bg[dZddlmZdZgdZdZddlmZddlm Z dd l m Z dd l m Z dd lmZmZd ZeZd Zea ddZ ddZe a ddZ ddZdZdZdS)aJSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a subset of JavaScript syntax (ECMA-262 3rd edition) used as a lightweight data interchange format. :mod:`simplejson` exposes an API familiar to users of the standard library :mod:`marshal` and :mod:`pickle` modules. It is the externally maintained version of the :mod:`json` library contained in Python 2.6, but maintains compatibility back to Python 2.5 and (currently) has significant performance advantages, even without using the optional C extension for speedups. Encoding basic Python object hierarchies:: >>> import simplejson as json >>> json.dumps(['foo', {'bar': ('baz', None, 1.0, 2)}]) '["foo", {"bar": ["baz", null, 1.0, 2]}]' >>> print(json.dumps("\"foo\bar")) "\"foo\bar" >>> print(json.dumps(u'\u1234')) "\u1234" >>> print(json.dumps('\\')) "\\" >>> print(json.dumps({"c": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0}, sort_keys=True)) {"a": 0, "b": 0, "c": 0} >>> from simplejson.compat import StringIO >>> io = StringIO() >>> json.dump(['streaming API'], io) >>> io.getvalue() '["streaming API"]' Compact encoding:: >>> import simplejson as json >>> obj = [1,2,3,{'4': 5, '6': 7}] >>> json.dumps(obj, separators=(',',':'), sort_keys=True) '[1,2,3,{"4":5,"6":7}]' Pretty printing:: >>> import simplejson as json >>> print(json.dumps({'4': 5, '6': 7}, sort_keys=True, indent=' ')) { "4": 5, "6": 7 } Decoding JSON:: >>> import simplejson as json >>> obj = [u'foo', {u'bar': [u'baz', None, 1.0, 2]}] >>> json.loads('["foo", {"bar":["baz", null, 1.0, 2]}]') == obj True >>> json.loads('"\\"foo\\bar"') == u'"foo\x08ar' True >>> from simplejson.compat import StringIO >>> io = StringIO('["streaming API"]') >>> json.load(io)[0] == 'streaming API' True Specializing JSON object decoding:: >>> import simplejson as json >>> def as_complex(dct): ... if '__complex__' in dct: ... return complex(dct['real'], dct['imag']) ... return dct ... >>> json.loads('{"__complex__": true, "real": 1, "imag": 2}', ... object_hook=as_complex) (1+2j) >>> from decimal import Decimal >>> json.loads('1.1', parse_float=Decimal) == Decimal('1.1') True Specializing JSON object encoding:: >>> import simplejson as json >>> def encode_complex(obj): ... if isinstance(obj, complex): ... return [obj.real, obj.imag] ... raise TypeError('Object of type %s is not JSON serializable' % ... obj.__class__.__name__) ... >>> json.dumps(2 + 1j, default=encode_complex) '[2.0, 1.0]' >>> json.JSONEncoder(default=encode_complex).encode(2 + 1j) '[2.0, 1.0]' >>> ''.join(json.JSONEncoder(default=encode_complex).iterencode(2 + 1j)) '[2.0, 1.0]' Using simplejson.tool from the shell to validate and pretty-print:: $ echo '{"json":"obj"}' | python -m simplejson.tool { "json": "obj" } $ echo '{ 1.2:3.4}' | python -m simplejson.tool Expecting property name: line 1 column 3 (char 2) Parsing multiple documents serialized as JSON lines (newline-delimited JSON):: >>> import simplejson as json >>> def loads_lines(docs): ... for doc in docs.splitlines(): ... yield json.loads(doc) ... >>> sum(doc["count"] for doc in loads_lines('{"count":1}\n{"count":2}\n{"count":3}\n')) 6 Serializing multiple objects to JSON lines (newline-delimited JSON):: >>> import simplejson as json >>> def dumps_lines(objs): ... for obj in objs: ... yield json.dumps(obj, separators=(',',':')) + '\n' ... >>> ''.join(dumps_lines([{'count': 1}, {'count': 2}, {'count': 3}])) '{"count":1}\n{"count":2}\n{"count":3}\n' )absolute_importz3.19.1) dumpdumpsloadloads JSONDecoderJSONDecodeError JSONEncoder OrderedDict simple_firstRawJSONzBob Ippolito )Decimal)r )r )r)r JSONEncoderForHTMLcTddl} |jS#t$rddlm}|jcYSwxYw)Nrr) ordered_dict) collectionsr AttributeErrorr)rrs J/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/simplejson/__init__.py_import_OrderedDictrsX(&& (((""""""''''(s  ''c6 ddlm}|S#t$rYdSwxYw)Nr make_encoder) _speedupsr ImportErrorrs r_import_c_make_encoderrsA++++++ tts  FTNutf-8c ||sE|rC|rA|s?