GOOF----LE-8-2.0&ý]t4hµ] gguile¤ ¤ gdefine-module*¤ ¤ ¤ gsrfi¤ gsrfi-43¤ ¤ gfilenameS¤ fsrfi/srfi-43.scm¤ gimportsS¤ gsrfi-1¤  ¤  ¤ gsrfi-8¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ gexportsS¤ g vector-empty?¤ gvector=¤ g vector-unfold¤ gvector-unfold-right¤ gvector-reverse-copy¤ g vector-append¤ gvector-concatenate¤ g vector-fold¤ gvector-fold-right¤ g vector-map¤ g vector-map!¤ gvector-for-each¤ g vector-count¤ !g vector-index¤ "gvector-index-right¤ #g vector-skip¤ $gvector-skip-right¤ %gvector-binary-search¤ &g vector-any¤ 'g vector-every¤ (g vector-swap!¤ )gvector-reverse!¤ *g vector-copy!¤ +gvector-reverse-copy!¤ ,greverse-vector->list¤ -greverse-list->vector¤ . !"#$%&'()*+,-¤ /g re-exportsS¤ 0g make-vector¤ 1gvector¤ 2gvector?¤ 3g vector-ref¤ 4g vector-set!¤ 5g vector-length¤ 6012345¤ 7g replacementsS¤ 8g vector-copy¤ 9g vector-fill!¤ :g list->vector¤ ;g vector->list¤ <89:;¤ =gset-current-module¤ >=¤ ?=¤ @gcond-expand-provide¤ Agcurrent-module¤ B¤ Cgerror¤ Dg string-append¤ Egsymbol->string¤ Ff: ¤ Gg error-from¤ Hgmake-syntax-transformer¤ IH¤ JH¤ Kgassert-nonneg-exact-integer¤ Lgmacro¤ Mg $sc-dispatch¤ NM¤ OM¤ Pgany¤ QPPP¤ Rg syntax-object¤ Sgunless¤ Tgtop¤ UT¤ Vgribcage¤ Wgdummy¤ Xgk¤ Ygwho¤ ZWXY¤ [gm-46961e513c-7¤ \[T¤ ]\UU¤ ^fl-46961e513c-c¤ _fl-46961e513c-d¤ `fl-46961e513c-e¤ a^_`¤ bVZ]a¤ cV¤ dgx¤ ed¤ f\¤ gfl-46961e513c-9¤ hg¤ iVefh¤ jUbci¤ kghygiene¤ lk¤ mRSjl¤ ngand¤ oRnjl¤ pgexact-integer?¤ qRpjl¤ rgnot¤ sRrjl¤ tg negative?¤ uRtjl¤ vRGjl¤ wf(expected non-negative exact integer, got¤ xRwjl¤ ygsyntax-violation¤ zy¤ {y¤ |f-source expression failed to match any pattern¤ }gassert-procedure¤ ~gf¤ W~Y¤ €gm-46961e513c-13¤ €T¤ ‚UU¤ ƒfl-46961e513c-18¤ „fl-46961e513c-19¤ …fl-46961e513c-1a¤ †ƒ„…¤ ‡V‚†¤ ˆ¤ ‰fl-46961e513c-15¤ Š‰¤ ‹VeˆŠ¤ ŒU‡c‹¤ RSŒl¤ Žg procedure?¤ RŽŒl¤ RGŒl¤ ‘fexpected procedure, got¤ ’R‘Œl¤ “g assert-vector¤ ”gv¤ •W”Y¤ –gm-46961e513c-1f¤ —–T¤ ˜—UU¤ ™fl-46961e513c-24¤ šfl-46961e513c-25¤ ›fl-46961e513c-26¤ œ™š›¤ V•˜œ¤ ž—¤ Ÿfl-46961e513c-21¤  Ÿ¤ ¡Vež ¤ ¢Uc¡¤ £RS¢l¤ ¤R2¢l¤ ¥RG¢l¤ ¦fexpected vector, got¤ §R¦¢l¤ ¨gassert-valid-index¤ ©PPPP¤ ªgi¤ «glen¤ ¬Wª«Y¤ ­gm-46961e513c-2b¤ ®­T¤ ¯®UUU¤ °fl-46961e513c-30¤ ±fl-46961e513c-31¤ ²fl-46961e513c-32¤ ³fl-46961e513c-33¤ ´°±²³¤ µV¬¯´¤ ¶®¤ ·fl-46961e513c-2d¤ ¸·¤ ¹Ve¶¸¤ ºUµc¹¤ »RSºl¤ ¼Rnºl¤ ½Rpºl¤ ¾g<=¤ ¿R¾ºl¤ ÀR ºl¤ ÁRGºl¤ Âf invalid index¤ ÃRºl¤ Ägassert-valid-start¤ Ågstart¤ ÆWÅ«Y¤ Çgm-46961e513c-39¤ ÈÇT¤ ÉÈUUU¤ Êfl-46961e513c-3e¤ Ëfl-46961e513c-3f¤ Ìfl-46961e513c-40¤ Ífl-46961e513c-41¤ ÎÊËÌͤ ÏVÆÉΤ ÐȤ Ñfl-46961e513c-3b¤ ÒѤ ÓVeÐÒ¤ ÔUÏcÓ¤ ÕRSÔl¤ ÖRnÔl¤ ×RpÔl¤ ØR¾Ôl¤ ÙR Ôl¤ ÚRGÔl¤ Ûfinvalid start index¤ ÜRÛÔl¤ Ýgassert-valid-range¤ ÞPPPPP¤ ßgend¤ àWÅß«Y¤ ágm-46961e513c-47¤ âáT¤ ãâUUUU¤ äfl-46961e513c-4c¤ åfl-46961e513c-4d¤ æfl-46961e513c-4e¤ çfl-46961e513c-4f¤ èfl-46961e513c-50¤ éäåæçè¤ êVàãé¤ ë⤠ìfl-46961e513c-49¤ íì¤ îVeëí¤ ïUêcî¤ ðRSïl¤ ñRnïl¤ òRpïl¤ óR¾ïl¤ ôR ïl¤ õRGïl¤ öfinvalid index range¤ ÷Röïl¤ øgassert-vectors¤ ùglet¤ úgvs¤ ûWúY¤ ügm-46961e513c-57¤ ýüT¤ þýUU¤ ÿfl-46961e513c-5c¤ fl-46961e513c-5d¤ fl-46961e513c-5e¤ ÿ¤ Vûþ¤ ý¤ fl-46961e513c-59¤ ¤ Ve¤ Uc¤  Rùl¤  gloop¤  R l¤  RSl¤  gnull?¤ R l¤ R“l¤ gcar¤ Rl¤ gcdr¤ Rl¤ gmin¤ g min-length¤ greverse!¤ g vectors-ref¤ gapply¤ 8¤ 8¤ gguile-vector-copy¤ gvector-move-left!¤ g%vector-concatenate¤ 9¤ 9¤  g%vector-reverse!¤ !gdefine-vector-copier!¤ "gdefine¤ #gcopy!¤ $g docstring¤ %g inner-proc¤ &W#$%¤ 'gm-46961e513c-5ea¤ ('T¤ )(UUU¤ *fl-46961e513c-5ef¤ +fl-46961e513c-5f0¤ ,fl-46961e513c-5f1¤ -fl-46961e513c-5f2¤ .*+,-¤ /V&).¤ 0(¤ 1fl-46961e513c-5ec¤ 21¤ 3Ve02¤ 4U/c3¤ 5R"4l¤ 6Rù4l¤ 7g%copy!¤ 8R74l¤ 9g case-lambda¤ :R94l¤ ;gtarget¤ <R;4l¤ =gtstart¤ >R=4l¤ ?gsource¤ @R?4l¤ A<>@¤ BR“4l¤ Cgquote¤ DRC4l¤ Egtlen¤ FRE4l¤ GR54l¤ HG<¤ IFH¤ Jgslen¤ KRJ4l¤ LG@¤ MKL¤ NIM¤ ORÄ4l¤ PRS4l¤ Qg>=¤ RRQ4l¤ Sg+¤ TRS4l¤ UT>K¤ VRFU¤ WRG4l¤ Xfwould write past end of target¤ YRX4l¤ ZY¤ [R 4l¤ \8<>@[K¤ ]\¤ ^gsstart¤ _R^4l¤ `<>@_¤ ag-¤ bRa4l¤ cbK_¤ dT>c¤ eRFd¤ f8<>@_K¤ gf¤ hgsend¤ iRh4l¤ j<>@_i¤ kRÝ4l¤ lbi_¤ mT>l¤ nRFm¤ o8<>@_i¤ po¤ qgvector-move-right!¤ rglength¤ sgdrop¤C5hhÞl]4   ./67<5 4?