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did you mean %qs?--help argument %q.*s is ambiguous, please be more specificunrecognized argument to --help= option: %q.*s-Werror=%s: -%s is not an option that controls warningsgetting core file size maximum limit: %msetting core file size limit to maximum: %munrecognized gcc debugging option: %cHSA has not been enabled during configuration%<-foffload-abi%> option can be specified only for offload compilerstructure alignment must be a small power of two, not %dinvalid arguments for %<-fpatchable_function_entry%>unknown stack check parameter %qs%<-gdwarf%s%> is ambiguous; use %<-gdwarf-%s%> for DWARF version or %<-gdwarf -g%s%> for debug leveldwarf version %d is not supporteddebug format %qs conflicts with prior selectionunrecognized debug output level %qsdebug output level %qs is too highargument to %<-O%> should be a non-negative integer, %, % or %section anchors must be disabled when unit-at-a-time is disabledtoplevel reorder must be disabled when unit-at-a-time is disabledtransactional memory is not supported with non-call exceptionssection anchors must be disabled when toplevel reorder is disabled%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> does not work with exceptions on this architecture%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> does not support unwind info on this architecture%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> does not work on this architecture%<-fno-fat-lto-objects%> are supported only with linker plugin%<-gsplit-dwarf%> is not supported with LTO, disabling%<-fsplit-stack%> is not supported by this compiler configuration%<-fsanitize=pointer-compare%> must be combined with %<-fsanitize=address%> or %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-fsanitize=pointer-subtract%> must be combined with %<-fsanitize=address%> or %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-fsanitize=address%> is incompatible with %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-fsanitize=address%> and %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%> are incompatible with %<-fsanitize=thread%>%<-fsanitize=leak%> is incompatible with %<-fsanitize=thread%>%<-fsanitize-recover=%s%> is not supported%<-fsanitize-address-use-after-scope%> requires %<-fstack-reuse=none%> optiontransactional memory is not supported with %<-fsanitize=address%>transactional memory is not supported with %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>live patching is not supported with LTO%<-fipa-cp-clone%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static%>%<-fipa-sra%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static%>%<-fpartial-inlining%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static%>%<-fipa-cp%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static%>%<-fwhole-program%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>%<-fipa-pta%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>%<-fipa-reference%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>%<-fipa-ra%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>%<-fipa-icf%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>%<-fipa-icf-functions%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>%<-fipa-icf-variables%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>%<-fipa-bit-cp%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>%<-fipa-vrp%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>%<-fipa-pure-const%> is incompatible with %<-flive-patching=inline-only-static|inline-clone%>-falign-loops=%d is not between 0 and %d-falign-jumps=%d is not between 0 and %d-falign-functions=%d is not between 0 and %d-falign-labels=%d is not between 0 and %ddefault %d minimum %d maximum %dSame as %s. Use the latter option instead. No options with the desired characteristics were found None found. Use --help=%s to show *all* the options supported by the %s front-end. All options with the desired characteristics have already been displayed The following options are target specificThe following options control compiler warning messagesThe following options control optimizationsThe following options are language-independentThe --param option recognizes the following as parametersThe following options are specific to just the language The following options are supported by the language The following options are not documentedThe following options take separate argumentsThe following options take joined argumentsunrecognized include_flags 0x%x passed to print_specific_helpThe following options are language-relatedargument %qs to %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed%> not recognizedargument %qs to %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed%> unknown%<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=dir:...%> must allow at least as much as %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=ind:...%>%<-fsanitize=all%> option is not validunrecognized argument to -f%ssanitize%s= option: %q.*s; did you mean %qs?unrecognized argument to -f%ssanitize%s= option: %q.*s%<%s%> attribute directive ignored'''F''''F'''FF''''''F''''''''''''''''''''''''''x''''''''i'gL*L) MLWLMML%Mset_Wstrict_aliasingprint_specific_helpcommon_handle_optioncontrol_options_for_live_patchingmaybe_default_optioninit_options_structtarget_handle_option_B;!%&'D?)"<49>A8ZiDcEpH37BceC`d '*+!{ R&2=`5n Uses of this option are diagnosed.This option lacks documentation.sysbaseanynonegen:ord:ind:dir:dfn:../../gcc/opts-common.c-Werror=-Wno--W-fno--gno--g-mno--m--debug=--machine---machine-no---machine=--machine=no---machine--optimize=-O--std=--std--warn---warn-no-----no-unrecognized command line option %qscommand line option %qs is not supported by this configurationargument to %qs should be a non-negative integerargument to %qs is not between %d and %dunrecognized argument in option %qsvalid arguments to %qs are: %s; did you mean %qs?valid arguments to %qs are: %sHP6ѡѡ٢ǢsUU|U|UVUDcontrol_warning_optionread_cmdline_optiongenerate_optionprune_optionsgenerate_canonical_optiondecode_cmdline_optionadd_misspelling_candidatesopt_enum_arg_to_valueoptions.c-###--all-warnings--ansi--assemble--assertassertion missing after %qs--assert=--comments--comments-in-macros--compile--coverage--debug--define-macromacro name missing after %qs--define-macro=--dependencies--dump--dump=--dumpbase--dumpdir--entry--entry=--extra-warnings--for-assembler--for-assembler=--for-linker--for-linker=--force-link--force-link=--helpDisplay this information.--help=--imacrosmissing filename after %qs--imacros=--include--include-barrier--include-directorymissing path after %qs--include-directory-after--include-directory-after=--include-directory=--include-prefix--include-prefix=--include-with-prefix--include-with-prefix-after--include-with-prefix-after=--include-with-prefix-before--include-with-prefix-before=--include-with-prefix=--include=--language--language=--library-directory--library-directory=--no-canonical-prefixes--no-integrated-cpp--no-line-commands--no-standard-includes--no-standard-libraries--no-sysroot-suffix--no-warnings--optimize--output--output-pch=--output=--param--param=--pass-exit-codes--pedantic--pedantic-errors--pie--pipe--prefix--prefix=--preprocess--print-file-name--print-file-name=--print-libgcc-file-name--print-multi-directory--print-multi-lib--print-multi-os-directory--print-multiarch--print-prog-name--print-prog-name=--print-search-dirs--print-sysroot--profile--save-temps--shared--specs--specs=--static--static-pie--symbolic--sysroot--sysroot=--target-helpAlias for --help=target.--time--trace-includes--traditional--traditional-cpp--trigraphs--undefine-macro--undefine-macro=--user-dependencies--verbose--version--write-dependencies--write-user-dependencies-A-B-CDo not discard comments.-CC-D-E-F-H-I-J-L-MGenerate make dependencies.-MD-MF-MG-MM-MMD-MP-MQ-MT-N-Ofast-Og-Os-P-Q-Qn-Qy-R-S-T-Tbss-Tbss=-Tdata-Tdata=-Ttext-Ttext=-U-U Undefine .-Wa,-Wabi-Wabi-tag-Wabi=-Waddress-Waggregate-return-Waliasing-Walign-commons-Waligned-new-Waligned-new=-WallEnable most warning messages.-Walloc-size-larger-than=-Walloc-zero-WallocaWarn on any use of alloca.-Walloca-larger-than=-Wampersand-Wargument-mismatch-Warray-bounds-Warray-bounds=-Warray-temporaries-Wassign-intercept-Wattribute-alias-Wattributes-Wbad-function-cast-Wbidi-charsany-Wbidi-chars=-Wbool-compare-Wbool-operation-Wbuiltin-macro-redefined-Wc++-compat-Wc++0x-compat-Wc++11-compat-Wc++14-compat-Wc++17-compat-Wc++1z-compat-Wc-binding-type-Wc90-c99-compat-Wc99-c11-compat-Wcast-align-Wcast-align=strict-Wcast-function-type-Wcast-qual-Wcatch-value-Wcatch-value=-Wchar-subscripts-Wcharacter-truncation-Wchkp-Wclass-memaccess-Wclobbered-Wcomment-WcommentsSynonym for -Wcomment.-Wcompare-reals-Wconditionally-supported-Wconversion-Wconversion-extra-Wconversion-null-Wcoverage-mismatch-Wcpp-Wctor-dtor-privacy-Wdangling-elseWarn about dangling else.-Wdate-time-Wdeclaration-after-statement-Wdelete-incomplete-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor-Wdeprecated-Wdeprecated-declarations-Wdesignated-init-Wdisabled-optimization-Wdiscarded-array-qualifiers-Wdiscarded-qualifiers-Wdiv-by-zero-Wdo-subscript-Wdouble-promotion-Wduplicate-decl-specifier-Wduplicated-branches-Wduplicated-cond-Weffc++-Wempty-body-Wendif-labels-Wenum-compare-WerrorTreat all warnings as errors.implicit-function-declaration-Wexpansion-to-defined-Wextra-Wextra-semi-Wfatal-errors-Wfloat-conversion-Wfloat-equal-Wformat-Wformat-contains-nul-Wformat-extra-args-Wformat-nonliteral-Wformat-overflow-Wformat-overflow=-Wformat-security-Wformat-signedness-Wformat-truncation-Wformat-truncation=-Wformat-y2k-Wformat-zero-length-Wformat=-Wframe-address-Wframe-larger-than=-Wfree-nonheap-object-Wfrontend-loop-interchange-Wfunction-elimination-Whsa-Wif-not-aligned-Wignored-attributes-Wignored-qualifiers-Wimplicit-Wimplicit-fallthrough-Wimplicit-fallthrough=-Wimplicit-int-Wimplicit-interface-Wimplicit-procedure-Wimport-Wincompatible-pointer-types-Winherited-variadic-ctor-Winit-self-Winline-Wint-conversion-Wint-in-bool-context-Wint-to-pointer-cast-Winteger-division-Wintrinsic-shadow-Wintrinsics-std-Winvalid-memory-model-Winvalid-offsetof-Winvalid-pch-Wjump-misses-init-Wl,-Wlarger-than--Wlarger-than=-Wline-truncation-Wliteral-suffix-Wlogical-not-parentheses-Wlogical-op-Wlong-long-Wlto-type-mismatch-Wmain-Wmaybe-uninitialized-Wmemset-elt-size-Wmemset-transposed-args-Wmisleading-indentation-Wmissing-attributes-Wmissing-braces-Wmissing-declarations-Wmissing-field-initializers-Wmissing-format-attribute-Wmissing-include-dirs-Wmissing-noreturn-Wmissing-parameter-type-Wmissing-prototypes-Wmudflap-Wmultichar-Wmultiple-inheritance-Wmultistatement-macros-WnamespacesWarn on namespace definition.-Wnarrowing-Wnested-externs-Wnoexcept-Wnoexcept-type-Wnon-template-friend-Wnon-virtual-dtor-Wnonnull-Wnonnull-compare-Wnormalizednfc-Wnormalized=-Wnull-dereference-Wodr-Wold-style-cast-Wold-style-declaration-Wold-style-definition-Wopenmp-simd-Woverflow-Woverlength-strings-Woverloaded-virtual-Woverride-init-Woverride-init-side-effects-Wp,-Wpacked-Wpacked-bitfield-compat-Wpacked-not-aligned-Wpadded-Wparentheses-Wpedantic-Wplacement-new-Wplacement-new=-Wpmf-conversions-Wpointer-arith-Wpointer-compare-Wpointer-sign-Wpointer-to-int-cast-Wpragmas-Wproperty-assign-default-Wprotocol-Wpsabi-Wreal-q-constant-Wrealloc-lhs-Wrealloc-lhs-all-Wredundant-decls-Wregister-Wreorder-Wrestrict-Wreturn-local-addr-Wreturn-type-Wscalar-storage-order-Wselector-Wsequence-point-Wshadow-Wshadow-compatible-local-Wshadow-ivar-Wshadow-local-Wshadow=compatible-local-Wshadow=global-Wshadow=local-Wshift-count-negative-Wshift-count-overflow-Wshift-negative-value-Wshift-overflow-Wshift-overflow=-Wsign-compare-Wsign-conversion-Wsign-promo-Wsized-deallocation-Wsizeof-array-argument-Wsizeof-pointer-div-Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess-Wstack-protector-Wstack-usage=-Wstrict-aliasing-Wstrict-aliasing=-Wstrict-null-sentinel-Wstrict-overflow-Wstrict-overflow=-Wstrict-prototypes-Wstrict-selector-match-Wstringop-overflow-Wstringop-overflow=-Wstringop-truncation-Wsubobject-linkage-Wsuggest-attribute=cold-Wsuggest-attribute=const-Wsuggest-attribute=format-Wsuggest-attribute=malloc-Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn-Wsuggest-attribute=pure-Wsuggest-final-methods-Wsuggest-final-types-Wsuggest-override-Wsurprising-Wswitch-Wswitch-bool-Wswitch-default-Wswitch-enum-Wswitch-unreachable-Wsync-nand-Wsynth-Wsystem-headers-Wtabs-Wtarget-lifetime-Wtautological-compare-Wtemplates-Wterminate-Wtraditional-Wtraditional-conversion-Wtrampolines-Wtrigraphs-Wtype-limits-Wundeclared-selector-Wundef-Wundefined-do-loop-Wunderflow-Wuninitialized-Wunknown-pragmas-Wunreachable-code-Wunsafe-loop-optimizations-Wunsuffixed-float-constants-Wunused-Wunused-but-set-parameter-Wunused-but-set-variable-Wunused-const-variable-Wunused-const-variable=-Wunused-dummy-argument-Wunused-function-Wunused-labelWarn when a label is unused.-Wunused-local-typedefs-Wunused-macros-Wunused-parameter-Wunused-result-Wunused-value-Wunused-variable-Wuse-without-only-Wuseless-castWarn about useless casts.-Wvarargs-Wvariadic-macros-Wvirtual-inheritance-Wvirtual-move-assign-Wvla-Wvla-larger-than=-Wvolatile-register-var-Wwrite-strings-Wzerotrip-Xassembler-Xlinker-Xpreprocessor-Z-aux-info-aux-info=-auxbase-auxbase-stripEnable preprocessing.-cpp=-d-dumpfullversion-dumpmachine-dumpspecs-dumpversion-e-export-dynamic-fPIC-fRTS=Select the runtime.-fabi-compat-version=-fabi-version=-faccess-control-fada-spec-parent=-falign-commons-falign-functionsAlign the start of functions.-falign-functions=-falign-jumps-falign-jumps=-falign-labelsAlign all labels.-falign-labels=-falign-loopsAlign the start of loops.-falign-loops=-faligned-new-faligned-new=-fall-intrinsics-fall-virtual-fallow-leading-underscore-falt-external-templatesNo longer supported.-fargument-alias-fargument-noalias-fargument-noalias-anything-fargument-noalias-global-fasan-shadow-offset=-fasmRecognize the "asm" keyword.-fassociative-math-fasynchronous-unwind-tables-fauto-inc-dec-fauto-profile-fauto-profile=-fautomatic-fbackslash-fbacktrace-fblas-matmul-limit=-fbounds-check-fbranch-count-reg-fbranch-probabilities-fbranch-target-load-optimize-fbtr-bb-exclusive-fbuilding-libgcc-fbuiltinRecognize built-in functions.-fbuiltin--fbuiltin-printfIgnored.-fc-prototypes-fcall-saved--fcall-used--fcaller-saves-fcanonical-system-headers-fcf-protectionfull-fcf-protection=-fcheck-array-temporaries-fcheck-data-deps-fcheck-new-fcheck-pointer-bounds-fcheck=-fchecking-fchecking=-fchkp-check-incomplete-type-fchkp-check-read-fchkp-check-write-fchkp-instrument-calls-fchkp-instrument-marked-only-fchkp-narrow-bounds-fchkp-optimize-fchkp-store-bounds-fchkp-use-static-bounds-fchkp-use-wrappers-fcilkplus-fcoarray=-fcode-hoistingEnable code hoisting.-fcombine-stack-adjustments-fcommon-fcompare-debug-fcompare-debug-second-fcompare-debug=-fcompare-elim-fconcepts-fcond-mismatch-fconserve-space-fconserve-stack-fconstant-string-class=-fconstexpr-depth=-fconstexpr-loop-limit=-fconvert=-fcprop-registers-fcray-pointer-fcrossjumping-fcse-follow-jumps-fcse-skip-blocks-fcx-fortran-rules-fcx-limited-range-fd-lines-as-code-fd-lines-as-comments-fdata-sections-fdbg-cnt-list-fdbg-cnt=-fdce-fdebug-cpp-fdebug-prefix-map=-fdebug-types-section-fdec-fdec-intrinsic-ints-fdec-math-fdec-static-fdec-structure-fdeclone-ctor-dtor-fdeduce-init-list-fdefault-double-8-fdefault-inline-fdefault-integer-8-fdefault-real-10-fdefault-real-16-fdefault-real-8-fdefer-pop-fdelayed-branch-fdelete-dead-exceptions-fdelete-null-pointer-checks-fdevirtualize-fdevirtualize-at-ltrans-fdevirtualize-speculatively-fdiagnostics-colornever-fdiagnostics-color=-fdiagnostics-generate-patch-fdiagnostics-show-caret-fdiagnostics-show-location=-fdiagnostics-show-option-fdirectives-onlyPreprocess directives only.-fdisable--fdollar-ok-fdollars-in-identifiers-fdse-fdump--fdump-ada-spec-fdump-ada-spec-slim-fdump-core-fdump-final-insns-fdump-final-insns=-fdump-fortran-optimized-fdump-fortran-original-fdump-go-spec=-fdump-internal-locations-fdump-noaddr-fdump-parse-tree-fdump-passesDump optimization passes.-fdump-unnumbered-fdump-unnumbered-links-fdwarf2-cfi-asm-fearly-inliningPerform early inlining.-felide-constructors-felide-type-feliminate-dwarf2-dups-femit-class-debug-always-femit-struct-debug-baseonly-femit-struct-debug-detailed=-femit-struct-debug-reduced-fenable--fenforce-eh-specs-fenum-int-equiv-fexceptionsEnable exception handling.-fexcess-precision=-fexec-charset=-fexpensive-optimizations-fext-numeric-literals-fextended-identifiers-fextern-tls-init-fexternal-blas-fexternal-templates-ff2cUse f2c calling convention.-ffast-math-ffat-lto-objects-ffile-prefix-map=-ffinite-math-only-ffixed--ffixed-form-ffixed-line-length--ffixed-line-length-none-ffloat-store-ffor-scope-fforce-addr-fforward-propagate-ffp-contract=-ffp-int-builtin-inexact-ffpe-summary=-ffpe-trap=-ffree-form-ffree-line-length--ffree-line-length-none-ffreestanding-ffriend-injection-ffrontend-loop-interchange-ffrontend-optimize-ffunction-cse-ffunction-sections-fgcse-fgcse-after-reload-fgcse-las-fgcse-lm-fgcse-sm-fgimpleEnable parsing GIMPLE.-fgnat-encodings=-fgnu-keywords-fgnu-runtime-fgnu-tm-fgnu-unique-fgnu89-inline-fgo-c-header=-fgo-check-divide-overflow-fgo-check-divide-zero-fgo-compiling-runtime-fgo-debug-escape-fgo-debug-escape-hash=-fgo-dump--fgo-optimize--fgo-pkgpath=-fgo-prefix=-fgo-relative-import-path=-fgraphite-fgraphite-identity-fguess-branch-probability-fguiding-decls-fhandle-exceptions-fhelp-fhelp=-fhoist-adjacent-loads-fhonor-std-fhosted-fhuge-objects-fidentProcess #ident directives.-fif-conversion-fif-conversion2-fimplement-inlines-fimplicit-inline-templates-fimplicit-none-fimplicit-templates-findirect-inliningPerform indirect inlining.