|=|;|9| dkr3| 1| r/| r-| r+|s)|s'|s%|s#|s!|s||st|}nZ|t}|did|d|d|d|d|d|d | d | d | d | d | d|d|d|d|d|d|d|||}|D]}||dS)aSerialize ``obj`` as a JSON formatted stream to ``fp`` (a ``.write()``-supporting file-like object). If *skipkeys* is true then ``dict`` keys that are not basic types (``str``, ``int``, ``long``, ``float``, ``bool``, ``None``) will be skipped instead of raising a ``TypeError``. If *ensure_ascii* is false (default: ``True``), then the output may contain non-ASCII characters, so long as they do not need to be escaped by JSON. When it is true, all non-ASCII characters are escaped. If *allow_nan* is true (default: ``False``), then out of range ``float`` values (``nan``, ``inf``, ``-inf``) will be serialized to their JavaScript equivalents (``NaN``, ``Infinity``, ``-Infinity``) instead of raising a ValueError. See *ignore_nan* for ECMA-262 compliant behavior. If *indent* is a string, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with a newline followed by that string repeated for each level of nesting. ``None`` (the default) selects the most compact representation without any newlines. If specified, *separators* should be an ``(item_separator, key_separator)`` tuple. The default is ``(', ', ': ')`` if *indent* is ``None`` and ``(',', ': ')`` otherwise. To get the most compact JSON representation, you should specify ``(',', ':')`` to eliminate whitespace. *encoding* is the character encoding for str instances, default is UTF-8. *default(obj)* is a function that should return a serializable version of obj or raise ``TypeError``. The default simply raises ``TypeError``. If *use_decimal* is true (default: ``True``) then decimal.Decimal will be natively serialized to JSON with full precision. If *namedtuple_as_object* is true (default: ``True``), :class:`tuple` subclasses with ``_asdict()`` methods will be encoded as JSON objects. If *tuple_as_array* is true (default: ``True``), :class:`tuple` (and subclasses) will be encoded as JSON arrays. If *iterable_as_array* is true (default: ``False``), any object not in the above table that implements ``__iter__()`` will be encoded as a JSON array. If *bigint_as_string* is true (default: ``False``), ints 2**53 and higher or lower than -2**53 will be encoded as strings. This is to avoid the rounding that happens in Javascript otherwise. Note that this is still a lossy operation that will not round-trip correctly and should be used sparingly. If *int_as_string_bitcount* is a positive number (n), then int of size greater than or equal to 2**n or lower than or equal to -2**n will be encoded as strings. If specified, *item_sort_key* is a callable used to sort the items in each dictionary. This is useful if you want to sort items other than in alphabetical order by key. This option takes precedence over *sort_keys*. If *sort_keys* is true (default: ``False``), the output of dictionaries will be sorted by item. If *for_json* is true (default: ``False``), objects with a ``for_json()`` method will use the return value of that method for encoding as JSON instead of the object. If *ignore_nan* is true (default: ``False``), then out of range :class:`float` values (``nan``, ``inf``, ``-inf``) will be serialized as ``null`` in compliance with the ECMA-262 specification. If true, this will override *allow_nan*. To use a custom ``JSONEncoder`` subclass (e.g. one that overrides