GOOF----LE-8-2.0ؙ]4hc] gguile  gdefine-module*   goop ggoops  gfilenameS f oop/goops.scm gimportsS gsrfi gsrfi-1     gice-9 gmatch   gutil    gexportsS g define-class gclass gstandard-define-class gdefine-generic gdefine-accessor g define-method gdefine-extended-generic gdefine-extended-generics !gmethod "gis-a? #gclass-of $gensure-metaclass %gensure-metaclass-with-supers &g make-class 'g make-generic (gensure-generic )gmake-extended-generic *g make-accessor +gensure-accessor ,g add-method! -gclass-slot-ref .gclass-slot-set! /g slot-unbound 0g slot-missing 1gslot-definition-name 2gslot-definition-options 3gslot-definition-allocation 4gslot-definition-getter 5gslot-definition-setter 6gslot-definition-accessor 7gslot-definition-init-value 8gslot-definition-init-form 9gslot-definition-init-thunk :gslot-definition-init-keyword ;gslot-init-function g compute-cpl ?gcompute-std-cpl @gcompute-get-n-set Ag compute-slots Bgcompute-getter-method Cgcompute-setter-method Dgallocate-instance Eg initialize Fg make-instance Ggmake Hgno-next-method Igno-applicable-method Jg no-method Kg change-class Lg#update-instance-for-different-class Mg shallow-clone Ng deep-clone Ogclass-redefinition Pg apply-generic Qg apply-method Rg apply-methods Sgcompute-applicable-methods Tg%compute-applicable-methods Ugmethod-more-specific? Vgsort-applicable-methods Wgclass-subclasses Xg class-methods Yg goops-error Zg min-fixnum [g max-fixnum \g instance? ]gslot-ref-using-class ^gslot-set-using-class! _gslot-bound-using-class? `gslot-exists-using-class? agslot-ref bg slot-set! cg slot-bound? dg class-name egclass-direct-supers fgclass-direct-subclasses ggclass-direct-methods hgclass-direct-slots igclass-precedence-list jg class-slots kggeneric-function-name lggeneric-function-methods mgmethod-generic-function ngmethod-specializers ogmethod-formals pgprimitive-generic-generic qgenable-primitive-generic! rgmethod-procedure sgaccessor-method-slot-definition tg slot-exists? ug find-method vg get-keyword w !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstGuv_ xgset-current-module yx zx {gcurrent-module |g*goops-module* }g%init-goops-builtins ~gprocess-use-modules ~ ~ glanguage gtree-il g primitives  gselectS gadd-interesting-primitive!  gdispatch   gmake-procedure gcompute-cmethod gerror   fno matching pattern gexpt g scm-error gmemq gassoc g gdsupersS gslotsS gnameS ggensym f metaclass gmap g append-map gfor-each gmember gappend gkeyword? fmalformed keyword arguments: ~a g kw-do-map g make-unbound gor-map g g metaclassS gfind-duplicate f3make-class: super class ~S is duplicate in class ~S f,make-class: slot ~S is duplicate in class ~S gmake-syntax-transformer   gmacro g $sc-dispatch   g_ gany  g syntax->datum   g datum->syntax   fmalformed superclass list: ~S g take-while g find-tail glist gquote g init-formS g init-thunkS glambda gsyntax-violation   f-source expression failed to match any pattern gdefine-class-pre-definition geach-any nj Ȍ nj ʌ nj ̌ g syntax-object gbegin gtop  gribcage gout   f l-bdc1916-ed    gx  f l-bdc1916-d0    ghygiene   ggetterS gsetterS gkey  g m-bdc1916-e3   f l-bdc1916-e4   gk garg grest   f l-bdc1916-db f l-bdc1916-dc f l-bdc1916-dd f l-bdc1916-de       gif  gor  gnot  gdefined?   " g     gtoplevel-define!     (      gaccessorS g    + gdefine-class-pre-definitions f l-bdc1916-f4   f l-bdc1916-f1     nj  nj   gslotname !gslotopt " ! #f l-bdc1916-115 $f l-bdc1916-116 %f l-bdc1916-117 &f l-bdc1916-118 '#$%& ("' )( *) +) ,g identifier? -gslot .