "f.c")], depends=[os.path.join("sdist_test", "f.h")], ) EXTENSION_SOURCES = EXTENSION.sources + EXTENSION.depends @contextlib.contextmanager def quiet(): old_stdout, old_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout, sys.stderr = io.StringIO(), io.StringIO() try: yield finally: sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_stdout, old_stderr # Convert to POSIX path def posix(path): if not isinstance(path, str): return path.replace(os.sep.encode('ascii'), b'/') else: return path.replace(os.sep, '/') # HFS Plus uses decomposed UTF-8 def decompose(path): if isinstance(path, str): return unicodedata.normalize('NFD', path) try: path = path.decode('utf-8') path = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', path) path = path.encode('utf-8') except UnicodeError: pass # Not UTF-8 return path def read_all_bytes(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: return fp.read() def latin1_fail(): try: desc, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=Filenames.latin_1) os.close(desc) os.remove(filename) except Exception: return True fail_on_latin1_encoded_filenames = pytest.mark.xfail( latin1_fail(), reason="System does not support latin-1 filenames", ) skip_under_xdist = pytest.mark.skipif( "os.environ.get('PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER')", reason="pytest-dev/pytest-xdist#843", ) skip_under_stdlib_distutils = pytest.mark.skipif( not distutils.__package__.startswith('setuptools'), reason="the test is not supported with stdlib distutils", ) def touch(path): open(path, 'wb').close() return path def symlink_or_skip_test(src, dst): try: os.symlink(src, dst) except (OSError, NotImplementedError): pytest.skip("symlink not supported in OS") return None return dst class TestSdistTest: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def source_dir(self, tmpdir): tmpdir = tmpdir / "project_root" tmpdir.mkdir() (tmpdir / 'setup.py').write_text(SETUP_PY, encoding='utf-8') # Set up the rest of the test package test_pkg = tmpdir / 'sdist_test' test_pkg.mkdir() data_folder = tmpdir / 'd' data_folder.mkdir() # *.rst was not included in package_data, so c.rst should not be # automatically added to the manifest when not under version control for fname in ['__init__.py', 'a.txt', 'b.txt', 'c.rst']: touch(test_pkg / fname) touch(data_folder / 'e.dat') # C sources are not included by default, but they will be, # if an extension module uses them as sources or depends for fname in EXTENSION_SOURCES: touch(tmpdir / fname) with tmpdir.as_cwd(): yield tmpdir def assert_package_data_in_manifest(self, cmd): manifest = cmd.filelist.files assert os.path.join('sdist_test', 'a.txt') in manifest assert os.path.join('sdist_test', 'b.txt') in manifest assert os.path.join('sdist_test', 'c.rst') not in manifest assert os.path.join('d', 'e.dat') in manifest def setup_with_extension(self): setup_attrs = {**SETUP_ATTRS, 'ext_modules': [EXTENSION]} dist = Distribution(setup_attrs) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() return cmd def test_package_data_in_sdist(self): """Regression test for pull request #4: ensures that files listed in package_data are included in the manifest even if they're not added to version control. """ dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd) def test_package_data_and_include_package_data_in_sdist(self): """ Ensure package_data and include_package_data work together. """ setup_attrs = {**SETUP_ATTRS, 'include_package_data': True} assert setup_attrs['package_data'] dist = Distribution(setup_attrs) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd) def test_extension_sources_in_sdist(self): """ Ensure that the files listed in Extension.sources and Extension.depends are automatically included in the manifest. """ cmd = self.setup_with_extension() self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd) manifest = cmd.filelist.files for path in EXTENSION_SOURCES: assert path in manifest def test_missing_extension_sources(self): """ Similar to test_extension_sources_in_sdist but the referenced files don't exist. Missing files should not be included in distribution (with no error raised). """ for path in EXTENSION_SOURCES: os.remove(path) cmd = self.setup_with_extension() self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd) manifest = cmd.filelist.files for path in EXTENSION_SOURCES: assert path not in manifest def test_symlinked_extension_sources(self): """ Similar to test_extension_sources_in_sdist but the referenced files are instead symbolic links to project-local files. Referenced file paths should be included. Symlink targets themselves should NOT be included. """ symlinked = [] for path in EXTENSION_SOURCES: base, ext = os.path.splitext(path) target = base + "_target." + ext os.rename(path, target) symlink_or_skip_test(os.path.basename(target), path) symlinked.append(target) cmd = self.setup_with_extension() self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd) manifest = cmd.filelist.files for path in EXTENSION_SOURCES: assert path in manifest for path in symlinked: assert path not in manifest _INVALID_PATHS = { "must be relative": lambda: ( os.path.abspath(os.path.join("sdist_test", "f.h")) ), "can't have `..