>"G4@i4Ai5B>"GCDEFh ¹-134455@±gwho gmsg gargs  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ + ŒŒ - ŒŒ  - ŒŒ  - -ŒŒ  - ŒŒ  , ŒŒ   gnameg error-fromŒCGR4JKLOQmoqsuvxh0M]CEgdummy  +gk  +gwho   +  + C{|h(Ÿ] 45$@6—gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ 0 ŒŒ  " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesŒgpatternsgkgwhoC5KR4J}LOQ’h M]CEgdummy  gf  gwho      C{|h(Ÿ] 45$@6—gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ 5 ŒŒ  " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesŒgpatternsgfgwhoC5}R4J“LOQ£¤¥§h M]CEgdummy  gv  gwho      C{|h(Ÿ] 45$@6—gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ 9 ŒŒ  " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesŒgpatternsgvgwhoC5“R4J¨LO©»¼½¿ÀÁÃh0^]CVgdummy  *gi  *glen   *gwho   *  * C{|h(¦] 45$@6žgx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ = ŒŒ  " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesŒgpatternsgiglengwhoC5¨R4JÄLO©ÕÖ×ØÙÚÜh0b]CZgdummy  *gstart  *glen   *gwho   *  * C{|h(ª] 45$@6¢gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ B ŒŒ  " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesŒgpatternsgstartglengwhoC5ÄR4JÝLOÞðñòóôõ÷h8s]Ckgdummy  5gstart  5gend   5glen   5gwho   5  5 C{|h(±] 45$@6©gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ G ŒŒ  " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesŒgpatternsgstartgendglengwhoC5ÝR4JøLOQ   h@N]CFgdummy  :gvs  :gwho   :  : C{|h( ] 45$@6˜gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ M ŒŒ  " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesŒgpatternsgvsgwhoC5øR5h@]"#(CŽ4455"ÿÿÝŽ45"ÿÿÊýgvs  <gvs  )gresult   )gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ U ŒŒ  V ŒŒ X ŒŒ  Z ŒŒ  Z ŒŒ  Z #ŒŒ  Z 2ŒŒ  Z #ŒŒ ! Z ŒŒ ) Z ŒŒ ) V ŒŒ , V ŒŒ - W ŒŒ 2 W $ŒŒ 4 W ŒŒ < V ŒŒ  < gnameg min-lengthŒCRh8ò]" (6Ž£Œ"ÿÿà"ÿÿÕêgvs  1gi  1gvs   &gxs   &gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ] ŒŒ  ^ ŒŒ _ ŒŒ  ` ŒŒ  a ŒŒ  a )ŒŒ  a ŒŒ  a ŒŒ & a ŒŒ & ^ ŒŒ ) ^ ŒŒ 1 ^ ŒŒ  1 gnameg vectors-refŒCRŽG‘wp0h8Ï]L‘$C4L> GL¤—"ÿÿÍÇgi  5gseed  5gx   5gseed   5gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ { ŒŒ  | ŒŒ | ŒŒ  } ŒŒ  } ŒŒ ( ~ ŒŒ +  ŒŒ 5  ŒŒ  5 gnamegloopŒCh@ÿ]L‘$C4L> GL¤—"ÿÿÅ÷gi  =gseed1  =gseed2   =gx   =gseed1   =gseed2   =gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ … ŒŒ  † ŒŒ † ŒŒ  ‡ $ŒŒ  ‡ ŒŒ , ˆ ŒŒ / ‰ ŒŒ = ‰ ŒŒ  = gnamegloopŒCh8Ù]L‘$C4L> GL¤—"ÿÿËÑgi  7gseeds  7gx   7gseeds   7gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ŒŒ  ŒŒ ŒŒ  ‘ ŒŒ  ‘ ŒŒ * ’ ŒŒ - “ ŒŒ 7 “ ŒŒ  7 gnamegloopŒC h s)¢345$"4>"G"4>"*G"#45$ ’$"ÿÿÏ"""ÿÿÃ45""‘$"45¤—"ÿÿÞ "ÿÿ×C)¡345$"4>"G"4>"*G"#45$ ’$"ÿÿÏ"""ÿÿÃ45OQ4 >"GC)£345$"4>"G"4>"*G"#45$ ’$"ÿÿÏ"""ÿÿÃ45 OQ4 >"GC-1345$"4>"G"4>"*G"#45$ ’$"ÿÿÏ"""ÿÿÃ45 OQ4 >"GCkgf ¨glen ¨gv  v ¨gi  | žgf ± Oglen ± Ogseed  ± Ogv   Ogloop  + Lgf X øglen X øgseed1  X øgseed2  X øgv  Å øgloop  Ò õgf  Ÿglen  Ÿgseeds   Ÿgv  n Ÿgloop  { œgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ e ŒŒ o ŒŒ  o ŒŒ  o ŒŒ 3 p ŒŒ 7 p &ŒŒ 9 p ŒŒ p q ŒŒ v q ŒŒ | r ŒŒ s ŒŒ … s ŒŒ Ž t ŒŒ • t ŒŒ ˜ u ŒŒ ž u ŒŒ ž r ŒŒ ± e ŒŒ ² x ŒŒ Å x ŒŒ Ç x ŒŒ Û y ŒŒ ß y &ŒŒ á y ŒŒ  z ŒŒ  z ŒŒ + { ŒŒ X e ŒŒ Y ‚ ŒŒ l ‚ ŒŒ n ‚ ŒŒ ‚ ƒ ŒŒ † ƒ &ŒŒ ˆ ƒ ŒŒ ¿ „ ŒŒ Å „ ŒŒ Ò … ŒŒ  e ŒŒ  Œ ŒŒ  Œ ŒŒ  Œ ŒŒ + ŒŒ / &ŒŒ 1 ŒŒ h Ž ŒŒ n Ž ŒŒ { ŒŒ0 ¨  ± O  X ø   Ÿ  gnameg vector-unfoldŒg documentationfÉ(vector-unfold f length initial-seed ...) -> vector The fundamental vector constructor. Create a vector whose length is LENGTH and iterates across each index k from 0 up to LENGTH - 1, applying F at each iteration to the current index and current seeds, in that order, to receive n + 1 values: the element to put in the kth slot of the new vector, and n new seeds for the next iteration. It is an error for the number of seeds to vary between iterations.ŒCRŽG‘wp0h8×] ’$C4L> GL¤™"ÿÿÎÏgi  4gseed  4gx   4gseed   4gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ­ ŒŒ  ® ŒŒ ® ŒŒ ¯ ŒŒ  ¯ ŒŒ ' ° ŒŒ * ± ŒŒ 4 ± ŒŒ  4 gnamegloopŒCh@ÿ] ’$C4L> GL¤™"ÿÿÆ÷gi  <gseed1  <gseed2   <gx   <gseed1   <gseed2   <gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ · ŒŒ  ¸ ŒŒ ¸ ŒŒ ¹ $ŒŒ  ¹ ŒŒ + º ŒŒ . » ŒŒ < » ŒŒ  < gnamegloopŒCh8Ù] ’$C4L> GL¤™"ÿÿÌÑgi  6gseeds  6gx   6gseeds   6gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ Á ŒŒ   ŒŒ  ŒŒ à ŒŒ  à ŒŒ ) Ä ŒŒ , Å ŒŒ 6 Å ŒŒ  6 gnamegloopŒC h í)£345$"4>"G"4>"*G"#45$ ’$"ÿÿÏ"""ÿÿÃ45"! ’$"45¤™"ÿÿß™"ÿÿÖC) 345$"4>"G"4>"*G"#45$ ’$"ÿÿÏ"""ÿÿÃ45OQ4™>"GC)¢345$"4>"G"4>"*G"#45$ ’$"ÿÿÏ"""ÿÿÃ45 OQ4™>"GC-1345$"4>"G"4>"*G"#45$ ’$"ÿÿÏ"""ÿÿÃ45 OQ4™>"GCågf ©glen ©gv  v ©gi  | gf ² Oglen ² Ogseed  ² Ogv   Ogloop  + Lgf X ÷glen X ÷gseed1  X ÷gseed2  X ÷gv  Å ÷gloop  Ñ ôgf  glen  gseeds   gv  m gloop  y šgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ — ŒŒ ¡ ŒŒ  ¡ ŒŒ  ¡ ŒŒ 3 ¢ ŒŒ 7 ¢ &ŒŒ 9 ¢ ŒŒ p £ ŒŒ v £ ŒŒ | ¤ ŒŒ  ¥ ŒŒ „ ¥ ŒŒ ¦ ŒŒ ” ¦ ŒŒ — § ŒŒ § ŒŒ ¤ ŒŒ   ¤ ŒŒ ¦ ¤ ŒŒ ² — ŒŒ ³ ª ŒŒ Æ ª ŒŒ È ª ŒŒ Ü « ŒŒ à « &ŒŒ â « ŒŒ  ¬ ŒŒ  ¬ ŒŒ + ­ ŒŒ : ­ ŒŒ A ­ ŒŒ X — ŒŒ Y ´ ŒŒ l ´ ŒŒ n ´ ŒŒ ‚ µ ŒŒ † µ &ŒŒ ˆ µ ŒŒ ¿ ¶ ŒŒ Å ¶ ŒŒ Ñ · ŒŒ à · ŒŒ é · ŒŒ  — ŒŒ  ¾ ŒŒ  ¾ ŒŒ  ¾ ŒŒ * ¿ ŒŒ . ¿ &ŒŒ 0 ¿ ŒŒ g À ŒŒ m À ŒŒ y Á ŒŒ ˆ Á ŒŒ  Á ŒŒ8 ©  ² O  X ÷     gnamegvector-unfold-rightŒg documentationfÑ(vector-unfold-right f length initial-seed ...) -> vector The fundamental vector constructor. Create a vector whose length is LENGTH and iterates across each index k from LENGTH - 1 down to 0, applying F at each iteration to the current index and current seeds, in that order, to receive n + 1 values: the element to put in the kth slot of the new vector, and n new seeds for the next iteration. It is an error for the number of seeds to vary between iterations.