GOOF----LE-8-2.0] 4h ] gcurrent-module gerror f're-loading ice-9/boot-9.scm not allowed fprompt ggensym gmake-prompt-tag gdefault-prompt-tag gcall-with-prompt gabort-to-prompt gwith-throw-handler gmemq gapply g make-fluid gquit gprimitive-exit ginteger? gformat gcurrent-error-port f guile: uncaught throw to ~a: ~a  g scm-error gwrong-type-arg fcatch f&Wrong type argument in position ~a: ~a gcatch fwith-throw-handler fthrow gthrow gmap gcar gcdr gfor-each gprimitive-load-path !f ice-9/r4rs "gnewline #gdisplay $f;;;  %gwrite &g last-pair 'gpeek (gpk )gwith-output-to-port *gcurrent-warning-port +f ;;; WARNING  ,gwarn -g *features* .gprovide /g provided? 0g make-struct 1gmake-struct/no-tail 2gabsolute-file-name? 3gand-map 4gor-map 5g simple-format 6g string-length 7gstring-any-c-code 8g procedure? 9g string-ref :g string-any ;gstring-every-c-code gsubstring-fill! ?gguile @? Ag module-name Bg hashq-set! Cg%get-pre-modules-obarray Dg module-add! Eg hashq-ref Fg make-variable Ggmodule-define! Hgmodule-variable Ifbadness! Jg module-ref Kgmodule-generate-unique-id! Lg module-gensym Mgresolve-module Ngsyntax-violation Og datum->syntax Pg syntax->datum Qg syntax-source Rg identifier? Sggenerate-temporaries Tgbound-identifier=? Ugfree-identifier=? Vg $sc-dispatch Wfice-9/psyntax-pp Xgmake-syntax-transformer Ygand Zgmacro [gany \[ ]g syntax-object ^gtop _^ `gribcage agdummy ba cg m-bde397a-a11 dc^ ed ff l-bde397a-a16 gf h`beg i` jgx kj lf l-bde397a-a13 ml n`kem o_hin pghygiene qp? r]oq s[[ t[[ u[t vgif wgy xajw yd__ zf l-bde397a-a1e {f l-bde397a-a1f |f l-bde397a-a20 }z{| ~`xy} _~in ]vq ]Yq ]q  f-source expression failed to match any pattern gor g m-bde397a-a24 ^  f l-bde397a-a29  `b f l-bde397a-a26  `k _i ]q glet __ f l-bde397a-a31 f l-bde397a-a32 f l-bde397a-a33  `x _i ]q gt ]q ]vq ]q g quasisyntax gfree-id glevel j __ f l-bde397a-a3f f l-bde397a-a40  ` gexpand  _ f l-bde397a-a3b  ` ge  _ f l-bde397a-a3a  ` _i ]q  [ g_ [ s gunsyntax ]q  [ geach-any  [ gunsyntax-splicing ]q   [ [  gappend gvector  g vector->list g list->vector [  gk gr  f l-bde397a-a8f f l-bde397a-a90  ` _i ]q  g m-bde397a-a96 ^  f l-bde397a-a97  ` _ii ]q  g... gr* grep  ___ f l-bde397a-a7b f l-bde397a-a7c f l-bde397a-a7d  `  f l-bde397a-a74 f l-bde397a-a75  ` _iii  ]q  geach  glist  [ g with-syntax g template* g replacements  f l-bde397a-acc f l-bde397a-acd  ` gtemplate  f l-bde397a-ac7  ` _i ]q gsyntax  ]q  fInvalid expression  gwhen  [  [  [  gtest gstmt gstmt* a g m-bde397a-ad5 ^ ___ f l-bde397a-ada f l-bde397a-adb f l-bde397a-adc f l-bde397a-add  `  f l-bde397a-ad7  `k  _i !]v q "gbegin #]" q $gunless %g m-bde397a-ae4 &%^ '&___ (f l-bde397a-ae9 )f l-bde397a-aea *f l-bde397a-aeb +f l-bde397a-aec ,()*+ -`', .& /f l-bde397a-ae6 0/ 1`k.0 2_-i1 3]v2q 4gnot 5]42q 6]"2q 7gcond 8  9gelse :g bad-clause ;: `;= ?gclause @? Af l-bde397a-b1f BA C`@B Dgclauses E?D Ff l-bde397a-b0e Gf l-bde397a-b0f HFG I`EH Jg reverse-map Kgfold LJK M__ Nf l-bde397a-af6 Of l-bde397a-af4 PNO Q`LMP Rg whole-expr SR Tf l-bde397a-af3 UT V`SU W_>CIQV X]9Wq YX ZY  [gtail \[ ]f l-bde397a-b2c ^] _`\^ `ge* a` bf l-bde397a-b27 cf l-bde397a-b28 dbc e`ad f_i_e>CIQV  g]"fq hfelse must be the last clause iY jfinvalid clause kg=> l]kWq ml n[m[ og t-bde397a-b36 po qg m-bde397a-b37 rq^ sr tf l-bde397a-b3b ut v`psu wf l-bde397a-b35 xw y`\x zgreceiver {z |f l-bde397a-b30 }f l-bde397a-b31 ~|} `{~ _iviiiy>CIQV  ]q ]q ]vq  m [ f$wrong number of receiver expressions [[m[ gcall-with-values g t-bde397a-b4c  g m-bde397a-b4d ^  f l-bde397a-b51  ` f l-bde397a-b4b  `\ g generator gguard z f l-bde397a-b44 f l-bde397a-b45 f l-bde397a-b46  ` _iiii>CIQV  ]q glambda ]q gvals ]q ]vq ] q  [ g t-bde397a-b60  g m-bde397a-b61 ^  f l-bde397a-b65  ` f l-bde397a-b5f  `\  f l-bde397a-b5c  ` _iiii>CIQV  ]q ]q ]vq g t-bde397a-b71  g m-bde397a-b72 ^  f l-bde397a-b76  ` f l-bde397a-b70  `\ ` f l-bde397a-b69 f l-bde397a-b6a f l-bde397a-b6b  ` _iiii>CIQV  ]vq ]"q g t-bde397a-b12  g m-bde397a-b13 ^  f l-bde397a-b17  ` _iIQV ]"q gcase   grest  f l-bde397a-bd6 f l-bde397a-bd7  ` f l-bde397a-bd0  `; gseen ? f l-bde397a-bcd f l-bde397a-bce  ` gkey  f l-bde397a-bbd  ` gexpr ?D f l-bde397a-bb5 f l-bde397a-bb6 f l-bde397a-bb7  ` greverse-map-with-seed gfold2 K ___ f l-bde397a-b81 f l-bde397a-b7f f l-bde397a-b7d  ` f l-bde397a-b7c  `S _iii  ]kq  [ _ ]q  f l-bde397a-c09  f l-bde397a-c0a     `a   _ iii   ]" q gmemv gsystem gbase gmessage  gwarning   gduplicate-case-datum gsource-properties garray? gbad-case-datum g t-bde397a-bf5  g m-bde397a-bf6 ^  f l-bde397a-bfa   !`  "f l-bde397a-bf4 #" $`\# % &f l-bde397a-be2 '& (`%' )gdatums *) +f l-bde397a-be0 ,+ -`*, .g clause-expr /. 0f l-bde397a-bdc 10 2`/1 3_i!iii$i(-i2iii 4]v3q 5]3q 6gquote 7]63q 8_i2iii  9]98q :9 ;g t-bde397a-bbf <; =g m-bde397a-bc0 >=^ ?> @f l-bde397a-bc4 A@ B`<?A C_iBiii  D]Cq Egdo F  G  HFG I[H Jgletrec Kgvar Lginit Mgstep Ngcommand OaKLMN Pg m-bde397a-c0f QP^ RQ______ Sf l-bde397a-c14 Tf l-bde397a-c15 Uf l-bde397a-c16 Vf l-bde397a-c17 Wf l-bde397a-c18 Xf l-bde397a-c19 Yf l-bde397a-c1a ZSTUVWXY [`ORZ \Q ]f l-bde397a-c11 ^] _`k\^ `_[i_ a]J`q bgloop c]b`q d]`q e]v`q f]"`q g]`q hegg i]E`q jfstep k]j`q lgatom mlj n[m[ o[m[[ pgwrong-number-of-args qfCdefine-values: wrong number of return values returned by expression rg%define-values-arity-error sg define-values t[ ua vgdefine wf l-bde397a-c3e xw y`bx z {f l-bde397a-c39 |{ }`z| ~g orig-form ~ f l-bde397a-c36  ` _iiiiy}i  ]vq ]q ]q g case-lambda ]q ]q  ]q ]rq     \[ geach+ [\ [ [[ [[ [ f l-bde397a-c7f  `b gvar0 gvarn  f l-bde397a-c76 f l-bde397a-c77 f l-bde397a-c78  ` _iiiii  ]"q ]vq ]q ]q ]q ]q ]q ]rq    ]q gv ]q ]q gset! ]q ]q  ]q  K f l-bde397a-c6a f l-bde397a-c6b  ` _i ]vq ]q ]q ]q  f l-bde397a-c5e  `b f l-bde397a-c55 f l-bde397a-c56 f l-bde397a-c57  ` _iiiii  ]"q ]vq ]q ]q ]q ]q ]q ]rq    ]q ]q ]q ]q ]q  ]q  f l-bde397a-c47 f l-bde397a-c48  ` _ii ]vq ]q ]q ]q ]q   ]q ]rq     gdelay g make-promise gexp a g m-bde397a-c87 ^ _ f l-bde397a-c8c f l-bde397a-c8d  `  f l-bde397a-c89  `k _i ]q ]q gcurrent-source-location  gs  f l-bde397a-c96    `   f l-bde397a-c91     `k  _i i  ]6q gcurrent-filename gcanonicalize-path gassq-ref gfilename g define-once [[[ gsym gval a g m-bde397a-c9e ^ __ f l-bde397a-ca3 f l-bde397a-ca4 f l-bde397a-ca5   ` ! "f l-bde397a-ca0 #" $`k!# %_ i$ &]v%q ']v%q (gmodule-locally-bound? )](%q *]%q +* ,]6%q -fmap .fCircular list: ~S /greverse! 0fNot a list: ~S 1fList of wrong length: ~S 2glength 3g map-in-order 4ffor-each 5fUnexpected tail: ~S 6gbinaryS 76  8gencodingS 98  :gguess-encodingS ;:  <79; =g open-file >frb ?fr @gopen-input-file A79 Bfwb Cfw Dgopen-output-file E6  F8  G:  HEFG Igclose-input-port Jgcall-with-input-file KEF Lgclose-output-port Mgcall-with-output-file Ngwith-input-from-port Ogwith-input-from-file Pgwith-output-to-file Qgwith-error-to-port Rgwith-error-to-file Sgset-exception-printer! Tgand=> Ug frame-source Vf Wf ~a:~a:~a:  XfERROR:  Yf!Throw to key `~a' with args `~s'. Zgframe-procedure [fIn procedure ~a:  \gprocedure-name ]fError while printing exception. ^g force-output _gprint-exception `fIn procedure ~a:  ag goops-error bghost-not-found cgkeyword-argument-error df~a: ~s eg misc-error fgno-data gg no-recovery hgnull-pointer-error ig out-of-range jg program-error kg read-error lgregular-expression-syntax mgsignal ngstack-overflow og system-error pg try-again qgunbound-variable rg syntax-error sfSyntax error:  tf unknown file ugline vg1+ wgcolumn xfunknown location:  yf~a:  zf~a {f in subform ~s of ~s |f in form ~s }ggetaddrinfo-error ~fIn procedure getaddrinfo: ~a g gai-strerror g define-macro t   t  gargs gbody Z f l-bde397a-e12 f l-bde397a-e13 f l-bde397a-e14  ` f l-bde397a-df9  `k _i ]q ]q ]q g transformer Z f l-bde397a-e1a f l-bde397a-e1b  ` _i ]q ]q [[[ gstring? g define-syntax gdoc Z f l-bde397a-e29 f l-bde397a-e2a f l-bde397a-e2b  ` _i ]q ]q ]wq  g macro-type ]q gdefmacro ]q  g defmacro-args ]q ]q   g syntax-case ]q ]q  ]q ]q ]Pq ]q     ]Oq ] q  gbody1 Z _____ f l-bde397a-e06 f l-bde397a-e07 f l-bde397a-e08 f l-bde397a-e09 f l-bde397a-e0a  ` _i ]q ]q [ Ҍ f l-bde397a-e49 f l-bde397a-e4a f l-bde397a-e4b  ` f l-bde397a-e30  `k _i ]q ]q ]q f l-bde397a-e3d f l-bde397a-e3e f l-bde397a-e3f f l-bde397a-e40 f l-bde397a-e41  ` _i ]q ]q gbegin-deprecated ginclude-deprecated-features gform gform*  f l-bde397a-e54 f l-bde397a-e55  ` f l-bde397a-e51  `k _i ]"q  gidentity gcompose gnegate gconst gcall-with-current-continuation gcall/cc gfalse-if-exception a g m-bde397a-e71 ^ _ f l-bde397a-e76 f l-bde397a-e77  `   f l-bde397a-e73     `k   _i   ] q ] q ] q ] q ] q   gwarningS l   [ [ garg a ___ f l-bde397a-e7b f l-bde397a-e7c f l-bde397a-e7d f l-bde397a-e7e   !`  "_!i  #]"q $]"q %]"q &]"q ']"q (&' )]"q *]"q +* ,]v"q -]4"q .g string-null? /]."q 0/* 1-0 2]"q 3]*"q 43 5f;;; ~a  6]5"q 7246* 8,17 9%+8 :g string-split ;]:"q gport ?]