GOOF----LE-8-2.0ˆa]Ç4h;] gguile¤ ¤ gdefine-module*¤ ¤ ¤ gice-9¤ gsession¤ ¤ gfilenameS¤ fice-9/session.scm¤ gimportsS¤ g documentation¤  ¤  ¤ gregex¤ ¤ ¤ grdelim¤ ¤ ¤ gmatch¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ gexportsS¤ ghelp¤ gadd-value-help-handler!¤ gremove-value-help-handler!¤ gadd-name-help-handler!¤ gremove-name-help-handler!¤ g apropos-hook¤ gapropos¤ !gapropos-internal¤ "g apropos-fold¤ #gapropos-fold-accessible¤ $gapropos-fold-exported¤ %gapropos-fold-all¤ &gsource¤ 'garity¤ (gprocedure-arguments¤ )gmodule-commentary¤ * !"#$%&'()¤ +gset-current-module¤ ,+¤ -+¤ .gobject-documentation¤ /g*value-help-handlers*¤ 0gdelete!¤ 1gor-map¤ 2gtry-value-help¤ 3g*name-help-handlers*¤ 4g try-name-help¤ 5gmake-syntax-transformer¤ 65¤ 75¤ 8gmacro¤ 9g $sc-dispatch¤ :9¤ ;9¤ <=Œ¤ ?g syntax->datum¤ @?¤ A?¤ Bg datum->syntax¤ CB¤ DB¤ Eglength¤ Fg provided?¤ Ggdisplay¤ Hghelp-doc¤ Ig simple-format¤ Jf^~A$¤ Kg regexp-quote¤ Lgsymbol->string¤ Mgstring?¤ Ngand-map¤ Ogsymbol?¤ Pgquote¤ Qg write-line¤ Rf commentary:¤ SfNo ~A found for ~A ¤ Tg commentary¤ Ug help-usage¤ Vgunquote¤ Wg module-ref¤ Xgcurrent-module¤ Ygsearch-documentation-files¤ Zgbegin¤ [Z¤ \f]`help' depends on the `regex' feature. You don't seem to have regular expressions installed. ¤ ]gsyntax-violation¤ ^]¤ _]¤ `f-source expression failed to match any pattern¤ agmap¤ bgreverse¤ cg string-append¤ df/¤ eg%search-load-path¤ fg in-vicinity¤ ggmodule-filename¤ hgfile-commentary¤ ig procedure?¤ jf a procedure¤ kf an object¤ lfDocumentation from file:¤ mfDid not find any object ¤ nf named `~A' ¤ ofmatching regexp "~A" ¤ pgfor-each¤ qf~S: ~S ¤ rg module-name¤ sgcadr¤ tgcaddr¤ uf!`~S' is ~A in the ~S module. ~A ¤ vgcadddr¤ wfDocumentation found for: ¤ xgnewline¤ yfNo documentation found for: ¤ zfvUsage: (help NAME) gives documentation about objects named NAME (a symbol) (help REGEXP) ditto for objects with names matching REGEXP (a string) (help 'NAME) gives documentation for NAME, even if it is not an object (help ,EXPR) gives documentation for object returned by EXPR (help (my module)) gives module commentary for `(my module)' (help) gives this text `help' searches among bindings exported from loaded modules, while `apropos' searches among bindings visible from the "current" module. Examples: (help help) (help cons) (help "output-string") Other useful sources of helpful information: (apropos STRING) (arity PROCEDURE) (name PROCEDURE-OR-MACRO) (source PROCEDURE-OR-MACRO) Tools: (backtrace) ;show backtrace from last error (debug) ;enter the debugger (trace [PROCEDURE]) ;trace procedure (no arg => show) (untrace [PROCEDURE]) ;untrace (no arg => untrace all) (OPTIONSET-options 'full) ;display option information (OPTIONSET-enable 'OPTION) (OPTIONSET-disable 'OPTION) (OPTIONSET-set! OPTION VALUE) where OPTIONSET is one of debug, read, eval, print ¤ {g make-hook¤ |grun-hook¤ }g string-length¤ ~fEmpty string not allowed¤ g make-regexp¤ €g module-uses¤ g duplicates¤ ‚gmember¤ ƒgshadow¤ „gvalue¤ …gfull¤ †gmodule-obarray¤ ‡g hash-for-each¤ ˆg regexp-exec¤ ‰f: ¤ Šf (unbound)¤ ‹f shadowed¤ Œgmake-hash-table¤ g hash-fold¤ Žghashq-get-handle¤ g hashq-set!¤ ghash-create-handle!¤ ‘gmake-fold-modules¤ ’gidentity¤ “g submodules¤ ”gresolve-module¤ •g root-modules¤ –ghash-map->list¤ —gmodule-submodules¤ ˜gmodule-public-interface¤ ™gprocedure-source¤ šgmacro?¤ ›gmacro-transformer¤ œgprocedure-property¤ garglist¤ žf ¤ Ÿfrequired¤  f arguments: ¤ ¡f argument: ¤ ¢f', `¤ £f' and `¤ ¤f', the rest in `¤ ¥f, ¤ ¦foptional¤ §fkeyword¤ ¨fother keywords allowed¤ ©f the rest in `¤ ªf'¤ «gprocedure-minimum-arity¤ ¬f or more¤ ­f required and ¤ ®f optional¤ ¯f argument¤ °f arguments¤ ±f. ¤ ²grequired¤ ³gnumber?¤ ´g make-list¤ µgoptional¤ ¶gkeyword¤ ·gallow-other-keys?¤ ¸grest¤ ¹gerror¤ º¹¤ »¹¤ ¼fno matching pattern¤ ½gsystem¤ ¾gvm¤ ¿gprogram¤ À½¾¿¤ Ágprogram?¤ ÂÀÁ¤ ÃÀÁ¤ Ägprogram-arguments-alist¤ ÅÀĤ ÆÀĤC5hL^]4   *54->"]6jgname  gvalue  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ $ ŒŒ  % ŒŒ   C/R/hÑ]Œ CÉgproc  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ' ŒŒ  . ŒŒ . ŒŒ  gnamegadd-value-help-handler!Œg documentationf1Adds a handler for performing `help' on a value. `proc' will be called as (PROC NAME VALUE). `proc' should return #t to indicate that it has performed help, a string to override the default object documentation, or #f to try the other handlers, potentially falling back on the normal behavior for `help'.ŒCR0/hÖ]45 CÎgproc  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ 0 ŒŒ  2 ŒŒ 2 ŒŒ   gnamegremove-value-help-handler!Œg documentationf3Removes a handler for performing `help' on a value.