§ Š¢bg½ ãóJ—ddlmZddlmZmZmZmZGd„deee¦«ZdS)é)Ú BaseElement)Ú TransformÚ_vertÚ_horizÚClippingcó6‡—eZdZdZdZd ˆfd„ Zd„Zd d „ZˆxZS) ÚImagea% The **image** element indicates that the contents of a complete file are to be rendered into a given rectangle within the current user coordinate system. The **image** element can refer to raster image files such as PNG or JPEG or to files with MIME type of "image/svg+xml". ÚimageNc 󶕗tt|¦«jd i|¤Ž||d<||d|d<|d|d<||d|d<|d|d<dSdS) a1 :param string href: hyperlink to the image resource :param 2-tuple insert: insert point (**x**, **y**) :param 2-tuple size: (**width**, **height**) :param dict attribs: additional SVG attributes :param extra: additional SVG attributes as keyword-arguments z xlink:hrefNrÚxéÚyÚwidthÚheight©)Úsuperr Ú__init__)ÚselfÚhrefÚinsertÚsizeÚextraÚ __class__s €ú_/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/svgwrite/image.pyrzImage.__init__s~ø€ð $eTÑÔÔ#Ð,Ð, eÐ,Ð,Ð,Ø!ˆˆ\ÑØ Ð Ø˜qœ ˆD‰Iؘqœ ˆD‰IØ Ð Ø  œGˆD‰MØ! !œWˆD‰NˆNˆNð Ð ócó—d|d<dS)zh Stretch viewBox in x and y direction to fill viewport, does not preserve aspect ratio. ÚnoneÚpreserveAspectRatioNr)rs rÚstretchz Image.stretch&s€ð'-ˆÐ "Ñ#Ð#Ð#rÚcenterÚmiddleÚmeetcóŽ—|jr|dvrtd|z¦«‚t|›t|›d|›|jd<dS)ai Set the preserveAspectRatio attribute. :param string horiz: horizontal alignment ``'left'|'center'|'right'`` :param string vert: vertical alignment ``'top'|'middle'|'bottom'`` :param string scale: scale method ``'meet'|'slice'`` ============= =========== Scale methods Description ============= =========== ``meet`` preserve aspect ration and zoom to limits of viewBox ``slice`` preserve aspect ration and viewBox touch viewport on all bounds, viewBox will extend beyond the bounds of the viewport ============= =========== )r"ÚslicezInvalid scale parameter '%s'ú rN)ÚdebugÚ ValueErrorrrÚattribs)rÚhorizÚvertÚscales rÚfitz Image.fit,sZ€ð Œ:ð E˜%Ð'8Ð8Ð8ÝÐ;¸eÑCÑDÔDÐ DÝ;AÀ%¼=¸=ÍÈtÌÈÈÐV[ÐV[Ð.\ˆŒ Ð*Ñ+Ð+Ð+r)NN)r r!r") Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__Ú elementnamerrr,Ú __classcell__)rs@rr r syø€€€€€ððð €Kð%ð%ð%ð%ð%ð%ð"-ð-ð-ð ]ð]ð]ð]ð]ð]ð]ð]rr N)Ú svgwrite.baserÚsvgwrite.mixinsrrrrr rrrúr5sðð&Ð%Ð%Ð%Ð%Ð%Ø>Ð>Ð>Ð>Ð>Ð>Ð>Ð>Ð>Ð>Ð>Ð>ð1]ð1]ð1]ð1]ð1]ˆK˜ Hñ1]ô1]ð1]ð1]ð1]r