>"q @? A]_"q B]"q CA?B&' DC E] "q FE GB Hgmake-weak-key-hash-table Ig make-mutex Jgmake-procedure-with-setter Kg lock-mutex Lg unlock-mutex Mgmake-object-property Ngassoc Og symbol-pref Pgsymbol-property Qg symbol-pset! Rgset-symbol-property! Sgdelq! Tgsymbol-property-remove! Ugnumber? Vgarray-dimensions Wg array-shape Xgmember Yg kw-arg-ref Zgvtable-index-layout [g struct-layout \gget-print-state ]gport-with-print-state ^ginherit-print-state _g make-vtable `g string-append agstandard-vtable-fields bfprprpw cf# fgset-struct-vtable-name! gg record-type hgrecord-type-vtable ig record-type? jf#< kgrecord-type-descriptor lf  mf:  ngrecord-type-fields ogmake-struct-layout pfpw qg copy-tree rgvtable-offset-user sfmake-~a tfWrong number of arguments ugstring->symbol vgmake-record-type wgnot-a-record-type xgprimitive-eval ygrecord-constructor zgrecord-predicate {f%record-type-check |f!Wrong type record (want `~S'): ~S }g%record-type-error ~g list-index g no-such-field grecord-accessor grecord-modifier grecord? g not-a-record grecord g->bool gsymbol->string g symbol-append g list->string g list->symbol gstring gsymbol f ice-9/posix gsocket fice-9/networking gposix gstat g OPEN_READ g close-port g file-exists? g stat:type g directory f/. gfile-is-directory? glist-ref gsystem-error-errno f? g string-join f~A g make-list f~S gtm:sec gtm:min gtm:hour gtm:mday gtm:mon gtm:year gtm:wday gtm:yday gtm:isdst g tm:gmtoff gtm:zone g set-tm:sec g set-tm:min g set-tm:hour g set-tm:mday g set-tm:mon g set-tm:year g set-tm:wday g set-tm:yday g set-tm:isdst g set-tm:gmtoff g set-tm:zone g tms:clock g tms:utime g tms:stime g tms:cutime g tms:cstime gftell g file-position gSEEK_SET gseek gfile-set-position g dup->fdes gclose gprimitive-move->fdes gset-port-revealed! g move->fdes g port-revealed grelease-port-handle gfdopen g dup->port g dup->inport g dup->outport g port-mode gdup gduplicate-port g input-port? g fdes->ports g fdes->inport g output-port? g fdes->outport gfileno g port->fdes gputenv f= gsetenv gunsetenv gchar=? gfile-name-separator? f/ gfile-name-separator-string gstring-prefix? f g in-vicinity gprogram-arguments g command-line ggetenv fHOME g passwd:dir ggetpwuid ggetuid f.guile gprimitive-load gload-user-init f start-stack g%stacks g %start-stack g start-stack gtag a gm-bde397a-11e7 ^ __ fl-bde397a-11ec fl-bde397a-11ed fl-bde397a-11ee  `  fl-bde397a-11e9  `k _i ]q ]q g load-stack gload-from-path gadd-to-load-path g eval-when gelt a gm-bde397a-11f6 ^ _ fl-bde397a-11fb fl-bde397a-11fc    `     fl-bde397a-11f8    `k   _ i ]q ]q gload ]q geval ]q  ]q g %load-path ]q gcons ]q gdelete ]q  g%load-verbosely  gassert-load-verbosity !floading  "g%load-announce #g %load-hook $g read-eval? %gread-hash-extend &gread 'ginteraction-environment (f-#. read expansion found and read-eval? is #f. )g module-kind *fmodule +gnumber->string ,gobject-address -g %print-module .g"pwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpw /gmodule 0gobarray 1guses 2gbinder 3g eval-closure 4gname 5gkind 6gduplicates-handlers 7gimport-obarray 8g observers 9gweak-observers :gversion ;g submodules gnext-unique-id ?0123456789:;<=> @g module-type Agmodule-constructor Bgmodule? Cgmodule-obarray Dgset-module-obarray! Eg module-uses Fgset-module-uses! Gg module-binder Hgset-module-binder! Igmodule-eval-closure Jgset-module-eval-closure! Kgset-module-transformer! Lgset-module-name! Mgset-module-kind! Ngmodule-duplicates-handlers Ogset-module-duplicates-handlers! Pgmodule-import-obarray Qgmodule-observers Rgset-module-observers! Sgmodule-weak-observers Tgmodule-version Ugset-module-version! Vgmodule-submodules Wgset-module-submodules! Xgmodule-submodule-binder Ygset-module-submodule-binder! Zgmodule-public-interface [gset-module-public-interface! \gmodule-filename ]gset-module-filename! ^gmodule-next-unique-id _gset-module-next-unique-id! `fIllegal size to make-module. afIncorrect use list. bf-Lazy-binder expected to be a procedure or #f. cgmake-hash-table dg macroexpand eg make-module fgmodule-observe ggmodule-observe-weak hg hash-remove! igdelq1! jgmodule-unobserve kgmodule-defer-observers lg recursive mgmodule-defer-observers-mutex ngmodule-defer-observers-table og hash-set! pgmodule-call-observers qgmodule-modified rg hash-for-each sg hash-clear! tgcall-with-deferred-observers ug module-search vgmodule-local-variable wg module-bound? xghashq-get-handle yghash-get-handle zgmodule-obarray-get-handle {ghash-ref |gmodule-obarray-ref }gmodule-obarray-set! ~g hashq-remove! gmodule-obarray-remove! gmodule-symbol-locally-interned? gmodule-symbol-interned? fLocally unbound variable. gmodule-symbol-local-binding fUnbound variable. gmodule-symbol-binding g variable? gmake-undefined-variable gmodule-make-local-var! gmodule-ensure-local-variable! fBad variable to module-add! fBad symbol to module-add! gmodule-remove! g module-clear! gmodule-for-each ghash-map->list g module-map gmodule-ref-submodule gmodule-define-submodule! fnot in submodules table fdefining module f!: not overriding local definition gset-current-module gsave-module-excursion fNo variable named gin g module-set! gmodule-defined? g module-use! greverse gmodule-use-interfaces! g nested-ref ffailed to resolve module g nested-set! gnested-define! gnested-remove! gnested-ref-module fcan't redefine root module gnested-define-module! g local-ref g local-set! g local-define g local-remove glocal-ref-module glocal-define-module gthe-root-module g interface gthe-scm-module f/unexpected module to resolve during module boot gdefine-module* gprocess-use-modules gmodule-export! g$default-duplicate-binding-procedures f mg f- ghash gmost-positive-fixnum gmake-modules-in gbeautify-user-module! g>= g<= fInvalid sub-version reference gversion-matches? gmake-fresh-user-module gensureS    gtry-load-module f*incompatible module version already loaded gtry-module-autoload funknown file name for module g reload-module gpurify-module! gselectS   ghideS   gprefixS   grenamerS   gversionS    gsymbol-prefix-proc fno code for module gcustom-interface fno binding `~A' in module ~A f$no binding `~A' to hide in module ~A gresolve-interface gfilenameS   gpureS     g duplicatesS   gimportsS   gexportsS   g replacementsS   g re-exportsS   g autoloadsS   g transformerS     f#unexpected use-module specification funexpected tail of imports list f%expected list of integers for version f8expected exports to be a list of symbols or symbol pairs gmodule-replace! f=expected replacements to be a list of symbols or symbol pairs gmodule-re-export! f;expected re-exports to be a list of symbols or symbol pairs gmodule-autoload! glookup-duplicates-handlers f(expected transformer to be a module name gsymbol? grun-hook gmodule-defined-hook g make-hook fmissing interface for module fFailed to autoload ~a in ~a:  gautoload gmake-weak-value-hash-table gmake-autoload-interface f"invalid name+binding autoload list gautoloads-in-progress gautoload-done-or-in-progress? gautoload-in-progress! gset-autoloaded! gcurrent-reader ??    gautoloads-done  gdelete!  gautoload-done!  gdefine-option-interface [\ [ goptions genable gdisable g option-set! a gm-bde397a-1729 ^ _____ fl-bde397a-172e fl-bde397a-172f fl-bde397a-1730 fl-bde397a-1731 fl-bde397a-1732 fl-bde397a-1733  `   !fl-bde397a-172b "! #`k " $_i# %]"$q &]v$q ']$q (]$q )( *]v$q +glist? ,]+$q -,( .]$q /]$q 0goption 1]0$q 21 3] $q 4]4$q 5gvalue 6]5$q 7g documentation 8]7$q 9468 :]#$q ;:4 <]$q =glen >]=$q ?]6$q @]$q A@4 B?A C>B DC E] $q Fg< G]F$q H] $q IG>H J] $q K:J L] $q MG>L NEMK OEIKN P<DO Q:6 R:8 S]"$q TS U/9;PKQKRT  V3U1 W/2V X]$q YX Zgflags []Z$q \]$q ]gflag ^]]$q _^ `]$q a]S$q b[ cgdefine-syntax-rule d]c$q egopt f]e$q g]$q hfg i]$q j]$q k]$q l]$q mjkl n]$q o]6$q pof qnpg rq sgdebug-options-interface tg debug-options ug debug-enable vg debug-disable wg debug-set! xgm-bde397a-173a yx^ zae {gm-bde397a-173c |{^ }|yy ~fl-bde397a-1741 fl-bde397a-1742 fl-bde397a-1743 ~ `z} | fl-bde397a-173e  `k gshift yii# ]q ]q ]q ]q  _i ]tq ]q  ]q ]6q gread-options-interface g read-options g read-enable g read-disable g read-set! gm-bde397a-175d ^ gm-bde397a-175f ^  fl-bde397a-1764 fl-bde397a-1765 fl-bde397a-1766  `z  fl-bde397a-1761  `k ii# ]q ]q ]q ]q  _i ]q ]q  ]q ]6q gprint-options-interface g print-options g print-enable g print-disable g print-set! gm-bde397a-1780 ^ gm-bde397a-1782 ^  fl-bde397a-1787 fl-bde397a-1788 fl-bde397a-1789  `z  fl-bde397a-1784  `k ii# ]q ]q ]q ]q  _i ]q ]q  ]q ]6q g *unspecified* gid  gm-bde397a-17a3 ^  fl-bde397a-17aa  ` fl-bde397a-17a5  `k _i ]vq ]q   fl-bde397a-17ad  `k _i ]vq ]q  g unspecified? g gpwprpr g  gmake-parameter gfluid->parameter g parameter? fparameter-fluid fNot a parameter: ~S gparameter-fluid gparameter-converter g parameterize s    gp  fl-bde397a-17e2  ` gparam gbody* 5 ____ fl-bde397a-17d7 fl-bde397a-17d8 fl-bde397a-17d9 fl-bde397a-17da  ` fl-bde397a-17d4    `k   _ii   ] q  ]v q ]4 q ] q ] q ]6 q ] q  f parameterize ] q ] q ] q ] q  g with-fluids ] q g struct-ref ] q ]  q   ]  q !  "g%current-input-port-fluid #fexpected an input port $gcurrent-input-port %g%current-output-port-fluid &fexpected an output port 'gcurrent-output-port (g%current-error-port-fluid )g%current-warning-port-fluid *gscheme +gcurrent-language ,g *repl-stack* -g batch-mode? .gensure-batch-mode! /gexit 0gassq 1g gc-time-taken 2ggc-stats 3g gc-run-time 4g abort-hook 5gbefore-error-hook 6gafter-error-hook 7gbefore-backtrace-hook 8gafter-backtrace-hook 9gbefore-read-hook :gafter-read-hook ;gbefore-eval-hook gafter-print-hook ?g exit-hook @g fluid-ref Ag char-ready? Bgset-port-column! Cg repl-reader Dgiota Egwhile Fgbreak Ggcontinue Hgt-bde397a-1825 Igt-bde397a-1826 JHI Kgm-bde397a-1827 LK^ MLL Nfl-bde397a-182b Ofl-bde397a-182c PNO Q`JMP RE7 Sfl-bde397a-181f Tfl-bde397a-1820 Ufl-bde397a-1821 VSTU W`RV Xfl-bde397a-181c YX Z`kY [_iQWiZ \][q ]g break-tag ^]][q _][q `fbreak a]`[q b_a c^b dg continue-tag e]d[q ffcontinue g]f[q h_g ieh jci k][q l][q m][q n]j[q on p][q q][q r][q s][q tqrs u][q v] [q wv^rs xuw ytx z][q {] [q |{v^z }lz| ~u} q~ pny lo  glp ][q q ve u  qz ]N[q ]6[q ]G[q  ftoo many arguments ][q n  l u q pn lo  ]E[q ]4[q ][q  ][q   l  z ]v[q gnull? ][q z ][q gvalues ][q {z  l  gsymbol->keyword g substring gkeyword-like-symbol->keyword g define-module gt-bde397a-188a  gm-bde397a-188b ^  fl-bde397a-188e  ` gimp grex gaut  ______ fl-bde397a-1878 fl-bde397a-1879 fl-bde397a-187a fl-bde397a-187b fl-bde397a-187c fl-bde397a-187d  ` gparse g parse-iface g ->keyword g keyword-like?  ____ fl-bde397a-183a fl-bde397a-1838 fl-bde397a-1836 fl-bde397a-1834  ` fl-bde397a-1833  `k _ii ]q g quasiquote ]q gt-bde397a-1890  gm-bde397a-1891 ^  fl-bde397a-1894  ` _ii ]q ]6q gt-bde397a-1896  gm-bde397a-1897 ^  fl-bde397a-189a  ` _ii ]q ]6q gt-bde397a-189c  gm-bde397a-189d ^  fl-bde397a-18a0  ` _ii ]q ]6q gt-bde397a-18a2  gm-bde397a-18a3 ^  fl-bde397a-18a6  ` _ii ]q ]6q  g no-backtraceS l [  l   [  gt-bde397a-18de     gm-bde397a-18df  ^  fl-bde397a-18e2  `   fl-bde397a-18dc  ` _ii ]q ]q fkeyword arg without value l [  gt-bde397a-18ec   gm-bde397a-18ed ! ^ "! #fl-bde397a-18f0 $# %`"$ & 'fl-bde397a-18e8 (fl-bde397a-18e9 )'( *`&) +_i%*i ,]+q -]6+q .l /. 0gt-bde397a-18f8 10 2gm-bde397a-18f9 32^ 43 5fl-bde397a-18fc 65 7`146 8gd 98 :fl-bde397a-18f4 ;fl-bde397a-18f5 <:; =`9< >_i7=i ?]>q @]6>q Al BAt Cgt-bde397a-1904 DC Egm-bde397a-1905 FE^ GF Hfl-bde397a-1908 IH J`DGI Kgf LK Mfl-bde397a-1900 Nfl-bde397a-1901 OMN P`LO Q_iJPi R]Qq S]6Qq Tg use-moduleS UlT V [ WUV Xg use-syntaxS YlX ZYV [G[ \U[ ]gexportS ^l] _^ `g export-syntaxS al` ba cg re-exportS dlc ed fgre-export-syntaxS glf hg igreplaceS jli kj lgreplace-syntaxS mll nm ogautoloadS plo qpu rfunknown keyword or bad argument sl tst ugunquote vgrenamer wv xfl-bde397a-1867 yfl-bde397a-1868 zxy {`wz |gout }b| ~fl-bde397a-1846 fl-bde397a-1847 fl-bde397a-1848 ~ `} fl-bde397a-1845  ` _{ii ]uq gkeyword? fexpected keyword arg  gt-bde397a-1931  gm-bde397a-1932 ^  fl-bde397a-1935  ` gname* 4 fl-bde397a-192b fl-bde397a-192c fl-bde397a-192d  ` _ii ]q ]6q G g quoted-arg  fl-bde397a-19de fl-bde397a-19df  ` 4 fl-bde397a-19d5 fl-bde397a-19d6 fl-bde397a-19d7  ` _i ]q ]q ]q ]q  ]q gm ]q ]q ]6q ]q ]q   fno such module g use-modules gkw  fl-bde397a-1a31 fl-bde397a-1a32 fl-bde397a-1a33  ` fl-bde397a-1a0b fl-bde397a-1a0c fl-bde397a-1a0d  `} fl-bde397a-1a0a  ` gquotify g quotify-iface  fl-bde397a-19ff fl-bde397a-19fd fl-bde397a-19fb fl-bde397a-19f9  ` fl-bde397a-19f8  `k _ii ]6q  fl-bde397a-1a65  ` 4 fl-bde397a-1a5a fl-bde397a-1a5b fl-bde397a-1a5c fl-bde397a-1a5d  ` | fl-bde397a-1a39 fl-bde397a-1a3a fl-bde397a-1a3b  ` gspecs  fl-bde397a-1a38  ` _iiii  ]q ]6q 4 fl-bde397a-1a49 fl-bde397a-1a4a fl-bde397a-1a4b  ` _ii ]6q g quoted-args  fl-bde397a-1a73  ` gspec  fl-bde397a-1a6e   `  _i  ] q ] q ] q ] q     ] q ] q ] q   g use-syntax a gm-bde397a-1a78  ^  _ fl-bde397a-1a7d fl-bde397a-1a7e    `      fl-bde397a-1a7a   `k   _ i  ]" q ] q ] q ] q ] q     !gissue-deprecation-warning "] ! q #fE`use-syntax' is deprecated. Please contact guile-devel for more info. $] # q % " $ &   % '] q (glibrary )gsym? *gmake-custom-interface + ) * ,fl-bde397a-1b4a -fl-bde397a-1b48 . , - /` +M . 0g import-spec 1 0 2fl-bde397a-1b47 3 2 4` 1 3 5_ / 4 6] ( 5q 7 6 8gsrfi 9] 8 5q : 9 ; <[ ; =[ < > : = ? 7 > @ 7 = A 7  Bgonly C] B 5q D C E D  Fgexcept G] F 5q H G I H  Jgprefix K] J 5q L K M L[[ Ngrename O] N 5q P O Q[ R P Q Sgresolve-r6rs-interface T4 Ufl-bde397a-1c19 Vfl-bde397a-1c1a W U V X` T W Y_ X / 4 Z] ( Yq [4: \fl-bde397a-1c0b ]fl-bde397a-1c0c ^fl-bde397a-1c0d _ \ ] ^ `` [ _ a_ ` / 4 b] ( aq cf'duplicate binding for `~A' in module ~A dfl-bde397a-1b93 efl-bde397a-1b94 f d e g` T f h_ g / 4 i] ( hq jgcolon-n k j: lfl-bde397a-1b54 mfl-bde397a-1b55 nfl-bde397a-1b56 o l m n p` k o q_ p / 4 r] 8 qq sfsrfi- tgt-bde397a-1b68 u t vgm-bde397a-1b69 w v^ x w yfl-bde397a-1b6c z y {` u x z |gsrfi-n } | ~fl-bde397a-1b64  ~ ` }  fl-bde397a-1b5e fl-bde397a-1b5f fl-bde397a-1b60     ` k  _i {i   / 4 ] ( q ] 8 q gt-bde397a-1b74   gm-bde397a-1b75  ^   fl-bde397a-1b78   `    4 fl-bde397a-1b70 fl-bde397a-1b71    `   _i  i   / 4  ] ( q ] 8 q gexport gcompute-exports   fl-bde397a-1a86   `   gstx   fl-bde397a-1a85   `   _   ]  q     gimport ]  q                =    gfor gim   fl-bde397a-1b0b   `   gespec gispec 4:   fl-bde397a-1afe fl-bde397a-1aff fl-bde397a-1b00 fl-bde397a-1b01 fl-bde397a-1b02 fl-bde397a-1b03        `   _i i    ]  q      j fl-bde397a-1a96 fl-bde397a-1a97 fl-bde397a-1a98 fl-bde397a-1a99 fl-bde397a-1a9a       `   greplace? g re-export?    fl-bde397a-1a8e fl-bde397a-1a8c    ` M  gifaces   fl-bde397a-1a8a fl-bde397a-1a8b    `   _i      ] N q      [ t[  j fl-bde397a-1b1f fl-bde397a-1b20 fl-bde397a-1b21     `   gexports g re-exports    fl-bde397a-1b19 fl-bde397a-1b1a fl-bde397a-1b1b     `   _i ii      ]" q ] q ] q ] q ]  q ]  q g re-export ]  q gexport! ]  q g@@ ]  q 4   fl-bde397a-1ae2 fl-bde397a-1ae3 fl-bde397a-1ae4 fl-bde397a-1ae5 fl-bde397a-1ae6       `   _    ] ( q ]  q ]  q g import-set   fl-bde397a-1b32   `   g strip-for   fl-bde397a-1b2f   `   fl-bde397a-1b2e   `   _i    ]  q      glibrary-reference   fl-bde397a-1b42   `   fl-bde397a-1b3d !  "`  ! #_i  "   $] #q %] #q &] #q '] #q ( % & ' )] #q *giface +] * #q ,] S #q -]6 #q .]t #q /] #q 0] #q 1] #q 2 1 3] #q 4 3 + 5 0 2 4 6 / 5 7 . 6 8 7 9]v #q :] #q ; 9 : : < ; =gdefine-private >gfoo ?gbar @a > ? Agm-bde397a-1c1f B A^ C B__ Dfl-bde397a-1c24 Efl-bde397a-1c25 Ffl-bde397a-1c26 G D E F H` @ C G I B Jfl-bde397a-1c21 K J L`k I K M_ Hi L N]v Mq Og define-public P[ ጤ Qa4 Rgm-bde397a-1c2a S R^ T S___ Ufl-bde397a-1c2f Vfl-bde397a-1c30 Wfl-bde397a-1c31 Xfl-bde397a-1c32 Y U V W X Z` Q T Y [ S \fl-bde397a-1c2c ] \ ^`k [ ] __ Zi ^ `]" _q a]v _q b]  _q ca4 d S__ efl-bde397a-1c38 ffl-bde397a-1c39 gfl-bde397a-1c3a h e f g i` c d h j_ ii ^ k]" jq l]v jq m]  jq ngdefmacro-public ogm-bde397a-1c3f p o^ q p___ rfl-bde397a-1c44 sfl-bde397a-1c45 tfl-bde397a-1c46 ufl-bde397a-1c47 v r s t u w` Q q v x p yfl-bde397a-1c41 z y {`k x z |_ wi { }]" |q ~] |q g export-syntax ]  |q kT gformals a  gm-bde397a-1c4e  ^  __ fl-bde397a-1c53 fl-bde397a-1c54 fl-bde397a-1c55     `      fl-bde397a-1c50   `k   _ i  ] q gset-object-property! greplace gmodule-export-all! fre-exporting local variable: fUndefined variable: a4 gm-bde397a-1c95  ^  _ fl-bde397a-1c9a fl-bde397a-1c9b    `      fl-bde397a-1c97   `k   _ i  ] q ] q ] q ] q     ]t q ] q ] q ] q   ]6 q gm-bde397a-1ca0  ^  _ fl-bde397a-1ca5 fl-bde397a-1ca6    `      fl-bde397a-1ca2   `k   _ i  ] q ] q ] q ] q     ]t q ] q ] q ] q   ]6 q gm-bde397a-1cab  ^  _ fl-bde397a-1cb0 fl-bde397a-1cb1    `      fl-bde397a-1cad   `k   _ i  ] q ] q ] q ] q     ]t q ] q ] q ] q   ]6 q gm-bde397a-1cb6  ^  _ fl-bde397a-1cbb fl-bde397a-1cbc    `      fl-bde397a-1cb8   `k   _ i  ]  q gre-export-syntax gm-bde397a-1cc1  ^  _ fl-bde397a-1cc6 fl-bde397a-1cc7    `      fl-bde397a-1cc3   `k   _ i  ]  q gmake-mutable-parameter gduplicate-handlers gcheck f%~A: `~A' imported from both ~A and ~A f/WARNING: ~A: `~A' imported from both ~A and ~A  gobject-property gwarn-override-core f = ?` < > @gfile A @ Bfl-bde397a-1e0c C B D` A C Egsrc F E Gfl-bde397a-1e0a H G I` F H Jfl-bde397a-1e08 K J L`k K M_i 6 :ii ?i Di Iii L N] , Mq Oggetcwd Pgm-bde397a-1e1f Q P^ R Q Sfl-bde397a-1e20 T S U` R T V_i U :ii ?i Di Iii L W] O Vq X W Ygt-bde397a-1e28 Z Y [gm-bde397a-1e29 \ [^ ] \ ^fl-bde397a-1e2c _ ^ `` Z ] _ afl-bde397a-1e26 b a c` b d_i ` cii ?i Di Iii L e] dq f] dq g]  dq h] , dq igm-bde397a-1e2e j i^ k j lfl-bde397a-1e2f m l n` k m o_i n cii ?i Di Iii L p] O oq q p r f sgguile-2 tgr5rs ugsrfi-0 vgsrfi-4 wgsrfi-13 xgsrfi-14 ygsrfi-16 zgsrfi-23 {gsrfi-30 |gsrfi-39 }gsrfi-46 ~gsrfi-55 gsrfi-61 gsrfi-62 gsrfi-87 gsrfi-105 ? s t u v w x y z { | } ~     g%cond-expand-features g%cond-expand-table gcond-expand-provide g cond-expand g condition   fl-bde397a-1e49   `   gmatch gcondition-matches? gmodule-has-feature?     