bgo8ddlmZddlmZGddeZGddeeZGddeZGd d eZ Gd d eZ Gd deZ GddeZ GddeZ GddeZGddeZGddeZGddeZGddeZGddeZGdd eZGd!d"eeZGd#d$eZGd%d&eZGd'd(eeZd)S)*) annotations) CollectionceZdZdS) TOMLKitErrorN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__c/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tomlkit/exceptions.pyrrsDr rcReZdZdZd dfd Zed Zed ZxZS) ParseErrorz This error occurs when the parser encounters a syntax error in the TOML being parsed. The error references the line and location within the line where the error was encountered. Nlineintcolmessage str | NonereturnNonec||_||_|d}t|d|jd|jdS)NzTOML parse errorz at line z col )_line_colsuper__init__selfrrr __class__s r rzParseError.__init__sS  ?(G GJJdjJJtyJJKKKKKr c|jSN)rrs r rzParseError.lines zr c|jSr)rr s r rzParseError.cols yr rrrrrrrrr) rrr __doc__rpropertyrr __classcell__rs@r rr s LLLLLLLXXr rc$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) MixedArrayTypesErrorz@ An array was found that had two or more element types. rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)NzMixed types found in arrayrrrrs r rzMixedArrayTypesError.__init__(s-. sG44444r rrrrrrrrr r#rr%r&s@r r(r(#G5555555555r r(c$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) InvalidNumberErrorz3 A numeric field was improperly specified. rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)NzInvalid numberr*r+rs r rzInvalidNumberError.__init__3s-" sG44444r r,r-r&s@r r0r0.r.r r0c$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) InvalidDateTimeErrorz4 A datetime field was improperly specified. rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)NzInvalid datetimer*r+rs r rzInvalidDateTimeError.__init__>-$ sG44444r r,r-r&s@r r3r39r.r r3c$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) InvalidDateError0 A date field was improperly specified. rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)Nz Invalid dater*r+rs r rzInvalidDateError.__init__I-  sG44444r r,r-r&s@r r7r7Dr.r r7c$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) InvalidTimeErrorr8rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)Nz Invalid timer*r+rs r rzInvalidTimeError.__init__Tr:r r,r-r&s@r r<r<Or.r r<c$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) InvalidNumberOrDateErrorz; A numeric or date field was improperly specified. rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)NzInvalid number or date formatr*r+rs r rz!InvalidNumberOrDateError.__init___s-1 sG44444r r,r-r&s@r r?r?Zr.r r?c$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) InvalidUnicodeValueErrorz2 A unicode code was improperly specified. rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)NzInvalid unicode valuer*r+rs r rz!InvalidUnicodeValueError.__init__js-) sG44444r r,r-r&s@r rBrBer.r rBc$eZdZdZd fd ZxZS) UnexpectedCharErrorz; An unexpected character was found during parsing. rrrcharstrrrctdt|}t|||dS)NzUnexpected character: r*reprrrrrrrFrrs r rzUnexpectedCharError.__init__us;74::77 sG44444r rrrrrFrGrrr-r&s@r rErEpr.r rEc$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) EmptyKeyErrorz0 An empty key was found during parsing. rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)Nz Empty keyr*r+rs r rzEmptyKeyError.__init__s- sG44444r r,r-r&s@r rNrN{r.r rNc$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) EmptyTableNameErrorz7 An empty table name was found during parsing. rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)NzEmpty table namer*r+rs r rzEmptyTableNameError.__init__r5r r,r-r&s@r rQrQr.r rQc$eZdZdZd fd ZxZS) InvalidCharInStringErrorz@ The string being parsed contains an invalid character. rrrrFrGrrcvdt|d}t|||dS)NzInvalid character z in stringr*rIrKs r rz!InvalidCharInStringError.__init__s>=tDzz=== sG44444r rLr-r&s@r rTrTr.r rTc$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) UnexpectedEofErrorzD The TOML being parsed ended before the end of a statement. rrrrrcTd}t|||dS)NzUnexpected end of filer*r+rs r rzUnexpectedEofError.__init__s-* sG44444r r,r-r&s@r rWrWr.r rWc&eZdZdZd d fd ZxZS) InternalParserErrorz6 An error that indicates a bug in the parser. Nrrrrrrrcjd}|r |d|dz }t|||dS)NzInternal parser errorz ()r*r+)rrrrmsgrs r rzInternalParserError.__init__sG%  # ???? "C sC00000r rr"r-r&s@r rZrZsL11111111111r rZc"eZdZdZfdZxZS)NonExistentKeyz& A non-existent key was used. cVd|d}t|dS)NKey "z" does not exist.r+rkeyrrs r rzNonExistentKey.__init__s10#000 !!!!!r r-r&s@r r_r_sB"""""""""r r_c"eZdZdZfdZxZS)KeyAlreadyPresentz* An already present key was used. cxt|d|}d|d}t|dS)Nrcraz" already exists.)getattrrrrbs r rzKeyAlreadyPresent.__init__sBc5#&&0#000 !!!!!r r-r&s@r reresB"""""""""r rec eZdZd fd ZxZS) InvalidControlCharrrrrFtyperGrrcd}|dkr|dz }|t|ddz }d|d|d}t|||dS) Nz\u000zFControl characters (codes less than 0x1f and 0x7f) are not allowed in z, use z insteadr*)hexrr)rrrrFrj display_coderrs r rzInvalidControlChar.__init__s "99 C LD !"" %  *#' * * * * *  sG44444r ) rrrrrFrrjrGrrrrr rr%r&s@r riris=5555555555r ric eZdZdfd ZxZS)InvalidStringErrorvaluerGinvalid_sequencesCollection[str] delimiterc t|dd}td|||d|ddS)NzInvalid string: z. The character sequences z are invalid.rI)rrtrurwrepr_rs r rzInvalidStringError.__init__svU AbD!  Hy H% H H H'8 H H H     r )rtrGrurvrwrGrqr&s@r rsrss=          r rsN) __future__rtypingr Exceptionr ValueErrorrr(r0r3r7r<r?rBrErNrQrTrWrZKeyErrorr_rerirsr r r rsW""""""     9   \255555:5555555555555555:55555555z55555555z55555555z55555555z55555555*55555555J55555555*55555555z55555555555 1 1 1 1 1* 1 1 1"""""X|""" " " " " " " " "55555555$     \     r