ŒCRRG8¦5Ûp0ö h˜°) 36)§3‹$"4>"G45"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²4˜54  >"GC-.,3#‹$"4>"G45"4 >"NG"G45$845$% “$“$""ÿÿµ""ÿÿ­""ÿÿ¥""ÿÿ4˜54 4 5 >"GC¨gv gv  ¼gstart  ¼glen  @ ¼gresult  ž ¼gv È “gstart È “gend  È “gfill  È “glen  ù “gresult  n “ gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ Ì ŒŒ  Ö ŒŒ  Ì ŒŒ  Ø ŒŒ ( Ø ŒŒ * Ø ŒŒ : Ù ŒŒ @ Ù ŒŒ G Ú ŒŒ K Ú $ŒŒ M Ú ŒŒ • Û ŒŒ œ Û !ŒŒ ž Û ŒŒ ž Û ŒŒ ¡ Ü ŒŒ È Ì ŒŒ Ô ß ŒŒ á ß ŒŒ ã ß ŒŒ ó à ŒŒ ù à ŒŒ  ä ŒŒ  ä ŒŒ  ä !ŒŒ  ä ŒŒ  á ŒŒ  á ŒŒ & á ŒŒ ' â ŒŒ 1 á ŒŒ 5 ã ŒŒ 9 á ŒŒ > ã ŒŒ c å ŒŒ j å !ŒŒ n å ŒŒ n å ŒŒ q æ ŒŒ x æ #ŒŒ ˆ æ ŒŒ*    ¼  È “  gnameg vector-copyŒg documentationfÔ(vector-copy vec [start [end [fill]]]) -> vector Allocate a new vector whose length is END - START and fills it with elements from vec, taking elements from vec starting at index START and stopping at index END. START defaults to 0 and END defaults to the value of (vector-length VEC). If END extends beyond the length of VEC, the slots in the new vector that obviously cannot be filled by elements from VEC are filled with FILL, whose default value is unspecified.ŒC8R0hPe]#˜45"%‘$"$£¤—™"ÿÿÛ ™"ÿÿÏC]gvec  Jgstart  Jgend   Jglen   Jgresult   Jgi   ;gj   ;gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ë ŒŒ  ì ŒŒ  ì ŒŒ í ŒŒ  ì ŒŒ  î ŒŒ  ï ŒŒ  ï ŒŒ , ð "ŒŒ - 𠌌 0 ñ ŒŒ 3 ñ ŒŒ ; ñ ŒŒ ; î ŒŒ ? î ŒŒ G î ŒŒ  J gnameg%vector-reverse-copyŒCG¦5Ûpöhx )23‹$"4>"GL 456)‰3‹$"4>"G45"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²L6] ‹$"4>"G45"4>"_G"X45$I45$6 “$&“$“$""ÿÿ¬""ÿÿ¤""ÿÿœ""ÿÿ”""ÿÿŒL6gvec 8gvec A Çgstart A Çglen  i Çgvec É ugstart É ugend  É uglen  ñ ugfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ó ŒŒ û ŒŒ  û ŒŒ  û ŒŒ 0 ü #ŒŒ 8 ü ŒŒ A ó ŒŒ D þ ŒŒ Q þ ŒŒ S þ ŒŒ c ÿ ŒŒ i ÿ ŒŒ p  ŒŒ t  'ŒŒ v  ŒŒ Ç  ŒŒ É ó ŒŒ Ì  ŒŒ Ù  ŒŒ Û  ŒŒ ë  ŒŒ ñ  ŒŒ ø  ŒŒ ü  +ŒŒ þ  ŒŒ u  ŒŒ 8  A Ç  É u g documentationf1(vector-reverse-copy vec [start [end]]) -> vector Allocate a new vector whose length is END - START and fills it with elements from vec, taking elements from vec in reverse order starting at index START and stopping at index END. START defaults to 0 and END defaults to the value of (vector-length VEC).ŒCOR50h˜Ù]1""("!Ž45–"ÿÿÞ "ÿÿÓ45"G("H454 >"GŽ–"ÿÿ¿ "ÿÿ®CÑgvs  —gvs  (glen   (g result-len 3 —gresult  < —gvs  B ‰gpos  B ‰gv  O ‰glen  X † gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ  ŒŒ   ŒŒ  ŒŒ   !ŒŒ   1ŒŒ   @ŒŒ   1ŒŒ  *ŒŒ (  ŒŒ (  ŒŒ 3  ŒŒ 6  ŒŒ <  ŒŒ B  ŒŒ H  ŒŒ O  ŒŒ O  ŒŒ R  ŒŒ X  ŒŒ [  ŒŒ v  ŒŒ {  ŒŒ ƒ  ŒŒ ‰  ŒŒ  — gnameg%vector-concatenateŒCRG¦50 h0²)3C)*3‹$"4>"G6)—3‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45454–54  >"G4 >"GC-13"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ6ªgv  =gv1 F Úgv2 F Úglen1  – Úglen2  – Úgresult  ¤ Úgvs ã +gvs ç gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ  ŒŒ  ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ &  ŒŒ (  ŒŒ =  ŒŒ F  ŒŒ I ! ŒŒ V ! ŒŒ X ! ŒŒ j " ŒŒ w " ŒŒ y " ŒŒ ‰ # ŒŒ $ ŒŒ – # ŒŒ › % ŒŒ ¢ % "ŒŒ ¤ % ŒŒ ¤ % ŒŒ § & ŒŒ ¿ ' ŒŒ ã  ŒŒ ç * ŒŒ  * ŒŒ  * ŒŒ + + ŒŒ   =  F Ú  ã + gnameg vector-appendŒg documentationf(vector-append vec ...) -> vector Return a newly allocated vector that contains all elements in order from the subsequent locations in VEC ...ŒCRG¦hPJ] "6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ6Bgvs  Jgvs  <gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ - ŒŒ  2 ŒŒ ! 2 ŒŒ # 2 ŒŒ J 3 ŒŒ  J gnamegvector-concatenateŒg documentationfŽ(vector-concatenate list-of-vectors) -> vector Append each vector in LIST-OF-VECTORS. Equivalent to: (apply vector-append LIST-OF-VECTORS)ŒCRG¦5h0]‹$"4>"G45 ‘Cgvec  -gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ 5 ŒŒ  9 ŒŒ  9 ŒŒ  9 ŒŒ $ : ŒŒ + : ŒŒ  - gnameg vector-empty?Œg documentationfd(vector-empty? vec) -> boolean Return true if VEC is empty, i.e. its length is 0, and false if not.ŒCR5h(Ò](C45‘$ Ž"ÿÿÜCÊglen  (gvs  (gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ > ŒŒ  ? ŒŒ ? ŒŒ @ ŒŒ  @ %ŒŒ  @ ŒŒ  @ ŒŒ  @ ŒŒ  A #ŒŒ & A ŒŒ  ( gnamegall-of-length?ŒCOhP-] ’$C££&" 45$™"ÿÿ´C%gi  Pgelt=?  