` segments": lambda: ( os.path.join("sdist_test", "..", "sdist_test", "f.h") ), "doesn't exist": lambda: ( os.path.join("sdist_test", "this_file_does_not_exist.h") ), "must be inside the project root": lambda: ( symlink_or_skip_test( touch(os.path.join("..", "outside_of_project_root.h")), "symlink.h", ) ), } @skip_under_stdlib_distutils @pytest.mark.parametrize("reason", _INVALID_PATHS.keys()) def test_invalid_extension_depends(self, reason, caplog): """ Due to backwards compatibility reasons, `Extension.depends` should accept invalid/weird paths, but then ignore them when building a sdist. This test verifies that the source distribution is still built successfully with such paths, but that instead of adding these paths to the manifest, we emit an informational message, notifying the user that the invalid path won't be automatically included. """ invalid_path = self._INVALID_PATHS[reason]() extension = Extension( name="sdist_test.f", sources=[], depends=[invalid_path], ) setup_attrs = {**SETUP_ATTRS, 'ext_modules': [extension]} dist = Distribution(setup_attrs) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(), caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): cmd.run() self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd) manifest = cmd.filelist.files assert invalid_path not in manifest expected_message = [ message for (logger, level, message) in caplog.record_tuples if ( logger == "root" # and level == logging.INFO # and invalid_path in message # ) ] assert len(expected_message) == 1 (expected_message,) = expected_message assert reason in expected_message def test_custom_build_py(self): """ Ensure projects defining custom build_py don't break when creating sdists (issue #2849) """ from distutils.command.build_py import build_py as OrigBuildPy using_custom_command_guard = mock.Mock() class CustomBuildPy(OrigBuildPy): """ Some projects have custom commands inheriting from `distutils` """ def get_data_files(self): using_custom_command_guard() return super().get_data_files() setup_attrs = {**SETUP_ATTRS, 'include_package_data': True} assert setup_attrs['package_data'] dist = Distribution(setup_attrs) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() # Make sure we use the custom command cmd.cmdclass = {'build_py': CustomBuildPy} cmd.distribution.cmdclass = {'build_py': CustomBuildPy} assert cmd.distribution.get_command_class('build_py') == CustomBuildPy msg = "setuptools instead of distutils" with quiet(), pytest.warns(SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, match=msg): cmd.run() using_custom_command_guard.assert_called() self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd) def test_setup_py_exists(self): dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'foo.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() manifest = cmd.filelist.files assert 'setup.py' in manifest def test_setup_py_missing(self): dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'foo.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() if os.path.exists("setup.py"): os.remove("setup.py") with quiet(): cmd.run() manifest = cmd.filelist.files assert 'setup.py' not in manifest def test_setup_py_excluded(self): with open("MANIFEST.in", "w", encoding="utf-8") as manifest_file: manifest_file.write("exclude setup.py") dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'foo.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() manifest = cmd.filelist.files assert 'setup.py' not in manifest def test_defaults_case_sensitivity(self, source_dir): """ Make sure default files (README.*, etc.) are added in a case-sensitive way to avoid problems with packages built on Windows. """ touch(source_dir / 'readme.rst') touch(source_dir / 'SETUP.cfg') dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) # the extension deliberately capitalized for this test # to make sure the actual filename (not capitalized) gets added # to the manifest dist.script_name = 'setup.PY' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() # lowercase all names so we can test in a # case-insensitive way to make sure the files # are not included. manifest = map(lambda x: x.lower(), cmd.filelist.files) assert 'readme.rst' not in manifest, manifest assert 'setup.py' not in manifest, manifest assert 'setup.cfg' not in manifest, manifest def test_exclude_dev_only_cache_folders(self, source_dir): included = { # Emulate problem in https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/4601 "MANIFEST.in": ( "global-include LICEN[CS]E* COPYING* NOTICE* AUTHORS*\n" "global-include *.txt\n" ), # For the sake of being conservative and limiting unforeseen