GOOF----LE-8-2.0]!4ha] gguile  gdefine-module*   gice-9 gbuffered-input  gfilenameS fice-9/buffered-input.scm gexportsS gmake-buffered-input-port gmake-line-buffered-input-port g!set-buffered-input-continuation?!    gset-current-module   gmake-object-property gbuffered-input-continuation? gsetter   f g string-length g string-ref gchar-whitespace? g eof-object? gmake-soft-port fr g string-append f C5h`]4   54>"G4i5Rh@]4568gport  gval  gfilenamefice-9/buffered-input.scm   !    gnameg!set-buffered-input-continuation?!g documentationfSet the read continuation flag for @var{port} to @var{val}. See @code{make-buffered-input-port} for the meaning and use of this flag.CRhx]M4M5$:4MM5MN45$"445M>"GC4L4M5545$CN N"gres  Jgx V qgfilenamefice-9/buffered-input.scm ?   @ $ @   @   B   B   C ) C  ! D  + D  0 E  K H  N H % V H  V H  Y J  c I  j N  m O  q P   q gnameg get-characterChu]4M5MCmgfilenamefice-9/buffered-input.scm R   S  S   gnameg input-waitingChh5]) HHHOQK4O5K445J>"GJC-greader  eg read-string  eg string-index   egport  eg get-character   egport  & /gfilenamefice-9/buffered-input.scm #  <   <  >  0 U  D U ! F U R H U  J U  K V   e gnamegmake-buffered-input-portg documentationfConstruct a line-buffered input port from the specified @var{reader}. @var{reader} should be a procedure of one argument that somehow reads a chunk of input and returns it as a string. The port created by @code{make-buffered-input-port} does @emph{not} interpolate any additional characters between the strings returned by @var{reader}. @var{reader} should take a boolean @var{continuation?} argument. @var{continuation?} indicates whether @var{reader} is being called to start a logically new read operation (in which case @var{continuation?} is @code{#f}) or to continue a read operation for which some input has already been read (in which case @var{continuation?} is @code{#t}). Some @var{reader} implementations use the @var{continuation?} argument to determine what prompt to display to the user. The new/continuation distinction is largely an application-level concept: @code{set-buffered-input-continuation?!} allows an application to specify when a read operation is considered to be new. But note that if there is non-whitespace data already buffered in the port when a new read operation starts, this data will be read before the first call to @var{reader}, and so @var{reader} will be called with @var{continuation?} set to @code{#t}.C R  h(] 4L545$C6g continuation?  !gstr !gfilenamefice-9/buffered-input.scm f   g ) g  h $  h  j 7 ! j $  ! Ch]O6greader  gfilenamefice-9/buffered-input.scm Y f   gnamegmake-line-buffered-input-portg documentationfConstruct a line-buffered input port from the specified @var{reader}. @var{reader} should be a procedure of one argument that somehow reads a line of input and returns it as a string @emph{without} the terminating newline character. The port created by @code{make-line-buffered-input-port} automatically interpolates a newline character after each string returned by @var{reader}. @var{reader} should take a boolean @var{continuation?} argument. For the meaning and use of this argument, see @code{make-buffered-input-port}.C RC{gm  (gfilenamefice-9/buffered-input.scm   )  % 2    # Y Y   [ C6