-finhibit-size-directive-finit-character=-finit-derived-finit-integer=-finit-local-zero-finit-logical=-finit-real=-finline-finline-atomics-finline-functions-finline-limit--finline-limit=-finline-matmul-limit=-finline-small-functions-finput-charset=-finstrument-functions-finteger-4-integer-8-fintrinsic-modules-path-fintrinsic-modules-path=-fipa-bit-cp-fipa-cp-fipa-cp-alignment-fipa-cp-clone-fipa-icf-fipa-icf-functions-fipa-icf-variables-fipa-matrix-reorg-fipa-profile-fipa-pta-fipa-pure-const-fipa-ra-fipa-reference-fipa-sra-fipa-struct-reorg-fipa-vrp-fira-algorithm=-fira-hoist-pressure-fira-loop-pressure-fira-region=-fira-share-save-slots-fira-share-spill-slots-fira-verbose=-fivar-visibility=-fivopts-fjump-tables-fkeep-gc-roots-live-fkeep-inline-dllexport-fkeep-inline-functions-fkeep-static-consts-fkeep-static-functions-flabels-ok-flax-vector-conversions-fleading-underscore-flifetime-dse-flifetime-dse=-flimit-function-alignment-flinker-output=-flive-patchinginline-clone-flive-patching=-flive-range-shrinkage-flocal-ivars-floop-block-floop-flatten-floop-interchange-floop-nest-optimize-floop-optimize-floop-parallelize-allMark all loops as parallel.-floop-strip-mine-floop-unroll-and-jam-flra-remat-flto-flto-compression-level=-flto-odr-type-merging-flto-partition=-flto-report-flto-report-wpa-flto=-fmacro-prefix-map=-fmath-errno-fmax-array-constructor=-fmax-errors=-fmax-identifier-length=-fmax-stack-var-size=-fmax-subrecord-length=-fmem-report-fmem-report-wpa-fmerge-all-constants-fmerge-constants-fmerge-debug-strings-fmessage-length=-fmodule-private-fmodulo-sched-fmodulo-sched-allow-regmoves-fmove-loop-invariants-fms-extensions-fmudflap-fmudflapir-fmudflapth-fname-mangling-version--fnew-abi-fnew-inheriting-ctors-fnew-ttp-matching-fnext-runtime-fnil-receivers-fnon-call-exceptions-fnonansi-builtins-fnonnull-objects-fnothrow-opt-fobjc-abi-version=-fobjc-call-cxx-cdtors-fobjc-direct-dispatch-fobjc-exceptions-fobjc-gc-fobjc-nilcheck-fobjc-sjlj-exceptions-fobjc-std=objc1-foffload-abi=-foffload=-fomit-frame-pointer-fopenaccEnable OpenACC.-fopenacc-dim=-fopenmp-fopenmp-simd-foperator-names-fopt-info-fopt-info--foptimize-register-move-foptimize-sibling-calls-foptimize-strlen-foptional-diags-fpack-derived-fpack-struct-fpack-struct=-fpartial-inliningPerform partial inlining.-fpatchable-function-entry=-fpcc-struct-return-fpch-deps-fpch-preprocess-fpeel-loopsPerform loop peeling.-fpeephole-fpeephole2-fpermissive-fpermitted-flt-eval-methods=-fpic-fplan9-extensions-fplt-fplugin-arg--fplugin=Specify a plugin to load.-fpost-ipa-mem-report-fpre-ipa-mem-report-fpredictive-commoning-fprefetch-loop-arrays-fpreprocessed-fpretty-templates-fprintf-return-value-fprofile-fprofile-abs-path-fprofile-arcs-fprofile-correction-fprofile-dir=-fprofile-generate-fprofile-generate=-fprofile-reorder-functions-fprofile-report-fprofile-update=-fprofile-use-fprofile-use=-fprofile-values-fprotect-parens-frandom-seed-frandom-seed=-frange-check-freal-4-real-10-freal-4-real-16-freal-4-real-8-freal-8-real-10-freal-8-real-16-freal-8-real-4-frealloc-lhs-freciprocal-math-frecord-gcc-switches-frecord-marker=4-frecord-marker=8-frecursive-free-freg-struct-return-fregmove-frename-registers-freorder-blocks-freorder-blocks-algorithm=-freorder-functions-frepack-arrays-freplace-objc-classes-frepo-freport-bug-frequire-return-statement-frerun-cse-after-loop-frerun-loop-opt-fresolution=The resolution file.-frounding-math-frtti-fsanitize-coverage=-fsanitize-recover-fsanitize-recover=-fsanitize-sections=-fsanitize=Select what to sanitize.-fsched-dep-count-heuristic-fsched-group-heuristic-fsched-interblock-fsched-last-insn-heuristic-fsched-pressure-fsched-rank-heuristic-fsched-spec-fsched-spec-insn-heuristic-fsched-spec-load-fsched-spec-load-dangerous-fsched-stalled-insns-fsched-stalled-insns-dep-fsched-stalled-insns-dep=-fsched-stalled-insns=-fsched-verbose=-fsched2-use-superblocks-fsched2-use-traces-fschedule-fusion-fschedule-insns-fschedule-insns2-fsecond-underscore-fsection-anchors-fsee-fsel-sched-pipelining-fselective-scheduling-fselective-scheduling2-fself-test=-fsemantic-interposition-fshort-enums-fshort-wchar-fshow-column-fshrink-wrap-fshrink-wrap-separate-fsign-zero-fsignaling-nans-fsigned-bitfields-fsigned-char-fsigned-zeros-fsimd-cost-model=-fsingle-precision-constant-fsized-deallocation-fsplit-ivs-in-unroller-fsplit-loopsPerform loop splitting.-fsplit-paths-fsplit-stack-fsplit-wide-types-fsquangle-fssa-backprop-fssa-phiopt-fsso-struct=-fstack-arrays-fstack-check-fstack-check=-fstack-clash-protection-fstack-limit-fstack-limit-register=-fstack-limit-symbol=-fstack-protector-fstack-protector-all-fstack-protector-explicit-fstack-protector-strong-fstack-reuse=-fstack-usage-fstats-fstdarg-opt-fstore-mergingMerge adjacent stores.-fstrength-reduce-fstrict-aliasing-fstrict-enums-fstrict-overflow-fstrict-prototype-fstrict-volatile-bitfields-fstrong-eval-order-fstrong-eval-order=-fsync-libcalls-fsyntax-only-ftabstop=-ftail-call-workaround-ftail-call-workaround=-ftarget-help-ftemplate-backtrace-limit=-ftemplate-depth--ftemplate-depth=-ftest-coverage-ftest-forall-temp-fthis-is-variable-fthread-jumps-fthreadsafe-statics-ftime-report-ftime-report-details-ftls-model=-ftoplevel-reorder-ftracer-ftrack-macro-expansion-ftrack-macro-expansion=-ftrampolines-ftrapping-math-ftrapv-ftree-bit-ccp-ftree-builtin-call-dce-ftree-ccp-ftree-ch-ftree-coalesce-inlined-vars-ftree-coalesce-vars-ftree-copy-prop-ftree-copyrename-ftree-cselim-ftree-dce-ftree-dominator-opts-ftree-dse-ftree-forwprop-ftree-fre-ftree-loop-distribution-ftree-loop-if-convert-ftree-loop-if-convert-stores-ftree-loop-im-ftree-loop-ivcanon-ftree-loop-linear-ftree-loop-optimize-ftree-loop-vectorize-ftree-lrs-ftree-parallelize-loops=-ftree-partial-pre-ftree-phiprop-ftree-pre-ftree-pta-ftree-reassoc-ftree-salias-ftree-scev-cprop-ftree-sink-ftree-slp-vectorize-ftree-slsr-ftree-sra-ftree-store-ccp-ftree-store-copy-prop-ftree-switch-conversion-ftree-tail-mergeEnable tail merging on trees.-ftree-ter-ftree-vect-loop-version-ftree-vectorize-ftree-vectorizer-verbose=-ftree-vrp-funconstrained-commons-funderscoring-funit-at-a-time-funroll-all-loops-funroll-loops-funsafe-loop-optimizations-funsafe-math-optimizations-funsigned-bitfields-funsigned-char-funswitch-loopsPerform loop unswitching.-funwind-tables-fuse-cxa-atexit-fuse-cxa-get-exception-ptr-fuse-ld=bfd-fuse-ld=gold-fuse-ld=lld-fuse-linker-plugin-fvar-trackingPerform variable tracking.-fvar-tracking-assignments-fvar-tracking-uninit-fvect-cost-modelunlimited-fvect-cost-model=-fverbose-asm-fversion-fvisibility-inlines-hidden-fvisibility-ms-compat-fvisibility=-fvpt-fvtable-gc-fvtable-thunks-fvtable-verify=-fvtv-counts-fvtv-debug-fweak-fweb-fwhole-file-fwhole-program-fwide-exec-charset=-fworking-directory-fwpa=-fwrapv-fwrapv-pointer-fxref-fzee-fzero-initialized-in-bss-fzero-link-gantCatch typos.-gas-loc-support-gas-locview-support-gcoff-gcoff1-gcoff2-gcoff3-gcolumn-info-gdwarf-gdwarf--gen-decls-ggdb-ggnu-pubnames-ginline-points-gnat-gnatO-gno-pubnames-gpubnames-grecord-gcc-switches-gsplit-dwarf-gstabs-gstabs+-gstatement-frontiers-gstrict-dwarf-gtoggle-gvariable-location-views-gvms-gxcoff-gxcoff+-gz-gz=-h-idirafter-imultiarch-imultilib-iplugindir=-iprefix-iquote-isysroot-isystem-iwithprefix-iwithprefixbefore-k8Synonym of -gnatk8.-l-lang-asm-m128bit-long-doublesizeof(long double) is 16.-m16Generate 16bit i386 code.-m32Generate 32bit i386 code.-m3dnow-m3dnowa-m64Generate 64bit x86-64 code.-m80387Use hardware fp.-m8bit-idiv-m96bit-long-doublesizeof(long double) is 12.-mabi=-mabm-maccumulate-outgoing-args-maddress-mode=Use given address mode.-madx-maes-malign-data=Use the given data alignment.-malign-double-malign-functions=-malign-jumps=-malign-loops=-malign-stringops-mandroid-march=Generate code for given CPU.-masm=Use given assembler dialect.-mavx-mavx2-mavx256-split-unaligned-load-mavx5124fmaps-mavx5124vnniw-mavx512bitalg-mavx512bw-mavx512cd-mavx512dq-mavx512er-mavx512f-mavx512ifma-mavx512pf-mavx512vbmi-mavx512vbmi2-mavx512vl-mavx512vnni-mavx512vpopcntdq-mbionicUse Bionic C library.-mbmi-mbmi2-mbranch-cost=-mcall-ms2sysv-xlogues-mcet-switch-mcld-mclflushopt-mclwbSupport CLWB instruction.-mclzero-mcmodel=Use given x86-64 code model.-mcpu=-mcrc32-mcx16-mdispatch-scheduler-mdump-tune-features-mf16c-mfancy-math-387-mfentry-mfma-mfma4-mforce-drap-mforce-indirect-call-mfp-ret-in-387-mfpmath=-mfsgsbase-mfunction-return=-mfused-madd-mfxsr-mgeneral-regs-only-mgfni-mglibcUse GNU C library.-mhard-float-mharden-sls=-mhle-miamcu-mieee-fp-mincoming-stack-boundary=-mindirect-branch-cs-prefix-mindirect-branch-register-mindirect-branch=-minline-all-stringops-mintel-syntaxintelatt-mlarge-data-threshold=-mlong-double-128Use 128-bit long double.-mlong-double-64Use 64-bit long double.-mlong-double-80Use 80-bit long double.-mlwp-mlzcnt-mmemcpy-strategy=-mmemset-strategy=-mmitigate-rop-mmmx-mmovbe-mmovdir64b-mmovdiri-mmpxSupport MPX code generation.-mms-bitfields-mmuslUse musl C library.-mmwaitx-mno-align-stringops-mno-defaultClear all tune features.-mno-fancy-math-387-mno-push-args-mno-red-zone-mno-sse4-mnop-mcount-momit-leaf-frame-pointer-mpc32-mpc64-mpc80-mpclmul-mpcommit%<-mpcommit%> was deprecated-mpconfig-mpku-mpopcnt-mprefer-avx128256-mprefer-vector-width=-mpreferred-stack-boundary=-mprefetchwt1-mprfchw-mpush-args-mrdpid-mrdrnd-mrdseedSupport RDSEED instruction.-mrecip-mrecip=-mrecord-mcount-mred-zone-mregparm=-mrtdAlternate calling convention.-mrtm-msahf-msgx-msha-mshstk-mskip-rax-setup-msoft-floatDo not use hardware fp.-msse-msse2-msse2avx-msse3-msse4-msse4.1-msse4.2-msse4a-msse5%<-msse5%> was removed-msseregparm-mssse3-mstack-arg-probeEnable stack probing.-mstack-protector-guard-reg=-mstack-protector-guard=-mstackrealignRealign stack in prologue.-mstringop-strategy=-mstv-mtbm-mtls-dialect=-mtls-direct-seg-refs-mtune-ctrl=-mtune=Schedule code for given CPU.-muclibcUse uClibc C library.-mvaes-mveclibabi=Vector library ABI to use.-mvect8-ret-in-mem-mvpclmulqdq-mvzeroupper-mwbnoinvd-mx32Generate 32bit x86-64 code.-mxop-mxsave-mxsavecSupport XSAVEC instructions.-mxsaveoptSupport XSAVEOPT instruction.-mxsaves-n-no-pie-nocppDisable preprocessing.-nodefaultlibs-nostartfiles-nostdinc-nostdinc++-pEnable function profiling.-pg-posix-print-objc-runtime-info-print-sysroot-headers-suffix-pthread-quiet-rdynamic-remap-s-save-temps=Create a shared library.-shared-libgcc-static-libasan-static-libgcc-static-libgfortran-static-libgo-static-liblsan-static-libmpx-static-libmpxwrappers-static-libstdc++-static-libtsan-static-libubsan-std=c++03-std=c++0x-std=c++11-std=c++14-std=c++17-std=c++1y-std=c++1z-std=c++2a-std=c++98-std=c11-std=c17-std=c18-std=c1x-std=c89-std=c90-std=c99-std=c9x-std=f2003-std=f2008-std=f2008ts-std=f2018-std=f95-std=gnu-std=gnu++03-std=gnu++0x-std=gnu++11-std=gnu++14-std=gnu++17-std=gnu++1y-std=gnu++1z-std=gnu++2a-std=gnu++98-std=gnu11-std=gnu17-std=gnu18-std=gnu1x-std=gnu89-std=gnu90-std=gnu99-std=gnu9x-std=iso9899:1990-std=iso9899:199409-std=iso9899:1999-std=iso9899:199x-std=iso9899:2011-std=iso9899:2017-std=iso9899:2018-std=legacy-t-time=-tno-android-cc-tno-android-ld-u-undefEnable verbose output.-wSuppress warnings.-wrapper-x-zAdaAdaSCILAdaWhyBRIGFortranGoObjCObjC++Valid arguments to -mfpmath=:Unrecognized option: %qsunknown IRA algorithm %qsunknown IRA region %qsunknown linker output %qsunknown offload ABI %qsunknown Stack Reuse Level %qsunknown TLS model %qspreinitcheapglobal-dynamicinitial-execlocal-dynamiclocal-execgnu2internalprotectedsomebyte_looplibcallrep_4byterep_8byterep_byteunrolled_loopvector_loopnamed_varstlsbig-endianlittle-endiannativesimplestcprefer-atomic512ts-18661-3ilp32lp641to1balancedmaxdynunknowninline-only-staticacmlsvmlcachelinepackagepublicmixedCBprioritykeepthunkthunk-externthunk-inlineindirect-jmp-infsnanswap387+sse387,ssebothsse+387sse,387standardminimalevery-lineoncenfkcunpairedzlibzlib-gnukernellargemediumsmallsysvcommon_handle_option_auto  H +--help= Display descriptions of a specific class of options. is one or more of optimizers, target, warnings, undocumented, params.--param = Set parameter to value. See below for a complete list of parameters.--print-missing-file-dependencies--print-sysroot-headers-suffix-A= Assert the to . Putting '-' before disables the to .Do not discard comments in macro expansions.-D[=] Define a with as its value. If just is given, is taken to be 1.-F Add to the end of the main framework include path.Print the name of header files as they are used.-I Add to the end of the main include path.-J Put MODULE files in 'directory'.Generate make dependencies and compile.-MF Write dependency output to the given file.Treat missing header files as generated files.Like -M but ignore system header files.Like -MD but ignore system header files.Generate phony targets for all headers.-MQ Add a MAKE-quoted target.missing makefile target after %qs-MT Add an unquoted target.-O Set optimization level to .Optimize for speed disregarding exact standards compliance.Optimize for debugging experience rather than speed or size.Optimize for space rather than speed.Do not generate #line directives.This switch is deprecated; use -Wextra instead.Warn about things that will change when compiling with an ABI-compliant compiler.Warn if a subobject has an abi_tag attribute that the complete object type does not have.Warn about things that change between the current -fabi-version and the specified version.Warn about suspicious uses of memory addresses.Warn about returning structures, unions or arrays.-Waggressive-loop-optimizationsWarn if a loop with constant number of iterations triggers undefined behavior.Warn about possible aliasing of dummy arguments.Warn about alignment of COMMON blocks.Warn about 'new' of type with extended alignment without -faligned-new.-Waligned-new=[none|global|all] Warn even if 'new' uses a class member allocation function.-Walloc-size-larger-than= Warn for calls to allocation functions that attempt to allocate objects larger than the specified number of bytes.-Walloc-zero Warn for calls to allocation functions that specify zero bytes.-Walloca-larger-than= Warn on unbounded uses of alloca, and on bounded uses of alloca whose bound can be larger than bytes.Warn about missing ampersand in continued character constants.Warn about type and rank mismatches between arguments and parameters.Warn if an array is accessed out of bounds.Warn about creation of array temporaries.Warn whenever an Objective-C assignment is being intercepted by the garbage collector.Warn about type safety and similar errors in attribute alias and related.Warn about inappropriate attribute usage.Warn about casting functions to incompatible types.-Wbidi-chars=[none|unpaired|any] Warn about UTF-8 bidirectional control characters.Warn about boolean expression compared with an integer value different from true/false.Warn about certain operations on boolean expressions.-Wbuiltin-declaration-mismatchWarn when a built-in function is declared with the wrong signature.Warn when a built-in preprocessor macro is undefined or redefined.Warn about C constructs that are not in the common subset of C and C++.Warn about C++ constructs whose meaning differs between ISO C++ 1998 and ISO C++ 2011.Warn about C++ constructs whose meaning differs between ISO C++ 2011 and ISO C++ 2014.Warn about C++ constructs whose meaning differs between ISO C++ 2014 and ISO C++ 2017.Warn if the type of a variable might be not interoperable with C.Warn about features not present in ISO C90, but present in ISO C99.Warn about features not present in ISO C99, but present in ISO C11.Warn about pointer casts which increase alignment.Warn about casts between incompatible function types.Warn about casts which discard qualifiers.Warn about catch handlers of non-reference type.Warn about subscripts whose type is "char".Warn about truncated character expressions.Warn about memory access errors found by Pointer Bounds Checker.Warn for unsafe raw memory writes to objects of class types.Warn about variables that might be changed by "longjmp" or "vfork".Warn about possibly nested block comments, and C++ comments spanning more than one physical line.Warn about equality comparisons involving REAL or COMPLEX expressions.Warn for conditionally-supported constructs.Warn for implicit type conversions that may change a value.Warn about most implicit conversions.Warn for converting NULL from/to a non-pointer type.Warn in case profiles in -fprofile-use do not match.Warn when a #warning directive is encountered.Warn when all constructors and destructors are private.Warn about __TIME__, __DATE__ and __TIMESTAMP__ usage.Warn when a declaration is found after a statement.Warn when deleting a pointer to incomplete type.Warn about deleting polymorphic objects with non-virtual destructors.Warn if a deprecated compiler feature, class, method, or field is used.Warn about uses of __attribute__((deprecated)) declarations.Warn about positional initialization of structs requiring designated initializers.Warn when an optimization pass is disabled.Warn if qualifiers on arrays which are pointer targets are discarded.Warn if type qualifiers on pointers are discarded.Warn about compile-time integer division by zero.Warn about possibly incorrect subscripts in do loops.Warn about implicit conversions from "float" to "double".Warn when a declaration has duplicate const, volatile, restrict or _Atomic specifier.Warn about duplicated branches in if-else statements.Warn about duplicated conditions in an if-else-if chain.Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules.Warn about an empty body in an if or else statement.Warn about stray tokens after #else and #endif.Warn about comparison of different enum types.