side-effects # we just exclude dev-only cache folders at the root of the repository: "test/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bar-2.dist-info/AUTHORS.rst": "", "src/.nox/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bar-2.dist-info/COPYING.txt": "", "doc/.tox/default/lib/python3.11/site-packages/foo-4.dist-info/LICENSE": "", # Let's test against false positives with similarly named files: ".venv-requirements.txt": "", ".tox-coveragerc.txt": "", ".noxy/coveragerc.txt": "", } excluded = { # .tox/.nox/.venv are well-know folders present at the root of Python repos # and therefore should be excluded ".tox/release/lib/python3.11/site-packages/foo-4.dist-info/LICENSE": "", ".nox/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bar-2.dist-info/COPYING.txt": "", ".venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bar-2.dist-info/AUTHORS.rst": "", } for file, content in {**excluded, **included}.items(): Path(source_dir, file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(source_dir, file).write_text(content, encoding="utf-8") cmd = self.setup_with_extension() self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd) manifest = {f.replace(os.sep, '/') for f in cmd.filelist.files} for path in excluded: assert os.path.exists(path) assert path not in manifest, (path, manifest) for path in included: assert os.path.exists(path) assert path in manifest, (path, manifest) @fail_on_ascii def test_manifest_is_written_with_utf8_encoding(self): # Test for #303. dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' mm = manifest_maker(dist) mm.manifest = os.path.join('sdist_test.egg-info', 'SOURCES.txt') os.mkdir('sdist_test.egg-info') # UTF-8 filename filename = os.path.join('sdist_test', 'smörbröd.py') # Must create the file or it will get stripped. touch(filename) # Add UTF-8 filename and write manifest with quiet(): mm.run() mm.filelist.append(filename) mm.write_manifest() contents = read_all_bytes(mm.manifest) # The manifest should be UTF-8 encoded u_contents = contents.decode('UTF-8') # The manifest should contain the UTF-8 filename assert posix(filename) in u_contents @fail_on_ascii def test_write_manifest_allows_utf8_filenames(self): # Test for #303. dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' mm = manifest_maker(dist) mm.manifest = os.path.join('sdist_test.egg-info', 'SOURCES.txt') os.mkdir('sdist_test.egg-info') filename = os.path.join(b'sdist_test', Filenames.utf_8) # Must touch the file or risk removal touch(filename) # Add filename and write manifest with quiet(): mm.run() u_filename = filename.decode('utf-8') mm.filelist.files.append(u_filename) # Re-write manifest mm.write_manifest() contents = read_all_bytes(mm.manifest) # The manifest should be UTF-8 encoded contents.decode('UTF-8') # The manifest should contain the UTF-8 filename assert posix(filename) in contents # The filelist should have been updated as well assert u_filename in mm.filelist.files @skip_under_xdist def test_write_manifest_skips_non_utf8_filenames(self): """ Files that cannot be encoded to UTF-8 (specifically, those that weren't originally successfully decoded and have surrogate escapes) should be omitted from the manifest. See https://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/issue/303 for history. """ dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' mm = manifest_maker(dist) mm.manifest = os.path.join('sdist_test.egg-info', 'SOURCES.txt') os.mkdir('sdist_test.egg-info') # Latin-1 filename filename = os.path.join(b'sdist_test', Filenames.latin_1) # Add filename with surrogates and write manifest with quiet(): mm.run() u_filename = filename.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') mm.filelist.append(u_filename) # Re-write manifest mm.write_manifest() contents = read_all_bytes(mm.manifest) # The manifest should be UTF-8 encoded contents.decode('UTF-8') # The Latin-1 filename should have been skipped assert posix(filename) not in contents # The filelist should have been updated as well assert u_filename not in mm.filelist.files @fail_on_ascii def test_manifest_is_read_with_utf8_encoding(self): # Test for #303. dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() # Create manifest with quiet(): cmd.run() # Add UTF-8 filename to manifest filename = os.path.join(b'sdist_test', Filenames.utf_8) cmd.manifest = os.path.join('sdist_test.egg-info', 'SOURCES.txt') manifest = open(cmd.manifest, 'ab') manifest.write(b'\n' + filename) manifest.close() # The file must exist to be included in the filelist touch(filename) # Re-read manifest cmd.filelist.files = [] with quiet(): cmd.read_manifest() # The filelist should contain the UTF-8 filename filename = filename.decode('utf-8') assert filename in cmd.filelist.files @fail_on_latin1_encoded_filenames def test_read_manifest_skips_non_utf8_filenames(self): # Test for #303. dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() # Create