Pgv1   Pgv2   Pgt   Pgx1   Pgx2   Pgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ B ŒŒ  C ŒŒ  C ŒŒ  D ŒŒ  E ŒŒ  D ŒŒ ' F ŒŒ ( F ŒŒ - F !ŒŒ 9 F ŒŒ < G ŒŒ N G ŒŒ  P gnameg=up-to?ŒCOQQŽG‘¦5høÞ)*345$"4>"GC)K345$"4>"G‹$"4>"GC)345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G4545‘$ L™6C-1345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ454L5$2"&(C4L™5$ Ž"ÿÿÜC"ÿÿÒCÖgelt=? 0gelt=? 9 gv 9 gelt=? Š gv1 Š gv2  Š glen  ø gelt=?  ògv1  ògvs   ògvs  j  glen  ¯ ògvs   è gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ H ŒŒ R ŒŒ  R ŒŒ  R ŒŒ 9 H ŒŒ : U ŒŒ M U ŒŒ O U ŒŒ a V ŒŒ n V ŒŒ p V ŒŒ Š H ŒŒ ‹ Y ŒŒ ž Y ŒŒ   Y ŒŒ ² Z ŒŒ ¿ Z ŒŒ Á Z ŒŒ Ó [ ŒŒ à [ ŒŒ â [ ŒŒ ò \ ŒŒ ø \ ŒŒ ý ] ŒŒ  ] ŒŒ  ] ŒŒ  ^ ŒŒ  ^ ŒŒ  H ŒŒ ! ` ŒŒ 4 ` ŒŒ 6 ` ŒŒ H a ŒŒ U a ŒŒ W a ŒŒ j b ŒŒ … b ŒŒ ‡ b ŒŒ © c ŒŒ ¯ c ŒŒ ² d ŒŒ ¾ d ŒŒ  e ŒŒ È f ŒŒ É f ŒŒ Ë g ŒŒ Ð g "ŒŒ × g 5ŒŒ Ù g ŒŒ Ý g ŒŒ à h ŒŒ æ h ŒŒ è e ŒŒ6 0  9  Š    ò  g documentationfu(vector= elt=? vec ...) -> boolean Return true if the vectors VEC ... have equal lengths and equal elements according to ELT=?. ELT=? is always applied to two arguments. Element comparison must be consistent with eq?, in the following sense: if (eq? a b) returns true, then (elt=? a b) must also return true. The order in which comparisons are performed is unspecified.ŒCORŽG‘¦5 h)†345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45"%‘$C—4£5"ÿÿÛ "ÿÿÐ)¸345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455"*‘$C—4££5"ÿÿÖ "ÿÿË-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45")‘$C—44 5?"ÿÿ× "ÿÿÌgkcons Œgknil Œgv  Œglen  V Œgi  \ gstate  \ gkcons • Jgknil • Jgv1  • Jgv2  • Jglen   Jgi   ?gstate   ?gkcons S ûgknil S ûgvs  S ûgvs  | ²glen  Á ûgi  Ç ðgstate  Ç ðgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ k ŒŒ v ŒŒ  v ŒŒ  v ŒŒ 1 w ŒŒ > w ŒŒ @ w ŒŒ P x ŒŒ V x ŒŒ \ y ŒŒ a z ŒŒ e z ŒŒ k | ŒŒ l | ŒŒ w | *ŒŒ y | ŒŒ | ŒŒ y ŒŒ • k ŒŒ – ~ ŒŒ © ~ ŒŒ « ~ ŒŒ ½  ŒŒ Ê  ŒŒ Ì  ŒŒ Þ € ŒŒ ë € ŒŒ í € ŒŒ ý  ŒŒ   ŒŒ   (ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ  ‚ ŒŒ  ƒ ŒŒ  ƒ ŒŒ $ … ŒŒ % † ŒŒ 0 † "ŒŒ 5 † 4ŒŒ 7 † ŒŒ ? … ŒŒ ? ‚ ŒŒ S k ŒŒ T ˆ ŒŒ g ˆ ŒŒ i ˆ ŒŒ | ‰ ŒŒ — ‰ ŒŒ ™ ‰ ŒŒ » Š ŒŒ Á Š ŒŒ Ç ‹ ŒŒ Ì Œ ŒŒ Ð Œ ŒŒ Ö Ž ŒŒ × Ž ŒŒ Þ Ž 0ŒŒ è Ž ŒŒ ð Ž ŒŒ ð ‹ ŒŒ> Œ  • J  S û  gnameg vector-foldŒg documentationfÔ(vector-fold kons knil vec1 vec2 ...) -> value The fundamental vector iterator. KONS is iterated over each index in all of the vectors, stopping at the end of the shortest; KONS is applied as (KONS i state (vector-ref VEC1 i) (vector-ref VEC2 i) ...) where STATE is the current state value, and I is the current index. The current state value begins with KNIL, and becomes whatever KONS returned at the respective iteration. The iteration is strictly left-to-right.ŒCRŽG‘¦5 hg)‡345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45"$ ’$C™4£5"ÿÿÜ™"ÿÿÏ)¹345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455") ’$C™4££5"ÿÿ×™"ÿÿÊ-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45"( ’$C™44 5?"ÿÿØ™"ÿÿË_gkcons gknil gv  glen  V gi  \ €gstate  \ €gkcons – Lgknil – Lgv1  – Lgv2  – Lglen   Lgi   ?gstate   ?gkcons U þgknil U þgvs  U þgvs  ~ ´glen  à þgi  É ñgstate  É ñgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ‘ ŒŒ œ ŒŒ  œ ŒŒ  œ ŒŒ 1  ŒŒ >  ŒŒ @  ŒŒ P ž ŒŒ V ž ŒŒ \ Ÿ ŒŒ _   ŒŒ d   ŒŒ j ¢ ŒŒ k ¢ ŒŒ v ¢ *ŒŒ x ¢ ŒŒ € ¢ ŒŒ € Ÿ ŒŒ ƒ Ÿ ŒŒ Ÿ ŒŒ – ‘ ŒŒ — ¤ ŒŒ ª ¤ ŒŒ ¬ ¤ ŒŒ ¾ ¥ ŒŒ Ë ¥ ŒŒ Í ¥ ŒŒ ß ¦ ŒŒ ì ¦ ŒŒ î ¦ ŒŒ þ § ŒŒ  § ŒŒ  § (ŒŒ  § ŒŒ  § ŒŒ  ¨ ŒŒ  © ŒŒ  © ŒŒ $ « ŒŒ % ¬ ŒŒ 0 ¬ "ŒŒ 5 ¬ 4ŒŒ 7 ¬ ŒŒ ? « ŒŒ ? ¨ ŒŒ B ¨ ŒŒ L ¨ ŒŒ U ‘ ŒŒ V ® ŒŒ i ® ŒŒ k ® ŒŒ ~ ¯ ŒŒ ™ ¯ ŒŒ › ¯ ŒŒ ½ ° ŒŒ à ° ŒŒ É ± ŒŒ Ì ² ŒŒ Ñ ² ŒŒ × ´ ŒŒ Ø ´ ŒŒ ß ´ 0ŒŒ é ´ ŒŒ ñ ´ ŒŒ ñ ± ŒŒ ô ± ŒŒ þ ± ŒŒD  – L  U þ  gnamegvector-fold-rightŒg documentationfÚ(vector-fold-right kons knil vec1 vec2 ...) -> value The fundamental vector iterator. KONS is iterated over each index in all of the vectors, starting at the end of the shortest; KONS is applied as (KONS i state (vector-ref VEC1 i) (vector-ref VEC2 i) ...) where STATE is the current state value, and I is the current index. The current state value begins with KNIL, and becomes whatever KONS returned at the respective iteration. The iteration is strictly right-to-left.ŒCRŽG‘¦50 h ~)345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G4545"'‘$"!4£5¤—"ÿÿÙ "ÿÿÒC)Â345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G44545545",‘$"&4££5¤—"ÿÿÔ "ÿÿÍC-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ4 545"+‘$"%44 5?¤—"ÿÿÕ "ÿÿÎCvgf –gv –glen  V –gresult  _ –gi  e Œgf Ÿ ^gv1 Ÿ ^gv2  Ÿ ^glen   ^gresult  " ^gi  ( Tgf g gvs g gvs   Æglen  Õ gresult  Þ gi  ä gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ · ŒŒ ¿ ŒŒ  ¿ ŒŒ  ¿ ŒŒ 1 À ŒŒ > À ŒŒ @ À ŒŒ P Á ŒŒ V Á ŒŒ Y  ŒŒ _ Á ŒŒ e à ŒŒ j Ä ŒŒ n Ä ŒŒ w Å !