-Werror-implicit-function-declarationThis switch is deprecated; use -Werror=implicit-function-declaration instead.Treat specified warning as error.Warn if "defined" is used outside #if.Print extra (possibly unwanted) warnings.Warn about semicolon after in-class function definition.Exit on the first error occurred.Warn for implicit type conversions that cause loss of floating point precision.Warn if testing floating point numbers for equality.Warn about printf/scanf/strftime/strfmon format string anomalies.Warn about format strings that contain NUL bytes.Warn if passing too many arguments to a function for its format string.Warn about format strings that are not literals.Warn about function calls with format strings that write past the end of the destination region. Same as -Wformat-overflow=1.Warn about function calls with format strings that write past the end of the destination region.Warn about possible security problems with format functions.Warn about sign differences with format functions.Warn about calls to snprintf and similar functions that truncate output. Same as -Wformat-truncation=1.Warn about calls to snprintf and similar functions that truncate output.Warn about strftime formats yielding 2-digit years.Warn about zero-length formats.Warn when __builtin_frame_address or __builtin_return_address is used unsafely.-Wframe-larger-than= Warn if a function's stack frame requires more than bytes.Warn when attempting to free a non-heap object.Warn if loops have been interchanged.Warn about function call elimination.Warn when a function cannot be expanded to HSAIL.Warn when the field in a struct is not aligned.Warn whenever attributes are ignored.Warn whenever type qualifiers are ignored.Warn about implicit declarations.Warn when a switch case falls through.-Wimplicit-function-declarationWarn about implicit function declarations.Warn when a declaration does not specify a type.Warn about calls with implicit interface.Warn about called procedures not explicitly declared.Warn when there is a conversion between pointers that have incompatible types.Warn about C++11 inheriting constructors when the base has a variadic constructor.Warn about variables which are initialized to themselves.Warn when an inlined function cannot be inlined.Warn about incompatible integer to pointer and pointer to integer conversions.Warn for suspicious integer expressions in boolean context.Warn when there is a cast to a pointer from an integer of a different size.Warn about constant integer divisions with truncated results.Warn if a user-procedure has the same name as an intrinsic.Warn on intrinsics not part of the selected standard.Warn when an atomic memory model parameter is known to be outside the valid range.Warn about invalid uses of the "offsetof" macro.Warn about PCH files that are found but not used.Warn when a jump misses a variable initialization.-Wlarger-than= Warn if an object is larger than bytes.Warn about truncated source lines.Warn when a string or character literal is followed by a ud-suffix which does not begin with an underscore.Warn when logical not is used on the left hand side operand of a comparison.Warn when a logical operator is suspiciously always evaluating to true or false.Do not warn about using "long long" when -pedantic.During link time optimization warn about mismatched types of global declarations.Warn about suspicious declarations of "main".Warn about maybe uninitialized automatic variables.Warn about suspicious calls to memset where the third argument contains the number of elements not multiplied by the element size.Warn about suspicious calls to memset where the third argument is constant literal zero and the second is not.Warn when the indentation of the code does not reflect the block structure.Warn about declarations of entities that may be missing attributes that related entities have been declared with it.Warn about possibly missing braces around initializers.Warn about global functions without previous declarations.Warn about missing fields in struct initializers.Warn about user-specified include directories that do not exist.Warn about function parameters declared without a type specifier in K&R-style functions.Warn about global functions without prototypes.switch %qs is no longer supportedWarn about use of multi-character character constants.Warn on direct multiple inheritance.Warn about unsafe macros expanding to multiple statements used as a body of a clause such as if, else, while, switch, or for.Warn about narrowing conversions within { } that are ill-formed in C++11.Warn about "extern" declarations not at file scope.Warn when a noexcept expression evaluates to false even though the expression can't actually throw.Warn if C++17 noexcept function type will change the mangled name of a symbol.Warn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template.Warn about non-virtual destructors.Warn about NULL being passed to argument slots marked as requiring non-NULL.Warn if comparing pointer parameter with nonnull attribute with NULL.-Wnormalized=[none|id|nfc|nfkc] Warn about non-normalized Unicode strings.Warn if dereferencing a NULL pointer may lead to erroneous or undefined behavior.Warn about some C++ One Definition Rule violations during link time optimization.Warn if a C-style cast is used in a program.Warn for obsolescent usage in a declaration.Warn if an old-style parameter definition is used.Warn if a simd directive is overridden by the vectorizer cost model.Warn about overflow in arithmetic expressions.Warn if a string is longer than the maximum portable length specified by the standard.Warn about overloaded virtual function names.Warn about overriding initializers without side effects.Warn about overriding initializers with side effects.Warn when the packed attribute has no effect on struct layout.Warn about packed bit-fields whose offset changed in GCC 4.4.Warn when fields in a struct with the packed attribute are misaligned.Warn when padding is required to align structure members.Warn about possibly missing parentheses.Issue warnings needed for strict compliance to the standard.Warn for placement new expressions with undefined behavior.Warn when converting the type of pointers to member functions.Warn about function pointer arithmetic.Warn when a pointer is compared with a zero character constant.Warn when a pointer differs in signedness in an assignment.Warn when a pointer is cast to an integer of a different size.Warn about misuses of pragmas.Warn if a property for an Objective-C object has no assign semantics specified.Warn if inherited methods are unimplemented.Warn about real-literal-constants with 'q' exponent-letter.Warn when a left-hand-side array variable is reallocated.Warn when a left-hand-side variable is reallocated.Warn about multiple declarations of the same object.Warn about uses of register storage specifier.Warn when the compiler reorders code.Warn when an argument passed to a restrict-qualified parameter aliases with another argument.Warn about returning a pointer/reference to a local or temporary variable.Warn whenever a function's return type defaults to "int" (C), or about inconsistent return types (C++).Warn on suspicious constructs involving reverse scalar storage order.Warn if a selector has multiple methods.Warn about possible violations of sequence point rules.Warn when one variable shadows another. Same as -Wshadow=global.Warn if a local declaration hides an instance variable.Warn when one local variable shadows another local variable or parameter of compatible type.Warn when one variable shadows another (globally).Warn when one local variable shadows another local variable or parameter.Warn if shift count is negative.Warn if shift count >= width of type.Warn if left shifting a negative value.Warn if left shift of a signed value overflows.Warn about signed-unsigned comparisons.Warn for implicit type conversions between signed and unsigned integers.Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed.Warn about missing sized deallocation functions.Warn when sizeof is applied on a parameter declared as an array.Warn about suspicious divisions of two sizeof expressions that don't work correctly with pointers.Warn about suspicious length parameters to certain string functions if the argument uses sizeof.Warn when not issuing stack smashing protection for some reason.-Wstack-usage= Warn if stack usage might be larger than specified amount.Warn about code which might break strict aliasing rules.Warn about uncasted NULL used as sentinel.Warn about optimizations that assume that signed overflow is undefined.Warn about unprototyped function declarations.Warn if type signatures of candidate methods do not match exactly.Warn about buffer overflow in string manipulation functions like memcpy and strcpy.Under the control of Object Size type, warn about buffer overflow in string manipulation functions like memcpy and strcpy.Warn about truncation in string manipulation functions like strncat and strncpy.Warn if a class type has a base or a field whose type uses the anonymous namespace or depends on a type with no linkage.Warn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((cold)).Warn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((const)).Warn about functions which might be candidates for format attributes.Warn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((malloc)).Warn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((noreturn)).Warn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((pure)).Warn about C++ virtual methods where adding final keyword would improve code quality.Warn about C++ polymorphic types where adding final keyword would improve code quality.Suggest that the override keyword be used when the declaration of a virtual function overrides another.Warn about "suspicious" constructs.Warn about enumerated switches, with no default, missing a case.Warn about switches with boolean controlling expression.Warn about enumerated switches missing a "default:" statement.Warn about all enumerated switches missing a specific case.Warn about statements between switch's controlling expression and the first case.Warn when __sync_fetch_and_nand and __sync_nand_and_fetch built-in functions are used.Deprecated. This switch has no effect.Do not suppress warnings from system headers.Permit nonconforming uses of the tab character.Warn if the pointer in a pointer assignment might outlive its target.Warn if a comparison always evaluates to true or false.Warn on primary template declaration.Warn if a throw expression will always result in a call to terminate().Warn about features not present in traditional C.Warn of prototypes causing type conversions different from what would happen in the absence of prototype.Warn whenever a trampoline is generated.Warn if trigraphs are encountered that might affect the meaning of the program.Warn if a comparison is always true or always false due to the limited range of the data type.Warn about @selector()s without previously declared methods.Warn if an undefined macro is used in an #if directive.Warn about an invalid DO loop.Warn about underflow of numerical constant expressions.Warn about uninitialized automatic variables.Warn about unrecognized pragmas.Does nothing. Preserved for backward compatibility.Warn about unsuffixed float constants.Enable all -Wunused- warnings.Warn when a function parameter is only set, otherwise unused.Warn when a variable is only set, otherwise unused.Warn when a const variable is unused.Warn about unused dummy arguments.Warn when a function is unused.Warn when typedefs locally defined in a function are not used.Warn about macros defined in the main file that are not used.Warn when a function parameter is unused.Warn if a caller of a function, marked with attribute warn_unused_result, does not use its return value.Warn when an expression value is unused.Warn when a variable is unused.Warn about USE statements that have no ONLY qualifier.Warn about questionable usage of the macros used to retrieve variable arguments.Warn about using variadic macros.-Wvector-operation-performanceWarn when a vector operation is compiled outside the SIMD.Warn on direct virtual inheritance.Warn if a virtual base has a non-trivial move assignment operator.Warn if a variable length array is used.-Wvla-larger-than= Warn on unbounded uses of variable-length arrays, and on bounded uses of variable-length arrays whose bound can be larger than bytes.Warn when a register variable is declared volatile.In C++, nonzero means warn about deprecated conversion from string literals to 'char *'. In C, similar warning, except that the conversion is of course not deprecated by the ISO C standard.-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constantWarn when a literal '0' is used as null pointer.Warn about zero-trip DO loops.A synonym for -std=c89 (for C) or -std=c++98 (for C++).-aux-info Emit declaration information into .-d Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler.-dumpbase Set the file basename to be used for dumps.-dumpdir Set the directory name to be used for dumps.Generate position-independent code if possible (large mode).Generate position-independent code for executables if possible (large mode).The version of the C++ ABI used for -Wabi warnings and link compatibility aliases.The version of the C++ ABI in use.Enforce class member access control semantics.-fada-spec-parent=unit Dump Ada specs as child units of given parent.-faggressive-function-eliminationEliminate multiple function invocations also for impure functions.-faggressive-loop-optimizationsAggressively optimize loops using language constraints.Enable alignment of COMMON blocks.Align labels which are only reached by jumping.Support C++17 allocation of over-aligned types.-faligned-new= Use C++17 over-aligned type allocation for alignments greater than N.All intrinsics procedures are available regardless of selected standard.-fallow-parameterless-variadic-functionsAllow variadic functions without named parameter.-fasan-shadow-offset= Use custom shadow memory offset.Allow optimization for floating-point arithmetic which may change the result of the operation due to rounding.Generate unwind tables that are exact at each instruction boundary.Generate auto-inc/dec instructions.Use sample profile information for call graph node weights. The default profile file is fbdata.afdo in 'pwd'.Use sample profile information for call graph node weights. The profile file is specified in the argument.Do not treat local variables and COMMON blocks as if they were named in SAVE statements.Specify that backslash in string introduces an escape character.Produce a backtrace when a runtime error is encountered.-fblas-matmul-limit= Size of the smallest matrix for which matmul will use BLAS.Generate code to check bounds before indexing arrays.Replace add, compare, branch with branch on count register.Use profiling information for branch probabilities.Perform branch target load optimization before prologue / epilogue threading.-fbranch-target-load-optimize2Perform branch target load optimization after prologue / epilogue threading.Restrict target load migration not to re-use registers in any basic block.Generate C prototypes from BIND(C) declarations.-fcall-saved- Mark as being preserved across functions.-fcall-used- Mark as being corrupted by function calls.Save registers around function calls.Where shorter, use canonicalized paths to systems headers.-fcf-protection=[full|branch|return|none] Instrument functions with checks to verify jump/call/return control-flow transfer instructions have valid targets.Produce a warning at runtime if a array temporary has been created for a procedure argument.This switch is deprecated; do not use.Check the return value of new in C++.Add Pointer Bounds Checker instrumentation. fchkp-* flags are used to control instrumentation. Currently available for C, C++ and ObjC.-fcheck=[...] Specify which runtime checks are to be performed.Perform internal consistency checkings.Generate pointer bounds checks for variables with incomplete type.Generate checks for all read accesses to memory.Generate checks for all write accesses to memory.-fchkp-first-field-has-own-boundsForces Pointer Bounds Checker to use narrowed bounds for address of the first field in the structure. By default pointer to the first field has the same bounds as pointer to the whole structure.-fchkp-flexible-struct-trailing-arraysForces Pointer Bounds Checker to treat all trailing arrays in structures as possibly flexible. By default only arrays fields with zero length or that are marked with attribute bnd_variable_size are treated as flexible.Generate bounds passing for calls.Instrument only functions marked with bnd_instrument attribute.Control how Pointer Bounds Checker handle pointers to object fields. When narrowing is on, field bounds are used. Otherwise full object bounds are used.-fchkp-narrow-to-innermost-arrayForces Pointer Bounds Checker to use bounds of the innermost arrays in case of nested static arrays access. By default outermost array is used.Allow Pointer Bounds Checker optimizations. By default allowed on optimization levels >0.Generate bounds stores for pointer writes.-fchkp-treat-zero-dynamic-size-as-infiniteWith this option zero size obtained dynamically for objects with incomplete type will be treated as infinite.-fchkp-use-fast-string-functionsAllow to use *_nobnd versions of string functions by Pointer Bounds Checker.-fchkp-use-nochk-string-functionsAllow to use *_nochk versions of string functions by Pointer Bounds Checker.Use statically initialized variable for vars bounds instead of generating them each time it is required.