bgddlmZddlmZddlmZmZGddeeZGddeZGdd eZ Gd d e Z Gd d e Z dS)) BaseElement)XLink)strlist is_stringcTeZdZdZdZd fd ZfdZd dZd dZ d dZ d Z xZ S) Seta The **set** element provides a simple means of just setting the value of an attribute for a specified duration. It supports all attribute types, including those that cannot reasonably be interpolated, such as string and boolean values. The **set** element is non-additive. The additive and accumulate attributes are not allowed, and will be ignored if specified. setNc ztt|jdi||||dSdS)z Set constructor. :param href: target svg element, if **href** is not `None`; else the target SVG Element is the parent SVG Element. N)superr__init__set_href)selfhrefextra __class__s a/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/svgwrite/animate.pyr z Set.__init__sN "c4!**E***   MM$       cz|tt|SN) update_idr rget_xml)rrs rrz Set.get_xml!s/ S$'')))rc"||d<|||d<dSdS)zY Set animation attributes :ref:`attributeName` and :ref:`attributeType`. attributeNameN attributeTyper )rrrs r set_targetzSet.set_target%s,!._  $$1D ! ! ! % $rcB|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d<dSdS)zs Set animation attributes :ref:`onbegin`, :ref:`onend`, :ref:`onrepeat` and :ref:`onload`. Nonbeginonendonrepeatonloadr )rrrr r!s r set_eventz Set.set_event.sM  %DO  !DM  'D   #DNNN  rc z|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d <dSdS) z Set animation attributes :ref:`begin`, :ref:`end`, :ref:`dur`, :ref:`min`, :ref:`max`, :ref:`restart`, :ref:`repeatCount` and :ref:`repeatDur`. Nbeginenddurminmaxrestart repeatCount repeatDurr ) rr$r%r&r'r(r)r*r+s r set_timingzSet.set_timing<s  !DM ?DK ?DK ?DK ?DK  %DO  ""-D   )D    ! rcd|d<dS)zK Freeze the animation effect. (see also :ref:`fill `) freezefillNr )rs rr.z Set.freezeTs V rrNNNN)NNNNNNNN) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__ elementnamer rrr"r,r. __classcell__rs@rrrs K      *****2222 $ $ $ $HL=A****0       rrc0eZdZdZdZdfd ZddZxZS) AnimateMotionz` The **animateMotion** element causes a referenced element to move along a motion path. animateMotionNc ^tt|jdd|i||||d<dSdS)z :param path: the motion path :param href: target svg element, if **href** is not `None`; else the target SVG Element is the parent SVG Element. rNpathr )r r9r )rr<rrrs rr zAnimateMotion.__init___sH ,mT""+??????  DLLL  rcB|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d<dSdS)zX Set animation attributes `path`, `calcMode`, `keyPoints` and `rotate`. Nr<calcMode keyPointsrotater )rr<r>r?r@s r set_valuezAnimateMotion.set_valueisN  DL  'D   )D   #DNNN  r)NNr0r1r2r3r4r5r rAr6r7s@rr9r9Ysb"K       $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $rr9c4eZdZdZdZdfd Z ddZxZS)Animatezu The **animate** element allows scalar attributes and properties to be assigned different values over time . animateNc tt|jdd|i|||||||dSdS)a0 :param attributeName: name of the SVG Attribute to animate :param values: interpolation values, `string` as `` or a python `list` :param href: target svg element, if **href** is not `None`; else the target SVG Element is the parent SVG Element. rNr )r rDr rAr)rrvaluesrrrs rr zAnimate.__init__}sk &gt%99495999   NN6 " " "  $ OOM * * * * * % $rc|$t|st|d}||d<|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d<|||d <dSdS) z Set animation attributes :ref:`values`, :ref:`calcMode`, :ref:`keyTimes`, :ref:`keySplines`, :ref:`from`, :ref:`to` and :ref:`by`. N;rGr>keyTimes keySplinesfromtoby)rr)rrGr>rJrKfrom_rMrNs rrAzAnimate.set_values  V$$ . --#DN  'D   'D   !!+D    DL >DJ >DJJJ >r)NNN)NNNNNNrBr7s@rrDrDwslK + + + + + +JN*.rrDceZdZdZdZdS) AnimateColorzR The **animateColor** element specifies a color transformation over time. animateColorN)r1r2r3r4r5r rrrQrQs!KKKrrQc(eZdZdZdZdfd ZxZS)AnimateTransformz The **animateTransform** element animates a transformation attribute on a target element, thereby allowing animations to control translation, scaling, rotation and/or skewing. animateTransformNc Ttt|j|fi|||d<dS)z :param element: target svg element, if element is not `None`; else the target svg element is the parent svg element. :param string transform: ``'translate | scale | rotate | skewX | skewY'`` typeN)r rTr )r transformelementrrs rr zAnimateTransform.__init__s8 /%%.w@@%@@@ V rr)r1r2r3r4r5r r6r7s@rrTrTsN%K!!!!!!!!!!rrTN) svgwrite.basersvgwrite.mixinsrsvgwrite.utilsrrrr9rDrQrTr rrr]s+&%%%%%!!!!!!--------I I I I I +uI I I V$$$$$C$$$<)))))c)))X!!!!!7!!! ! ! ! ! !w ! ! ! ! !r