ŒŒ € Å &ŒŒ ‚ Å !ŒŒ ƒ Å ŒŒ † Æ ŒŒ Œ Æ ŒŒ Œ à ŒŒ Ÿ · ŒŒ   É ŒŒ ³ É ŒŒ µ É ŒŒ Ç Ê ŒŒ Ô Ê ŒŒ Ö Ê ŒŒ è Ë ŒŒ õ Ë ŒŒ ÷ Ë ŒŒ  Ì ŒŒ  Ì ŒŒ  Ì )ŒŒ  Ì ŒŒ  Ì ŒŒ  Í ŒŒ " Ì ŒŒ ( Î ŒŒ - Ï ŒŒ 1 Ï ŒŒ : Ð !ŒŒ C Ð &ŒŒ H Ð 8ŒŒ J Ð !ŒŒ K Ð ŒŒ N Ñ ŒŒ T Ñ ŒŒ T Î ŒŒ g · ŒŒ h Ô ŒŒ { Ô ŒŒ } Ô ŒŒ  Õ ŒŒ « Õ ŒŒ ­ Õ ŒŒ Ï Ö ŒŒ Õ Ö ŒŒ Ø × ŒŒ Þ Ö ŒŒ ä Ø ŒŒ é Ù ŒŒ í Ù ŒŒ ö Ú !ŒŒ û Ú ,ŒŒ  Ú !ŒŒ  Ú ŒŒ  Û ŒŒ  Û ŒŒ  Ø ŒŒG –  Ÿ ^  g  gnameg vector-mapŒg documentationf(vector-map f vec2 vec2 ...) -> vector Return a new vector of the shortest size of the vector arguments. Each element at index i of the new vector is mapped from the old vectors by (F i (vector-ref VEC1 i) (vector-ref VEC2 i) ...). The dynamic order of application of F is unspecified.ŒCRŽG‘¦5 høò)‚345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45"%‘$C4£5¤—"ÿÿÛ "ÿÿÔ)´345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455"*‘$C4££5¤—"ÿÿÖ "ÿÿÏ-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45")‘$C44 5?¤—"ÿÿ× "ÿÿÐêgf ˆgv ˆglen  V ˆgi  \ gf ‘ Bgv1 ‘ Bgv2  ‘ Bglen   Bgi   ;gf K ôgvs K ôgvs  t ªglen  ¼ ôgv1  ¼ ôgi  Ä ígfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ß ŒŒ æ ŒŒ  æ ŒŒ  æ ŒŒ 1 ç ŒŒ > ç ŒŒ @ ç ŒŒ P è ŒŒ V è ŒŒ \ é ŒŒ a ê ŒŒ e ê ŒŒ l ë ŒŒ u ë !ŒŒ w ë ŒŒ x ë ŒŒ { ì ŒŒ ì ŒŒ é ŒŒ ‘ ß ŒŒ ’ î ŒŒ ¥ î ŒŒ § î ŒŒ ¹ ï ŒŒ Æ ï ŒŒ È ï ŒŒ Ú ð ŒŒ ç 𠌌 é 𠌌 ù ñ ŒŒ ü ñ ŒŒ  ñ (ŒŒ  ñ ŒŒ  ñ ŒŒ  ò ŒŒ  ó ŒŒ  ó ŒŒ ! ô ŒŒ * ô "ŒŒ / ô 4ŒŒ 1 ô ŒŒ 2 ô ŒŒ 5 õ ŒŒ ; õ ŒŒ ; ò ŒŒ K ß ŒŒ L ÷ ŒŒ _ ÷ ŒŒ a ÷ ŒŒ t ø ŒŒ  ø ŒŒ ‘ ø ŒŒ ³ ù ŒŒ ¼ ú ŒŒ ¼ ù ŒŒ Ä û ŒŒ É ü ŒŒ Í ü ŒŒ Ô ý ŒŒ Ù ý (ŒŒ ã ý ŒŒ ä ý ŒŒ ç þ ŒŒ í þ ŒŒ í û ŒŒB ˆ  ‘ B  K ô gnameg vector-map!Œg documentationfõ(vector-map! f vec2 vec2 ...) -> unspecified Similar to vector-map, but rather than mapping the new elements into a new vector, the new mapped elements are destructively inserted into VEC1. The dynamic order of application of F is unspecified.ŒCRŽG‘¦5 hˆ)ˆ345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45"+‘$C4£>"G—"ÿÿÕ "ÿÿÎ)º345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455"0‘$C4££>"G—"ÿÿÐ "ÿÿÉ-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45"1‘$C4 4 5>"G—"ÿÿÏ "ÿÿÈ€gf Žgv Žglen  V Žgi  \ ‡gf — Ngv1 — Ngv2  — Nglen   Ngi   Ggf W gvs W gvs  € ¶glen  Å gi  Ë ügfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ  ŒŒ  ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ 1  ŒŒ >  ŒŒ @  ŒŒ P  ŒŒ V  ŒŒ \  ŒŒ a  ŒŒ e  ŒŒ h  ŒŒ q  ŒŒ v  ŒŒ  ŒŒ ‡  ŒŒ ‡  ŒŒ —  ŒŒ ˜  ŒŒ «  ŒŒ ­  ŒŒ ¿  ŒŒ Ì  ŒŒ Î  ŒŒ à  ŒŒ í  ŒŒ ï  ŒŒ ÿ  ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ #  ŒŒ ,  ŒŒ 1  "ŒŒ 6  ŒŒ A  ŒŒ G  ŒŒ G  ŒŒ W  ŒŒ X  ŒŒ k  ŒŒ m  ŒŒ €  ŒŒ ›  ŒŒ   ŒŒ ¿  ŒŒ Å  ŒŒ Ë  ŒŒ Ð  ŒŒ Ô  ŒŒ ×  ŒŒ Þ  ŒŒ ë  ŒŒ ö  ŒŒ ü  ŒŒ ü  ŒŒ> Ž  — N  W  gnamegvector-for-eachŒg documentationf¿(vector-for-each f vec1 vec2 ...) -> unspecified Call (F i VEC1[i] VEC2[i] ...) for each index i less than the length of the shortest vector passed. The iteration is strictly left-to-right.ŒCRŽG ‘¦5 h0V)—345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45"7‘$C4£5$——"ÿÿÖ—"ÿÿÉ "ÿÿ¿)É345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455"<‘$C4££5$——"ÿÿÑ—"ÿÿÄ "ÿÿº-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45";‘$C44 5?$——"ÿÿÒ—"ÿÿÅ "ÿÿ»Ngpred? gv glen  V gi  \ “gcount  \ “gpred? ¦ lgv1 ¦ lgv2  ¦ lglen   lgi  & bgcount  & bgpred? u .gvs u .gvs  ž Ôglen  ã .gi  é $gcount  é $gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ # ŒŒ * ŒŒ  * ŒŒ  * ŒŒ 1 + ŒŒ > + ŒŒ @ + ŒŒ P , ŒŒ V , ŒŒ \ - ŒŒ a . ŒŒ e . ŒŒ i / ŒŒ r / ŒŒ t / ŒŒ x . ŒŒ { 0 ŒŒ ~ 0 ŒŒ † 0 ŒŒ ‰ 2 ŒŒ “ 2 ŒŒ “ - ŒŒ ¦ # ŒŒ § 4 ŒŒ º 4 ŒŒ ¼ 4 ŒŒ Î 5 ŒŒ Û 5 ŒŒ Ý 5 ŒŒ ï 6 ŒŒ ü 6 ŒŒ þ 6 ŒŒ  7 ŒŒ  7 ŒŒ  8 ŒŒ  7 ŒŒ  7 ŒŒ & 9 ŒŒ + : ŒŒ / : ŒŒ 3 ; ŒŒ < ; ŒŒ A ; +ŒŒ C ; ŒŒ G : ŒŒ J < ŒŒ M < ŒŒ U < ŒŒ X > ŒŒ b > ŒŒ b 9 ŒŒ u # ŒŒ v @ ŒŒ ‰ @ ŒŒ ‹ @ ŒŒ ž A ŒŒ ¹ A ŒŒ » A ŒŒ Ý B ŒŒ ã B ŒŒ é C ŒŒ î D ŒŒ ò D ŒŒ ö E ŒŒ û E ŒŒ  E ŒŒ  D ŒŒ  F ŒŒ  F ŒŒ  F ŒŒ  H ŒŒ $ H ŒŒ $ C ŒŒJ  ¦ l  u . gnameg vector-countŒg documentationfÑ(vector-count pred? vec1 vec2 ...) -> exact nonnegative integer Count the number of indices i for which (PRED? VEC1[i] VEC2[i] ...) returns true, where i is less than the length of the shortest vector passed.ŒC RŽG!‘¦5 hð×)‚345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45"%’$4£5$C—"ÿÿÝC "ÿÿÔ)´345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455"*’$4££5$C—"ÿÿØC "ÿÿÏ-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45")’$44 5?