fl-bde397a-1e40 fl-bde397a-1e3e fl-bde397a-1e3c     `   fl-bde397a-1e3b   `k  _i    ]Y q     ] q     ]4 q    [   fl-bde397a-1e63 fl-bde397a-1e64 fl-bde397a-1e65     `   g alternate D  fl-bde397a-1e5f fl-bde397a-1e60    `   _ i    ]" q _   ]9 q       [    ? fl-bde397a-1e6d fl-bde397a-1e6e    `   _i    ]" q funfulfilled cond-expand g use-srfis grequire-extension fl-bde397a-1e7c   `k  _i  ] 8 q         fNot a recognized extension type gsrfi- fl-bde397a-1e87   ` }  gn   fl-bde397a-1e82   `   _i  i  ] q ] 8 q gdefine-inlinable f%  g -procedure g proc-name   fl-bde397a-1eaf fl-bde397a-1eb0    `   4  fl-bde397a-1ea6 fl-bde397a-1ea7 fl-bde397a-1ea8     `   gmake-procedure-name   J fl-bde397a-1e9a fl-bde397a-1e98    ` M  fl-bde397a-1e97   `k  _iiii      ]" q ]v q gsyntax-parameterize ]  q gidentifier-syntax ]  q gdefine-syntax-parameter ]  q ] q ]j q   ] q ] q ] q ga ]  q ] q     ]N q ]6 q ]t q    ]R q    gusing-readline? gice-9 g deprecated     8 v  fice-9/boot-9.scm gsyntax-local-binding g syntax-module g syntax-locally-bound-identifiers gsyntax-session-id      @ @ g guile-user    ! #  "  @ @C5hP3%]4i5$4i>"G"h -.,3#6{gstem gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm 7   7   8   gnamegmake-prompt-tagCR4i5hC]LC;gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm =    CORhD]L6<gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  A    Ch(] U4O>XCXFG@gtag  %gthunk  %ghandler   %gargs   %gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm @ A   % gnamegcall-with-promptCRh-13WFgtag gargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B  C   gnamegabort-to-promptC R RHH   h-13L&"L$aM[MLY4L5$"4L>"GL$4L>"4L>ZCZFL@gthrown-k gargs grunning  ! gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm c   d  d   d '  d  ! e * f 9 - g  9 g  > h  Y j  Z k  n l  m  Ch] M[LOCg prompt-tag  gcatch-k  gpre   gprev   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm a   b    gnamegcustom-throw-handlerCOQ4 i5K4 ihh-13&0$$45$" $ " " 6445>"G 6 gk agargs agfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm K  M  L   O   N   P  P " " P  & N  ) P . 0 Q  4 N  A N  B T  E T  K T # T T  a U  a gnamegdefault-exception-handlerC5K h0-13L&"L$ L@L@gthrown-k 0gargs 0gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm \   ]  ]   ] '  ]  ( ^ 0 _  0 Chg-.,3#$"$"!4 >"G45U>M$4L5"M[OY4> Z"XCXFG@_gk gthunk ghandler  gpre-unwind-handler  gtag  U gprev  x gcont  gk  gargs   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm p        % # ) .  2  4 ) 6  <  A $ F  O  S & U  U ^ f  g  x [     gnamegcatchg documentationfoInvoke @var{thunk} in the dynamic context of @var{handler} for exceptions matching @var{key}. If thunk throws to the symbol @var{key}, then @var{handler} is invoked this way: @lisp (handler key args ...) @end lisp @var{key} is a symbol or @code{#t}. @var{thunk} takes no arguments. If @var{thunk} returns normally, that is the return value of @code{catch}. Handler is invoked outside the scope of its own @code{catch}. If @var{handler} again throws to the same key, a new handler from further up the call chain is invoked. If the key is @code{#t}, then a throw to @emph{any} symbol will match this call to @code{catch}. If a @var{pre-unwind-handler} is given and @var{thunk} throws an exception that matches @var{key}, Guile calls the @var{pre-unwind-handler} before unwinding the dynamic state and invoking the main @var{handler}. @var{pre-unwind-handler} should be a procedure with the same signature as @var{handler}, that is @code{(lambda (key . args))}. It is typically used to save the stack at the point where the exception occurred, but can also query other parts of the dynamic state at that point, such as fluid values. A @var{pre-unwind-handler} can exit either normally or non-locally. If it exits normally, Guile unwinds the stack and dynamic context and then calls the normal (third argument) handler. If it exits non-locally, that exit determines the continuation.COihX]$"$"!4 >"GM4L5Y4>ZCZFgk  Ugthunk  Ugpre-unwind-handler   Ugfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm       #      ! ) #  )  . $ 3  >  J   U gnamegwith-throw-handlerg documentationfeAdd @var{handler} to the dynamic context as a throw handler for key @var{k}, then invoke @var{thunk}.CO ih0-13$ M[@M[ 6gkey /gargs /gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm       . > "  ( 8 - E /  / gnamegthrowg documentationfInvoke the catch form matching @var{key}, passing @var{args} to the @var{handler}. @var{key} is a symbol. It will match catches of the same symbol or of @code{#t}. If there is no handler at all, Guile prints an error and then exits.COih ](C4L54L5Cgl  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm            #       gnamegmap1Ch(](C4L54L5Cgl1  "gl2  "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                 !   " gnamegmap2Ch0](C4L45?4L455Cgl1  .grest  .gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        #     !  "  ,  -   . gnameglpChhE)3OQ6)3OQ6-13OQ6=gf gl gmap1   gf ( @gl1 ( @gl2  ( @gmap2  1 @gf I agl1 I agrest  I aglp  R a gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    (  1  I  R    ( @  I a  gnamegmapCR h)43"%$4>"G"C")@3"-$$4>"G"C"-13";$2445>"G45"C"wgf :gl :gl  2gf C gl1 C gl2  C gl1  G tgl2  G tgf gl1 grest  gl1  grest   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm          *  0 2  C  G  J N  O T  W  \ g  j ! r t         # :  C   gnamegfor-eachCR4 i!>"G"#$%&hX-134>"G4>"G4>"G4>"G45Cgstuff Vgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        #   ,   >   N   U   V gnamegpeekC'R'i(R)*"#+&hP]4>"G4>"G4L>"G4>"G4L5Cgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm               %   7   G  N    O Ch |-1345O6tgstuff gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        gnamegwarnC,R -h ]45$C Cgsym  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm               gnamegprovideC.R -h]45$CCygfeature  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm          gnameg provided?C/R0h-13 @gvtable gargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm &  '   gnamegmake-struct/no-tailC1Rh{]Csg file-name  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm .    gnamegabsolute-file-name?C2RhP]":$2("$("C45"C"gf  Kglst  Kgresult   @gl   @gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm =  >  @   A  A # A , C  1 C  3 C  6 C  > C @ >   K gnamegand-mapC3Rh8]"$$C(C45""gf  5glst  5gresult   *gl   *gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm J  K  M   N   O   O   O  " O  * O * K   5 gnamegor-mapC4R5iR6789h^-.,3# # 45" 645$F$945$'45$C456"""Vg char_pred gs gstart  gend  gt  d }gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm Z   Z 2 4 `  4 [  5 [ ? 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CNh@]4L 54545$ O@6ge  ;gr  ;gtmp   ;gtmp   ;gfilenamefice-9/quasisyntax.scm  ] ' ^ '  ]   ; ChY]L CQge  gfilenamefice-9/quasisyntax.scm  X    CSV\h)]LC!gt     CNh0]4545$ O@6ge  0gtmp 0gtmp   0gfilenamefice-9/quasisyntax.scm  Y   Y 2 Y  Y   0 ChH]:45$LO@45"45"45"|45"B45$ LO@4 5$  LO@ C$!4 O?$  LO@""$4O?$ LO@"_"[$4O?$ LO@"'"#$4O?$@""gx  Aglevel  Agtmp  Agtmp  + Agtmp  : gtmp  I gtmp  X gtmp  g gtmp   gfilenamefice-9/quasisyntax.scm Q   A gnamegexpandCVVs hK]CCg template*  g replacements     CNh0]4L 545$@6gtemplate  ,gtmp ,gtmp   ,gfilenamefice-9/quasisyntax.scm  } / }   , CNh8|]OQ45$ O@6tge  4gexpand 4gtmp   4gfilenamefice-9/quasisyntax.scm C   4 C5R4XiZN ht]6lge  gfilenamefice-9/quasisyntax.scm       C5R4XiZN ht]6lge  gfilenamefice-9/quasisyntax.scm       C5R4Xi ZV!#hd]C\gdummy  gtest  gstmt   gstmt*      CNh(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgtestgstmtgstmt*g...C5 R4Xi$ZV356hd]C\gdummy  gtest  gstmt   gstmt*      CNh(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgtestgstmtgstmt*g...C5$R4Xi7Zh0]"(C45""gf  0gseed  0gxs   0gxs   $gseed   $gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                    $  $    0 gnamegfoldChx]4L5Cpgx  gseed  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    #    Ch]LO6gf  gxs  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm         gnameg reverse-mapCV8h|]6tgclause-builder  gtail  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        CVZgN7hh {]( LLCLL6sgtail  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        +   ,    Ch9]LLOC1ge  ge*     CiN7jhW]LL6Ogfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   +   <      CnVh(5]LLC-g t-bde397a-b36  #  # CNh0g] 45$ LLO@6_gtail  )gtmp )gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    ) ChB]OC:gtest  greceiver    CN7h]LL6xgtest  greceiver  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   +   &      CVh85]LLLC-g t-bde397a-b4c  1  1 CNh0g] 45$LLLO@6_gtail  +gtmp +gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    + ChZ]OCRg generator  gguard  greceiver      CN7h]LL6g generator  gguard  greceiver   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   +   &      C\Vh 5]LC-g t-bde397a-b60    CNh(g] 45$ LO@6_gtail  'gtmp 'gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    ' Ch,]OC$gtest    C Vh5]LLLC-g t-bde397a-b71     CNh0g] 45$LLLO@6_gtail  +gtmp +gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    + ChK]OCCgtest  ge  ge*      CN7jh ]A45$ LO@45$ LO@45$@45$  LO@4 5$ @4 5$  LO@45$@45$@L6gclause  gtmp gtmp  ) gtmp  G gtmp  ^ gtmp  | gtmp  gtmp  gtmp   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    +  <    CVh5]C-g t-bde397a-b12     CNh@]4L4LLO5545$@6gclause  =gclauses  =gtmp   =gtmp  & =gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm             = CNh@]OQ45$O@6g whole-expr  <gfold  <g reverse-map   <gtmp   <gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    < C57R4XiZh0]"(C45""gf  0gseed  0gxs   0gxs   $gseed   $gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                    $  $    0 gnamegfoldCh8](D4L> G"gxs  6ga  6gb   6ga   6gb   6gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                  !  (   6    6 gnamegloopCh ] OQ6gf  ga  gb   gxs   gloop  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm       gnamegfold2Ch ]4L> GDgx  gys  gseed   gy   gseed   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                Ch]LO6gf  gseed  gxs   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm         gnamegreverse-map-with-seedCVh|]6tgclause-builder  gtail  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        CVtVh0]C(greceiver    CNhn]LL6fgreceiver  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   (   !      C  h9]C1ge  ge*    CNjP h]45$>444544L5554L54L5>"G"$"45$>444544L5554L54L5>"G"Cgdatum  gseen  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  $  & ,  & &   (   )  ' 4   )   1  ! 1 " " 2 * ! 1 ,  ) / $ ) 6 % ) A  ( P ( 0 T ( , U ( 0 Z ( > d ( & e  ( g  ) i ) 4 j  ) m  1 t ! 1 w " 2  ! 1  ) $ ) % )  ( * &"  CPV457h 5]LLC-g t-bde397a-bf5     CNh0g] 45$ LLO@6_gtail  )gtmp )gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm - &  ) Ch0] 4LLLLOL455LODgdatums  ,gseen  ,gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   #  , $   #    , -   , C:Nhh {](LCLL6sgtail  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm 2 )  3 +   (  6 0      ChE]LLLOLD=gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  2 !   Ch]45$ 4?"R45$4LLO?",45$ 4?" 4  LL54 5$ LLLLO@4 5$LLLO@  LL6gtest  grest  gtmp  sgtmp  ' pgtmp  J mgtmp  s gtmp  ~ gtmp  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm ^   b  ( d  9 j   s    (  9    CNjh0] 45$LLO@L6gclause  0gseen  0gtmp  0gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   (  ( *  9 0    0 CVDh5]LC-g t-bde397a-bbf     CNhH]4L4LLLO5545$ O@6gexpr  Egclause  Egclauses   Egtmp   Egtmp  ) Egfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm       :            E CN h@]!OQ45$O@6g whole-expr  @gfold  @gfold2   @greverse-map-with-seed   @gtmp  @gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    @ C5R4XiEZVIacdefhikhT]CLgtmp-bde397a-c25  gtmp-bde397a-c24     C hH]44 55Cgdummy  Fgvar  Fginit   Fgstep   Fgtest   Fgexpr   Fgcommand   F  F Cnh<]C4gdummy  gx     CohK]CCgdummy  gx  gy      CN hP3]45$@45$@45$@ 6+gx  Pgtmp Pgtmp  " Pgtmp  9 Pgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm =   P g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgvarginitgstepg...g...gtestgexprg...gcommandg...fstepgxfstepgxgyC5ERpqh]6gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm U  V X Y V   gnameg%define-values-arity-errorCrR4XisZVtSuV\h-]LC%gdummy     CNh0]4545$ O@6gexpr  0gtmp 0gtmp   0gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  a   a 4 a  a   0 CN3Rh|]456tgvar0  gvarn  gexpr   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      CSuV\h07]LLLC/gtmp-bde397a-c85  .  . Chx-]L4LL54LL544  OL5L   5C%gdummy  w  w CNh8]4545$O@6gvar0  4gvarn  4gexpr   4gtmp  4gtmp   4gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      4      4 CRhi]6agvar  gexpr  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      Ch=]C5gvar  gexpr     C3Rh|]456tgvar0  gvarn  gexpr   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  o    CSuV\h07]LLLC/gtmp-bde397a-c64  .  . Ch-]L4LL54LL544  OL5L   5C%gdummy  z  z CNh8]4545$O@6gvar0  4gvarn  4gexpr   4gtmp  4gtmp   4gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  q   q 4 q  q   4 CRhi]6agvar  gexpr  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  h    Ch=]C5gvar  gexpr     Ch])45$@45"45"e45"745"  6$4 ?$ @""$4 ?$ @""$4?$@""|$4?$@"R"Ng orig-form  gtmp gtmp  " gtmp  1 gtmp  @ gtmp  O }gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm ]   C5sR4XiZVsh>]C6gdummy  gexp     CNh(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgexpC5R4XiZVOQh r]4L4L55Cjgtmp  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      )         CNh(d] 45$ O@6\gx  'gtmp 'gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    ' C5R4XiZQhq]44L556igfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        "   4         ChY-13CQgargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   Ch ]O6gx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        g documentationfA macro that expands to the current filename: the filename that the (current-filename) form appears in. Expands to #f if this information is unavailable.C5R4XiZV&')+,h(O]CGgdummy  !gsym  !gval   !  ! CNh(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgsymgvalC5R-./012 hh)3"|$Y$6&645"45"(66"r)3 "$$$[&6&645"45"h$"6()(6$"66"-1345"C("A45$ "4>"G"""6(64  544  5?""gf gl ghare  gtortoise  gmove?  gout  gf gl1 gl2  gh1  gh2  gt1  gt2  gmove?  gout  gf  cgl1  cgrest   cglen   grest   gl1   Tgrest   Tgout   Tgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm            "   &   (  . *  4 /   2   5   8  $ :   ?  A   D   P   S   W   \   ^   a   m   s  y   }     *  0        6                &  ,        &  ,         #  ,       #               #   (   +  # -   0   @  D   F  & I   M   O   U   Z   ]  c   i  o  s   u  $ x   |   ~                $              @                                              ,   2   "             $   *  -   .   7   <  =  ) G   J   T  T   Y  ) c       c  gnamegmapCRi3R4.0521  h])3"$j4>"G$I& 4>"G"4>"G"C(C6"k)"3""T((""$"$C$66$$$a&6&64>"G"34>"G""""-1345"C("A45$ "4>"G""";$24 4  5>"G4  5"C"Ugf gl ghare  gtortoise  ghare  * ~gf gl1 gl2  gh1  gh2  gt1  gt2  gmove?  gf  ygl1  ygrest   yglen   .grest   #gl1  2 mgrest  2 mgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                 *   *  /   3   ;   <   @  " B  2 D  = I  " O   \   a   f   q  t  + |       *  5           ( ) )  )  *  * *    -   .  . $ . / /  . 1  1 $ 1 /  2   1                 '   )  & +  1 0   3  ;  ? "  A " & C " 1 H #  K " L % Q %  T %  Y % d &  g &  j & ( m & 1 | & }                         5   5   6   7  8   8   8   8   8  9   9   :   :   : ,  : 7  ; "  ;   :  # 6  2 =  5 > 9 >  : @ A @  B @  O @ Z A  [ A ! k A m = w     y  gnamegfor-eachCR<=>?8:hP-/03###$"6gfile  Jgbinary  Jgencoding   Jgguess-encoding   Jgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm J 8 O  : O  @ O " J O   J gbinaryS gencodingS gguess-encodingS gnamegopen-input-fileg documentationfTakes a string naming an existing file and returns an input port capable of delivering characters from the file. If the file cannot be opened, an error is signalled.C@RA=BC8h@-/03##$"6gfile  =gbinary  =gencoding   =gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm S / X  1 X  7 X " = X   = gbinaryS gencodingS gnamegopen-output-fileg documentationfTakes a string naming an output file to be created and returns an output port capable of writing characters to a new file by that name. If the file cannot be opened, an error is signalled. If a file with the given name already exists, the effect is unspecified.CDRH@68:Ihp-/03###454> G4>"GEgfile  igproc  igbinary   igencoding   igguess-encoding   igp  A igvals  N igfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm [ / g A g  D l  Q k  T n  i o   i  gbinaryS gencodingS gguess-encodingS gnamegcall-with-input-fileg documentationfFPROC should be a procedure of one argument, and FILE should be a string naming a file. The file must already exist. These procedures call PROC with one argument: the port obtained by opening the named file for input or output. If the file cannot be opened, an error is signalled. If the procedure returns, then the port is closed automatically and the values yielded by the procedure are returned. If the procedure does not return, then the port will not be closed automatically unless it is possible to prove that the port will never again be used for a read or write operation.CJRKD68Lh`-/03##454> G4>"GEgfile  \gproc  \gbinary   \gencoding   \gp  4 \gvals  A \gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm q & | 4 |  7 ~  D }  G   \    \  gbinaryS gencodingS gnamegcall-with-output-fileg documentationfbPROC should be a procedure of one argument, and FILE should be a string naming a file. The behaviour is unspecified if the file already exists. These procedures call PROC with one argument: the port obtained by opening the named file for input or output. If the file cannot be opened, an error is