""" A facade for either :mod:`unittest.mock` or its `rolling backport`__, if it is installed, with a preference for the latter as it may well have newer functionality and bugfixes. The facade also contains any bugfixes that are critical to the operation of functionality provided by testfixtures. __ https://mock.readthedocs.io """ import sys try: from mock import * from mock.mock import _Call from mock.mock import call as mock_call from mock import version_info as backport_version except ImportError: backport_version = None class MockCall: pass mock_call = MockCall() try: from unittest.mock import * from unittest.mock import _Call except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pass has_backport = backport_version is not None if not ( (has_backport and backport_version[:3] > (2, 0, 0)) or (sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0) and not has_backport) or (3, 6, 7) < sys.version_info[:3] < (3, 7, 0) or sys.version_info[:3] > (3, 7, 1) ): # pragma: no cover raise ImportError('Please upgrade Python (you have {}) or Mock Backport (You have {})'.format( sys.version_info, backport_version )) parent_name = '_mock_parent'