the ``.default()`` method to serialize additional types), specify it with the ``cls`` kwarg. NOTE: You should use *default* or *for_json* instead of subclassing whenever possible. Nrskipkeys ensure_asciicheck_circular allow_nanindent separatorsencodingdefault use_decimalnamedtuple_as_objecttuple_as_arrayiterable_as_arraybigint_as_string sort_keys item_sort_keyfor_json ignore_nanint_as_string_bitcount)_default_encoder iterencoder write)objfpr r!r"r#clsr$r%r&r'r(r)r*r,r-r.r/r0r1r+kwiterablechunks rrrsp """(" :+=GK !0%3!0$..s33 ;C3    || )> 5>Y GMv !z ,4H G *5 "6!5  *>  0/ .-  i (- X "z $:#9  *S//   c B|sD|rB|r@|s>|<|:|8|dkr2| 0| r.| r,| r*|s(| s&|s$|s"|s |s||st|S|t}|did|d|d|d|d|d|d |d | d | d | d | d|d| d|d|d|d|d|||S)a,Serialize ``obj`` to a JSON formatted ``str``. If ``skipkeys`` is true then ``dict`` keys that are not basic types (``str``, ``int``, ``long``, ``float``, ``bool``, ``None``) will be skipped instead of raising a ``TypeError``. If *ensure_ascii* is false (default: ``True``), then the output may contain non-ASCII characters, so long as they do not need to be escaped by JSON. When it is true, all non-ASCII characters are escaped. If ``check_circular`` is false, then the circular reference check for container types will be skipped and a circular reference will result in an ``OverflowError`` (or worse). If *allow_nan* is true (default: ``False``), then out of range ``float`` values (``nan``, ``inf``, ``-inf``) will be serialized to their JavaScript equivalents (``NaN``, ``Infinity``, ``-Infinity``) instead of raising a ValueError. See *ignore_nan* for ECMA-262 compliant behavior. If ``indent`` is a string, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with a newline followed by that string repeated for each level of nesting. ``None`` (the default) selects the most compact representation without any newlines. For backwards compatibility with versions of simplejson earlier than 2.1.0, an integer is also accepted and is converted to a string with that many spaces. If specified, ``separators`` should be an ``(item_separator, key_separator)`` tuple. The default is ``(', ', ': ')`` if *indent* is ``None`` and ``(',', ': ')`` otherwise. To get the most compact JSON representation, you should specify ``(',', ':')`` to eliminate whitespace. ``encoding`` is the character encoding for bytes instances, default is UTF-8. ``default(obj)`` is a function that should return a serializable version of obj or raise TypeError. The default simply raises TypeError. If *use_decimal* is true (default: ``True``) then decimal.Decimal will be natively serialized to JSON with full precision. If *namedtuple_as_object* is true (default: ``True``), :class:`tuple` subclasses with ``_asdict()`` methods will be encoded as JSON objects. If *tuple_as_array* is true (default: ``True``), :class:`tuple` (and subclasses) will be encoded as JSON arrays. If *iterable_as_array* is true (default: ``False``), any object not in the above table that implements ``__iter__()`` will be encoded as a JSON array. If *bigint_as_string* is true (not the default), ints 2**53 and higher or lower than -2**53 will be encoded as strings. This is to avoid the rounding that happens in Javascript otherwise. If *int_as_string_bitcount* is a positive number (n), then int of size greater than or equal to 2**n or lower than or equal to -2**n will be encoded as strings. If specified, *item_sort_key* is a callable used to sort the items in each dictionary. This is useful if you want to sort items other than in alphabetical order by key. This option takes precedence over *sort_keys*. If *sort_keys* is true (default: ``False``), the output of dictionaries will be sorted by item. If *for_json* is true (default: ``False``), objects with a ``for_json()`` method will use the return value of that method for encoding as JSON instead of the object. If *ignore_nan* is true (default: ``False``), then out of range :class:`float` values (``nan``, ``inf``, ``-inf``) will be serialized as ``null`` in compliance with the ECMA-262 specification. If true, this will override *allow_nan*. To use a custom ``JSONEncoder`` subclass (e.g. one that overrides the ``.default()`` method to serialize additional types), specify it with the ``cls`` kwarg. NOTE: You should use *default* instead of subclassing whenever possible. Nrr r!r"r#r$r%r&r'r(r)r*r+r,r-r.r/r0r1r2)r3encoder )r6r r!r"r#r8r$r%r&r'r(r)r*r,r-r.r/r0r1r+r9s rrrsx  , , ,( , :+=GK !0%3!0 &&s+++ { 3    (4  %~ 1: CI6 : )1 ;B'  K   21   &~  ,+ *) ) $m  :  65   fSkkr<c Tt|f||||||||| d | S)ar Deserialize ``fp`` (a ``.read()``-supporting file-like object containing a JSON document as `str` or `bytes`) to a Python object. *encoding* determines the encoding used to interpret any `bytes` objects decoded by this instance (``'utf-8'`` by default). It has no effect when decoding `str` objects. *object_hook*, if specified, will be called with the result of every JSON object decoded and its return value will be used in place of the given :class:`dict`. This can be used to provide custom deserializations (e.g. to support JSON-RPC class hinting). *object_pairs_hook* is an optional function that will be called with the result of any object literal decode with an ordered list of pairs. The return value of *object_pairs_hook* will be used instead of the :class:`dict`. This feature can be used to implement custom decoders that rely on the order that the key and value pairs are decoded (for example, :func:`collections.OrderedDict` will remember the order of insertion). If *object_hook* is also defined, the *object_pairs_hook* takes priority. *parse_float*, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON float to be decoded. By default, this is equivalent to ``float(num_str)``. This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON floats (e.g. :class:`decimal.Decimal`). *parse_int*, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON int to be decoded. By default, this is equivalent to ``int(num_str)``. This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON integers (e.g. :class:`float`). *allow_nan*, if True (default false), will allow the parser to accept the non-standard floats ``NaN``, ``Infinity``, and ``-Infinity`` and enable the use of the deprecated *parse_constant*. If *use_decimal* is true (default: ``False``) then it implies parse_float=decimal.Decimal for parity with ``dump``. *parse_constant*, if specified, will be called with one of the following strings: ``'-Infinity'``, ``'Infinity'``, ``'NaN'``. It is not recommended to use this feature, as it is rare to parse non-compliant JSON containing these values. To use a custom ``JSONDecoder`` subclass, specify it with the ``cls`` kwarg. NOTE: You should use *object_hook* or *object_pairs_hook* instead of subclassing whenever possible. ) r&r8 object_hook parse_float parse_intparse_constantobject_pairs_hookr(r#)rread) r7r&r8r@rArBrCrDr(r#r9s rrrsLf  <s 9%9J9  < <9;  < <S->+'*'D(+  * # /G43G*!&)&D# 0(C"}}"}}r<cbt|dtttf|dfS)znHelper function to pass to item_sort_key to sort simple elements to the top, then container elements. rr) isinstancelistdicttuple)kvs rr r .s( r!utT51 2 2BqE ::r<)FTTFNNNrNTTTFFNFFNF) NNNNNNNFF)__doc__ __future__r __version____all__ __author__decimalrerrorsr raw_jsonr rLrrMr rrr rr3rrrGrrr]r r2r<rrlsvvn'&&&&&     - ###### 44444444((("!## ;==DH<@5937@DBF wwwwtBF=A6:48AECG! wwwwt;==EI?C%*7<7<7<7