manifest with quiet(): cmd.run() # Add Latin-1 filename to manifest filename = os.path.join(b'sdist_test', Filenames.latin_1) cmd.manifest = os.path.join('sdist_test.egg-info', 'SOURCES.txt') manifest = open(cmd.manifest, 'ab') manifest.write(b'\n' + filename) manifest.close() # The file must exist to be included in the filelist touch(filename) # Re-read manifest cmd.filelist.files = [] with quiet(): cmd.read_manifest() # The Latin-1 filename should have been skipped filename = filename.decode('latin-1') assert filename not in cmd.filelist.files @fail_on_ascii @fail_on_latin1_encoded_filenames def test_sdist_with_utf8_encoded_filename(self): # Test for #303. dist = Distribution(self.make_strings(SETUP_ATTRS)) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() filename = os.path.join(b'sdist_test', Filenames.utf_8) touch(filename) with quiet(): cmd.run() if sys.platform == 'darwin': filename = decompose(filename) fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if sys.platform == 'win32': if fs_enc == 'cp1252': # Python mangles the UTF-8 filename filename = filename.decode('cp1252') assert filename in cmd.filelist.files else: filename = filename.decode('mbcs') assert filename in cmd.filelist.files else: filename = filename.decode('utf-8') assert filename in cmd.filelist.files @classmethod def make_strings(cls, item): if isinstance(item, dict): return {key: cls.make_strings(value) for key, value in item.items()} if isinstance(item, list): return list(map(cls.make_strings, item)) return str(item) @fail_on_latin1_encoded_filenames @skip_under_xdist def test_sdist_with_latin1_encoded_filename(self): # Test for #303. dist = Distribution(self.make_strings(SETUP_ATTRS)) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() # Latin-1 filename filename = os.path.join(b'sdist_test', Filenames.latin_1) touch(filename) assert os.path.isfile(filename) with quiet(): cmd.run() # not all windows systems have a default FS encoding of cp1252 if sys.platform == 'win32': # Latin-1 is similar to Windows-1252 however # on mbcs filesys it is not in latin-1 encoding fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if fs_enc != 'mbcs': fs_enc = 'latin-1' filename = filename.decode(fs_enc) assert filename in cmd.filelist.files else: # The Latin-1 filename should have been skipped filename = filename.decode('latin-1') assert filename not in cmd.filelist.files _EXAMPLE_DIRECTIVES = { "setup.cfg - long_description and version": """ [metadata] name = testing version = file: src/VERSION.txt license_files = DOWHATYOUWANT long_description = file: README.rst, USAGE.rst """, "pyproject.toml - static readme/license files and dynamic version": """ [project] name = "testing" readme = "USAGE.rst" license = {file = "DOWHATYOUWANT"} dynamic = ["version"] [tool.setuptools.dynamic] version = {file = ["src/VERSION.txt"]} """, "pyproject.toml - directive with str instead of list": """ [project] name = "testing" readme = "USAGE.rst" license = {file = "DOWHATYOUWANT"} dynamic = ["version"] [tool.setuptools.dynamic] version = {file = "src/VERSION.txt"} """, } @pytest.mark.parametrize("config", _EXAMPLE_DIRECTIVES.keys()) def test_add_files_referenced_by_config_directives(self, source_dir, config): config_file, _, _ = config.partition(" - ") config_text = self._EXAMPLE_DIRECTIVES[config] (source_dir / 'src').mkdir() (source_dir / 'src/VERSION.txt').write_text("0.42", encoding="utf-8") (source_dir / 'README.rst').write_text("hello world!", encoding="utf-8") (source_dir / 'USAGE.rst').write_text("hello world!", encoding="utf-8") (source_dir / 'DOWHATYOUWANT').write_text("hello world!", encoding="utf-8") (source_dir / config_file).write_text(config_text, encoding="utf-8") dist = Distribution({"packages": []}) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' dist.parse_config_files() cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() assert ( 'src/VERSION.txt' in cmd.filelist.files or 'src\\VERSION.txt' in cmd.filelist.files ) assert 'USAGE.rst' in cmd.filelist.files assert 'DOWHATYOUWANT' in cmd.filelist.files assert '/' not in cmd.filelist.files assert '\\' not in cmd.filelist.files def test_pyproject_toml_in_sdist(self, source_dir): """ Check if pyproject.toml is included in source distribution if present """ touch(source_dir / 'pyproject.toml') dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() manifest = cmd.filelist.files assert 'pyproject.toml' in manifest def test_pyproject_toml_excluded(self, source_dir): """ Check that pyproject.toml can excluded even if present """ touch(source_dir / 'pyproject.toml') with open('MANIFEST.in', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as mts: print('exclude pyproject.toml', file=mts) dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() manifest = cmd.filelist.files assert 'pyproject.toml' not in manifest def test_build_subcommand_source_files(self, source_dir): touch(source_dir / '.myfile~') # Sanity