signalled. If the procedure returns, then the port is closed automatically and the values yielded by the procedure are returned. If the procedure does not return, then the port will not be closed automatically unless it is possible to prove that the port will never again be used for a read or write operation.CMRHJNh]]L6Ugp  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      C68:hH5-/03###O6-gfile  Ggthunk  Ggbinary   Ggencoding   Ggguess-encoding   Ggfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  G    G  gbinaryS gencodingS gguess-encodingS gnamegwith-input-from-fileg documentationf THUNK must be a procedure of no arguments, and FILE must be a string naming a file. The file must already exist. The file is opened for input, an input port connected to it is made the default value returned by `current-input-port', and the THUNK is called with no arguments. When the THUNK returns, the port is closed and the previous default is restored. Returns the values yielded by THUNK. If an escape procedure is used to escape from the continuation of these procedures, their behavior is implementation dependent.CORKM)h]]L6Ugp  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      C68h@-/03##O6gfile  :gthunk  :gbinary   :gencoding   :gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  :    :  gbinaryS gencodingS gnamegwith-output-to-fileg documentationf(THUNK must be a procedure of no arguments, and FILE must be a string naming a file. The effect is unspecified if the file already exists. The file is opened for output, an output port connected to it is made the default value returned by `current-output-port', and the THUNK is called with no arguments. When the THUNK returns, the port is closed and the previous default is restored. Returns the values yielded by THUNK. If an escape procedure is used to escape from the continuation of these procedures, their behavior is implementation dependent.CPRKMQh]]L6Ugp  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      C68h@-/03##O6gfile  :gthunk  :gbinary   :gencoding   :gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  :    :  gbinaryS gencodingS gnamegwith-error-to-fileg documentationf'THUNK must be a procedure of no arguments, and FILE must be a string naming a file. The effect is unspecified if the file already exists. The file is opened for output, an output port connected to it is made the default value returned by `current-error-port', and the THUNK is called with no arguments. When the THUNK returns, the port is closed and the previous default is restored. Returns the values yielded by THUNK. If an escape procedure is used to escape from the continuation of these procedures, their behavior is implementation dependent.CRRSRHTUVWXhX_]"45$6$"66Wgframe  Qgport  Qgsource  Qgt   *gfilename  4 Igline  4 Igcol  4 Igfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                 '  , -   2   4  @   E  / I  O   Q    Q gnamegprint-locationCh]MNCgkey  gproc  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     #     gnamegset-exception-printer!COSiYhr]LLL6jgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm          gnamegdefault-printerCZ[\hM]L6Egfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     0   ChY-13CQgargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   CYh0]4ML5$ LLLL6LLL6gprinter +gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm             %   +    + C]hy-13L6qgk gargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm         C"^ he]OQ$Z454L>"G44O5$">"G"4L>"G4LO O>"G4 >"G 6]gport  gframe  gkey   gargs   gdefault-printer  gproc  " qgt  N agfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        "   %   9   ?   @   N   f   v       gnamegprint-exceptionCO_i`hP*;13$4L>"G"L$"@-13L6gsubr Agmsg Agargs  Agrest  Ag_ J Ngfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm             8  % ?  . A   J  N   A   J N Ch]O@gport  gkey  gargs   gdefault-printer   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        gnamegscm-error-printerC4Sia>"G4Sib>"G4Sicdh ]6gport  gkey  gargs   gdefault-printer   gmessage  gfaulty  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                    gnamegkeyword-error-printerC>"G4Sie>"G4Sif>"G4Sig>"G4Sih>"G4Sii>"G4Sij>"G4Sik>"G4Sil>"G4Sim>"G4Sin>"G4Sio>"G4Sip>"G4Siq>"G4Sip>"G4Si>"G4SirstTuvwWxyz{|h*13 4L>"G$b45$"44554 54L >"G"4L >"G$4L >"G"4L >"G$ L6$ L6C-13L6gwho gwhat gwhere  gform  gsubform  gextra  gt  / Bgfile  [ gline  [ gcol  [ g_  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm          &   '  " -  2 /  " /   ?  = C   F  % L  5 N  % R   S   Y  - [   [   b   h  ! s                                #      )    Ch]O@gport  gkey  gargs   gdefault-printer   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        gnamegsyntax-error-printerC>"G4Si}~h]456gport  gkey  gargs   gdefault-printer   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm       0   >   0      gnameggetaddrinfo-error-printerC>"G4XiZVhQ]CIgmacro  gargs  gbody      ChF]C>gmacro  g transformer     CNPh(] 4455$C45Cgmacro  "gdoc  "g transformer   "gt   "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  7  7   7  7   8  ! 8   " C h8W]    COgmacro  8gdoc  8g transformer   8  8 CPh]456gmacro  gargs  gdoc   gbody1   gbody   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  0  0   Chu]Cmgmacro  gargs  gdoc   gbody1   gbody      Ch]!45"e45$@45$@45"  6$4 ?$ @""$4 ?$ @""|gx  gtmp gtmp   vgtmp  1 vgtmp  H vgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm ,   g documentationfDefine a defmacro.C5R4XiZVhQ]CIgmacro  gargs  gbody      CNPh]456gmacro  gargs  gdoc   gbody1   gbody   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  H  H   Chu]Cmgmacro  gargs  gdoc   gbody1   gbody      C hP]45" 45$@6$4?$@""gx  Pgtmp Pgtmp   1gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm D   P g documentationf3Define a defmacro, with the old lispy defun syntax.C5R4.i>"G4XiZV8ht]45$ CClgform  gform*  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  X X    CNh(d] 45$@6\gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm U   " C5Rhh]C`gx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm a    gnamegidentityCRhM]LL@Egfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm k   k '   Ch b-13L4LO>6<Zgargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm j  k   Ch(z-13(C4?OCrgproc %grest %gg   %gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm c  g   i   i  % gnamegcomposeg documentationfCompose PROC with the procedures in REST, such that the last one in REST is applied first and PROC last, and return the resulting procedure. The given procedures must have compatible arity.CRhk-134L?Ccgargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm p  q  q   Ch]OCgproc  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm m   gnamegnegateg documentationfWReturn a procedure with the same arity as PROC that returns the `not' of PROC's result.CRhV-13LCNg_ gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm v  Ch]OCgvalue  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm s   gnamegconstg documentationfJReturn a procedure that accepts any number of arguments and returns VALUE.CRh]$6Cgvalue  g procedure  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm y  {   {    gnamegand=>g documentationf=When VALUE is #f, return #f. Otherwise, return (PROC VALUE).CTRiR4XiZVs h?]C7gdummy  gexpr     C#$%()9;=@2?DFGhHf]     C^gdummy  Agexpr  Agtemplate   Agarg   A  A CNh@]45$@45$@6gx  9gtmp 9gtmp  " 9gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    9 g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgexprgexprgwarningSgtemplategargg...C5RHIJKhD]L6<gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     CLhD]L6<gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     CEh`q]LOLO4LO>"GV4L>X4LO>"GCX4LO>"GFigobj  `gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      '  $ 4    ` CKhD]L6<gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     CLhD]L6<gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     CBhh]LOLO4LO>"GV4L>X4LO>"GCX4LO>"GFzgobj  bgval  bgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      '  ( 6    b Ch(]4545OO6gprop &glock &gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm          &    & gnamegmake-object-propertyCMRNOh ] 4455$CCgsym  gprop  gpair   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                      gnamegsymbol-propertyCPRNOQh8] 4455$C456gsym  2gprop  2gval   2gpair   2gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                    (   )  * 0   2    2 gnamegset-symbol-property!CRRNOQSh0] 4455$44556Cgsym  .gprop  .gpair   .gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                    "  & *   ,    . gnamegsymbol-property-remove!CTRUhz]45$ CCrgind  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm          /   '   CVh}]456uga  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm          gnameg array-shapeCWRXh(] 45$$CCCgargs  $gkw  $grem  $gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                     $ gnameg kw-arg-refCYRZh]Cwgs  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm         gnameg struct-layoutC[R\]h ]45$ 456Cgold-port  gnew-port  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm         &      gnameginherit-print-stateC^R4_i4`iaib5#cdeh8]4>"G445>"G6gs  7gp  7gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        #         # '   3  # 7    7 C54fig>"GhRhh]$CCgobj  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm         -      gnameg record-type?CiR#jdklmne h]4>"G44455>"G"l("w4>"G4>"G4>"G4>"G"4455 "6gs  gp  gfields  8 goff  8 gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm ,   -   -  -   .   .  .  % . , .  8 /  > 1  C 3  G 3  N 3  W 4  \ 4  c 4  l 5  p 5  w 5  6  6  6  7  7  7  /  /  / + /  /  8 8 "  gnamegdefault-record-printerCho`ph]]CUgf  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm = '  = 3   Cqr2hD]LC<gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B    ChT]LCLga  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   Chc]LC[ga  gb  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   Chr]LCjga  gb  gc   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B    Ch]LCyga  gb  gc   gd   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B    Ch]LCga  gb  gc   gd   ge   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B    Ch]LCga  gb  gc   gd   ge   gf   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B    Ch]LCga  gb  gc   gd   ge   gf   gg   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B    Ch ,3L Cga  gb  gc   gd   ge   gf   gg   gh   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B    Ch , 3 L Cga  gb  gc   gd   ge   gf   gg   gh   gi    gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B    Ch , 3 L Cga  gb  gc   gd   ge   gf   gg   gh   gi   gj   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   Ch(, 3 L  Cga  "gb  "gc   "gd   "ge   "gf   "gg   "gh   "gi   "gj  "gk  " gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   " Ch(, 3 L   Cga  $gb  $gc   $gd   $ge   $gf   $gg   $gh   $gi   $gj  $gk  $gl  $ gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   $ Ch(, 3 L    Cga  &gb  &gc   &gd   &ge   &gf   &gg   &gh   &gi   &gj  &gk  &gl  &gm  & gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   & Ch(,3L     Cga  (gb  (gc   (gd   (ge   (gf   (gg   (gh   (gi   (gj  (gk  (gl  (gm  (gn  (gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   ( Ch0&,3L     Cga  *gb  *gc   *gd   *ge   *gf   *gg   *gh   *gi   *gj  *gk  *gl  *gm  *gn  *go   *gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   * Ch05,3L     C-ga  ,gb  ,gc   ,gd   ,ge   ,gf   ,gg   ,gh   ,gi   ,gj  ,gk  ,gl  ,gm  ,gn  ,go   ,gp   ,gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   , Ch0D,3L     C<ga  .gb  .gc   .gd   .ge   .gf   .gg   .gh   .gi   .gj  .gk  .gl  .gm  .gn  .go   .gp   .gq   .gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   . Ch0S,3L     CKga  0gb  0gc   0gd   0ge   0gf   0gg   0gh   0gi   0gj  0gk  0gl  0gm  0gn  0go   0gp   0gq   0gr   0gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   0 Ch8b,3L     CZga  2gb  2gc   2gd   2ge   2gf   2gg   2gh   2gi   2gj  2gk  2gl  2gm  2gn  2go   2gp   2gq   2gr   2gs   2gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B   2 C20psth8Y-1345L$ L @4L56Qgargs 4gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B  4 Cfu!h(-.,3#4445?5$"45 4 5 $  O" $  O"s $  O"_ $  O"K $ O"7 $ O"# $ O" $ O" $ O" $ O" $ O" $ O" $ O" $ O" $ O"o $ O"[ $ O"G $ O"3 $ O" $ O" O4$"4 5>"GCg type-name !gfields !gprinter  !gdefault-record-printer   !grtd  H !gn  X gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   ;   <  " = " , <  . ;  4 >  ? @  H : H :  Q A  R B ' X B   A   E   E %  E !  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X  F W  M V  N V  O gnamegrecord-constructorCyRhz]$LCCrgobj  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm `   `  `   ` ,  ` #   Chr]OCjgrtd  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm _   gnamegrecord-predicateCzRk{|dh0] 45$C456grtd  .gobj  .gt  .gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm b  c  c  c   d   d !  e  f  + f  . d   . gnameg%record-type-errorC}R~n}h z]L&LCL6rgobj  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm m   n  n   o  p    Ch@] 4455$"4>"GOCgrtd  :g field-name  :gpos   :gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm i  j  j   j  j   k   l  ! l  ( l   : gnamegrecord-accessorCR~n}h ]L&LCL6gobj  gval  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm v   w  w   x  y    Ch@] 4455$"4>"GOCgrtd  :g field-name  :gpos   :gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm r  s  s   s  s   t   u  ! u  ( u   : gnamegrecord-modifierCRih]$6Cgobj  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm {  |  |   | #  |    gnamegrecord?CRh]$C6gobj  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm ~               gnamegrecord-type-descriptorCkR4.i>"Ghx]Cpgx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm          gnameg->boolCRu`h -13445?6gargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      '        gnameg symbol-appendCRuh-134?6{gargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        gnameg list->symbolCRuh}-134?6ugargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        gnamegsymbolCRh8]""(C&C" "gl  3gk  3gn   (gl   (gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                 (  (    3 gnameg list-indexC~R4 i>"G4/i5$4 i>"G"4/i5$hh]456`gstr  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm           C"o=hM]L6Egfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  )  4  ChY-13CQgargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   Ch0] 4O5$4>"GCCgstr  0gport  0gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                     0 CR4/i5$h]4455C{gstr  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm            $      C"o=`hh]4L56`gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     1  D  1   &   ChY-13CQgargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   Ch0] 4O5$4>"GCCgstr  0gport  0gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                     0 CRoh]& 4 5CCgargs  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm               gnamegsystem-error-errnoCRe2 hH()36-134445556 gmessage  Dgargs  Dgmsg  3 Dgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm                 "  # #  ( &  3 .  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D O  V V  ^ gnamegmodule-autoload!g documentationf Have @var{module} automatically load the module named @var{name} when one of the symbols listed in @var{bindings} is looked up. @var{args} should be a list of module-name/binding-list pairs, e.g., as in @code{(module-autoload! module '(ice-9 q) '(make-q q-length))}.CRR``hh]456`gelt  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     0   !   CMhM]LL6Egfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     ChM]LLM6Egfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm 3 3   C hM]LWFEgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm #  # +   ChX]445>"G45U(44LL5O>"GNXCXFGDgtag  Tgk M Tgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    '   ' '  '       %  & 0  ) 0 + = 0  H 2  P  T $ $  T C h-.,3#454545445?4>"G45$CHO O4O>"GV Y4  O>"GZX4 O>"GJC}g module-name gversion g reverse-name   gname  & gdir-hint-module-name  0 gdir-hint  @ gdidit  e gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm        $   &   &  )   .  ( 0   0  3   6   @   @  C   V   b   e  |      gnamegtry-module-autoloadg documentationfTry to load a module of the given name. If it is not found, return #f. Otherwise return #t. May raise an exception if a file is found, but it fails to load.CR  RX h0]45$" 456gp  0gm  0gn   0gt   .gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm =  >  >  ?   ? # @  0 ?   0 gnamegautoload-done-or-in-progress?CR X h8]45 45$C Cgp  1gm  1gn   1gt   1gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm B  C  C  E  D   F   F  - G  / G   1 gnamegautoload-done!C R  h ] 45  Cgp  gm  gn   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm I  J  J  L  K   M  M    gnamegautoload-in-progress!CR   h0] $645 45 Cgp  /gm  /gdone?   /gn   /gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm O  P   Q   R   R   S  " S  # T $ - T   / gnamegset-autoloaded!CR4Xi ZV%&')*-.WY[\</_`a^bdhimrh]        Cgdummy  g interface  goptions   genable   gdisable   g option-set!     