$C—"ÿÿÙC "ÿÿÐÏgpred? ˆgv ˆglen  V ˆgi  \ gpred? ‘ Bgv1 ‘ Bgv2  ‘ Bglen   Bgi   ;gpred? K ïgvs K ïgvs  t ªglen  ¹ ïgi  ¿ ègfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ K ŒŒ R ŒŒ  R ŒŒ  R ŒŒ 1 S ŒŒ > S ŒŒ @ S ŒŒ P T ŒŒ V T ŒŒ \ U ŒŒ a V ŒŒ e V ŒŒ f W ŒŒ m W ŒŒ o W ŒŒ s W ŒŒ y Y ŒŒ  Y ŒŒ U ŒŒ ‘ K ŒŒ ’ [ ŒŒ ¥ [ ŒŒ § [ ŒŒ ¹ \ ŒŒ Æ \ ŒŒ È \ ŒŒ Ú ] ŒŒ ç ] ŒŒ é ] ŒŒ ù ^ ŒŒ ü ^ ŒŒ  _ ŒŒ  ^ ŒŒ  ^ ŒŒ  ` ŒŒ  a ŒŒ  a ŒŒ  b ŒŒ " b ŒŒ ' c ŒŒ ) b ŒŒ - b ŒŒ 3 e ŒŒ 9 e ŒŒ ; ` ŒŒ K K ŒŒ L g ŒŒ _ g ŒŒ a g ŒŒ t h ŒŒ  h ŒŒ ‘ h ŒŒ ³ i ŒŒ ¹ i ŒŒ ¿ j ŒŒ Ä k ŒŒ È k ŒŒ É l ŒŒ Ì l ŒŒ Ö l ŒŒ Ú l ŒŒ à n ŒŒ æ n ŒŒ è j ŒŒA ˆ  ‘ B  K ï gnameg vector-indexŒg documentationfê(vector-index pred? vec1 vec2 ...) -> exact nonnegative integer or #f Find and return the index of the first elements in VEC1 VEC2 ... that satisfy PRED?. If no matching element is found by the end of the shortest vector, return #f.ŒC!RŽG"‘¦5 hø@)ƒ345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45"$ •$4£5$C™"ÿÿÞC™"ÿÿÓ)µ345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455") •$4££5$C™"ÿÿÙC™"ÿÿÎ-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45"( •$44 5?$C™"ÿÿÚC™"ÿÿÏ8gpred? ‰gv ‰glen  V ‰gi  \ €gpred? ’ Dgv1 ’ Dgv2  ’ Dglen   Dgi   ;gpred? M ògvs M ògvs  v ¬glen  » ògi  Á égfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ q ŒŒ x ŒŒ  x ŒŒ  x ŒŒ 1 y ŒŒ > y ŒŒ @ y ŒŒ P z ŒŒ V z ŒŒ \ { ŒŒ ` | ŒŒ d | ŒŒ e } ŒŒ l } ŒŒ n } ŒŒ r } ŒŒ x  ŒŒ ~  ŒŒ € { ŒŒ ƒ { ŒŒ ‰ { ŒŒ ’ q ŒŒ “  ŒŒ ¦  ŒŒ ¨  ŒŒ º ‚ ŒŒ Ç ‚ ŒŒ É ‚ ŒŒ Û ƒ ŒŒ è ƒ ŒŒ ê ƒ ŒŒ ú „ ŒŒ ý „ ŒŒ  … ŒŒ  „ ŒŒ  „ ŒŒ  † ŒŒ  ‡ ŒŒ  ‡ ŒŒ  ˆ ŒŒ " ˆ ŒŒ ' ‰ ŒŒ ) ˆ ŒŒ - ˆ ŒŒ 3 ‹ ŒŒ 9 ‹ ŒŒ ; † ŒŒ > † ŒŒ D † ŒŒ M q ŒŒ N  ŒŒ a  ŒŒ c  ŒŒ v Ž ŒŒ ‘ Ž ŒŒ “ Ž ŒŒ µ  ŒŒ »  ŒŒ Á  ŒŒ Å ‘ ŒŒ É ‘ ŒŒ Ê ’ ŒŒ Í ’ ŒŒ × ’ ŒŒ Û ’ ŒŒ á ” ŒŒ ç ” ŒŒ é  ŒŒ ì  ŒŒ ò  ŒŒG ‰  ’ D  M ò gnamegvector-index-rightŒg documentationf(vector-index-right pred? vec1 vec2 ...) -> exact nonnegative integer or #f Find and return the index of the last elements in VEC1 VEC2 ... that satisfy PRED?, searching from right-to-left. If no matching element is found before the end of the shortest vector, return #f.ŒC"RŽG#‘¦5 hðÜ)‚345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45"%’$4£5$ —"ÿÿàCC "ÿÿÔ)´345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455"*’$4££5$ —"ÿÿÛCC "ÿÿÏ-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45")’$44 5?$ —"ÿÿÜCC "ÿÿÐÔgpred? ˆgv ˆglen  V ˆgi  \ gpred? ‘ Bgv1 ‘ Bgv2  ‘ Bglen   Bgi   ;gpred? K ïgvs K ïgvs  t ªglen  ¹ ïgi  ¿ ègfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ — ŒŒ ž ŒŒ  ž ŒŒ  ž ŒŒ 1 Ÿ ŒŒ > Ÿ ŒŒ @ Ÿ ŒŒ P   ŒŒ V   ŒŒ \ ¡ ŒŒ a ¢ ŒŒ e ¢ ŒŒ f £ ŒŒ m £ ŒŒ o £ ŒŒ s £ ŒŒ v ¤ ŒŒ | ¤ ŒŒ ¡ ŒŒ ‘ — ŒŒ ’ § ŒŒ ¥ § ŒŒ § § ŒŒ ¹ ¨ ŒŒ Æ ¨ ŒŒ È ¨ ŒŒ Ú © ŒŒ ç © ŒŒ é © ŒŒ ù ª ŒŒ ü ª ŒŒ  « ŒŒ  ª ŒŒ  ª ŒŒ  ¬ ŒŒ  ­ ŒŒ  ­ ŒŒ  ® ŒŒ " ® ŒŒ ' ¯ ŒŒ ) ® ŒŒ - ® ŒŒ 0 ° ŒŒ 6 ° ŒŒ ; ¬ ŒŒ K — ŒŒ L ³ ŒŒ _ ³ ŒŒ a ³ ŒŒ t ´ ŒŒ  ´ ŒŒ ‘ ´ ŒŒ ³ µ ŒŒ ¹ µ ŒŒ ¿ ¶ ŒŒ Ä · ŒŒ È · ŒŒ É ¸ ŒŒ Ì ¸ ŒŒ Ö ¸ ŒŒ Ú ¸ ŒŒ Ý ¹ ŒŒ ã ¹ ŒŒ è ¶ ŒŒA ˆ  ‘ B  K ï gnameg vector-skipŒg documentationfð(vector-skip pred? vec1 vec2 ...) -> exact nonnegative integer or #f Find and return the index of the first elements in VEC1 VEC2 ... that do not satisfy PRED?. If no matching element is found by the end of the shortest vector, return #f.ŒC#RŽG$‘¦5 høE)ƒ345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45"$ ’$C4£5$ ™"ÿÿßC™"ÿÿÓ)µ345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455") ’$C4££5$ ™"ÿÿÚC™"ÿÿÎ-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45"( ’$C44 5?$ ™"ÿÿÛC™"ÿÿÏ=gpred? ‰gv ‰glen  V ‰gi  \ €gpred? ’ Dgv1 ’ Dgv2  ’ Dglen   Dgi   ;gpred? M ògvs M ògvs  v ¬glen  » ògi  Á égfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ½ ŒŒ Ä ŒŒ  Ä ŒŒ  Ä ŒŒ 1 Å ŒŒ > Å ŒŒ @ Å ŒŒ P Æ ŒŒ V Æ ŒŒ \ Ç ŒŒ _ È ŒŒ d È ŒŒ g É ŒŒ n É ŒŒ p É ŒŒ t É ŒŒ w Ê ŒŒ } Ê ŒŒ € Ç ŒŒ ƒ Ç ŒŒ ‰ Ç ŒŒ ’ ½ ŒŒ “ Í ŒŒ ¦ Í ŒŒ ¨ Í ŒŒ º Î ŒŒ Ç Î ŒŒ É Î ŒŒ Û Ï ŒŒ è Ï ŒŒ ê Ï ŒŒ ú Ð ŒŒ ý Ð ŒŒ  Ñ ŒŒ  Ð ŒŒ  Ð ŒŒ  Ò ŒŒ  Ó ŒŒ  Ó ŒŒ  Ô ŒŒ $ Ô ŒŒ ) Õ ŒŒ + Ô ŒŒ / Ô ŒŒ 2 Ö ŒŒ 8 Ö ŒŒ ; Ò ŒŒ > Ò ŒŒ D Ò ŒŒ M ½ ŒŒ N Ù ŒŒ a Ù ŒŒ c Ù ŒŒ v Ú ŒŒ ‘ Ú ŒŒ “ Ú ŒŒ µ Û ŒŒ » Û ŒŒ Á Ü ŒŒ Ä Ý ŒŒ É Ý ŒŒ Ì Þ ŒŒ Ï Þ ŒŒ Ù Þ ŒŒ Ý Þ ŒŒ à ß ŒŒ æ ß ŒŒ é Ü ŒŒ ì Ü ŒŒ ò Ü ŒŒG ‰  ’ D  M ò gnamegvector-skip-rightŒg documentationf(vector-skip-right pred? vec1 vec2 ...) -> exact nonnegative integer or #f Find and return the index of the last elements in VEC1 VEC2 ... that do not satisfy PRED?, searching from right-to-left. If no matching element is found before the end of the shortest vector, return #f.ŒC$RhpÁ]-"]’$R– œ£45  ‘$C ”$ "ÿÿ¼ ’$ —"ÿÿ§CC"ÿÿ—¹gvec  ogvalue  ogcmp   ogstart   ogend   oglo   cghi   cgi   agx   agc ) a gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ä ŒŒ  å ŒŒ æ ŒŒ  æ ŒŒ  ç !