-fchkp-use-static-const-boundsUse statically initialized variable for constant bounds instead of generating them each time it is required.Transform instrumented builtin calls into calls to wrappers.-fchkp-zero-input-bounds-for-mainUse zero bounds for all incoming arguments in 'main' function. It helps when instrumented binaries are used with legacy libs.Deprecated in GCC 8. This switch has no effect.-fcoarray= Specify which coarray parallelization should be used.Looks for opportunities to reduce stack adjustments and stack references.Do not put uninitialized globals in the common section.Run only the second compilation of -fcompare-debug.-fcompare-debug[=] Compile with and without e.g. -gtoggle, and compare the final-insns dump.Perform comparison elimination after register allocation has finished.Enable support for C++ concepts.Allow the arguments of the '?' operator to have different types.Does nothing. Preserved for backward compatibility.Do not perform optimizations increasing noticeably stack usage.-fconst-string-class= Use class for constant strings.no class name specified with %qs-fconstexpr-depth= Specify maximum constexpr recursion depth.-fconstexpr-loop-limit= Specify maximum constexpr loop iteration count.-fconvert= The endianness used for unformatted files.Perform a register copy-propagation optimization pass.Use the Cray Pointer extension.Perform cross-jumping optimization.When running CSE, follow jumps to their targets.Complex multiplication and division follow Fortran rules.Omit range reduction step when performing complex division.Ignore 'D' in column one in fixed form.Treat lines with 'D' in column one as comments.Place data items into their own section.List all available debugging counters with their limits and counts.-fdbg-cnt=:[,:,...] Set the debug counter limit.Use the RTL dead code elimination pass.Emit debug annotations during preprocessing.-fdebug-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in debug information.Output .debug_types section when using DWARF v4 debuginfo.Enable all DEC language extensions.Enable kind-specific variants of integer intrinsic functions.Enable legacy math intrinsics for compatibility.Enable DEC-style STATIC and AUTOMATIC attributes.Enable support for DEC STRUCTURE/RECORD.Factor complex constructors and destructors to favor space over speed.-fdeduce-init-list enable deduction of std::initializer_list for a template type parameter from a brace-enclosed initializer-list.Set the default double precision kind to an 8 byte wide type.Set the default integer kind to an 8 byte wide type.Set the default real kind to an 10 byte wide type.Set the default real kind to an 16 byte wide type.Set the default real kind to an 8 byte wide type.Defer popping functions args from stack until later.Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions.Delete dead instructions that may throw exceptions.Delete useless null pointer checks.Try to convert virtual calls to direct ones.Stream extra data to support more aggressive devirtualization in LTO local transformation mode.Perform speculative devirtualization.-fdiagnostics-color=[never|always|auto] Colorize diagnostics.Print fix-it hints to stderr in unified diff format.-fdiagnostics-parseable-fixitsPrint fix-it hints in machine-readable form.Show the source line with a caret indicating the column.-fdiagnostics-show-location=[once|every-line] How often to emit source location at the beginning of line-wrapped diagnostics.Amend appropriate diagnostic messages with the command line option that controls them.-fdiagnostics-show-template-treePrint hierarchical comparisons when template types are mismatched.-fdisable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-=range1+range2 disables an optimization pass.Allow dollar signs in entity names.Permit '$' as an identifier character.Use the RTL dead store elimination pass.-fdump- Dump various compiler internals to a file.Write all declarations as Ada code transitively.Write all declarations as Ada code for the given file only.-fdump-final-insns=filename Dump to filename the insns at the end of translation.Display the code tree after front end optimization.Display the code tree after parsing.-fdump-go-spec=filename Write all declarations to file as Go code.Dump detailed information on GCC's internal representation of source code locations.Suppress output of addresses in debugging dumps.Display the code tree after parsing; deprecated option.Suppress output of instruction numbers, line number notes and addresses in debugging dumps.Suppress output of previous and next insn numbers in debugging dumps.Enable CFI tables via GAS assembler directives.-fno-elide-type Do not elide common elements in template comparisons.-feliminate-unused-debug-symbolsPerform unused symbol elimination in debug info.-feliminate-unused-debug-typesPerform unused type elimination in debug info.Do not suppress C++ class debug information.-femit-struct-debug-baseonly Aggressive reduced debug info for structs.-femit-struct-debug-detailed= Detailed reduced debug info for structs.-femit-struct-debug-reduced Conservative reduced debug info for structs.-fenable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-=range1+range2 enables an optimization pass.Generate code to check exception specifications.-fexcess-precision=[fast|standard] Specify handling of excess floating-point precision.-fexec-charset= Convert all strings and character constants to character set .Perform a number of minor, expensive optimizations.Interpret imaginary, fixed-point, or other gnu number suffix as the corresponding number literal rather than a user-defined number literal.Permit universal character names (\u and \U) in identifiers.Support dynamic initialization of thread-local variables in a different translation unit.Specify that an external BLAS library should be used for matmul calls on large-size arrays.Output lto objects containing both the intermediate language and binary output.-ffile-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in compilation result.Assume no NaNs or infinities are generated.-ffixed- Mark as being unavailable to the compiler.Assume that the source file is fixed form.-ffixed-line-length- Use n as character line width in fixed mode.Allow arbitrary character line width in fixed mode.Don't allocate floats and doubles in extended-precision registers.Scope of for-init-statement variables is local to the loop.Perform a forward propagation pass on RTL.-ffp-contract=[off|on|fast] Perform floating-point expression contraction.Allow built-in functions ceil, floor, round, trunc to raise "inexact" exceptions.-ffpe-summary=[...] Print summary of floating point exceptions.-ffpe-trap=[...] Stop on following floating point exceptions.Assume that the source file is free form.-ffree-line-length- Use n as character line width in free mode.Allow arbitrary character line width in free mode.Do not assume that standard C libraries and "main" exist.Inject friend functions into enclosing namespace.Try to interchange loops if profitable.Enable front end optimization.Allow function addresses to be held in registers.Place each function into its own section.Perform global common subexpression elimination.Perform global common subexpression elimination after register allocation has finished.Perform redundant load after store elimination in global common subexpression elimination.Perform enhanced load motion during global common subexpression elimination.Perform store motion after global common subexpression elimination.-fgnat-encodings=[all|gdb|minimal] Select the balance between GNAT encodings and standard DWARF emitted in the debug informationRecognize GNU-defined keywords.Generate code for GNU runtime environment.Enable support for GNU transactional memory.Use STB_GNU_UNIQUE if supported by the assembler.Use traditional GNU semantics for inline functions.-fgo-c-header= Write Go struct definitions to file as C code.Add explicit checks for division overflow in INT_MIN / -1.Add explicit checks for division by zero.Apply special rules for compiling runtime package.Emit debugging information related to the escape analysis pass when run with -fgo-optimize-allocs.-fgo-debug-escape-hash= Hash value to debug escape analysis.-fgo-dump- Dump Go frontend internal information.-fgo-optimize- Turn on optimization passes in the frontend.-fgo-pkgpath= Set Go package path.-fgo-prefix= Set package-specific prefix for exported Go names.-fgo-relative-import-path= Treat a relative import as relative to path.Enable in and out of Graphite representation.Enable Graphite Identity transformation.Enable guessing of branch probabilities.-fhandle-exceptions has been renamed -fexceptions (and is now on by default)Enable hoisting adjacent loads to encourage generating conditional move instructions.Assume normal C execution environment.Perform conversion of conditional jumps to branchless equivalents.Perform conversion of conditional jumps to conditional execution.Export functions even if they can be inlined.Emit implicit instantiations of inline templates.Specify that no implicit typing is allowed, unless overridden by explicit IMPLICIT statements.Emit implicit instantiations of templates.Do not generate .size directives.-finit-character= Initialize local character variables to ASCII value n.Initialize components of derived type variables according to other init flags.-finit-integer= Initialize local integer variables to n.Initialize local variables to zero (from g77).-finit-logical= Initialize local logical variables.-finit-real= Initialize local real variables.Enable inlining of function declared "inline", disabling disables all inlining.Inline __atomic operations when a lock free instruction sequence is available.Integrate functions not declared "inline" into their callers when profitable.-finline-functions-called-onceIntegrate functions only required by their single caller.-finline-limit= Limit the size of inlined functions to .-finline-matmul-limit= Specify the size of the largest matrix for which matmul will be inlined.Integrate functions into their callers when code size is known not to grow.-finput-charset= Specify the default character set for source files.Instrument function entry and exit with profiling calls.-finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=-finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=filename,... Do not instrument functions listed in files.-finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=-finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=name,... Do not instrument listed functions.Interpret any INTEGER(4) as an INTEGER(8).Specify where to find the compiled intrinsic modules.Perform interprocedural bitwise constant propagation.Perform interprocedural constant propagation.Perform cloning to make Interprocedural constant propagation stronger.Perform Identical Code Folding for functions and read-only variables.Perform Identical Code Folding for functions.Perform Identical Code Folding for variables.Perform interprocedural profile propagation.Perform interprocedural points-to analysis.Discover pure and const functions.Use caller save register across calls if possible.Discover readonly and non addressable static variables.Perform interprocedural reduction of aggregates.Perform IPA Value Range Propagation.-fira-algorithm=[CB|priority] Set the used IRA algorithm.Use IRA based register pressure calculation in RTL hoist optimizations.Use IRA based register pressure calculation in RTL loop optimizations.-fira-region=[one|all|mixed] Set regions for IRA.Share slots for saving different hard registers.Share stack slots for spilled pseudo-registers.-fira-verbose= Control IRA's level of diagnostic messages.-fisolate-erroneous-paths-attributeDetect paths that trigger erroneous or undefined behavior due to a null value being used in a way forbidden by a returns_nonnull or nonnull attribute. Isolate those paths from the main control flow and turn the statement with erroneous or undefined behavior into a trap.-fisolate-erroneous-paths-dereferenceDetect paths that trigger erroneous or undefined behavior due to dereferencing a null pointer. Isolate those paths from the main control flow and turn the statement with erroneous or undefined behavior into a trap.-fvisibility=[private|protected|public|package] Set the default symbol visibility.Optimize induction variables on trees.Use jump tables for sufficiently large switch statements.Don't emit dllexported inline functions unless needed.Generate code for functions even if they are fully inlined.Emit static const variables even if they are not used.Generate code for static functions even if they are never called.Allow implicit conversions between vectors with differing numbers of subparts and/or differing element types.Give external symbols a leading underscore.Tell DSE that the storage for a C++ object is dead when the constructor starts and when the destructor finishes.Set linker output type (used internally during LTO optimization)-flive-patching=[inline-only-static|inline-clone] Control IPA optimizations to provide a safe compilation for live-patching. At the same time, provides multiple-level control on the enabled IPA optimizations.Relief of register pressure through live range shrinkage.Allow access to instance variables as if they were local declarations within instance method implementations.Enable loop nest transforms. Same as -floop-nest-optimize.Enable loop interchange on trees.Enable the loop nest optimizer.Perform unroll-and-jam on loops.Do CFG-sensitive rematerialization in LRA.Enable link-time optimization.-flto-compression-level= Use zlib compression level for IL.Merge C++ types using One Definition Rule.Specify the algorithm to partition symbols and vars at linktime.Report various link-time optimization statistics.Report various link-time optimization statistics for WPA only.Link-time optimization with number of parallel jobs or jobserver.Run the link-time optimizer in local transformation (LTRANS) mode.Specify a file to which a list of files output by LTRANS is written.-fmacro-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in __FILE__, __BASE_FILE__, and __builtin_FILE().Set errno after built-in math functions.-fmax-array-constructor= Maximum number of objects in an array constructor.-fmax-errors= Maximum number of errors to report.-fmax-identifier-length= Maximum identifier length.-fmax-stack-var-size= Size in bytes of the largest array that will be put on the stack.-fmax-subrecord-length= Maximum length for subrecords.Report on permanent memory allocation.Report on permanent memory allocation in WPA only.Attempt to merge identical constants and constant variables.Attempt to merge identical constants across compilation units.Attempt to merge identical debug strings across compilation units.-fmessage-length= Limit diagnostics to characters per line. 0 suppresses line-wrapping.Set default accessibility of module entities to PRIVATE.Perform SMS based modulo scheduling before the first scheduling pass.Perform SMS based modulo scheduling with register moves allowed.Move loop invariant computations out of loops.Don't warn about uses of Microsoft extensions.Implement C++17 inheriting constructor semantics.Implement resolution of DR 150 for matching of template template arguments.Generate code for NeXT (Apple Mac OS X) runtime environment.Assume that receivers of Objective-C messages may be nil.Support synchronous non-call exceptions.Treat a throw() exception specification as noexcept to improve code size.Specify which ABI to use for Objective-C family code and meta-data generation.Generate special Objective-C methods to initialize/destroy non-POD C++ ivars, if needed.Allow fast jumps to the message dispatcher.Enable Objective-C exception and synchronization syntax.Enable garbage collection (GC) in Objective-C/Objective-C++ programs.Enable inline checks for nil receivers with the NeXT runtime and ABI version 2.Enable Objective-C setjmp exception handling runtime.Conform to the Objective-C 1.0 language as implemented in GCC 4.0.-foffload-abi=[lp64|ilp32] Set the ABI to use in an offload compiler.-foffload== Specify offloading targets and options for them.options or targets missing after %qsWhen possible do not generate stack frames.Specify default OpenACC compute dimensions.Enable OpenMP (implies -frecursive in Fortran).Enable OpenMP's SIMD directives.Recognize C++ keywords like "compl" and "xor".Enable all optimization info dumps on stderr.-fopt-info[-=filename] Dump compiler optimization details.Optimize sibling and tail recursive calls.Enable string length optimizations on trees.Try to lay out derived types as compactly as possible.Pack structure members together without holes.-fpack-struct= Set initial maximum structure member alignment.Insert NOP instructions at each function entry.Return small aggregates in memory, not registers.Look for and use PCH files even when preprocessing.Enable machine specific peephole optimizations.Enable an RTL peephole pass before sched2.Downgrade conformance errors to warnings.-fpermitted-flt-eval-methods=[c11|ts-18661] Specify which values of FLT_EVAL_METHOD are permitted.Generate position-independent code if possible (small mode).Generate position-independent code for executables if possible (small mode).Enable Plan 9 language extensions.Use PLT for PIC calls (-fno-plt: load the address from GOT at call site).-fplugin-arg--[=] Specify argument = for plugin .Report on memory allocation before interprocedural optimization.Run predictive commoning optimization.Generate prefetch instructions, if available, for arrays in loops.Treat the input file as already preprocessed.