import sys from unittest import TestCase from testfixtures import Comparison as C, TempDirectory, diff, Comparison from testfixtures.tests.sample1 import SampleClassA, a_function class AClass: def __init__(self, x, y=None): self.x = x if y: self.y = y def __repr__(self): return '<'+self.__class__.__name__+'>' class BClass(AClass): pass class WeirdException(Exception): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y class X(object): __slots__ = ['x'] class FussyDefineComparison(object): def __init__(self, attr): self.attr = attr def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError() return False # pragma: no cover def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other # pragma: no cover def compare_repr(obj, expected): actual = diff(expected, repr(obj)) if actual: # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError(actual) class TestC(TestCase): def test_example(self): # In this pattern, we want to check a sequence is # of the correct type and order. r = a_function() self.assertEqual(r, ( C('testfixtures.tests.sample1.SampleClassA'), C('testfixtures.tests.sample1.SampleClassB'), C('testfixtures.tests.sample1.SampleClassA'), )) # We also want to check specific parts of some # of the returned objects' attributes self.assertEqual(r[0].args[0], 1) self.assertEqual(r[1].args[0], 2) self.assertEqual(r[2].args[0], 3) def test_example_with_object(self): # Here we see compare an object with a Comparison # based on an object of the same type and with the # same attributes: self.assertEqual( C(AClass(1, 2)), AClass(1, 2), ) # ...even though the original class doesn't support # meaningful comparison: self.assertNotEqual( AClass(1, 2), AClass(1, 2), ) def test_example_with_vars(self): # Here we use a Comparison to make sure both the # type and attributes of an object are correct. self.assertEqual( C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', x=1, y=2), AClass(1, 2), ) def test_example_with_odd_vars(self): # If the variable names class with parameters to the # Comparison constructor, they can be specified in a # dict: self.assertEqual( C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', {'x': 1, 'y': 2}), AClass(1, 2), ) def test_example_partial(self): self.assertEqual( C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', x=1, partial=True), AClass(1, 2), ) def test_example_dont_use_c_wrappers_on_both_sides(self): # NB: don't use C wrappers on both sides! e = ValueError('some message') x, y = C(e), C(e) assert x != y compare_repr(x, "wrong type") compare_repr(y, "args: ('some message',)") def test_repr_module(self): compare_repr(C('datetime'), '') def test_repr_class(self): compare_repr(C('testfixtures.tests.sample1.SampleClassA'), '') def test_repr_function(self): compare_repr(C('testfixtures.tests.sample1.z'), '') def test_repr_instance(self): compare_repr(C(SampleClassA('something')), "" "args: ('something',)" "" ) def test_repr_exception(self): compare_repr(C(ValueError('something')), "args: ('something',)") def test_repr_exception_not_args(self): compare_repr( C(WeirdException(1, 2)), "\n\n" "args: (1, 2)\n" "x: 1\n" "y: 2\n" "" ) def test_repr_class_and_vars(self): compare_repr( C(SampleClassA, {'args': (1,)}), "args: (1,)" ) def test_repr_nested(self): compare_repr( C(SampleClassA, y=C(AClass), z=C(BClass(1, 2))), "\n" "\n" "y: \n" "z: \n" " \n" " x: 1\n" " y: 2\n" " \n" "" ) def test_repr_failed_wrong_class(self): c = C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', x=1, y=2) assert c != BClass(1, 2) compare_repr(c, "" "wrong type" ) def test_repr_failed_all_reasons_in_one(self): c = C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', y=5, z='missing') assert c != AClass(1, 2) compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes in Comparison but not actual:\n" "'z': 'missing'\n\n" "attributes in actual but not Comparison:\n" "'x': 1\n\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'y': 5 (Comparison) != 2 (actual)\n" "", ) def test_repr_failed_not_in_other(self): c = C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', x=1, y=2, z=(3, )) assert c != AClass(1, 2) compare_repr(c , "\n" "\n" "attributes same:\n" "['x', 'y']\n\n" "attributes in Comparison but not actual:\n" "'z': (3,)\n" "", ) def test_repr_failed_not_in_self(self): c = C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', y=2) assert c != AClass(x=(1, ), y=2) compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes same:\n" "['y']\n\n" "attributes in actual but not Comparison:\n" "'x': (1,)\n" "", ) def test_repr_failed_not_in_self_partial(self): c = C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', x=1, y=2, z=(3, ), partial=True) assert