check: without custom commands file list should not be affected dist = Distribution({**SETUP_ATTRS, "script_name": "setup.py"}) cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() manifest = cmd.filelist.files assert '.myfile~' not in manifest # Test: custom command should be able to augment file list dist = Distribution({**SETUP_ATTRS, "script_name": "setup.py"}) build = dist.get_command_obj("build") build.sub_commands = [*build.sub_commands, ("build_custom", None)] class build_custom(Command): def initialize_options(self): ... def finalize_options(self): ... def run(self): ... def get_source_files(self): return ['.myfile~'] dist.cmdclass.update(build_custom=build_custom) cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.use_defaults = True cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() manifest = cmd.filelist.files assert '.myfile~' in manifest @pytest.mark.skipif("os.environ.get('SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS') == 'stdlib'") def test_build_base_pathlib(self, source_dir): """ Ensure if build_base is a pathlib.Path, the build still succeeds. """ dist = Distribution({ **SETUP_ATTRS, "script_name": "setup.py", "options": {"build": {"build_base": pathlib.Path('build')}}, }) cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() with quiet(): cmd.run() def test_default_revctrl(): """ When _default_revctrl was removed from the `setuptools.command.sdist` module in 10.0, it broke some systems which keep an old install of setuptools (Distribute) around. Those old versions require that the setuptools package continue to implement that interface, so this function provides that interface, stubbed. See #320 for details. This interface must be maintained until Ubuntu 12.04 is no longer supported (by Setuptools). """ (ep,) = metadata.EntryPoints._from_text( """ [setuptools.file_finders] svn_cvs = setuptools.command.sdist:_default_revctrl """ ) res = ep.load() assert hasattr(res, '__iter__') class TestRegressions: """ Can be removed/changed if the project decides to change how it handles symlinks or external files. """ @staticmethod def files_for_symlink_in_extension_depends(tmp_path, dep_path): return { "external": { "dir": {"file.h": ""}, }, "project": { "setup.py": cleandoc( f""" from setuptools import Extension, setup setup( name="myproj", version="42", ext_modules=[ Extension( "hello", sources=["hello.pyx"], depends=[{dep_path!r}] ) ], ) """ ), "hello.pyx": "", "MANIFEST.in": "global-include *.h", }, } @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dep_path", ("myheaders/dir/file.h", "myheaders/dir/../dir/file.h") ) def test_symlink_in_extension_depends(self, monkeypatch, tmp_path, dep_path): # Given a project with a symlinked dir and a "depends" targeting that dir files = self.files_for_symlink_in_extension_depends(tmp_path, dep_path) jaraco.path.build(files, prefix=str(tmp_path)) symlink_or_skip_test(tmp_path / "external", tmp_path / "project/myheaders") # When `sdist` runs, there should be no error members = run_sdist(monkeypatch, tmp_path / "project") # and the sdist should contain the symlinked files for expected in ( "myproj-42/hello.pyx", "myproj-42/myheaders/dir/file.h", ): assert expected in members @staticmethod def files_for_external_path_in_extension_depends(tmp_path, dep_path): head, _, tail = dep_path.partition("$tmp_path$/") dep_path = tmp_path / tail if tail else head return { "external": { "dir": {"file.h": ""}, }, "project": { "setup.py": cleandoc( f""" from setuptools import Extension, setup setup( name="myproj", version="42", ext_modules=[ Extension( "hello", sources=["hello.pyx"], depends=[{str(dep_path)!r}] ) ], ) """ ), "hello.pyx": "", "MANIFEST.in": "global-include *.h", }, } @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dep_path", ("$tmp_path$/external/dir/file.h", "../external/dir/file.h") ) def test_external_path_in_extension_depends(self, monkeypatch, tmp_path, dep_path): # Given a project with a "depends" targeting an external dir files = self.files_for_external_path_in_extension_depends(tmp_path, dep_path) jaraco.path.build(files, prefix=str(tmp_path)) # When `sdist` runs, there should be no error members = run_sdist(monkeypatch, tmp_path / "project") # and the sdist should not contain the external file for name in members: assert "file.h" not in name def run_sdist(monkeypatch, project): """Given a project directory, run the sdist and return its contents""" monkeypatch.chdir(project) with quiet(): run_setup("setup.py", ["sdist"]) archive = next((project / "dist").glob("*.tar.gz")) with tarfile.open(str(archive)) as tar: return set(tar.getnames()) def test_sanity_check_setuptools_own_sdist(setuptools_sdist): with tarfile.open(setuptools_sdist) as tar: files = tar.getnames() # setuptools sdist should not include the .tox folder tox_files = [name for name in files if ".tox" in name] assert len(tox_files) == 0, f"not empty {tox_files}"