ŒCR1h_]LL6Wgproc  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ 5 ŒŒ 5 ŒŒ  C/hŒ]O6„gname  gvalue  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ 4 ŒŒ  5 ŒŒ   gnamegtry-value-helpŒC2R3R3hF]Œ C>gproc  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ : ŒŒ  D ŒŒ D ŒŒ  gnamegadd-name-help-handler!Œg documentationf§Adds a handler for performing `help' on a name. `proc' will be called with the unevaluated name as its argument. That is to say, when the user calls `(help FOO)', the name is FOO, exactly as the user types it. `proc' should return #t to indicate that it has performed help, a string to override the default object documentation, or #f to try the other handlers, potentially falling back on the normal behavior for `help'.ŒCR03hÔ]45 CÌgproc  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ F ŒŒ  H ŒŒ H ŒŒ   gnamegremove-name-help-handler!Œg documentationf2Removes a handler for performing `help' on a name.ŒCR1h_]L6Wgproc  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ K ŒŒ  K ŒŒ   C3hx]O6pgname  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ J ŒŒ  K ŒŒ   gnameg try-name-helpŒC4R478;>ADEF4GHIJKLMNOP)QRSTUV2WX Y[\h "-1345 ‘$r45$R45$!&"4>"G"Š$*444 4 555>"G"æ4 5$4>"G"É$¬"²4  5$‘("‚€$g45$:4>"G4>"G4>"?G"84>"$G"4>" G"4>"ùG"ò45 ‘$à&g4Ž445Ž55$!&"4>"G" Ž4>"G"l&_ŽŠ$N4Ž5$4>"G" Ž4>"G""ÿþl""ÿþd""ÿþ\"4>"GC4>"GC4>"GCgexp ›gname $ sgt  - pgt  ß ?gdoc  • ágx   Þgt   Agx  " >gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ P ŒŒ S ŒŒ  S ŒŒ  S ŒŒ  V ŒŒ  V ŒŒ  V ŒŒ ! S ŒŒ $ [ ŒŒ $ [ ŒŒ ' b ŒŒ - _ ŒŒ < c ŒŒ A c 1ŒŒ Y f ŒŒ ] _ ŒŒ ^ g ŒŒ c h ŒŒ h i ŒŒ i j ŒŒ l j &ŒŒ t j ŒŒ v h ŒŒ { g ŒŒ ˆ m ŒŒ ’ _ ŒŒ “ n ŒŒ ­ q ŒŒ ± _ ŒŒ ¶ † ŒŒ  … ŒŒ Ð ˆ ŒŒ Ò ˆ 'ŒŒ Ó ˆ ŒŒ Ô ˆ ŒŒ Ø … ŒŒ Ù ‰ ŒŒ ß ‰ ŒŒ è ‹ ŒŒ ú ‹ (ŒŒ þ ‹ 4ŒŒ  ‹ (ŒŒ  Œ ŒŒ " ] ŒŒ ' ] .ŒŒ ) $ŒŒ 0 ] ŒŒ @ ‘ ŒŒ g _ ŒŒ h r ŒŒ q r ŒŒ u q ŒŒ x s ŒŒ z s "ŒŒ ~ q ŒŒ  t ŒŒ „ t (ŒŒ † u (ŒŒ ‰ u 4ŒŒ  v 4ŒŒ “ u (ŒŒ • t ŒŒ • t ŒŒ  w ŒŒ © y ŒŒ Á w :ŒŒ  w ŒŒ Å ] ŒŒ Ê ] .ŒŒ Ì w +ŒŒ Ó ] ŒŒ è ~ ŒŒ ê ~ "ŒŒ î | ŒŒ ñ  ŒŒ ó  ŒŒ ÷ | ŒŒ ø € ŒŒ ý € 0ŒŒ  € ŒŒ  € ŒŒ ! ‚ 3ŒŒ " ‚ ŒŒ % ] ŒŒ * ] .ŒŒ , ‚ $ŒŒ 3 ] ŒŒ ^ ‘ ŒŒ r ’ ŒŒ t W ŒŒ x W ŒŒ } W ŒŒ ‡ Y ŒŒ ‰ T ŒŒ š U ŒŒ` › Che] 45L4?6]gargs  gv gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ  P ŒŒ   C_`h(ç] 45$ O@6ßgy  'gtmp 'gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ P ŒŒ  ' g documentationf7(help [NAME]) Prints useful information. Try `(help)'.