c != AClass(x=1, y=2) compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes same:\n" "['x', 'y']\n\n" "attributes in Comparison but not actual:\n" "'z': (3,)\n" "", ) def test_repr_failed_one_attribute_not_equal(self): c = C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', x=1, y=(2, )) assert c != AClass(1, (3, )) compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes same:\n" "['x']\n\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'y': (2,) (Comparison) != (3,) (actual)\n" "", ) def test_repr_failed_nested(self): left_side = [C(AClass, x=1, y=2), C(BClass, x=C(AClass, x=1, y=2), y=C(AClass))] right_side = [AClass(1, 3), AClass(1, 3)] # do the comparison left_side == right_side compare_repr( left_side, "[\n" "\n" "attributes same:\n" "['x']\n\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'y': 2 (Comparison) != 3 (actual)\n" ", \n" "\n" "x: \n" " \n" " x: 1\n" " y: 2\n" " \n" "y: \n" "]" ) compare_repr(right_side, "[, ]") def test_repr_failed_nested_failed(self): left_side = [C(AClass, x=1, y=2), C(BClass, x=C(AClass, x=1, partial=True), y=C(AClass, z=2))] right_side = [AClass(1, 2), BClass(AClass(1, 2), AClass(1, 2))] # do the comparison left_side == right_side compare_repr( left_side, "[\n" "\n" "x: 1\n" "y: 2\n" ", \n" "\n" "attributes same:\n" "['x']\n\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'y': \n" "\n" "attributes in Comparison but not actual:\n" "'z': 2\n\n" "attributes in actual but not Comparison:\n" "'x': 1\n" "'y': 2\n" " (Comparison) != (actual)\n" "]", ) compare_repr(right_side, '[, ]') def test_repr_failed_passed_failed(self): c = C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.AClass', x=1, y=2) assert c != AClass(1, 3) compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes same:\n" "['x']\n\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'y': 2 (Comparison) != 3 (actual)\n" "", ) assert c == AClass(1, 2) assert c != AClass(3, 2) compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes same:\n" "['y']\n\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'x': 1 (Comparison) != 3 (actual)\n" "", ) def test_first(self): self.assertEqual( C('testfixtures.tests.sample1.SampleClassA'), SampleClassA() ) def test_second(self): self.assertEqual( SampleClassA(), C('testfixtures.tests.sample1.SampleClassA'), ) def test_not_same_first(self): self.assertNotEqual( C('datetime'), SampleClassA() ) def test_not_same_second(self): self.assertNotEqual( SampleClassA(), C('datetime') ) def test_object_supplied(self): self.assertEqual( SampleClassA(1), C(SampleClassA(1)) ) def test_class_and_vars(self): self.assertEqual( SampleClassA(1), C(SampleClassA, {'args': (1,)}) ) def test_class_and_kw(self): self.assertEqual( SampleClassA(1), C(SampleClassA, args=(1,)) ) def test_class_and_vars_and_kw(self): self.assertEqual( AClass(1, 2), C(AClass, {'x': 1}, y=2) ) def test_object_and_vars(self): # vars passed are used instead of the object's self.assertEqual( SampleClassA(1), C(SampleClassA(), {'args': (1,)}) ) def test_object_and_kw(self): # kws passed are used instead of the object's self.assertEqual( SampleClassA(1), C(SampleClassA(), args=(1,)) ) def test_object_partial(self): # only attributes on comparison object # are used self.assertEqual( C(AClass(1), partial=True), AClass(1, 2), ) def run_property_equal_test(self, partial): class SomeClass(object): @property def prop(self): return 1 self.assertEqual( C(SomeClass, prop=1, partial=partial), SomeClass() ) def test_property_equal(self): self.run_property_equal_test(partial=False) def test_property_equal_partial(self): self.run_property_equal_test(partial=True) def run_property_not_equal_test(self, partial): class SomeClass(object): @property def prop(self): return 1 c = C(SomeClass, prop=2, partial=partial) self.assertNotEqual(c, SomeClass()) compare_repr( c, "\n" "\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'prop': 2 (Comparison) != 1 (actual)\n" "") def test_property_not_equal(self): self.run_property_not_equal_test(partial=False) def test_property_not_equal_partial(self): self.run_property_not_equal_test(partial=True) def run_method_equal_test(self, partial): class SomeClass(object): def method(self): pass # pragma: no cover instance = SomeClass() self.assertEqual( C(SomeClass, method=instance.method, partial=partial), instance ) def test_method_equal(self): self.run_method_equal_test(partial=False) def test_method_equal_partial(self): self.run_method_equal_test(partial=True) def run_method_not_equal_test(self, partial): class SomeClass(object): pass instance = SomeClass() instance.method = min c = C(SomeClass, method=max, partial=partial) self.assertNotEqual(c, instance) compare_repr( c, "\n" "\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'method': (Comparison)" " != (actual)\n" "" ) def test_method_not_equal(self): self.run_method_not_equal_test(partial=False) def test_method_not_equal_partial(self): self.run_method_not_equal_test(partial=True) def test_exception(self): self.assertEqual( ValueError('foo'), C(ValueError('foo')) ) def test_exception_class_and_args(self): self.assertEqual( ValueError('foo'), C(ValueError, args=('foo', )) ) def test_exception_instance_and_args(self): self.assertEqual( ValueError('foo'), C(ValueError('bar'), args=('foo', )) ) def test_exception_not_same(self): self.assertNotEqual( ValueError('foo'), C(ValueError('bar')) ) def test_exception_no_args_different(self): self.assertNotEqual( WeirdException(1, 2), C(WeirdException(1, 3)) ) def test_exception_no_args_same(self): self.assertEqual( C(WeirdException(1, 2)), WeirdException(1, 2) ) def test_repr_file_different(self): with TempDirectory() as d: path = d.write('file', b'stuff') f = open(path) f.close() c = C('io.TextIOWrapper', name=path, mode='r', closed=False, partial=True) assert f != c compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes same:\n" "['mode', 'name']\n\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'closed': False (Comparison) != True (actual)\n" "", ) def test_file_same(self): with TempDirectory() as d: path = d.write('file', b'stuff') f = open(path) f.close() self.assertEqual( f, C('io.TextIOWrapper', name=path, mode='r', closed=True, partial=True) ) def test_no___dict___strict(self): c = C(X, x=1) assert c != X() compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes in Comparison but not actual:\n" "'x': 1\n" "") def test_no___dict___partial_same(self): x = X() x.x = 1 self.assertEqual(C(X, x=1, partial=True), x) def test_no___dict___partial_missing_attr(self): c = C(X, x=1, partial=True) assert c != X() compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes in Comparison but not actual:\n" "'x': 1\n" "", ) def test_no___dict___partial_different(self): x = X() x.x = 2 c = C(X, x=1, y=2, partial=True) assert c != x compare_repr(c, "\n" "\n" "attributes in Comparison but not actual:\n" "'y': 2\n\n" "attributes differ:\n" "'x': 1 (Comparison) != 2 (actual)\n" "", ) def test_compared_object_defines_eq(self): # If an object defines eq, such as Django instances, # things become tricky class Annoying: def __init__(self): self.eq_called = 0 def __eq__(self, other): self.eq_called += 1 if isinstance(other, Annoying): return True return False self.assertEqual(Annoying(), Annoying()) # Suddenly, order matters. # This order is wrong, as it uses the class's __eq__: self.assertFalse(Annoying() == C(Annoying)) # but on __eq__ is used as a fallback: self.assertTrue(Annoying() != C(Annoying)) # This is the right ordering: self.assertTrue(C(Annoying) == Annoying()) self.assertFalse(C(Annoying) != Annoying()) # When the ordering is right, you still get the useful # comparison representation afterwards c = C(Annoying, eq_called=1) c == Annoying() compare_repr( c, '\n\n' 'attributes differ:\n' "'eq_called': 1 (Comparison) != 0 (actual)\n" '' ) def test_importerror(self): assert C(ImportError('x')) == ImportError('x') def test_class_defines_comparison_strictly(self): self.assertEqual( C('testfixtures.tests.test_comparison.FussyDefineComparison', attr=1), FussyDefineComparison(1) ) def test_cant_resolve(self): try: C('testfixtures.bonkers') except Exception as e: self.assertTrue(isinstance(e, AttributeError)) self.assertEqual( e.args, ("'testfixtures.bonkers' could not be resolved", ) ) else:'No exception raised!') def test_no_name(self): class NoName(object): pass NoName.__name__ = '' NoName.__module__ = '' c = C(NoName) self.assertEqual(repr(c), ".NoName'>>") def test_missing_expected_attribute_not_partial(self): class MyClass(object): def __init__(self, **attrs): self.__dict__.update(attrs) c = Comparison(MyClass, b=2, c=3, partial=False) assert c != MyClass(a=1, b=2) def test_missing_expected_attribute_partial(self): class MyClass(object): def __init__(self, **attrs): self.__dict__.update(attrs) c = Comparison(MyClass, b=2, c=3, partial=True) assert c != MyClass(a=1, b=2) def test_extra_expected_attribute_not_partial(self): class MyClass(object): def __init__(self, **attrs): self.__dict__.update(attrs) c = Comparison(MyClass, a=1, partial=False) assert c != MyClass(a=1, b=2) def test_extra_expected_attribute_partial(self): class MyClass(object): def __init__(self, **attrs): self.__dict__.update(attrs) c = Comparison(MyClass, a=1, partial=True) assert c == MyClass(a=1, b=2)