a:3:{s:8:"26_88995";a:5:{s:5:"insid";s:8:"26_88995";s:8:"from_ver";s:5:"6.7.1";s:6:"to_ver";s:5:"6.7.2";s:10:"error_code";i:1;s:5:"error";s:210:"The pre upgrade checks FAILED as external URL(s) could not be accessed. This might be due to allow_url_fopen() disabled on your server or CURL failed to access the URL. Hence Auto upgrade can not be performed.";}s:8:"26_44434";a:5:{s:5:"insid";s:8:"26_44434";s:8:"from_ver";s:5:"6.7.1";s:6:"to_ver";s:5:"6.7.2";s:10:"error_code";i:1;s:5:"error";s:210:"The pre upgrade checks FAILED as external URL(s) could not be accessed. This might be due to allow_url_fopen() disabled on your server or CURL failed to access the URL. Hence Auto upgrade can not be performed.";}s:8:"26_84576";a:5:{s:5:"insid";s:8:"26_84576";s:8:"from_ver";s:5:"6.7.1";s:6:"to_ver";s:5:"6.7.2";s:10:"error_code";i:1;s:5:"error";s:210:"The pre upgrade checks FAILED as external URL(s) could not be accessed. This might be due to allow_url_fopen() disabled on your server or CURL failed to access the URL. Hence Auto upgrade can not be performed.";}}