Œg macro-typegdefmacroŒg defmacro-argsgargsC5RaLbccdhi]6agelt  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ š ŒŒ  › 4ŒŒ › !ŒŒ  CefhHx])45454Ž5445?456pgname  Bgname Bg reverse-name   Bgleaf   Bgdir-hint-module-name  # Bgdir-hint  3 Bgfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ” ŒŒ  • ŒŒ • ŒŒ  – ŒŒ  • ŒŒ  — ŒŒ  • ŒŒ  ˜ ŒŒ ! ˜ (ŒŒ # ˜ ŒŒ # • ŒŒ & ™ ŒŒ ) š ŒŒ 3 ™ ŒŒ 3 • ŒŒ 8 ŒŒ B ŒŒ  B gnamegmodule-filenameŒCgRghh •] 45$6Cgname  gt gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ Ÿ ŒŒ    ŒŒ   ŒŒ   gnamegmodule-commentaryŒC)R"2ijkh0Ñ]4545$"ŒCÉgmodule  )gname  )gobject   )gdata   )gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ¤ ŒŒ  § -ŒŒ  ¨ 4ŒŒ  ¨ -ŒŒ  © 4ŒŒ " « 4ŒŒ % ¥ 'ŒŒ ( ¥ !ŒŒ  ) C$YQlGmInopIqrstuvhhT] 44545545$3MŒN4454545455MŒNCMŒNCLgentry  bg entry-summary  bgfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ º ŒŒ  » .ŒŒ  ¼ 2ŒŒ ½ /ŒŒ  ½ <ŒŒ  ½ /ŒŒ  ¾ /ŒŒ  » .ŒŒ  » ŒŒ  ¿ ŒŒ & ¿ ŒŒ +  'ŒŒ - Á !ŒŒ . Å -ŒŒ 3 Æ 1ŒŒ 4 Ç .ŒŒ ; È .ŒŒ B É .ŒŒ G É ;ŒŒ I É .ŒŒ J Ê .ŒŒ R Å -ŒŒ U Å 'ŒŒ W Ä !ŒŒ ^ Í %ŒŒ ` Ì ŒŒ  b CEwGhb]6Zgentry  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ Ö ŒŒ  Ö -ŒŒ   CxGh(}]M$N"4>"G6ugentry  %gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ Ú ŒŒ  Û ŒŒ Ü ŒŒ  Ý ŒŒ % Þ ŒŒ  % CxyGhb]6Zgentry  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ç ŒŒ  ç -ŒŒ   Ch@Ù]245(O45$4>"G64>"G Š$ " 6HHHH4  O>"GJ("4J5 ”$"J„€$-4>"G4 J>"GK"4 OJ>"GJ(CJ$K"4>"G4>"G J6Ñgterm  ?gregexp  ?gentries   ?gt   egfirst?  i ?gundocumented-entries  i ?gdocumented-entries  i ?gdocumentations  i ?gt  ¢ ¶ gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ £ ŒŒ  ¤ ŒŒ  ­ ŒŒ  ¤ ŒŒ  ¤ ŒŒ  ´ ŒŒ  é ŒŒ  ´ ŒŒ & ë ŒŒ * ë ŒŒ / ë ŒŒ = ì ŒŒ > ï ŒŒ B ï ŒŒ G ï ŒŒ U ñ ŒŒ Y ñ ŒŒ [ ò ŒŒ a ó ŒŒ e 𠌌 g ¶ 'ŒŒ h · %ŒŒ i ¸ !ŒŒ i µ ŒŒ r º ŒŒ ” Ñ ŒŒ š Ò ŒŒ ¢ Ò ŒŒ ¢ Ò ŒŒ ² Ó ŒŒ ³ Ó ŒŒ º Ñ ŒŒ » Õ ŒŒ ¿ Õ ŒŒ Ä Õ ŒŒ Í Ö ŒŒ ã Ø ŒŒ è Ú ŒŒ  á ŒŒ  ã ŒŒ  ä ŒŒ  å ŒŒ & æ ŒŒ * æ ŒŒ / æ ŒŒ ? ç ŒŒ/  ? gnameghelp-docŒCHRGzhm]6egfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ö ŒŒ  ÷ ŒŒ  ÷ ŒŒ   gnameg help-usageŒCUR4{i 5R|X}~€r‚ƒ„…pr†‡ˆLG‰iŠWX‹x hÃ]4L455$ï4L>"G4>"G4>"G$Q45$"M$(4 >"G4>"G""$4 >"G4>"GM$34L54455&"4 >"G" 6C»gsymbol  gvariable  gval  T žgt  ] ogfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ > ŒŒ  ? ŒŒ  ? *ŒŒ  ? ŒŒ  ? ŒŒ  @ ŒŒ ' A ŒŒ + A ŒŒ 0 A ŒŒ 9 B ŒŒ M C ŒŒ Q C ŒŒ T D )ŒŒ T D ŒŒ W E +ŒŒ ] E 'ŒŒ s E ŒŒ t F 'ŒŒ † G 'ŒŒ £ I ŒŒ µ J ŒŒ ¹ J 'ŒŒ ¾ J ŒŒ Ì K ŒŒ Í L *ŒŒ Ö M *ŒŒ Ù M 6ŒŒ á M *ŒŒ å K ŒŒ ê N ŒŒ î N $ŒŒ ó N ŒŒ  O ŒŒ"   Ch0­]4545LLLO6¥gmodule  )gname )gobarray   )gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ 9 ŒŒ  : ŒŒ : ŒŒ ; ŒŒ  : ŒŒ ) = ŒŒ  ) Ch°¬-13445>"G45 ‘$C45445545(" 45 ‚$Ž"Œ4  5H4  5H4  5$ KK"O6¤grgx °goptions °gmatch  9 °guses  E °gmodules  p °gshadow  { °gvalue  † °gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ % ŒŒ ' ŒŒ  ' ŒŒ  ' ŒŒ # ( ŒŒ * ( ŒŒ / ( ŒŒ 1 ) ŒŒ 3 * ŒŒ 9 * ŒŒ < + ŒŒ ? + ŒŒ E + ŒŒ E * ŒŒ H , ŒŒ R - ŒŒ X . *ŒŒ ] . 7ŒŒ _ . *ŒŒ a / *ŒŒ b . %ŒŒ f - ŒŒ i 0 ŒŒ p , ŒŒ p * ŒŒ s 3 ŒŒ w 3 ŒŒ { 3 ŒŒ { * ŒŒ ~ 4 ŒŒ ‚ 4 ŒŒ † 4 ŒŒ † * ŒŒ ‰ 5 ŒŒ 5 ŒŒ ‘ 5 ŒŒ • 5 ŒŒ ˜ 6 ŒŒ › 7 ŒŒ ° 8 ŒŒ) ° gnamegaproposŒg documentationfCSearch for bindings: apropos regexp {options= 'full 'shadow 'value}ŒC R"h˜]ŒCgmodule  gname  gvar   gdata   gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ U ŒŒ  V ŒŒ   C#Xhá]44556Ùgrgx  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ S ŒŒ  W ŒŒ Y ŒŒ Y )ŒŒ  Y ŒŒ  U ŒŒ   gnamegapropos-internalŒg documentationf+Return a list of accessible variable names.ŒC!R|XŒˆLŽhX] $K4L455$14L5$C4L>"GLL6CC gname  Wgvar  Wgdata   Wgval  Tgfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ z ŒŒ  { ŒŒ { ŒŒ | 0ŒŒ | ŒŒ  s ŒŒ  s 3ŒŒ  s ŒŒ s ŒŒ ! t %ŒŒ - s ŒŒ 1 v ŒŒ Q w ŒŒ  W gnameg module-filterŒC†h(Ÿ]$LLLO456C—gmodule  %gdata  %gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ p ŒŒ  ~ ŒŒ  € (ŒŒ " ~ ŒŒ  % gnameg fold-moduleŒCh@î]445>"G4545O6ægproc  <ginit  <grgx   <gfolder   <gmatch  ' <grecorded  ' <gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ [ ŒŒ  l ŒŒ  l ŒŒ  l ŒŒ  m ŒŒ # n ŒŒ ' m ŒŒ < ‚ ŒŒ  < gnameg apropos-foldŒg documentationfÉFolds PROCEDURE over bindings matching third arg REGEXP. Result is (PROCEDURE MODULE1 NAME1 VALUE1 (PROCEDURE MODULE2 NAME2 VALUE2 ... (PROCEDURE MODULEn NAMEn VALUEn INIT))) where INIT is the second arg to `apropos-fold'. Fourth arg FOLDER is one of (apropos-fold-accessible MODULE) ;fold over bindings accessible in MODULE apropos-fold-exported ;fold over all exported bindings apropos-fold-all ;fold over all bindingsŒC"RŒhxš]*"_(CŽ4L5Ž$ 4L4L4L554L55""ÿÿ¡"ÿÿ•’gdata  qgmodules  qgmodules   egdata   egobj   7ghandle  ! 