- / 0f l-bdc1916-10c 1f l-bdc1916-10d 2f l-bdc1916-10e 3012 4./3 54 65 7f l-bdc1916-fe 8f l-bdc1916-ff 9f l-bdc1916-100 :789 ;./: <; =< >Ɍ ?gdummy @gname Agsupers B?@A- Cg m-bdc1916-121 DC ED Ff l-bdc1916-126 Gf l-bdc1916-127 Hf l-bdc1916-128 If l-bdc1916-129 JFGHI KBEJ LD Mf l-bdc1916-123 NM OLN PKO QP RP SP Tgand UTP VP WP X"P YP ZY [P \P ]iP ^OP _P `P a P b? cg m-bdc1916-132 dc ed ff l-bdc1916-137 gf l-bdc1916-138 hfg ibeh jd kf l-bdc1916-134 lk mjl nim on pfbad generic function name: ~S qgdefine r s tgprefixS ug symbol-append vfno prefixes supplied wg xgmake-setter-name ygsetter zg {gextendsS |g }g extended-by! ~g extended-by ginvalidate-method-cache! gdelq! gnot-extended-by! gprocedure-with-setter? gdefaultS g procedure g procedure? ggeneric-capability?  ?@ g m-bdc1916-19d   f l-bdc1916-1a2 f l-bdc1916-1a3    f l-bdc1916-19f    q gcond     +  "   G  gelse  gstring->symbol g string-append fsetter: gsymbol->string gupgrade-accessor gmethods g extended-byS gextends ggeneric-function gmodule-define! gfree-id g m-bdc1916-1c5   f l-bdc1916-1c7    y    nj  gargs gbody ?@  f l-bdc1916-1ca f l-bdc1916-1cb f l-bdc1916-1cc f l-bdc1916-1cd          "     +   , y !  nj ، f l-bdc1916-1d4 f l-bdc1916-1d5 f l-bdc1916-1d6 f l-bdc1916-1d7            G   , ! gfree-identifier=?   f l-bdc1916-26f   gcompute-procedures gcompute-make-procedure g->proper gcompute-procedure g find-free-id g parse-args   f l-bdc1916-1e9 f l-bdc1916-1e7 f l-bdc1916-1e5 f l-bdc1916-1e3 f l-bdc1916-1e1 f l-bdc1916-1df   f l-bdc1916-1de    !            Ɍ   greverse glp gls gformals g specializers  f l-bdc1916-1ed f l-bdc1916-1ee f l-bdc1916-1ef f l-bdc1916-1f0   f l-bdc1916-1ec       g !gtail "! #f l-bdc1916-212 $# %"$ &% ' & (gf )( * +f l-bdc1916-20a ,f l-bdc1916-20b -+, .)*- /. 0 / 1 2g next-method 3gid 43 5f l-bdc1916-26b 65 746 8 9f l-bdc1916-269 :f l-bdc1916-26a ;9: <8*; =7< >= ?gformal @? Af l-bdc1916-259 BA C@B D2 Ef l-bdc1916-255 FE GDF H If l-bdc1916-251 JI KHJ L2 Mf l-bdc1916-24c Nf l-bdc1916-24d Of l-bdc1916-24e PMNO QL/P RCGKQ  SR Tgreal-next-method UTR VU Wglet XWR YR ZR [gnull? \[R ]\Y ^gapply _^R `_UY a` bf l-bdc1916-263 cb d@c e ff l-bdc1916-25e gf heg idhGKQ  ji kTi lk mWi ni oi p[i qpn r^i srkn ts uf l-bdc1916-235 vu wev xgbody0 yx zf l-bdc1916-231 {z |y{ }f l-bdc1916-22d ~f l-bdc1916-22e }~ 8* w|   f l-bdc1916-287 f l-bdc1916-288  * f l-bdc1916-282 f l-bdc1916-283  * g specializer  f l-bdc1916-27b f l-bdc1916-27c  * gbody1 x f l-bdc1916-272 f l-bdc1916-273 f l-bdc1916-274  /   G g  g specializersS  gcons*  gformalsS   gbodyS  gmake-procedureS  g procedureS  g for-each* gdirect-methods gadd-method-in-classes! gdelv! gremove-method-in-classes! gcompute-new-list-of-methods glength* gmethod-n-specializers gfold gmax gcalculate-n-specialized g%invalidate-method-cache! g n-specialized ggf gm   b   b   g *unspecified*  ginternal-add-method! g  gproc   q ,  2   g gpg  p ,  gobj  f"~S is not a valid generic function Y   glet* gspec gmap*  a d  gsrc gprocedure-source  a    gcadr   gcddr    gcons !    W T    a  gcar gcdr g allocationS ginstanceS g init-valueS g init-keywordS gassq ggetters-n-setters gslot-definition gequal? gg-equal? gy  gset-primitive-generic!  gdisplay  gnumber->string  gobject-address  gdisplay-address  gwrite go gfile  f #  g write-object #   @ c f#<   d       !  "! #W" $# % &gmeta '# (&' )( *c& +T* ,d& - , .  /-  . 0+/ 1W)0 21 3 4# 5&4 65 7c 8T*7 9k :@9 ;: < @ = < >@= ?W;> @f ( A @ Bglength Cl DBC E D Ff)> G F H-?AEG I8H JW6I KJ L& ML Nc OT*N P Qc Ra SQR TPS Un VTU W V X- W  YOX ZWMY [Z \ ]\ ^gmerge-generics _g `g agmodule bgint1 cgval1 dgint2 egval2 fgvar ggval ha@bcdefg ig  jgeq? kjce lk mg make-variable nec o)n@ pmo qTlp rq sa@bcdef t uat veu wv xeu yex zbty {~ |ae{ }| ~} be{~ zf Tw  gduplicate-handlers gmerge-accessors ^a@bcdefg   gslots gclassS g each-subclassS  gclass-slot-g-n-s gunbound? gc gs  f!Slot `~S' is unbound in object ~S Y   f Slot `~S' is unbound in class ~S Y   fUnbound slot in object ~S Y  f#No slot with name `~S' in object ~S Y  f(No class slot with name `~S' in class ~S Y  gvalue  0   f0No next method when calling ~S with arguments ~S Y  f&No applicable method for ~S in call ~S 9 Y  fNo method defined for ~S Y  gself  gclone g%allocate-instance #    j 1   - c- a- b-    W    \ N  W b-    W  gold gnew  gremove-class-accessors!  g   gupdate-direct-method!     g  b W gset-car! gcpl  a   gdirect-subclasses  f  b  e    b  e  g %modify-class  gupdate-direct-subclass!   f  g redefined  b g%invalidate-class    g " a   gdelq1!  a     b     W      g    gloop gl n   gpair?  geqv?       !  "! #" $W# %$ & 'e (h )d *# +&'()* ,O+ -, .gcompute-slot-accessors /gg-n-s 0/ 1g init-thunk 2/ 312 4/ 5/4 635 7 8/ 9gmake-generic-bound-check-getter :/ ;9: <8; =g standard-get >=/ ?1> @gbound-check-get A@/ BA C<?B Dgslot-definitionS EG7CD/ FW6E GF H  Ig standard-set JI/ K82J LGHKD/ MW6L NM Og assert-bound Pgnum-standard-pre-cache Qgdefine-standard-accessor-method Rgcache Sgvector Tg struct-ref Ug struct-set! Vgiota Wgn XW Yg< Zg vector-ref [ZRW \gnfields ]ginteger? ^f-Bad getter and setter for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S _f*Bad getter closure for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S `f*Bad setter closure for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S af/Class-allocated slots should not reserve fields bgthunk? cf&Bad init-thunk for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S dgcompute-getters-n-setters e f?e gf hgfilter ig only-non-null jg merge-lists kgevery lgreverse! mf*merge-lists: Inconsistent precedence graph ngtop-sort ogbuild-transitive-closure pgbuild-constraints qgstd-tie-breaker rgcompute-clos-cpl sftop-sort: Invalid constraints tfstd-tie-breaker: Nothing valid u vgclass-slot-init-value wv xgthunk y9 zxy {z |x }7 ~x|} W{~ qw gcase 3  galready-allocated \ a   g+   b W   1 @  h 1 @ gmake-closure-variable w i    gr  a @    ! W W  W    gvirtualS  gget gslot-refS 2 v  gset g slot-set!S v   T  f4You must supply a #:slot-ref and a #:slot-set! in ~S Y   W      fAllocation "~S" is unknown Y  g%compute-slots   gobject ginitargs  g%initialize-object    gdslots v  v A  g???  v b g direct-supers  bA g direct-slots  b b b > b b A    b b  d b . W  a  b  A g %prep-layout!  g%inherit-magic! A W   ginitialize-object-procedure g gapplicable-struct    ggeneric  gprevious-definition v  v @  "  ^  !         b  gset-procedure-property! @ @ W     ggws  g%set-object-setter! v   geg  v{ bt  gdummy-procedure  ! !ggeneric-functionS "v! #b!" $v %b!$ &v 'b!& (v )b!( * +v ,b!*+ - .v /b!-. 0#%'),/ 1g%modify-instance 2gchange-object-class 3g old-instance 4g new-instance 534 64 7g new-class 837 9#3 :2397 ;: < =< >Ɍ ?ginstance @D A?@ BA CE? DWBC? 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