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d0 1  rcdS)aDetermine if we can create a virtual environment. :param interpreter: the interpreter in question :return: ``None`` if we can't create, any other object otherwise that will be forwarded to :meth:`add_parser_arguments` Tr)clsr s r can_createzCreator.can_create7s trc|dd|j|ddddd |d d dd d d S)aAdd CLI arguments for the creator. :param parser: the CLI parser :param app_data: the application data folder :param interpreter: the interpreter we're asked to create virtual environment for :param meta: value as returned by :meth:`can_create` r"z!directory to create virtualenv at)helptypez--clearr# store_truezZremove the destination directory if exist before starting (will overwrite files otherwise)F)r"actionr=defaultz--no-vcs-ignorer$z>don't create VCS ignore directive in the destination directoryN) add_argument validate_dest)r:parserr metar's radd_parser_argumentszCreator.add_parser_argumentsAs  4"     m       Q      rct)z)Perform the virtual environment creation.)NotImplementedErrorrs rcreatezCreator.create^s "!rc<d}tj}t}|dkrddini}t|D]N} |j|fi||}||kr+t |#t $rd||<YKwxYw|rAd|}d|d|d |} t| tj |vr%d |d tj d } t| d t|} | r'| rtd| dttjt| } | } | rq| r9tjt| tjrn0|| | | j| j} } | | kr || | | } | qt| S)zANo path separator in the path, valid chars and must be write-ablecttj|j|jg}t d||d|)Nthe destination z is not write-able at )rospath commonprefixpartsr relative_to)r"valuecommons rnon_write_ablez-Creator.validate_dest..non_write_ablegsS27//dj0IJJKF#$ot7G7G7O7O$o$ogm$o$opp prmbcserrorsignoreNzthe file system codec (z) cannot handle characters z within z destination z& must not contain the path separator (r2z+ as this would break the activation scriptsrLz already exists and is a file)sysgetfilesystemencodingrr8encodedecode ValueErrorr4keysrrMpathseprexistsis_filerNabspathresolveaccessW_OKparentname)r: raw_valuerTencodingrefusedkwargschartripbadmsgrRr"base_s rrCzCreator.validate_destcs] q q q ,..--)1V););(H%% NN % %D %"t{866v66==hGG4<< &&& % % % $  %  )''',,..))CmHmmQTmm`immC#C(( ( : " "aaaTVT^aaaC#s$W$W$WXX XY <<>> ]emmoo ]#$[u$[$[$[\\ \BGOOCJJ//0088:: {{}} 09SYY000"N4///k49!Dt||tU+++D 5zzs'A:+A::B  B c,|jr5|jr.tjd|jt |j|||js| dSdS)Nz delete %s) r"r`r#loggingdebugr rI set_pyenv_cfgr$setup_ignore_vcsrs rrunz Creator.runs 9     #$* # M+ty 1 1 1  " " "  ! 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