GOOF----LE-8-2.0U]34h] gguile  gdefine-module*   gice-9 giconv  gfilenameS fice-9/iconv.scm gimportsS grnrs g bytevectors     g binary-ports   grdelim  gselectS g read-string    gexportsS gstring->bytevector gbytevector->string gcall-with-encoded-output-string  gset-current-module  ! "gopen-output-string #gget-output-string $g close-port %gcall-with-output-string* &gopen-bytevector-output-port 'gcall-with-output-bytevector* (gerror )gset-port-encoding! *gset-port-conversion-strategy! +g string-ci=? ,futf-8 -g string->utf8 .gdisplay /gopen-bytevector-input-port 0g eof-object? 1f 2g utf8->stringC5h {]4   54!>"G"#$h@]454>"G454>"GCgproc  9gport  9gstr  " 9gfilenamefice-9/iconv.scm            "  % !   9 gnamegcall-with-output-string*C%R&$h@]4> G4>"G454>"GCgproc  @gport @gget-bytevector  @gbv  ) @gfilenamefice-9/iconv.scm $  %   %   '  % (  ) (  , )   @ gnamegcall-with-output-bytevector*C'R(')*h@u]4L>"GL$4L>"G"L6mgport  :gfilenamefice-9/iconv.scm 8   9  :  ; : <   : C+,-%hX-.,3#"O645$& 456""gencoding Qgproc Qgconversion-strategy  Qgfilenamefice-9/iconv.scm ,  . ? ) 7  ) 1  * 1 0 1 ! 2 1 6 1  : 2 $ > 1  A 6  I 6  Q  gnamegcall-with-encoded-output-stringg documentationfyCall PROC on a fresh port. Encode the resulting string as a bytevector according to ENCODING, and return the bytevector.CR(.h]]L6Ugport  gfilenamefice-9/iconv.scm J  K   C+,-hPx-.,3#"O645$&6""pgstr Lgencoding Lgconversion-strategy  Lgfilenamefice-9/iconv.scm A  B = ) H  ) E  * E 0 E ! 2 E 6 E  : F $ > E  D G  L  gnamegstring->bytevectorg documentationfhEncode STRING according to ENCODING, which should be a string naming a character encoding, like "utf-8".CR(/)*$01+,2 h=-.,3#"g454>"G$4>"G"454>"G45$CC4  5$& 6"z"v5gbv gencoding gconversion-strategy  gp  ! gres  \ gfilenamefice-9/iconv.scm N  O =  V  ! V  $ W  = X  > Y V Z  \ Z  _ [ q \  { \ } ]  S  S S ! S S  T $ S  U   gnamegbytevector->stringg documentationfDecode the string represented by BV. The bytes in the bytevector will be interpreted according to ENCODING, which should be a string naming a character encoding, like "utf-8".CRCsgm  ,gfilenamefice-9/iconv.scm   N   $ r ,  A N   C6