CNh(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm \   " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsg interfacegoptionsgenablegdisableg option-set!C5 Rs#6"h] 4>"G4455 $54 >"G $4 >"G""4 >"G4>"G4 >"G4>"G6gname  gvalue  g documentation   glen  cgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   ChX]@Pgoption  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    Ch8w)36]$4>"G6456ogarg  8gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    8 gnameg debug-optionsCtRsh0r-1344455>"G6jgflags )gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  ) gnameg debug-enableCuRsShV]4M5NCNgflag  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    Ch@-1345H4O>"G4J>"G6gflags ?g debug-options  ?gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  ? gnameg debug-disableCvR4XiwZVh(O]CGgdummy  $gopt  $gval   $  $ CNh(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgoptgvalC5wR#6"h] 4>"G4455 $54 >"G $4 >"G""4 >"G4>"G4 >"G4>"G6gname  gvalue  g documentation   glen  cgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   ChX]@Pgoption  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    Ch8v)36]$4>"G6456ngarg  8gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    8 gnameg read-optionsCRh0q-1344455>"G6igflags )gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  ) gnameg read-enableCRShV]4M5NCNgflag  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    Ch@-1345H4O>"G4J>"G6gflags ?g read-options  ?gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  ? gnameg read-disableCR4XiZVh(O]CGgdummy  $gopt  $gval   $  $ CNh(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgoptgvalC5R#6"h] 4>"G4455 $54 >"G $4 >"G""4 >"G4>"G4 >"G4>"G6gname  gvalue  g documentation   glen  cgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   ChX]@Pgoption  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    Ch8w)36]$4>"G6456ogarg  8gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    8 gnameg print-optionsCRh0r-1344455>"G6jgflags )gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  ) gnameg print-enableCRShV]4M5NCNgflag  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    Ch@-1345H4O>"G4J>"G6gflags ?g print-options  ?gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  ? gnameg print-disableCR4XiZVh(O]CGgdummy  $gopt  $gval   $  $ CNh(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgoptgvalC5R4XiZRhV]6Ngid  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     Ch*]C"gid     CVh)]C!gx     CNh@]4?$@45$@6gx  :gtmp  :gtmp  # :gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   : g macro-typegidentifier-syntaxC5Rhu]Cmgv  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     gnameg unspecified?CRiR4fii>"GhT]CLgx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm /   C h()3L[C] L[L4L5\Cwgx  !gprev  !gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     ,   ! Ch8-.,3#4455OCginit 7gconv 7gfluid  " 7gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     "  "  6  7 gnamegmake-parameterg documentationfBMake a new parameter. A parameter is a dynamically bound value, accessed through a procedure. To access the current value, apply the procedure with no arguments: (define p (make-parameter 10)) (p) => 10 To provide a new value for the parameter in a dynamic extent, use `parameterize': (parameterize ((p 20)) (p)) => 20 (p) => 10 The value outside of the dynamic extent of the body is unaffected. To update the current value, apply it to one argument: (p 20) => 10 (p) => 20 As you can see, the call that updates a parameter returns its previous value. All values for the parameter are first run through the CONV procedure, including INIT, the initial value. The default CONV procedure is the identity procedure. CONV is commonly used to ensure some set of invariants on the values that a parameter may have.CRhT]CLgx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm 2   Ch()3L[C] L[L4L5\Cwgx  !gprev  !gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     *   ! Ch0-.,3#OCgfluid )gconv )gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm (  ) gnamegfluid->parameterg documentationf`Make a parameter that wraps a fluid. The value of the parameter will be the same as the value of the fluid. If the parameter is rebound in some dynamic extent, perhaps via `parameterize', the new value will be run through the optional CONV procedure, as with any parameter. Note that unlike `make-parameter', CONV is not applied to the initial value.CRh]$CCgx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm         gnameg parameter?CRh(]45$ C6gp  "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm         !    ' "   " gnamegparameter-fluidCRh(]45$ C6gp  #gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm         !   ' #   # gnamegparameter-converterCR4XiZVSV   h08] C0gtmp-bde397a-17e9  *  * C!h V]CNgtmp-bde397a-17e7  gtmp-bde397a-17e6     Ch8)]4L54454L5LL5C!gp  7  7 CNh8]4545$O@6gparam  6gvalue  6gbody   6gbody*   6gtmp  6gtmp   6gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     6 CNh(d] 45$@6\gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   " C5R4i4Ji4i5"5#hf]45$C6^gx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   "     C5$i4i4i5">"G4i4Ji4i5%5&hf]45$C6^gx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    #     C5'i4i4i5%>"G4i4Ji4i5(5&hf]45$C6^gx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     #      C5i4i4i5(>"G4i4Ji4i5)5&hf]45$C6^gx  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     #      C5*i4i4i5)>"G4i*5+R4 i5,R,hd][C\gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm +  ,    gnameg batch-mode?C-Rh\]CTgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm 3    gnameg batch-mode?C-hk] Ccgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm 2  3    gnamegensure-batch-mode!C.Rh{-13@sgargs gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm 5 6   6   gnamegquitCRi/R012h]4455Cgfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm :  ;   ;  ;   ;   ;    gnameg gc-run-timeC3R4i54R4i55R4i56R4i57R4i58R4i59R4i5:R4i 5;R4i 5R4i5?R@A#B'^9&$ h-.,3# 4545$"<445$"45>"G445 >"G4>"G4  >"G$" 4 56gprompt greader gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm Q   Q &  R $ R  ) T , T  6 T  = T / F T O f R f  \ f e g  u h  i  i  i  gnameg repl-readerCCRh0]" $C""gn  -gcount  !gresult   !gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm q  r  s   s   t   t  ! t  ! r  $ r  % r $ - r   - gnamegiotaCDR4XiEZV OFGVs\jk^lmehXR]    L LCJgt-bde397a-1825  Rgt-bde397a-1826  R  R CN h@]454545$ O@6gwhile  @gcond  @gbody   @gtmp   @gtmp  " @gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   6  $  ;  $    @ CNh(d] 45$@6\gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   " C5ERuh]4445 556gsym  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    # .  #       gnamegkeyword-like-symbol->keywordCR4XiZVVh ]4445556gt-bde397a-18ac  gt-bde397a-18ab  gt-bde397a-18aa   gt-bde397a-18a9   gt-bde397a-18a8      CNh*]8L(" LL(" LL(" LL(" LL("   L4  5$ @6"gimp u gexp u grex  u grep  u gaut  u gtmp  gtmp  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm   $   $ 6  7 $ M  N $ d  e $ u   CthX]LLLLLL6Pgargs  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     C h q] 4LLLLLL5Cigargs  gtmp  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm       C\Nhh]L6`gkw  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    *     C,-h(] 4LLLLLL5Cygv  #gargs  #gtmp   #gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  #    # C/?@h(] 4LLLLLL5Cygd  #gargs  #gtmp   #gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  &    # CBRSh(] 4LLLLLL5Cygf  #gargs  #gtmp   #gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      # CWZ\_Vh6]    CNh@y] LL4L5$4O?" 4L5LLL6qgex  >gargs  >gtmp   6gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm >   > CbVh6]    CNh@y] LL4L5$4O?" 4L5LLL6qgex  >gargs  >gtmp   6gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm >   > CeVh6]    CNh@y] LLL4L5$4O?" 4L5LL6qgre  >gargs  >gtmp   8gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm >   > ChVh6]    CNh@y] LLL4L5$4O?" 4L5LL6qgre  >gargs  >gtmp   8gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm >    > CkVh6]    CNh@x] LLLL4L5$4O?" 4L5L6pgr  >gargs  >gtmp   :gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm >    > CnVh6]    CNh@x] LLLL4L5$4O?" 4L5L6pgr  >gargs  >gtmp   :gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm >    > CqVh6]     CNh@] LLLLL4L5$4O?" 4L56gname  @gbindings  @gargs   @gtmp   >gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm @    @ CuNrh]6gkw  gval  gargs   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      *      CN3Ph]456gname  gname*  garg   gargs   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm       CV/hE]L6=gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm     Cttht]LL6lgrenamer  gin  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm       Cuh]LL6xgkw  gval  gin   gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm      CNPh]4455Cygkw  gin  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    $       CNhx]L6pgkw  gin  gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm    ,     CP9h(] 45$445 5:CCgsym  %gin  %gdat  %gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm             "   % CPuh8] L4544445 555L6gsym  5gin  5gsym  'gtmp  ' 1gfilenamefice-9/boot-9.scm  !       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