4gfirst?  & 1gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ  ŒŒ  ’ ŒŒ  ’ ŒŒ  “ $ŒŒ  “ ŒŒ  Œ $ŒŒ ! Œ ŒŒ &  $ŒŒ & Œ ŒŒ , Ž ŒŒ ; “ ŒŒ < ” ŒŒ ? ” !ŒŒ B ” .ŒŒ G ” 7ŒŒ I ” .ŒŒ M ” !ŒŒ N • !ŒŒ S • +ŒŒ U • !ŒŒ W ” ŒŒ e ’ ŒŒ  q gnamegrecŒCh0Â]4 5OLLQ4L56ºg fold-module  /ginit  /gtable  /grec   /gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ‰ ŒŒ  Š ŒŒ Š ŒŒ   ŒŒ ) ‘ ŒŒ /  ŒŒ  / Chž]OC–g init-thunk  gtraverse  gextract   gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ „ ŒŒ   gnamegmake-fold-modulesŒg documentationfâReturn procedure capable of traversing a forest of modules. The forest traversed is the image of the forest generated by root modules returned by INIT-THUNK and the generator TRAVERSE. It is an image under the mapping EXTRACT.ŒC‘R‘hN]LCFgfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ š ŒŒ  š ŒŒ   C€’h†]O6~gmodule  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ™ ŒŒ  š ŒŒ   gnamegapropos-fold-accessibleŒC#R“”h]456ygfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ž ŒŒ  Ÿ ŒŒ  Ÿ ŒŒ Ÿ ŒŒ Ÿ ŒŒ  gnameg root-modulesŒC•R–hd]C\gk  gv  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ¢ ŒŒ   C—h]456wgmod  gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ¡ ŒŒ  ¢ #ŒŒ  ¢ ŒŒ   gnameg submodulesŒC“R4‘i•i“i˜i5$R4‘i•i“i’i5%Ri™š›h0¨]45$645$ 456C gobj  +gfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ª ŒŒ  « ŒŒ « ŒŒ  « ŒŒ  ¬ ŒŒ  « ŒŒ ! ¬ (ŒŒ ) ¬ ŒŒ  + gnamegsourceŒC&RœEGžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±hx ]I45$ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽH("P454>"G4>"G4>"G ”$4>"G"4>"G4`>"G4>"G"© (4'>"G"– ˆ$L Žˆ$4 >"G"4 >"G4 >"G Ž "ÿÿ‘4 >"G4 >"G4'>"G" Ž "ÿÿNK("lJ$4 >"G"454>"G4>"G4 >"G ”$4>"G"4>"G4`>"G4>"G"© (4'>"G"– ˆ$L Žˆ$4 >"G"4 >"G4 >"G Ž "ÿÿ‘4 >"G4 >"G4'>"G" Ž "ÿÿNK("lJ$4 >"G"454>"G4>"G4>"G ”$4>"G"4>"G4`>"G4>"G"© (4'>"G"– ˆ$L Žˆ$4 >"G"4 >"G4 >"G Ž "ÿÿ‘4 >"G4 >"G4'>"G" Ž "ÿÿNK$5J$4 >"G"4>"GK"$VJ$4 >"G"4>"G4>"G4>"G""Ò454>"GŽŽ$4>"G"FŽ ‘$"84>"G4Ž>"G4>"GŽŽ$" ‘$ Ž “"$4>"G"4>"G6p gobj  gt g required-args  - (g optional-args  - (g keyword-args  - (gallow-other-keys?  - (grest-arg  - (gneed-punctuation  - (glen  J gls Û „glen  À gls Q úglen  6 |gls Ç pgarity  3 þgfilenamefice-9/session.scmŒ ¯ ŒŒ  Ê ŒŒ Ê ŒŒ Ê ŒŒ É ŒŒ  Ì ŒŒ  Í ŒŒ  Î ŒŒ " Ï "ŒŒ ( Ð ŒŒ , Ð ŒŒ - Ì ŒŒ ? 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