§ ‰Ñ g ãód—dZddlmZGd„d¦«ZGd„de¦«ZGd„de¦«ZGd „d e¦«ZGd „d e¦«ZGd „de¦«ZGd„de¦«Z Gd„de ¦«Z Gd„de ¦«Z Gd„de ¦«Z Gd„de ¦«Z Gd„de¦«ZdS)z8 Module contains various exceptions raised by this api. é)ÚFormattedExceptioncó"—eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdS)Ú ErrorMessagezL Documented constants that can be received from vendors scripts ÚInternalAPIErrorÚPermissionDeniedÚ BadRequestÚNotFoundN)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__ÚINTERNAL_ERRORÚPERMISSION_DENIEDÚ BAD_REQUESTÚ NOT_FOUND©óú–/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python27-cllib-3.4.22-1.el8.cloudlinux.x86_64/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/vendors_api/exceptions.pyrrs/€€€€€ððð(€NØ*ÐØ€KØ€I€I€Irrcó"‡—eZdZdZˆfd„ZˆxZS)ÚVendorScriptErrorz0 Any errors related to vendors scripts. c óP•—t¦« ||dœ¦«dS)N)ÚmessageÚcontext©ÚsuperÚ__init__)ÚselfrrÚ __class__s €rrzVendorScriptError.__init__s9ø€Ý ‰Œ×ÒØØð ð ñ ô ð ð ð r©r r r r rÚ __classcell__©rs@rrrsBø€€€€€ððð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð rrcó—eZdZdZdS)ÚUnexpectedResultzc An error that is raised in case of any unexpected results returned by vendors script. N©r r r r rrrr#r#%ó€€€€€ððð €Drr#có"‡—eZdZdZˆfd„ZˆxZS)ÚMalformedErrorzV An error that is raised in case of malformed output that we cannot parse cóN•—t¦« d|¬¦«dS)NzXvendor api returned invalid response that cannot be parsed with json, output: %(output)s)Úoutputr)rr)rs €rrzMalformedError.__init__2s6ø€Ý ‰Œ×Òð =àð ñ ô ð ð ð rrr!s@rr'r'-óBø€€€€€ððð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð rr'có—eZdZdZdS)ÚBadScriptErrorzY An error that is raised when we cannot run vendor's script for some reason. Nr$rrrr,r,:r%rr,có"‡—eZdZdZˆfd„ZˆxZS)ÚNotImplementedByVendorzR Raised when we try to start script that is not implemented by vendor cóN•—t¦« d|¬¦«dS)NzdCommand `%(command)s` is not implemented in integration scripts. Please, implement it and try again.)Úcommandr)rr0rs €rrzNotImplementedByVendor.__init__Gs7ø€Ý ‰Œ×Òð Jàð ñ ô ð ð ð rrr!s@rr.r.Br*rr.có"‡—eZdZdZˆfd„ZˆxZS)Ú_VendorApiFailedz9 Bunch of api errors returned by vendors scripts cóL•—t¦« |¬¦«dS)N)rr)rrrs €rrz_VendorApiFailed.__init__Ss$ø€Ý ‰Œ×Ò ÐÑ)Ô)Ð)Ð)Ð)rrr!s@rr2r2OsBø€€€€€ððð*ð*ð*ð*ð*ð*ð*ð*ð*rr2có—eZdZdZdS)Ú InternalErrorzœ n case when data is temporarily unavailable due to internal errors in the integration script (database unavailable or something like that) Nr$rrrr5r5Ws€€€€€ððð  €Drr5có—eZdZdZdS)rzh In case when data is unavailable due to restricted access of a user that called the script Nr$rrrrr`r%rrcó—eZdZdZdS)rzQ In case when known to be false arguments are passed to the utility. Nr$rrrrrhr%rrcó—eZdZdZdS)r ze In case when during data filtering the target entity doesn't exist in the control panel Nr$rrrr r pr%rr có"‡—eZdZdZˆfd„ZˆxZS)ÚVendorApiMalformedDataz5 Raised when vendor script returns bad data. cóN•—t¦« d|¬¦«dS)NzwIntegration script returned invalid response which is not accepted by internal schema check. See error below. %(error)s)Úerrorr)rr<rs €rrzVendorApiMalformedData.__init__|s8ø€Ý ‰Œ×Òð ðð ñ ô ð ð ð rrr!s@rr:r:xsBø€€€€€ððð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð rr:N)r Úclcommonrrrr#r'r,r.r2r5rrr r:rrrúr>s.ðððð(Ð'Ð'Ð'Ð'Ð'ðððððñôðð ð ð ð ð Ð*ñ ô ð ð ð ð ð ð Ð(ñ ô ð ð  ð  ð  ð  ð  Ð&ñ  ô  ð  ð ð ð ð ð Ð&ñ ô ð ð  ð  ð  ð  ð  Ð.ñ  ô  ð  ð*ð*ð*ð*ð*Ð(ñ*ô*ð*ð ð ð ð ð Ð$ñ ô ð ð ð ð ð ð Ð'ñ ô ð ð ð ð ð ð Ð!ñ ô ð ð ð ð ð ð Ðñ ô ð ð  ð  ð  ð  ð  Ð.ñ  ô  ð  ð  ð  r