-fno-pretty-templates Do not pretty-print template specializations as the template signature followed by the arguments.Treat known sprintf return values as constants.Enable basic program profiling code.Generate absolute source path names for gcov.Insert arc-based program profiling code.Enable correction of flow inconsistent profile data input.Set the top-level directory for storing the profile data. The default is 'pwd'.Enable common options for generating profile info for profile feedback directed optimizations.Enable common options for generating profile info for profile feedback directed optimizations, and set -fprofile-dir=.Enable function reordering that improves code placement.Report on consistency of profile.-fprofile-update=[single|atomic|prefer-atomic] Set the profile update method.Enable common options for performing profile feedback directed optimizations.Enable common options for performing profile feedback directed optimizations, and set -fprofile-dir=.Insert code to profile values of expressions.Protect parentheses in expressions.-frandom-seed= Make compile reproducible using .Enable range checking during compilation.Interpret any REAL(4) as a REAL(10).Interpret any REAL(4) as a REAL(16).Interpret any REAL(4) as a REAL(8).Interpret any REAL(8) as a REAL(10).Interpret any REAL(8) as a REAL(16).Interpret any REAL(8) as a REAL(4).Reallocate the LHS in assignments.Same as -fassociative-math for expressions which include division.Record gcc command line switches in the object file.Use a 4-byte record marker for unformatted files.Use an 8-byte record marker for unformatted files.Allocate local variables on the stack to allow indirect recursion.Turn on Redundant Extensions Elimination pass.Return small aggregates in registers.Perform a register renaming optimization pass.Reorder basic blocks to improve code placement.-freorder-blocks-algorithm=[simple|stc] Set the used basic block reordering algorithm.-freorder-blocks-and-partitionReorder basic blocks and partition into hot and cold sections.Reorder functions to improve code placement.Copy array sections into a contiguous block on procedure entry.Used in Fix-and-Continue mode to indicate that object files may be swapped in at runtime.Enable automatic template instantiation.Collect and dump debug information into temporary file if ICE in C/C++ compiler occurred.Functions which return values must end with return statements.Add a common subexpression elimination pass after loop optimizations.-freschedule-modulo-scheduled-loopsEnable/Disable the traditional scheduling in loops that already passed modulo scheduling.Disable optimizations that assume default FP rounding behavior.Generate run time type descriptor information.-fsanitize-address-use-after-scopeSelect type of coverage sanitization.This switch is deprecated; use -fsanitize-recover= instead.After diagnosing undefined behavior attempt to continue execution.-fsanitize-sections= Sanitize global variables in user-defined sections.-fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-errorUse trap instead of a library function for undefined behavior sanitization.-fsched-critical-path-heuristicEnable the critical path heuristic in the scheduler.Enable the dependent count heuristic in the scheduler.Enable the group heuristic in the scheduler.Enable scheduling across basic blocks.Enable the last instruction heuristic in the scheduler.Enable register pressure sensitive insn scheduling.Enable the rank heuristic in the scheduler.Allow speculative motion of non-loads.Enable the speculative instruction heuristic in the scheduler.Allow speculative motion of some loads.Allow speculative motion of more loads.Allow premature scheduling of queued insns.Set dependence distance checking in premature scheduling of queued insns.-fsched-stalled-insns-dep= Set dependence distance checking in premature scheduling of queued insns.-fsched-stalled-insns= Set number of queued insns that can be prematurely scheduled.-fsched-verbose= Set the verbosity level of the scheduler.If scheduling post reload, do superblock scheduling.Perform a target dependent instruction fusion optimization pass.Reschedule instructions before register allocation.Reschedule instructions after register allocation.Append a second underscore if the name already contains an underscore.Access data in the same section from shared anchor points.Perform software pipelining of inner loops during selective scheduling.-fsel-sched-pipelining-outer-loopsPerform software pipelining of outer loops during selective scheduling.-fsel-sched-reschedule-pipelinedReschedule pipelined regions without pipelining.Schedule instructions using selective scheduling algorithm.Run selective scheduling after reload.Run self-tests, using the given path to locate test files.Allow interposing function (or variables) by ones with different semantics (or initializer) respectively by dynamic linker.Use the narrowest integer type possible for enumeration types.Force the underlying type for "wchar_t" to be "unsigned short".Show column numbers in diagnostics, when available. Default on.Emit function prologues only before parts of the function that need it, rather than at the top of the function.Shrink-wrap parts of the prologue and epilogue separately.Apply negative sign to zero values.Disable optimizations observable by IEEE signaling NaNs.When "signed" or "unsigned" is not given make the bitfield signed.Make "char" signed by default.Disable floating point optimizations that ignore the IEEE signedness of zero.-fsimd-cost-model=[unlimited|dynamic|cheap] Specifies the vectorization cost model for code marked with a simd directive.Convert floating point constants to single precision constants.Enable C++14 sized deallocation support.Split lifetimes of induction variables when loops are unrolled.Split paths leading to loop backedges.Generate discontiguous stack frames.Split wide types into independent registers.Enable backward propagation of use properties at the SSA level.Optimize conditional patterns using SSA PHI nodes.-fsso-struct=[big-endian|little-endian|native] Set the default scalar storage order.Put all local arrays on stack.Insert stack checking code into the program. Same as -fstack-check=specific.-fstack-check=[no|generic|specific] Insert stack checking code into the program.Insert code to probe each page of stack space as it is allocated to protect from stack-clash style attacks.-fstack-limit-register= Trap if the stack goes past .-fstack-limit-symbol= Trap if the stack goes past symbol .Use propolice as a stack protection method.Use a stack protection method for every function.Use stack protection method only for functions with the stack_protect attribute.Use a smart stack protection method for certain functions.-fstack-reuse=[all|named_vars|none] Set stack reuse level for local variables.Output stack usage information on a per-function basis.Display statistics accumulated during compilation.Optimize amount of stdarg registers saved to stack at start of function.Assume strict aliasing rules apply.Assume that values of enumeration type are always within the minimum range of that type.Treat signed overflow as undefined. Negated as -fwrapv -fwrapv-pointer.Force bitfield accesses to match their type width.Follow the C++17 evaluation order requirements for assignment expressions, shift, member function calls, etc.Implement __atomic operations via libcalls to legacy __sync functions.Check for syntax errors, then stop.-ftabstop= Distance between tab stops for column reporting.Disallow tail call optimization when a calling routine may have omitted character lengths.Set the maximum number of template instantiation notes for a single warning or error.-ftemplate-depth= Specify maximum template instantiation depth.Create data files needed by "gcov".Force creation of temporary to test infrequently-executed forall code.Perform jump threading optimizations.-fno-threadsafe-statics Do not generate thread-safe code for initializing local statics.Report the time taken by each compiler pass.Record times taken by sub-phases separately.-ftls-model=[global-dynamic|local-dynamic|initial-exec|local-exec] Set the default thread-local storage code generation model.Reorder top level functions, variables, and asms.Perform superblock formation via tail duplication.-ftrack-macro-expansion=<0|1|2> Track locations of tokens coming from macro expansion and display them in error messages.For targets that normally need trampolines for nested functions, always generate them instead of using descriptors.Assume floating-point operations can trap.Trap for signed overflow in addition, subtraction and multiplication.Enable SSA-BIT-CCP optimization on trees.Enable conditional dead code elimination for builtin calls.Enable SSA-CCP optimization on trees.Enable loop header copying on trees.Enable SSA coalescing of user variables.Enable copy propagation on trees.Transform condition stores into unconditional ones.Enable SSA dead code elimination optimization on trees.Enable dominator optimizations.Enable dead store elimination.Enable forward propagation on trees.Enable Full Redundancy Elimination (FRE) on trees.-ftree-loop-distribute-patternsEnable loop distribution for patterns transformed into a library call.Enable loop distribution on trees.Convert conditional jumps in innermost loops to branchless equivalents.Enable loop invariant motion on trees.Create canonical induction variables in loops.Enable loop optimizations on tree level.Enable loop vectorization on trees.Perform live range splitting during the SSA->normal pass.-ftree-parallelize-loops= Enable automatic parallelization of loops.In SSA-PRE optimization on trees, enable partial-partial redundancy elimination.Enable hoisting loads from conditional pointers.Enable SSA-PRE optimization on trees.Perform function-local points-to analysis on trees.Enable reassociation on tree level.Enable copy propagation of scalar-evolution information.Enable SSA code sinking on trees.Enable basic block vectorization (SLP) on trees.Perform straight-line strength reduction.Perform scalar replacement of aggregates.Perform conversions of switch initializations.Replace temporary expressions in the SSA->normal pass.Enable vectorization on trees.Perform Value Range Propagation on trees.Assume common declarations may be overridden with ones with a larger trailing array.Append underscores to externally visible names.Compile whole compilation unit at a time.Perform loop unrolling for all loops.Perform loop unrolling when iteration count is known.Allow math optimizations that may violate IEEE or ISO standards.When "signed" or "unsigned" is not given make the bitfield unsigned.Make "char" unsigned by default.Just generate unwind tables for exception handling.Use __cxa_atexit to register destructors.Use __cxa_get_exception_ptr in exception handling.Use the bfd linker instead of the default linker.Use the gold linker instead of the default linker.Use the lld LLVM linker instead of the default linker.Perform variable tracking by annotating assignments.-fvar-tracking-assignments-toggleToggle -fvar-tracking-assignments.Perform variable tracking and also tag variables that are uninitialized.-fvariable-expansion-in-unrollerApply variable expansion when loops are unrolled.Enables the dynamic vectorizer cost model. Preserved for backward compatibility.Specifies the cost model for vectorization. -fvect-cost-model=[unlimited|dynamic|cheap] Specifies the cost model for vectorization.Add extra commentary to assembler output.Marks all inlined functions and methods as having hidden visibility.Changes visibility to match Microsoft Visual Studio by default.-fvisibility=[default|internal|hidden|protected] Set the default symbol visibility.Use expression value profiles in optimizations.Validate vtable pointers before using them.Output vtable verification counters.Output vtable verification pointer sets information.Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols.Construct webs and split unrelated uses of single variable.Perform whole program optimizations.-fwide-exec-charset= Convert all wide strings and character constants to character set .Generate a #line directive pointing at the current working directory.Run the link-time optimizer in whole program analysis (WPA) mode.Whole program analysis (WPA) mode with number of parallel jobs specified.Assume signed arithmetic overflow wraps around.Assume pointer overflow wraps around.Put zero initialized data in the bss section.Generate lazy class lookup (via objc_getClass()) for use in Zero-Link mode.Generate debug information in default format.Assume assembler support for (DWARF2+) .loc directivesAssume assembler support for view in (DWARF2+) .loc directivesswitch %qs no longer supportedRecord DW_AT_decl_column and DW_AT_call_column in DWARF.Generate debug information in default version of DWARF format.Generate debug information in DWARF v2 (or later) format.Dump declarations to a .decl file.Generate debug information in default extended format.Generate DWARF pubnames and pubtypes sections with GNU extensions.Generate extended entry point information for inlined functions-ginternal-reset-location-viewsCompute locview reset points based on insn length estimates-gnat Specify options to GNAT.Set name of output ALI file (internal switch).Don't generate DWARF pubnames and pubtypes sections.Generate DWARF pubnames and pubtypes sections.Record gcc command line switches in DWARF DW_AT_producer.Generate debug information in separate .dwo files.Generate debug information in STABS format.Generate debug information in extended STABS format.Emit progressive recommended breakpoint locations.Don't emit DWARF additions beyond selected version.Toggle debug information generation.Augment variable location lists with progressive views.-gvariable-location-views=incompat5Generate debug information in VMS format.Generate debug information in XCOFF format.Generate debug information in extended XCOFF format.Generate compressed debug sections.-gz= Generate compressed debug sections in format .-idirafter Add to the end of the system include path.-imacros Accept definition of macros in .-imultiarch Set to be the multiarch include subdirectory.-imultilib Set to be the multilib include subdirectory.-include Include the contents of before other files.-iplugindir= Set to be the default plugin directory.-iprefix Specify as a prefix for next two options.-iquote Add to the end of the quote include path.-isysroot Set to be the system root directory.-isystem Add to the start of the system include path.-iwithprefix Add to the end of the system include path.-iwithprefixbefore Add to the end of the main include path.Support 3DNow! built-in functions.Support Athlon 3Dnow! built-in functions.Expand 32bit/64bit integer divide into 8bit unsigned integer divide with run-time check.Generate code that conforms to the given ABI.Support code generation of Advanced Bit Manipulation (ABM) instructions.Reserve space for outgoing arguments in the function prologue.Support flag-preserving add-carry instructions.Support AES built-in functions and code generation.Align some doubles on dword boundary.Function starts are aligned to this power of 2.Jump targets are aligned to this power of 2.Loop code aligned to this power of 2.Align destination of the string operations.Generate code for the Android platform.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 and AVX built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX and AVX2 built-in functions and code generation.Split 32-byte AVX unaligned load.-mavx256-split-unaligned-storeSplit 32-byte AVX unaligned store.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX512F and AVX5124FMAPS built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX512F and AVX5124VNNIW built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX512F and AVX512BITALG built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F and AVX512BW built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F and AVX512CD built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F and AVX512DQ built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F and AVX512ER built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F and AVX512IFMA built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F and AVX512PF built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F and AVX512VBMI built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX512F and AVX512VBMI2 built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F and AVX512VL built-in functions and code generation.Support AVX512VNNI built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX512F and AVX512VPOPCNTDQ built-in functions and code generation.Support BMI built-in functions and code generation.Support BMI2 built-in functions and code generation.Branches are this expensive (arbitrary units).Use libgcc stubs to save and restore registers clobbered by 64-bit Microsoft to System V ABI calls.Turn on CET instrumentation for switch statements that use a jump table and an indirect jump.Generate cld instruction in the function prologue.Support CLFLUSHOPT instructions.Support CLZERO built-in functions and code generation.%<-mcpu=%> is deprecated; use %<-mtune=%> or %<-march=%> insteadSupport code generation of crc32 instruction.Support code generation of cmpxchg16b instruction.Do dispatch scheduling if processor is bdver1, bdver2, bdver3, bdver4 or znver1 and Haifa scheduling is selected.Support F16C built-in functions and code generation.Generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU.Emit profiling counter call at function entry before prologue.