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" !  "  . # ! 2 # . 6 # ! 9 !  G $  H % P  Y '  ` '  c ( ! k (  z ) ! ~ ) .  ) !  '   *   *   + '  + !  +   , #  ,   2   2 ,  2    /   .  0   0   0   0       >  H & |  & gnamegprocess-optionsCR(jkoa1YZ0 h]& " 454L5& " 45$"$"4>"G"&  " 45$6Cgspec  gname % gval  % gpred  gfilenamefice-9/getopt-long.scm ]   ^   _  % ^  , `  G `  M a  R b  V b * ] b  l d d  e  e   C1YZh0] 4& " 455Cgspec+val  .gs )gfilenamefice-9/getopt-long.scm g   i  i ? i , + i  , h   . C h-/03 #Y45454545 4 O>"G4 >"G ZCZFgprogram-arguments  goption-desc-list  gstop-at-first-non-option   gspecifications  , gpair  6 gsplit-ls  ; g non-split-ls  @ g found/etc  M gfound  R grest-ls ^  gfilenamefice-9/getopt-long.scm 4 ! T  $ U  , U  / V  4 V ! 6 V  6 U  ; W  ; U  @ X  @ U  C Y  M U  R [  R U  U \  Z \  ^ \  ^ U  a ]  z g  k  k k    gstop-at-first-non-optionS gnameg getopt-longg documentationf/Process options, handling both long and short options, similar to the glibc function 'getopt_long'. PROGRAM-ARGUMENTS should be a value similar to what (program-arguments) returns. OPTION-DESC-LIST is a list of option descriptions. Each option description must satisfy the following grammar: :: ( . ) :: ( . ) | () :: | | | | :: (required? ) :: (single-char ) :: (value #t) (value #f) (value optional) :: (predicate <1-ary-function>) The procedure returns an alist of option names and values. Each option name is a symbol. The option value will be '#t' if no value was specified. There is a special item in the returned alist with a key of the empty list, (): the list of arguments that are not options or option values. By default, options are not required, and option values are not required. By default, single character equivalents are not supported; if you want to allow the user to use single character options, you need to add a `single-char' clause to the option description.CRh C] 45$CC;goptions  gkey  gdefault   gt  gfilenamefice-9/getopt-long.scm m  p  p    gnameg option-refg documentationfqReturn value in alist OPTIONS using KEY, a symbol; or DEFAULT if not found. The value is either a string or `#t'.C!RCVgm  ,grtd | gfilenamefice-9/getopt-long.scm  -  3 " 5  8 $ E 7 = ? ?  ? , ?  ? ?  ? , ?  ? ?  ? , ?  ? @ M Y 4 [N m   [P C6