GOOF----LE-8-2.0s]z4hn] gguile¤ ¤ gdefine-module*¤ ¤ ¤ gsrfi¤ gsrfi-34¤ ¤ gfilenameS¤ fsrfi/srfi-34.scm¤ gexportsS¤ gwith-exception-handler¤ gguard¤   ¤ g replacementsS¤ graise¤ ¤ gset-current-module¤ ¤ ¤ gcond-expand-provide¤ gcurrent-module¤ ¤ g throw-key¤ gwith-throw-handler¤ gthrow¤ gmake-syntax-transformer¤ ¤ ¤ gmacro¤ g $sc-dispatch¤ ¤ !¤ "gany¤ #geach+¤ $gfree-id¤ %g syntax-object¤ &gelse¤ 'gtop¤ ('¤ )gribcage¤ *)¤ +gx¤ ,+¤ -gm-46961e5118-a¤ .-'¤ /.¤ 0fl-46961e5118-c¤ 10¤ 2),/1¤ 3(*2¤ 4ghygiene¤ 54¤ 6%&35¤ 7$6¤ 8geach-any¤ 9"8Œ¤ :79Œ¤ ;:¤ <#";¤ ="<Œ¤ >=9Œ¤ ?">Œ¤ @gcatch¤ Agdummy¤ Bgvar¤ Cgclause¤ Dge¤ Ege*¤ Fgbody¤ Ggbody*¤ HABCDEFG¤ I.((((((¤ Jfl-46961e5118-f¤ Kfl-46961e5118-10¤ Lfl-46961e5118-11¤ Mfl-46961e5118-12¤ Nfl-46961e5118-13¤ Ofl-46961e5118-14¤ Pfl-46961e5118-15¤ QJKLMNOP¤ R)HIQ¤ S(R*2¤ T%@S5¤ U%S5¤ Vglambda¤ W%VS5¤ Xgkey¤ Y%XS5¤ Zgcond¤ [%ZS5¤ \gappend¤ ]\¤ ^\¤ _%&S5¤ `"9Œ¤ a`9Œ¤ b"aŒ¤ cgclause*¤ dABCcFG¤ e.(((((¤ ffl-46961e5118-21¤ gfl-46961e5118-22¤ hfl-46961e5118-23¤ ifl-46961e5118-24¤ jfl-46961e5118-25¤ kfl-46961e5118-26¤ lfghijk¤ m)del¤ n(m*2¤ o%@n5¤ p%n5¤ q%Vn5¤ r%Xn5¤ s%Zn5¤ t%&n5¤ u%n5¤ vgsyntax-violation¤ wv¤ xv¤ yf-source expression failed to match any pattern¤C5hÐ ‘]4   54>"G4i4i5>"GRhn]L6fgkey  gobj  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-34.scmŒ , ŒŒ  - ŒŒ   Ch]O6ˆghandler  gthunk  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-34.scmŒ % ŒŒ  * ŒŒ   gnamegwith-exception-handlerŒg documentationfäReturns the result(s) of invoking THUNK. HANDLER must be a procedure that accepts one argument. It is installed as the current exception handler for the dynamic extent (as determined by dynamic-wind) of the invocation of THUNK.ŒC Rhº]6²gobj  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-34.scmŒ / ŒŒ 5 ŒŒ  gnamegraiseŒg documentationf6Invokes the current exception handler on OBJ. The handler is called in the dynamic environment of the call to raise, except that the current exception handler is that in place for the call to with-exception-handler that installed the handler being called. The handler's continuation is otherwise unspecified.ŒCR4 !?TUWY[^_h8–]ŒŒŒ4ŒŒ5ŒCŽgdummy  5gvar  5gclause   5ge   5ge*   5gbody   5gbody*   5  5 Cbopqrs^tu h@Œ]ŒŒŒ45ŒŒC„gdummy  >gvar  >gclause   >gclause*   >gbody   >gbody*   >  > Cxyh@]45$@45$@6 gx  9gtmp 9gtmp  " 9gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-34.scmŒ 8 ŒŒ  9 g documentationfÉSyntax: (guard ( ...) ) Each should have the same form as a `cond' clause. Semantics: Evaluating a guard form evaluates with an exception handler that binds the raised object to and within the scope of that binding evaluates the clauses as if they were the clauses of a cond expression. That implicit cond expression is evaluated with the continuation and dynamic environment of the guard expression. If every 's evaluates to false and there is no else clause, then raise is re-invoked on the raised object within the dynamic environment of the original call to raise except that the current exception handler is that of the guard expression.Œg macro-typeg syntax-rulesŒgpatternsgvargclauseg...gelsegege*g...gbodygbody*g...gvargclausegclause*g...gbodygbody*g...C5 RC‰gm  ,gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-34.scmŒ   ŒŒ - ! ŒŒ 2 ! ŒŒ : ! &ŒŒ ? ! ŒŒ I # ŒŒ L # ŒŒ “ % ŒŒ u / ŒŒ  Ì C6