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX and FMA built-in functions and code generation.Support FMA4 built-in functions and code generation.Always use Dynamic Realigned Argument Pointer (DRAP) to realign stack.Make all function calls indirect.Return values of functions in FPU registers.Generate floating point mathematics using given instruction set.Support FSGSBASE built-in functions and code generation.Convert function return to call and return thunk.%<-mfused-madd%> is deprecated; use %<-ffp-contract=%> insteadSupport FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions.Generate code which uses only the general registers.Support GFNI built-in functions and code generation.Generate code to mitigate against straight line speculation.Support Hardware Lock Elision prefixes.Generate code that conforms to Intel MCU psABI.Use IEEE math for fp comparisons.Assume incoming stack aligned to this power of 2.Add CS prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk with branch target in r8-r15 registers.Force indirect call and jump via register.Convert indirect call and jump to call and return thunks.Inline all known string operations.-minline-stringops-dynamicallyInline memset/memcpy string operations, but perform inline version only for small blocks.%<-mintel-syntax%> and %<-mno-intel-syntax%> are deprecated; use %<-masm=intel%> and %<-masm=att%> instead-mlarge-data-threshold= Data greater than given threshold will go into .ldata section in x86-64 medium model.Support LWP built-in functions and code generation.Support LZCNT built-in function and code generation.Specify memcpy expansion strategy when expected size is known.Specify memset expansion strategy when expected size is known.Attempt to avoid generating instruction sequences containing ret bytes.Support MMX built-in functions.Support code generation of movbe instruction.Support MOVDIR64B built-in functions and code generation.Support MOVDIRI built-in functions and code generation.Use native (MS) bitfield layout.Support MWAITX and MONITORX built-in functions and code generation.Do not support SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 built-in functions and code generation.Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.Omit the frame pointer in leaf functions.Set 80387 floating-point precision to 32-bit.Set 80387 floating-point precision to 64-bit.Set 80387 floating-point precision to 80-bit.Support PCLMUL built-in functions and code generation.Support PCONFIG built-in functions and code generation.Support PKU built-in functions and code generation.Support code generation of popcnt instruction.Use 128-bit AVX instructions instead of 256-bit AVX instructions in the auto-vectorizer.Use given register vector width instructions instead of maximum register width in the auto-vectorizer.Attempt to keep stack aligned to this power of 2.Support PREFETCHWT1 built-in functions and code generation.Support PREFETCHW instruction.Use push instructions to save outgoing arguments.Support RDPID built-in functions and code generation.Support RDRND built-in functions and code generation.Generate reciprocals instead of divss and sqrtss.Control generation of reciprocal estimates.Generate __mcount_loc section with all mcount or __fentry__ calls.Use red-zone in the x86-64 code.Number of registers used to pass integer arguments.Support RTM built-in functions and code generation.Support code generation of sahf instruction in 64bit x86-64 code.Support SGX built-in functions and code generation.Support SHA1 and SHA256 built-in functions and code generation.Enable shadow stack built-in functions from Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET).Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments.Support MMX and SSE built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE and SSE2 built-in functions and code generation.Encode SSE instructions with VEX prefix.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3 and SSE4.1 built-in functions and code generation.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and SSE4A built-in functions and code generation.Use SSE register passing conventions for SF and DF mode.Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and SSSE3 built-in functions and code generation.-mstack-protector-guard-offset=Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard.Use the given base register for addressing the stack-protector guard.-mstack-protector-guard-symbol=Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard.Use given stack-protector guard.Chose strategy to generate stringop using.Disable Scalar to Vector optimization pass transforming 64-bit integer computations into a vector ones.Support TBM built-in functions and code generation.Use given thread-local storage dialect.Use direct references against %gs when accessing tls data.Fine grain control of tune features.Support VAES built-in functions and code generation.Return 8-byte vectors in memory.Support VPCLMULQDQ built-in functions and code generation.Generate vzeroupper instruction before a transfer of control flow out of the function.Support WBNOINVD built-in functions and code generation.Support XOP built-in functions and code generation.Support XSAVE and XRSTOR instructions.Support XSAVES and XRSTORS instructions.Don't create a dynamically linked position independent executable.Do not search standard system include directories (those specified with -isystem will still be used).Do not search standard system include directories for C++.Do not look for object files in standard path.-o Place output into .Like -pedantic but issue them as errors.Create a dynamically linked position independent executable.Generate C header of platform-specific features.Do not display functions compiled or elapsed time.Remap file names when including files.Statically link the GNU Fortran helper library (libgfortran).Create a static position independent executable.Conform to the ISO 1998 C++ standard revised by the 2003 technical corrigendum.Deprecated in favor of -std=c++11.Conform to the ISO 2011 C++ standard.Conform to the ISO 2014 C++ standard.Conform to the ISO 2017 C++ standard.Deprecated in favor of -std=c++14.Deprecated in favor of -std=c++17.Conform to the ISO 2020(?) C++ draft standard (experimental and incomplete support).Conform to the ISO 2011 C standard.Conform to the ISO 2017 C standard (expected to be published in 2018).Deprecated in favor of -std=c11.Conform to the ISO 1990 C standard.Conform to the ISO 1999 C standard.Deprecated in favor of -std=c99.Conform to the ISO Fortran 2003 standard.Conform to the ISO Fortran 2008 standard.Conform to the ISO Fortran 2008 standard including TS 29113.Conform to the ISO Fortran 2018 standard.Conform to the ISO Fortran 95 standard.Conform to nothing in particular.Conform to the ISO 1998 C++ standard revised by the 2003 technical corrigendum with GNU extensions.Deprecated in favor of -std=gnu++11.Conform to the ISO 2011 C++ standard with GNU extensions.Conform to the ISO 2014 C++ standard with GNU extensions.Conform to the ISO 2017 C++ standard with GNU extensions.Deprecated in favor of -std=gnu++14.Deprecated in favor of -std=gnu++17.Conform to the ISO 2020(?) C++ draft standard with GNU extensions (experimental and incomplete support).Conform to the ISO 2011 C standard with GNU extensions.Conform to the ISO 2017 C standard (expected to be published in 2018) with GNU extensions.Deprecated in favor of -std=gnu11.Conform to the ISO 1990 C standard with GNU extensions.Conform to the ISO 1999 C standard with GNU extensions.Deprecated in favor of -std=gnu99.Conform to the ISO 1990 C standard as amended in 1994.Deprecated in favor of -std=iso9899:1999.Accept extensions to support legacy code.Enable traditional preprocessing.-trigraphs Support ISO C trigraphs.Do not predefine system-specific and GCC-specific macros.Display the compiler's version.Known assembler dialects (for use with the -masm= option):Known ABIs (for use with the -mabi= option):unknown Control-Flow Protection Level %qsKnown code models (for use with the -mcmodel= option):argument %qs to %<-Wbidi-chars%> not recognizedargument %qs to %<-Wnormalized%> not recognizedunknown excess precision style %qsunknown floating point contraction style %qsUnrecognized option to endianness value: %qsUnrecognized option to floating-point init value: %qsKnown choices for mitigation against straight line speculation with -mharden-sls=:Known indirect branch choices (for use with the -mindirect-branch=/-mfunction-return= options):unrecognized ivar visibility value %qsKnown data alignment choices (for use with the -malign-data= option):Known vectorization library ABIs (for use with the -mveclibabi= option):unknown Live-Patching Level %qsunknown LTO partitioning model %qsunknown specification for the set of FLT_EVAL_METHOD values to permit %qsKnown address mode (for use with the -maddress-mode= option):Known preferred register vector length (to use with the -mprefer-vector-width= option)unknown profile update method %qsunknown basic block reordering algorithm %qsunrecognized scalar storage order value %qsKnown stack protector guard (for use with the -mstack-protector-guard= option):Valid arguments to -mstringop-strategy=:unrecognized visibility value %qsKnown TLS dialects (for use with the -mtls-dialect= option):unknown vectorizer cost model %qsunknown vtable verify initialization priority %qsargument %qs to %<-Waligned-new%> not recognized../../gcc/hash-table.h../../gcc/vec.cHash tablesHash mapsHash setsHeap vectorsBitmapsGGC memoryAllocation poolgcc/%s:%i (%s)%-48s %10li:%4.1f%%%10li%10li:%4.1f%%%11li%11li TimesPeakLeak%-48s %11s%15s%10s%17s%11s Peak itemsLeak itemsTotal%s%55li%25li%17li ../../gcc/mem-stats.halloc_entriescalculate_allocation_1alloc_entriesalloc_entriesrelease_overheadalloc_entriesY@../../gcc/hash-table.calloc_entriesalloc_entriesrelease_overheadhash_table_higher_prime_index%I$ <;G]tB{= 0$~`2fCOmA oE!a  0P AA ?  &*"@ `0PHX? "A!)?../../gcc/spellcheck.c../../gcc/spellcheck.hget_lengthfind_closest_string../../gcc/common/config/i386/i386-common.c-malign-loops is obsolete, use -falign-loops-malign-loops=%d is not between 0 and %d-malign-jumps is obsolete, use -falign-jumps-malign-jumps=%d is not between 0 and %d-malign-functions is obsolete, use -falign-functions-malign-functions=%d is not between 0 and %d-mbranch-cost=%d is not between 0 and 5$ 2gf^  u. |TpN `:P' K!d)&{,wX h X8N ix86_handle_option| ~pP~p@ ../../gcc/params.cinvalid parameter %qspredictable-branch-outcomeinline-min-speedupmax-inline-insns-recursivemax-inline-recursive-depthmax-early-inliner-iterationscomdat-sharing-probabilitymin-vect-loop-boundmax-delay-slot-insn-searchmax-delay-slot-live-searchmax-pending-list-lengthmax-modulo-backtrack-attemptslarge-function-insnslarge-function-growthlarge-unit-insnsinline-unit-growthipcp-unit-growthearly-inlining-insnslarge-stack-framelarge-stack-frame-growthmax-gcse-memorymax-gcse-insertion-ratiogcse-cost-distance-ratiogcse-unrestricted-costmax-hoist-depthmax-pow-sqrt-depthmax-unrolled-insnsmax-average-unrolled-insnsmax-unroll-timesmax-peeled-insnsmax-peel-timesmax-peel-branchesmax-completely-peeled-insnsmax-completely-peel-timesmax-once-peeled-insnsmax-unswitch-insnsmax-unswitch-levelmax-loop-header-insnsmax-iterations-to-tracksms-max-ii-factorsms-min-scsms-dfa-historyhot-bb-count-ws-permillehot-bb-frequency-fractionunlikely-bb-count-fractionalign-thresholdalign-loop-iterationsmax-predicted-iterationsbuiltin-expect-probabilitytracer-dynamic-coveragetracer-max-code-growthtracer-min-branch-ratiotracer-min-branch-probabilitymax-crossjump-edgesmin-crossjump-insnsmax-grow-copy-bb-insnsmax-goto-duplication-insnsmax-cse-path-lengthmax-cse-insnslim-expensiveiv-max-considered-usesavg-loop-niterdse-max-object-sizescev-max-expr-sizescev-max-expr-complexitymax-cselib-memory-locationsggc-min-expandggc-min-heapsizemax-reload-search-insnssink-frequency-thresholdmax-sched-region-blocksmax-sched-region-insnsmax-pipeline-region-blocksmax-pipeline-region-insnsmin-spec-probmax-sched-insn-conflict-delaysched-spec-prob-cutoffsched-state-edge-prob-cutoffselsched-max-lookaheadselsched-max-sched-timesselsched-insns-to-renamesched-mem-true-dep-costsched-autopref-queue-depthmax-last-value-rtlmax-combine-insnsinteger-share-limitssp-buffer-sizemin-size-for-stack-sharingmax-sched-ready-insnsmax-dse-active-local-storesprefetch-latencysimultaneous-prefetchesl1-cache-sizeThe size of L1 cache.l1-cache-line-sizeThe size of L1 cache line.l2-cache-sizeThe size of L2 cache.loop-interchange-stride-ratiouse-canonical-typesmax-partial-antic-lengthsccvn-max-scc-sizeira-max-loops-numira-max-conflict-table-sizeira-loop-reserved-regsloop-block-tile-sizegraphite-max-nb-scop-paramsgraphite-max-arrays-per-scopmax-isl-operationsgraphite-allow-codegen-errorsprofile-func-internal-idindir-call-topn-profileslp-max-insns-in-bbmin-insn-to-prefetch-ratiomax-vartrack-sizemax-vartrack-expr-depthmax-vartrack-reverse-op-sizemax-debug-marker-countmin-nondebug-insn-uidipa-sra-ptr-growth-factortm-max-aggregate-sizesra-max-propagationsipa-cp-value-list-sizeipa-cp-eval-thresholdipa-cp-recursion-penaltyipa-cp-single-call-penaltyipa-max-agg-itemsipa-cp-loop-hint-bonusipa-cp-array-index-hint-bonusipa-max-aa-stepslto-partitionslto-min-partitionlto-max-partitionmax-stores-to-sinkcase-values-thresholdallow-store-data-racestree-reassoc-widthmax-tail-merge-comparisonsstore-merging-allow-unalignedmax-stores-to-mergemax-tail-merge-iterationsmax-tracked-strlenssched-pressure-algorithmmax-slsr-cand-scanasan-stackEnable asan stack protection.asan-instrument-allocasasan-globalsasan-instrument-writesasan-instrument-readsasan-memintrinasan-use-after-returnuninit-control-dep-attemptschkp-max-ctor-sizefsm-scale-path-stmtsfsm-maximum-phi-argumentsfsm-scale-path-blocksmax-fsm-thread-path-insnsmax-fsm-thread-lengthmax-fsm-thread-pathsparloops-chunk-sizeparloops-scheduleparloops-min-per-threadmax-ssa-name-query-depthmax-rtl-if-conversion-insnshsa-gen-debug-storesmax-vrp-switch-assertionsvect-epilogues-nomaskunroll-jam-min-percentunroll-jam-max-unrollavoid-fma-max-bitslogical-op-non-short-circuitguidedminimum value of parameter %qs is %umaximum value of parameter %qs is %uMaximal estimated outcome of branch considered predictable.The minimal estimated speedup allowing inliner to ignore inline-insns-single and inline-insns-auto.The maximum number of instructions in a single function eligible for inlining.The maximum number of instructions when automatically inlining.The maximum number of instructions inline function can grow to via recursive inlining.max-inline-insns-recursive-autoThe maximum number of instructions non-inline function can grow to via recursive inlining.The maximum depth of recursive inlining for inline functions.max-inline-recursive-depth-autoThe maximum depth of recursive inlining for non-inline functions.min-inline-recursive-probabilityInline recursively only when the probability of call being executed exceeds the parameter.The maximum number of nested indirect inlining performed by early inliner.Probability that COMDAT function will be shared with different compilation unit.partial-inlining-entry-probabilityMaximum probability of the entry BB of split region (in percent relative to entry BB of the function) to make partial inlining happen.max-variable-expansions-in-unrollerIf -fvariable-expansion-in-unroller is used, the maximum number of times that an individual variable will be expanded during loop unrolling.If -ftree-vectorize is used, the minimal loop bound of a loop to be considered for vectorization.The maximum number of instructions to consider to fill a delay slot.The maximum number of instructions to consider to find accurate live register information.The maximum length of scheduling's pending operations list.The maximum number of backtrack attempts the scheduler should make when modulo scheduling a loop.The size of function body to be considered large.Maximal growth due to inlining of large function (in percent).The size of translation unit to be considered large.How much can given compilation unit grow because of the inlining (in percent).How much can given compilation unit grow because of the interprocedural constant propagation (in percent).Maximal estimated growth of function body caused by early inlining of single call.The size of stack frame to be considered large.Maximal stack frame growth due to inlining (in percent).stack-clash-protection-guard-sizeSize of the stack guard expressed as a power of two.stack-clash-protection-probe-intervalInterval in which to probe the stack expressed as a power of two.The maximum amount of memory to be allocated by GCSE.The maximum ratio of insertions to deletions of expressions in GCSE.gcse-after-reload-partial-fractionThe threshold ratio for performing partial redundancy elimination after reload.gcse-after-reload-critical-fractionThe threshold ratio of critical edges execution count that permit performing redundancy elimination after reload.Scaling factor in calculation of maximum distance an expression can be moved by GCSE optimizations.Cost at which GCSE optimizations will not constraint the distance an expression can travel.Maximum depth of search in the dominator tree for expressions to hoist.Maximum depth of sqrt chains to use when synthesizing exponentiation by a real constant.The maximum number of instructions to consider to unroll in a loop.The maximum number of instructions to consider to unroll in a loop on average.The maximum number of unrollings of a single loop.The maximum number of insns of a peeled loop.The maximum number of peelings of a single loop.The maximum number of