ŒŒ  ç ŒŒ  ç ŒŒ  è ŒŒ  ç ŒŒ ! é ŒŒ ) ç ŒŒ . ê ŒŒ 3 ê ŒŒ 9 ë ŒŒ > ê ŒŒ J ë $ŒŒ M ì ŒŒ R ê ŒŒ U ì *ŒŒ _ ì $ŒŒ c å ŒŒ  o gnameg%vector-binary-searchŒCG%¦Ž‘5Ûpö h¨ˆ)[3‹$"4>"G45$"4>"GL 456)3‹$"4>"G45"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²L6] ‹$"4>"G45"4 >"_G"X45$I45$6 “$&“$“$""ÿÿ¬""ÿÿ¤""ÿÿœ""ÿÿ”""ÿÿŒL6€gvec agvalue agcmp  agvec j ôgvalue j ôgcmp  j ôgstart  j ôglen  ’ ôgvec ö ¦gvalue ö ¦gcmp  ö ¦gstart  ö ¦gend  ö ¦glen   ¦gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ í ŒŒ ø ŒŒ  ø ŒŒ  ø ŒŒ + ù ŒŒ > ù ŒŒ @ ù ŒŒ Y ú .ŒŒ a ú ŒŒ j í ŒŒ m ý ŒŒ z ý ŒŒ | ý ŒŒ Œ þ ŒŒ ’ þ ŒŒ ™ ÿ ŒŒ ÿ 'ŒŒ Ÿ ÿ ŒŒ ô  ŒŒ ö í ŒŒ ù  ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ %  ŒŒ )  +ŒŒ +  ŒŒ ¦  ŒŒ a  j ô  ö ¦ g documentationf(vector-binary-search vec value cmp [start [end]]) -> exact nonnegative integer or #f Find and return an index of VEC between START and END whose value is VALUE using a binary search. If no matching element is found, return #f. The default START is 0 and the default END is the length of VEC. CMP must be a procedure of two arguments such that (CMP A B) returns a negative integer if A < B, a positive integer if A > B, or zero if A = B. The elements of VEC must be sorted in non-decreasing order according to CMP.ŒCO%RŽG&‘¦5 hP)†345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45")’$4£5$C—"ÿÿÙC "ÿÿÐ)¸345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455".’$#4££5$C—"ÿÿÔC "ÿÿË-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45"-’$"44 5?$C—"ÿÿÕC "ÿÿÌHgpred? Œgv Œglen  V Œgi  \ …gt  o ƒgpred? • Jgv1 • Jgv2  • Jglen   Jgi   Cgt  - Agpred? S ûgvs S ûgvs  | ²glen  Á ûgi  Ç ôgt  Þ ògfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ  ŒŒ  ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ 1  ŒŒ >  ŒŒ @  ŒŒ P  ŒŒ V  ŒŒ \  ŒŒ a  ŒŒ e  ŒŒ f  ŒŒ m  ŒŒ o  ŒŒ o  ŒŒ }  ŒŒ ƒ  ŒŒ …  ŒŒ •  ŒŒ –  ŒŒ ©  ŒŒ «  ŒŒ ½  ŒŒ Ê  ŒŒ Ì  ŒŒ Þ  ŒŒ ë  ŒŒ í  ŒŒ ý  ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ &  ŒŒ + ! ŒŒ -  ŒŒ -  ŒŒ ; " ŒŒ A " ŒŒ C  ŒŒ S  ŒŒ T $ ŒŒ g $ ŒŒ i $ ŒŒ | % ŒŒ — % ŒŒ ™ % ŒŒ » & ŒŒ Á & ŒŒ Ç ' ŒŒ Ì ( ŒŒ Ð ( ŒŒ Ñ ) ŒŒ Ô ) ŒŒ Þ ) ŒŒ Þ ) ŒŒ ì * ŒŒ ò * ŒŒ ô ' ŒŒA Œ  • J  S û gnameg vector-anyŒg documentationf2(vector-any pred? vec1 vec2 ...) -> value or #f Find the first parallel set of elements from VEC1 VEC2 ... for which PRED? returns a true value. If such a parallel set of elements exists, vector-any returns the value that PRED? returned for that set of elements. The iteration is strictly left-to-right.ŒC&RŽG'‘¦5 h@m)œ345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G45 ‘$C"04£5—$ ‘"$C"ÿÿÐ "ÿÿÉ)Î345$"4>"G‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G445455 ‘$C"54££5—$ ‘"$C"ÿÿË "ÿÿÄ-1345$"4>"G"6("4‹$"4>"GŽ"ÿÿÊ"ÿÿÂ45 ‘$C"444 5?—$ ‘"$C"ÿÿÌ "ÿÿÅegpred? ¢gv ¢glen  V ¢gt  \ ¢gi  k ›gval  x ›gnext-i  x ›gpred? « vgv1 « vgv2  « vglen  % vgt  + vgi  : ogval  L ognext-i  L ogpred?  =gvs  =gvs  ¨ Þglen  í =gt  ó =gi   6gval   6gnext-i   6gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ - ŒŒ 6 ŒŒ  6 ŒŒ  6 ŒŒ 1 7 ŒŒ > 7 ŒŒ @ 7 ŒŒ P 8 ŒŒ V 8 ŒŒ [ 9 ŒŒ \ 9 ŒŒ k : ŒŒ l ; ŒŒ s ; ŒŒ u ; ŒŒ x < ŒŒ x ; ŒŒ ‚ = ŒŒ ‡ = !ŒŒ Œ = ŒŒ = ŒŒ › ? ŒŒ › : ŒŒ « - ŒŒ ¬ A ŒŒ ¿ A ŒŒ Á A ŒŒ Ó B ŒŒ à B ŒŒ â B ŒŒ ô C ŒŒ  C ŒŒ  C ŒŒ  D ŒŒ  D ŒŒ  E ŒŒ % D ŒŒ % D ŒŒ * F ŒŒ + F ŒŒ : G ŒŒ ; H ŒŒ B H ŒŒ G I ŒŒ I H ŒŒ L J ŒŒ L H ŒŒ V K ŒŒ [ K !ŒŒ ` K ŒŒ d K ŒŒ o M ŒŒ o G ŒŒ  - ŒŒ € O ŒŒ “ O ŒŒ • O ŒŒ ¨ P ŒŒ à P ŒŒ Å P ŒŒ ç Q ŒŒ í Q ŒŒ ò R ŒŒ ó R ŒŒ  S ŒŒ  T ŒŒ  T %ŒŒ  T ŒŒ  U ŒŒ  T ŒŒ  V ŒŒ " V !ŒŒ ' V ŒŒ + V ŒŒ 6 X ŒŒ 6 S ŒŒM ¢  « v   = gnameg vector-everyŒg documentationf\(vector-every pred? vec1 vec2 ...) -> value or #f If, for every index i less than the length of the shortest vector argument, the set of elements VEC1[i] VEC2[i] ... satisfies PRED?, vector-every returns the value that PRED? returned for the last set of elements, at the last index of the shortest vector. The iteration is strictly left-to-right.ŒC'RG(¦5Âphð½]‹$"4>"G45"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²££¤¤Cµgvec  êgi  êgj   êglen  * êgtmp  Õ êgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ Z ŒŒ  ^ ŒŒ  ^ ŒŒ  ^ ŒŒ $ _ ŒŒ * _ ŒŒ 1 ` ŒŒ 5 ` ŒŒ 7 ` ŒŒ ƒ a ŒŒ ‡ a ŒŒ ‰ a ŒŒ Õ b ŒŒ Õ b ŒŒ à c ŒŒ á c ŒŒ è d ŒŒ  ê gnameg vector-swap!Œg documentationfZ(vector-swap! vec i j) -> unspecified Swap the values of the locations in VEC at I and J.ŒC(RHh0ô] "’$¤—"ÿÿçC"ÿÿÝìgvec  )gfill  )gstart   )gend   )gi   !gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ k ŒŒ  l ŒŒ m ŒŒ  m ŒŒ  n ŒŒ  o ŒŒ  o ŒŒ ! l ŒŒ  ) gnameg %vector-fill!