branches on the path through the peeled sequence.The maximum number of insns of a completely peeled loop.The maximum number of peelings of a single loop that is peeled completely.The maximum number of insns of a peeled loop that rolls only once.max-completely-peel-loop-nest-depthThe maximum depth of a loop nest we completely peel.The maximum number of insns of an unswitched loop.The maximum number of unswitchings in a single loop.The maximum number of insns in loop header duplicated by the copy loop headers pass.Bound on the number of iterations the brute force # of iterations analysis algorithm evaluates.max-iterations-computation-costBound on the cost of an expression to compute the number of iterations.A factor for tuning the upper bound that swing modulo scheduler uses for scheduling a loop.The minimum value of stage count that swing modulo scheduler will generate.The number of cycles the swing modulo scheduler considers when checking conflicts using DFA.sms-loop-average-count-thresholdA threshold on the average loop count considered by the swing modulo scheduler.A basic block profile count is considered hot if it contributes to the given permillage of the entire profiled execution.Select fraction of the maximal frequency of executions of basic block in function given basic block needs to have to be considered hot.The minimum fraction of profile runs a given basic block execution count must be not to be considered unlikely.Select fraction of the maximal frequency of executions of basic block in function given basic block get alignment.Loops iterating at least selected number of iterations will get loop alignment..The maximum number of loop iterations we predict statically.Set the estimated probability in percentage for builtin expect. The default value is 90% probability.tracer-dynamic-coverage-feedbackThe percentage of function, weighted by execution frequency, that must be covered by trace formation. Used when profile feedback is available.The percentage of function, weighted by execution frequency, that must be covered by trace formation. Used when profile feedback is not available.Maximal code growth caused by tail duplication (in percent).Stop reverse growth if the reverse probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percent).tracer-min-branch-probability-feedbackStop forward growth if the probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percent). Used when profile feedback is available.Stop forward growth if the probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percent). Used when profile feedback is not available.The maximum number of incoming edges to consider for crossjumping.The minimum number of matching instructions to consider for crossjumping.The maximum expansion factor when copying basic blocks.The maximum number of insns to duplicate when unfactoring computed gotos.The maximum length of path considered in cse.The maximum instructions CSE process before flushing.The minimum cost of an expensive expression in the loop invariant motion.iv-consider-all-candidates-boundBound on number of candidates below that all candidates are considered in iv optimizations.Bound on number of iv uses in loop optimized in iv optimizations.iv-always-prune-cand-set-boundIf number of candidates in the set is smaller, we always try to remove unused ivs during its optimization.Average number of iterations of a loop.Maximum size (in bytes) of objects tracked bytewise by dead store elimination.Bound on size of expressions used in the scalar evolutions analyzer.Bound on the complexity of the expressions in the scalar evolutions analyzer.max-tree-if-conversion-phi-argsMaximum number of arguments in a PHI supported by TREE if-conversion unless the loop is marked with simd pragma.vect-max-version-for-alignment-checksBound on number of runtime checks inserted by the vectorizer's loop versioning for alignment check.vect-max-version-for-alias-checksBound on number of runtime checks inserted by the vectorizer's loop versioning for alias check.vect-max-peeling-for-alignmentMaximum number of loop peels to enhance alignment of data references in a loop.The maximum memory locations recorded by cselib.Minimum heap expansion to trigger garbage collection, as a percentage of the total size of the heap.Minimum heap size before we start collecting garbage, in kilobytes.The maximum number of instructions to search backward when looking for equivalent reload.Target block's relative execution frequency (as a percentage) required to sink a statement.The maximum number of blocks in a region to be considered for interblock scheduling.The maximum number of insns in a region to be considered for interblock scheduling.The minimum probability of reaching a source block for interblock speculative scheduling.max-sched-extend-regions-itersThe maximum number of iterations through CFG to extend regions.The maximum conflict delay for an insn to be considered for speculative motion.The minimal probability of speculation success (in percents), so that speculative insn will be scheduled.The minimum probability an edge must have for the scheduler to save its state across it.The maximum size of the lookahead window of selective scheduling.Maximum number of times that an insn could be scheduled.Maximum number of instructions in the ready list that are considered eligible for renaming.Minimal distance between possibly conflicting store and load.Hardware autoprefetcher scheduler model control flag. Number of lookahead cycles the model looks into; at '0' only enable instruction sorting heuristic. Disabled by default.The maximum number of RTL nodes that can be recorded as combiner's last value.The maximum number of insns combine tries to combine.The upper bound for sharing integer constants.The lower bound for a buffer to be considered for stack smashing protection.The minimum size of variables taking part in stack slot sharing when not optimizing.max-jump-thread-duplication-stmtsMaximum number of statements allowed in a block that needs to be duplicated when threading jumps.max-fields-for-field-sensitiveMaximum number of fields in a structure before pointer analysis treats the structure as a single variable.The maximum number of instructions ready to be issued to be considered by the scheduler during the first scheduling pass.Maximum number of active local stores in RTL dead store elimination.The number of insns executed before prefetch is completed.The number of prefetches that can run at the same time.loop-interchange-max-num-stmtsThe maximum number of stmts in loop nest for loop interchange.The minimum stride ratio for loop interchange to be profitableWhether to use canonical types.Maximum length of partial antic set when performing tree pre optimization.Maximum size of a SCC before SCCVN stops processing a function.sccvn-max-alias-queries-per-accessMaximum number of disambiguations to perform per memory access.Max loops number for regional RA.Max size of conflict table in MB.The number of registers in each class kept unused by loop invariant motion.lra-max-considered-reload-pseudosThe max number of reload pseudos which are considered during spilling a non-reload pseudo.lra-inheritance-ebb-probability-cutoffMinimal fall-through edge probability in percentage used to add BB to inheritance EBB in LRA.switch-conversion-max-branch-ratioThe maximum ratio between array size and switch branches for a switch conversion to take place.size of tiles for loop blocking.maximum number of parameters in a SCoP.maximum number of arrays per scop.maximum number of isl operations, 0 means unlimitedwhether codegen errors should be ICEs when -fchecking.loop-max-datarefs-for-datadepsMaximum number of datarefs in loop for building loop data dependencies.loop-invariant-max-bbs-in-loopMax basic blocks number in loop for loop invariant motion.use internal function id in profile lookup.track topn target addresses in indirect-call profile.Maximum number of instructions in basic block to be considered for SLP vectorization.Min. ratio of insns to prefetches to enable prefetching for a loop with an unknown trip count.prefetch-min-insn-to-mem-ratioMin. ratio of insns to mem ops to enable prefetching in a loop.Max. size of var tracking hash tables.Max. recursion depth for expanding var tracking expressions.Max. size of loc list for which reverse ops should be added.Max. count of debug markers to expand or inline.The minimum UID to be used for a nondebug insn.Maximum allowed growth of number and total size of new parameters that ipa-sra replaces a pointer to an aggregate with.Size in bytes after which thread-local aggregates should be instrumented with the logging functions instead of save/restore pairs.sra-max-scalarization-size-OspeedMaximum size, in storage units, of an aggregate which should be considered for scalarization when compiling for speed.sra-max-scalarization-size-OsizeMaximum size, in storage units, of an aggregate which should be considered for scalarization when compiling for size.Maximum number of artificial accesses to enable forward propagation that Scalar Replacement of Aggregates will keep for one local variable.Maximum size of a list of values associated with each parameter for interprocedural constant propagation.Threshold ipa-cp opportunity evaluation that is still considered beneficial to clone..Percentage penalty the recursive functions will receive when they are evaluated for cloning..Percentage penalty functions containing a single call to another function will receive when they are evaluated for cloning..Maximum number of aggregate content items for a parameter in jump functions and lattices.Compile-time bonus IPA-CP assigns to candidates which make loop bounds or strides known..Compile-time bonus IPA-CP assigns to candidates which make an array index known..Maximum number of statements that will be visited by IPA formal parameter analysis based on alias analysis in any given function.Number of partitions the program should be split to.Minimal size of a partition for LTO (in estimated instructions).Maximal size of a partition for LTO (in estimated instructions).cxx-max-namespaces-for-diagnostic-helpMaximum number of namespaces to search for alternatives when name lookup fails.Maximum number of conditional store pairs that can be sunk.The smallest number of different values for which it is best to use a jump-table instead of a tree of conditional branches, if 0, use the default for the machine.Allow new data races on stores to be introduced.Set the maximum number of instructions executed in parallel in reassociated tree. If 0, use the target dependent heuristic..Maximum amount of similar bbs to compare a bb with.Allow the store merging pass to introduce unaligned stores if it is legal to do so.Maximum number of constant stores to merge in the store merging pass.Maximum amount of iterations of the pass over a function.Maximum number of strings for which strlen optimization pass will track string lengths.Which -fsched-pressure algorithm to apply.Maximum length of candidate scans for straight-line strength reduction.Enable asan allocas/VLAs protection.Enable asan globals protection.Enable asan store operations protection.Enable asan load operations protection.Enable asan builtin functions protection.Enable asan detection of use-after-return bugs.asan-instrumentation-with-call-thresholdUse callbacks instead of inline code if number of accesses in function becomes greater or equal to this number.use-after-scope-direct-emission-thresholdUse direct poisoning/unpoisoning instructions for variables smaller or equal to this number.Maximum number of nested calls to search for control dependencies during uninitialized variable analysis.Maximum number of statements to be included into a single static constructor generated by Pointer Bounds Checker.Scale factor to apply to the number of statements in a threading path when comparing to the number of (scaled) blocks.Maximum number of arguments a PHI may have before the FSM threader will not try to thread through its block.Scale factor to apply to the number of blocks in a threading path when comparing to the number of (scaled) statements.Maximum number of instructions to copy when duplicating blocks on a finite state automaton jump thread path.Maximum number of basic blocks on a finite state automaton jump thread path.Maximum number of new jump thread paths to create for a finite state automaton.Chunk size of omp schedule for loops parallelized by parloops.Schedule type of omp schedule for loops parallelized by parloops (static, dynamic, guided, auto, runtime).Minimum number of iterations per thread of an innermost parallelized loop.Maximum recursion depth allowed when querying a property of an SSA name.Maximum number of insns in a basic block to consider for RTL if-conversion.max-rtl-if-conversion-predictable-costMaximum permissible cost for the sequence that would be generated by the RTL if-conversion pass for a branch that is considered predictable.max-rtl-if-conversion-unpredictable-costMaximum permissible cost for the sequence that would be generated by the RTL if-conversion pass for a branch that is considered unpredictable.Level of hsa debug stores verbositymax-speculative-devirt-maydefsMaximum number of may-defs visited when devirtualizing speculativelyMaximum number of assertions to add along the default edge of a switch statement during VRPEnable loop epilogue vectorization using smaller vector size.Minimum percentage of memrefs that must go away for unroll-and-jam to be considered profitable.Maximum unroll factor for the unroll-and-jam transformation.Maximum number of bits for which we avoid creating FMAs.True if a non-short-circuit operation is optimal.init_param_valuesset_default_param_valueset_param_value_internalset_param_valueget_lengthget_stringglobal_init_paramsadd_params../../gcc/hooks.chook_int_rtx_insn_unreachable../../gcc/diagnostic.c [fix-it::{%i:%i-%i:%i}::%d:%dlocus%s %s%s%s%s%s%s:%sSee %s for instructions. compilation terminated. %s%s:%s ???0x%lx %s %s:%d %s%s%s COLUMNSin %s, at %s:%d\\\t\n\"\%o%o%otoplev::mainexecute_one_passcompile_filefatal error: internal compiler error: sorry, unimplemented: warning: anachronism: note: debug: pedwarn: permerror: must-not-happenwarningnoteInternal compiler error: Error reporting routines re-entered. %s:%d: confused by earlier errors, bailing out compilation terminated due to -fmax-errors=%u. In file included from %r%s%s%R, from %r%s%s%Rcompilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors. Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source if appropriate. Please include the complete backtrace with any bug report. %s: all warnings being treated as errors%s: some warnings being treated as errors; internal_error_no_backtraceinternal_errorfatal_errorerror_atpermerrorpedwarnwarning_nwarning_atinformprint_escaped_stringprint_parseable_fixitsdiagnostic_action_after_outputdiagnostic_build_prefixdiagnostic_set_infodiagnostic_set_info_translated../../gcc/diagnostic.cTERMdumb../../gcc/diagnostic-color.cGCC_COLORSrange1range2fixit-insertfixit-deletediff-filenamediff-hunkdiff-deletediff-inserttype-diffcolorize_init../../gcc/diagnostic-show-locus.cL*ensure_terminatedoverwritesubspancolumn_rangeadd_hintintersects_line_pcontains_pointget_line_width_without_trailing_whitespacebegin_stateprint_leading_fixitsget_expanded_locationmaybe_add_location_rangeline_spancalculate_line_spanslayout../../gcc/edit-context.c@@ -%i,%i +%i,%i @@ --- %s +++ %s ensure_terminatedapply_fixitget_num_linesprint_run_of_changed_linesget_or_insert_fileget_file../../gcc/pretty-print.cqwl+#%ld%lld%lo%llo%p%llu%#lx%x%lx%llx\x%02x\%03o\U%08x\lHűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűű űűűű űűűűű-aűűűűTpp_output_formatted_textpp_formatpp_write_text_as_dot_label_to_stream/usr/share/locale`utf-8utf8‘’../../gcc/input.c%*cunoptimized_ranges: %i RESERVED LOCATIONSORDINARY MAP: %i file: %s starting at line: %i column and range bits: %i column bits: %i range bits: %i %s:%3i|loc:%5i|%.*s UNALLOCATED LOCATIONSMACRO %i: %s (%u tokens) map->start_location: %u macro_locations: %u: %u, %u token %u has x-location == %utoken %u has y-location == %uMAX_SOURCE_LOCATIONAD-HOC LOCATIONSmacro expansionrange endpoints are reversedunable to read source lineline is not wide enoughcaret_idx out of rangestart_idx out of rangeend_idx out of rangeseen line directivetrack_macro_expansion != 2unknown location source_location interval: %u <= loc < %u Number of expanded macros: %5ld Average number of tokens per macro expansion: %5ld Line Table allocations during the compilation process Number of ordinary maps used: %5ld%c Ordinary map used size: %5ld%c Number of ordinary maps allocated: %5ld%c Ordinary maps allocated size: %5ld%c Number of macro maps used: %5ld%c Macro maps used size: %5ld%c Macro maps locations size: %5ld%c Macro maps size: %5ld%c Duplicated maps locations size: %5ld%c Total allocated maps size: %5ld%c Total used maps size: %5ld%c Ad-hoc table size: %5ld%c Ad-hoc table entries used: %5ld expansion point is location %itoken %u has x-location == y-location == %ux-location == y-location == %u encodes token # %u range starts after LINE_MAP_MAX_LOCATION_WITH_COLSrange ends after LINE_MAP_MAX_LOCATION_WITH_COLSrange endpoints are in different filesrange endpoints are on different linesget_substring_ranges_for_locget_source_location_for_substringget_string_concatenationrecord_string_concatenationalloc_entriesalloc_entriesalloc_entriesrelease_overheaddump_location_infoexpand_location_1get_next_lineread_line_numtotal_lines_numdiagnostics_file_cache_forcibly_evict_file(GCC) 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-24)failure to convert %s to %siconv_open../../libcpp/charset.cmissing open quoteempty character constant'$' in identifier or numbercpp_interpret_string_1 failedUTF-8/UTF-32LEUTF-8/UTF-32BEUTF-8/UTF-16LEUTF-8/UTF-16BEUTF-32LE/UTF-8UTF-32BE/UTF-8UTF-16LE/UTF-8UTF-16BE/UTF-8conversion from %s to %s not supported by iconvconverting UCN to source character setconverting UCN to execution character setthe meaning of '\x' is different in traditional C\x used with no following hex digitshex escape sequence out of rangeoctal escape sequence out of rangethe meaning of '\a' is different in traditional Cnon-ISO-standard escape sequence, '\%c'unknown escape sequence: '\%c'unknown escape sequence: '\%s'converting escape sequence to execution character setconverting to execution character setcharacter constant too long for its typemulti-character character constantuniversal character names are only valid in C++ and C99C99's universal character names are incompatible with C90the meaning of '\%c' is different in traditional CIn _cpp_valid_ucn but not a UCNincomplete universal character name %.*s%.*s is not a valid universal characterCharacter %x might not be NFKCuniversal character %.*s is not valid in an identifieruniversal character %.*s is not valid at the start of an identifiercharacter 0x%lx is not in the basic source character set character 0x%lx is not unibyte in execution character setexecution character set != source character set(   (       oooooooo       (                         (    u  h          N e[   v_v_convert_octconvert_hexconvert_ucncpp_interpret_string_1_cpp_valid_ucnhihhihih1m3>m@HmI~mmm)-/1Oihi      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnostyiz}(~lHmMmmhh   89OPQRSVW[\]^uw0VXY`m     !&:?JKLMNO P!Q"RSTUVWXYZ[\]^_iotmx/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHI !"$%&()*+,XYZ   ( ) 0 1 3 4 9 ; < L M O P Q R S W _ b c e o         ( ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 ; = B F H J L M X [ \ ] ^ e o s t       ( ) 0 1 3 5 9 ; < = > C F G H J L M U W [ ] ^ a e o       ( ) 3 4 9 = D E G H I L M T TU [V _ a e o        ( ) 9 = > C E H I L M V W _ a e o    012m37g8g9 :?FGkHkIkJNOY[mvvzzzi h 3456789=B CGHL MQ RV W[ \h ipqr st viw xiyz{|        %&-.68 9hY`u\]^3 89:_tuvwxyz{~     345:;<=?ABCjklmnopqr  6+h./h:;hMNhjwhxh -/79KS[]ciw{mIEGMOWXYZ[\]^p qr st uv wx yz {| } h hH  H  H  H(  h ) . `> @ S T _ o hq s h~ i h h h          h!i!h!!h!i!!h !i!!i!h!!!i!!h"!#!i$!%! &!'!i(!)!)*! +!i-!.!i1!2!i8!h9!:!h@!D!hI!O!h_!i!!!h!!_$h$$u''+{,h},,,,n-ho-~----------------------------------..h..h..h//`000 0)0*0+0,0-0.0/00050h6070h:0@0K0L0M0N0O0P0Q0R0S0T0U0V0W0X0Y0Z0[0\0]0^0_0`0a0b0d0e0f0g0h0i0o0q0r0t0u0w0x0z0{0}000000m000h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000h01,101h11h11h22hG2O2h~22h22h3Mnstuvwxyz{|ohphèߨ*+,R     ! "$ &) -mohh l) 67 <= >? AB DE Nll=?Olllhh !"#$%/hDFhRShfghkolrsltulh l:h@lZhelllllhh  7 8 9 > E &'-/2 3 ]defghlmnopqz{|}~ABChTUhhhhhhhhhh  hhh9:h>?hDEhFIhPQhhhhh h"#h$&h'(h23h78h9:h;AhBFhGHhIJhKLhOPhRShTVhWXhYZh[\h]^h_`hbchdfhjkhrshwxh|}h~hhhhhh h./hOihkhhh:?hHOhQ push_macropop_macropoisonsystem_headerunterminated #%s#%s is a GCC extensionempty filename in #%s#include nested too deeplypragma dependency#endif without #if"%s" re-assertedassertion without predicatemissing '(' after predicatepredicate's answer is empty#else without #if#else after #elsethe conditional began hereundefining "%s"#elif without #if#elif after #elseline number out of range"%s" is not a valid filenamepoisoning existing macro "%s"#pragma once in main fileinvalid #%s directivecannot find source file %scurrent file is older than %s( ../../libcpp/directives.cdefineendififdefifndefpragmainclude_nextunassertsccsregistering pragmas in namespace "%s" with mismatched name expansionregistering pragma "%s" with name expansion and no namespaceregistering "%s" as both a pragma and a pragma namespace#pragma %s %s is already registered#pragma %s is already registered"defined" cannot be used as a macro name"__has_include__" cannot be used as a macro name"%s" cannot be used as a macro name as it is an operator in C++no macro name given in #%s directivemacro names must be identifiersembedding a directive within macro arguments is not portablestyle of line directive is a GCC extension#%s is a deprecated GCC extensionsuggest not using #elif in traditional Ctraditional C ignores #%s with the # indentedsuggest hiding #%s from traditional C with an indented #invalid preprocessing directive #%s; did you mean #%s?invalid preprocessing directive #%s#%s expects "FILENAME" or extra tokens at end of #%s directivepredicate must be an identifiermissing ')' to complete answer#include_next in primary source fileunexpected end of file after #line"%s" after #line is not a positive integer#pragma system_header ignored outside include fileinvalid #pragma GCC poison directiveinvalid flag "%s" in line directiveinvalid "#pragma GCC %s" directivemissing terminating > characterinvalid #pragma push_macro directive"%s" after # is not a positive integerfile "%s" linemarker ignored due to incorrect nestingregistering pragma with NULL handler_Pragma takes a parenthesized string literalinvalid #pragma pop_macro directivecpp_pop_definitionstdoutcpplib%s: %s../../libcpp/errors.ccpp_diagnostic_with_linecpp_diagnostic_atuse of C++11 long long integer constantuse of C99 long long integer constantbinary constants are a C++14 feature or GCC extensionbinary constants are a GCC extensionmissing binary operator before token "%s"digit separator after base indicatordigit separator adjacent to decimal pointtoo many decimal points in numberdigit separator adjacent to exponentdigit separator outside digit sequencefixed-point constants are a GCC extensioninvalid digit "%c" in binary constantinvalid digit "%c" in octal constantinvalid prefix "0b" for floating constantno digits in hexadecimal floating constantuse of C++17 hexadecimal floating constantuse of C99 hexadecimal floating constanthexadecimal floating constants require an exponentinvalid suffix "%.*s" on floating constanttraditional C rejects the "%.*s" suffixsuffix for double constant is a GCC extensioninvalid suffix "%.*s" with hexadecimal floating constantdecimal float constants are a GCC extensioninvalid suffix "%.*s" on integer constantimaginary constants are a GCC extensionuser-defined literal in preprocessor expressionfloating constant in preprocessor expressioninteger constant is too large for its typeinteger constant is so large that it is unsignedimaginary number in preprocessor expressionoperator "defined" requires an identifier("%s" is an alternative token for "%s" in C++)this use of "defined" may not be portable"%s" is not defined, evaluates to 0assertions are a GCC extensionassertions are a deprecated extensiontoken "%s" is not valid in preprocessor expressionsmissing expression between '(' and ')'operator '%s' has no right operandoperator '%s' has no left operandthe left operand of "%s" changes sign when promotedthe right operand of "%s" changes sign when promotedtraditional C rejects the unary plus operatorinteger overflow in preprocessor expressioncomma operator in operand of #ifoperator "__has_include__" requires a header stringmissing ')' after "__has_include__"#elifadjacent digit separatorsexponent has no digitsmissing ')' after "defined"../../libcpp/expr.c%s with no expressionimpossible operator '%u'division by zero in #ifmissing ')' in expression'?' without following ':'missing '(' in expression ':' without preceding '?'unbalanced stack in %sq]yqq7|OqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTluTqy]z]zvv~xVxVvvyCv-w=vv)})}]z]zyyrwwrwHwHwo|q|qq||q|qqqq|qqqqq|qqqqqqqqqqqq|q|qq||q|qqqq|qqqqq|[p[ppppp[ppppppppppppppppppppppp[p[ppppp[????????????0k k0k k k k k k0k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k0k k0k k k k k k0ksً]ss|ssً]ss|sqqrqqqeval_token         NULL directory in find_file%s is a block device%s is shorter than expected./%c %s one or more PCH files were found, but they were invaliduse -Winvalid-pch for more informationno include path in which to search for %sMultiple include guards may be useful for: header.gcc.gchtruefalse__VA_ARGS____has_include____has_include_next____STDC__ 1__cplusplus 201709L__cplusplus 201703L__cplusplus 201402L__cplusplus 201103L__cplusplus 199711L__ASSEMBLER__ 1__STDC_VERSION__ 199409L__STDC_VERSION__ 201710L__STDC_VERSION__ 201112L__STDC_VERSION__ 199901L__STDC_UTF_16__ 1__STDC_UTF_32__ 1__STDC_HOSTED__ 1__STDC_HOSTED__ 0__OBJC__ 1and_eqbitandbitorcomplnotnot_eqxorxor_eq__TIMESTAMP____TIME____DATE____FILE____BASE_FILE____LINE____INCLUDE_LEVEL____COUNTER____has_attribute__has_cpp_attribute_Pragma__STDC__@ vertical tabform feed../../libcpp/lex.c%s in preprocessing directivenull character(s) ignoredattempt to use poisoned "%s"unterminated commentmulti-line comment`%.*s' is not in NFKC`%.*s' is not in NFC"/*" within commenttrigraph ??%c converted to %cHRUhruHROUGHint -fallthroughFALLTHRLSENTENTIONALntentionally ALLunterminated raw stringunspellable token %s0123456789abcdefU+2068 (FIRST STRONG ISOLATE)U+200E (LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK)U+200F (RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK)#%s !>><<&&||EOF==!=+=-=*=/=%=&=|=^=>>=<<={};->->*.*AT_NAMENUMBERWCHARCHAR16CHAR32UTF8CHAROTHERWSTRINGSTRING16STRING32UTF8STRINGOBJC_STRINGHEADER_NAMEWCHAR_USERDEFCHAR16_USERDEFCHAR32_USERDEFUTF8CHAR_USERDEFWSTRING_USERDEFSTRING16_USERDEFSTRING32_USERDEFUTF8STRING_USERDEFCOMMENTMACRO_ARGPRAGMAPRAGMA_EOLPADDING%:%:<::><%%>__VA_ARGS__ can only appear in the expansion of a C++11 variadic macro__VA_ARGS__ can only appear in the expansion of a C99 variadic macroidentifier "%s" is a special operator name in C++C++ style comments are not allowed in ISO C90(this will be reported only once per input file)C++ style comments are incompatible with C90unpaired UTF-8 bidirectional control character detectedbackslash-newline at end of filetrigraph ??%c ignored, use -trigraphs to enablebackslash and newline separated by spaceraw string delimiter longer than 16 charactersinvalid new-line in raw string delimiterinvalid character '%c' in raw string delimiterinvalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and string macronull character(s) preserved in literalmissing terminating %c characterC++11 requires a space between string literal and macroUTF-8 vs UCN mismatch when closing a context by "%s""%s" is closing an unopened contextfound problematic Unicode character "%s"__VA_OPT__ is not available until C++2a__VA_OPT__ can only appear in the expansion of a C++2a variadic macroU+202A (LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING)U+202B (RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING)U+202D (LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE)U+202E (RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE)U+2066 (LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE)U+2067 (RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE)U+202C (POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING)U+2069 (POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE)nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnʑЌ+4p?0ȍȍȍȍȍȍȍȍȍȍ]`0Џo@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++5@n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *yrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrΏԊ/8tC4̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋ad4ԍsDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD//9 DrDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD$.}PPPPPڜȘ`؝/ڜ@ >ҙUAj ϛUЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖLЖЖЖЖЖLЖЖLЖЖЖЖЖ{`ѢЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖLЖЖЖЖЖ$͝TTTTTޚ̖dܛ3ޚD$B֗YEnәƛYԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔPԔԔԔԔԔPԔԔPԔԔԔԔԔdՠԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔԔPԔԔԔԔԔ(ћXXXcXXXccXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXcXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXcXXXcXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ gR֮ͮgggggggRgggggggggggggggggg}gggggggggggggugggggg͘͘͘͘͘ggggggggggggggu"ЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙ4../../libcpp/line-map.cyesNoneLC_ENTERLC_LEAVELC_RENAMELC_RENAME_VERBATIMLC_ENTER_MACROFile: %s:%d Included from: [%d] %s Macro: %s (%u tokens) N/A# of ordinary maps: %d # of macro maps: %d Include stack depth: %d Highest location: %u Ordinary line maps Macro line maps line-map.c: file "%s" entered but not left Map #%u [%p] - LOC: %u - REASON: %s - SYSP: %s {P:%s;F:%s;L:%d;C:%d;S:%d;M:%p;E:%d,LOC:%d,R:%d}linemap_expand_locationlinemap_resolve_locationlinemap_compare_locations"%s" may not appear in macro parameter listmacro parameters must be comma-separatedanonymous variadic macros were introduced in C++11anonymous variadic macros were introduced in C99ISO C++ does not permit named variadic macrosISO C does not permit named variadic macrosmissing ')' in macro parameter listISO C++11 requires whitespace after the macro nameISO C99 requires whitespace after the macro namemissing whitespace after the macro name'#' is not followed by a macro parameter'##' cannot appear at either end of a macro expansion__VA_OPT__ may not appear in a __VA_OPT____VA_OPT__ must be followed by an open parenthesis'##' cannot appear at either end of __VA_OPT__this is the location of the previous definitionduplicate macro parameter "%s"unterminated argument list invoking macro "%s"function-like macro "%s" must be used with arguments in traditional Cinvalid string literal, ignoring final '\'invoking macro %s argument %d: empty macro arguments are undefined in ISO C++98invoking macro %s argument %d: empty macro arguments are undefined in ISO C90ISO C++11 requires at least one argument for the "..." in a variadic macroISO C99 requires at least one argument for the "..." in a variadic macromacro "%s" requires %u arguments, but only %u givenmacro "%s" passed %u arguments, but takes just %upasting "%s" and "%s" does not give a valid preprocessing tokeninvalid hash type %d in cpp_macro_definitionmacro "%s" might prevent reproducible buildscould not determine file timestampcould not determine date and time__COUNTER__ expanded inside directive with -fdirectives-onlymacro argument "%s" would be stringified in traditional Cparameter name missing!"#%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^{|}~unterminated __VA_OPT____STDC_"%s" redefined__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS../../libcpp/macro.cinvalid built-in macro "%s""??? ??? ?? ??:??:?? ????""%s %2d %4d""%02d:%02d:%02d""??? ?? ????""??:??:??"macro "%s" is not usedJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecF'kk_cpp_backup_tokensmacro_real_token_counttokens_buff_add_tokenpaste_all_tokensreached_end_of_context_cpp_pop_context_cpp_builtin_macro_text \ String pool entries %lu identifiers %lu (%.2f%%) slots %lu deleted %lu table size %lu%c coll/search %.4f ins/search %.4f ../../libcpp/symtab.clongest entry %lu bytes %lu%c (%lu%c overhead) avg. entry %.2f bytes (+/- %.2f) approx_sqrt-C6?syntax error in macro parameter listdetected recursion whilst expanding macro "%s"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqߥqq{qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq}qqqcqqqmmap/proc/self/exe/proc/curproc/file/proc/%ld/object/a.outfailed to read executable informationlibbacktrace could not find executable to opencloseno debug info in ELF executableno symbol table in ELF executableexecutable file is unrecognized ELF versionexecutable file is unexpected ELF classexecutable file has unknown endiannessELF symbol table strtab link out of rangesymbol string index out of range0w,aQ mjp5c飕d2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqgjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-                                         P p00 ` @P X x8@ h( H` T t48 d$DX \ |<H l,( Lh R r24 b"BT Z z:D j*$ Jd V v6< f&F\ ^  ~>L n.,Nl Q q12 a!AR Y y9B i)" Ib U u5: e%EZ ]  }=J m-* Mj S s36 c#CV [ {;F k+& Kf W w7> g'G^ _ ?N o/.Onexecutable file is not ELFELF section name out of range.note.gnu.build-idGNU.gnu_debuglink.opd/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/.debug//usr/lib/debug/fstat.debug_line.debug_abbrev.debug_ranges.debug_str.zdebug_info.zdebug_line.zdebug_abbrev.zdebug_ranges.zdebug_strmunmap%s in %s at %dDWARF underflowLEB128 overflows uint64_tunrecognized address sizeDW_FORM_strp out of rangeunrecognized DWARF forminvalid abbreviation coderanges offset out of rangeunit line offset out of rangeunrecognized DWARF versionabbrev offset out of rangesigned LEB128 overflows uint64_tabstract origin or specification out of rangeinvalid abstract origin or specificationinvalid file number in DW_AT_call_file attributefunction ranges offset out of rangeunsupported line number versioninvalid directory index in line number program headerinvalid directory index in line number programinvalid file number in line number program~NNNNOLLHOOLLO````aaaa```````````````a``````````````a````a````aa`````````````aa```aaa````````Q`Q`Q`?`r`r`f`f`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`r`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`E`E`Q`Q`r`Q`Q`Q`Q`l`Q`Q`Q`Q`r`f`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`r`r`Q`l`l`l`l`r`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`Q`g,i,iikmvpnnnno/o@oQobosooooooo,p>p>p>ppppppppzpzpppgq qrssstteuuv~vxx{~~~~!!'~c ppippp lЙr,HtƜ&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&ҥgĥ˥ӴӴʹʹٴ(anonymous namespace)[abi:{default arg#}::JArrayauto:VTT for construction vtable for -in-typeinfo for typeinfo name for typeinfo fn for non-virtual thunk to covariant return thunk to java Class for guard variable for 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