ŒCKG9¦5ÛpöhX¾) 3M6)‹3‹$"4>"G45"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²L6] ‹$"4>"G45"4>"_G"X45$I45$6 “$&“$“$""ÿÿ¬""ÿÿ¤""ÿÿœ""ÿÿ”""ÿÿŒL6¶gvec gfill gvec  ¢gfill  ¢gstart   ¢glen  B ¢gvec ¤ Rgfill ¤ Rgstart  ¤ Rgend  ¤ Rglen  Ì R gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ p ŒŒ  v ŒŒ  p ŒŒ  x ŒŒ * x ŒŒ , x ŒŒ < y ŒŒ B y ŒŒ I z ŒŒ M z 'ŒŒ O z ŒŒ ¢ { ŒŒ ¤ p ŒŒ § } ŒŒ ´ } ŒŒ ¶ } ŒŒ Æ ~ ŒŒ Ì ~ ŒŒ Ó  ŒŒ ×  +ŒŒ Ù  ŒŒ R € ŒŒ    ¢  ¤ R g documentationfº(vector-fill! vec fill [start [end]]) -> unspecified Assign the value of every location in VEC between START and END to FILL. START defaults to 0 and END defaults to the length of VEC.ŒCO9RhHC]"1’$&££¤¤—™"ÿÿÑC™"ÿÿÂ;gvec  Dgstart  Dgend   Dgi   7gj   7gtmp   5gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ‚ ŒŒ  ƒ ŒŒ „ ŒŒ  „ ŒŒ  … ŒŒ  … ŒŒ  † ŒŒ † ŒŒ ' ‡ ŒŒ * ˆ ŒŒ - ˆ ŒŒ 5 ˆ ŒŒ 7 ƒ ŒŒ < ƒ ŒŒ D ƒ ŒŒ  D gnameg%vector-reverse!ŒC RG)¦ 5Ûpö hxº)23‹$"4>"G 456)‰3‹$"4>"G45"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²6] ‹$"4>"G45"4>"_G"X45$I45$6 “$&“$“$""ÿÿ¬""ÿÿ¤""ÿÿœ""ÿÿ”""ÿÿŒ6²gvec 8gvec A Çgstart A Çglen  i Çgvec É ugstart É ugend  É uglen  ñ ugfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ‹ ŒŒ ‘ ŒŒ  ‘ ŒŒ  ‘ ŒŒ 0 ’ ŒŒ 8 ’ ŒŒ A ‹ ŒŒ D ” ŒŒ Q ” ŒŒ S ” ŒŒ c • ŒŒ i • ŒŒ p – ŒŒ t – %ŒŒ v – ŒŒ Ç — ŒŒ É ‹ ŒŒ Ì ™ ŒŒ Ù ™ ŒŒ Û ™ ŒŒ ë š ŒŒ ñ š ŒŒ ø › ŒŒ ü › )ŒŒ þ › ŒŒ u œ ŒŒ 8  A Ç  É u gnamegvector-reverse!Œg documentationf¯(vector-reverse! vec [start [end]]) -> unspecified Destructively reverse the contents of VEC between START and END. START defaults to 0 and END defaults to the length of VEC.ŒC)R4J!LO©568:AB<D@NO>FPVWZ]`_Kegjkinph8t]     ŒŒŒŒŒŒ      ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒ     ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒClgdummy  1gcopy!  1g docstring   1g inner-proc   1  1 C{|h(¸] 45$@6°gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ž ŒŒ  " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesŒgpatternsgcopy!g docstringg inner-procC5!RG*¦5ÛpXqö h°)ï3‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G4545"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²–•$"4>"G ’$  6  6)G3‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G4545"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²˜–•$"4>"G’$6 6]‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G4545"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²"4 >"_G"X45$I45$6 “$&“$“$""ÿÿ¬""ÿÿ¤""ÿÿœ""ÿÿ”""ÿÿŒ˜–•$"4>"G’$6 6þgtarget õgtstart õgsource  õgtlen  Y õgslen  Y õgtarget þ Bgtstart þ Bgsource  þ Bgsstart  þ Bgtlen  N Bgslen  N Bgtarget D ®gtstart D ®gsource  D ®gsstart  D ®gsend  D ®gtlen  ” ®gslen  ” ®gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ à ŒŒ × Ì ŒŒ Û Ì ŒŒ è Í ŒŒ õ Î ŒŒ þ à ŒŒ " Ì ŒŒ & Ì ŒŒ 4 Í ŒŒ B Î ŒŒ D à ŒŒ Ž Ì ŒŒ ’ Ì ŒŒ   Í ŒŒ ® Î ŒŒ õ  þ B  D ® g documentationf–(vector-copy! target tstart source [sstart [send]]) -> unspecified Copy a block of elements from SOURCE to TARGET, both of which must be vectors, starting in TARGET at TSTART and starting in SOURCE at SSTART, ending when SEND - SSTART elements have been copied. It is an error for TARGET to have a length less than TSTART + (SEND - SSTART). SSTART defaults to 0 and SEND defaults to the length of SOURCE.ŒC*R h`_]"4"#•$£¤—™"ÿÿßC™"ÿÿÐ&‘$ 6"ÿÿ­"ÿÿ©Wgtarget  ]gtstart  ]gsource   ]gsstart   ]gsend   ]gi  -gj  -gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ Ø ŒŒ Û ŒŒ  Ü ŒŒ  Ü ŒŒ  Ý "ŒŒ  Ý ŒŒ Þ ŒŒ # Þ ŒŒ + Þ ŒŒ - Û ŒŒ 2 Û !ŒŒ : Û ŒŒ : Ù ŒŒ G Ù !ŒŒ K Ù ŒŒ U Ú ŒŒ  ] gnameg%copy!ŒCG+¦5ÛpXö hp>)Ú3‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G4545"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²–•$"4>"GL 6)03‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G4545"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²˜–•$"4>"GL6]‹$"4>"G‹$"4>"G4545"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²"4>"_G"X45$I45$6 “$&“$“$""ÿÿ¬""ÿÿ¤""ÿÿœ""ÿÿ”""ÿÿŒ˜–•$"4>"GL66gtarget àgtstart àgsource  àgtlen  Y àgslen  Y àgtarget é gtstart é gsource  é gsstart  é gtlen  9 gslen  9 gtarget  kgtstart  kgsource   kgsstart   kgsend   kgtlen  h kgslen  h kgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ Ð ŒŒ à  é    k g documentationfX(vector-reverse-copy! target tstart source [sstart [send]]) -> unspecified Like vector-copy!, but copy the elements in the reverse order. It is an error if TARGET and SOURCE are identical vectors and the TARGET and SOURCE ranges overlap; however, if TSTART = SSTART, vector-reverse-copy! behaves as (vector-reverse! TARGET TSTART SEND) would.ŒCO+Rh8]"’$C™£Œ"ÿÿá™"ÿÿÕgvec  1gstart  1gend   1gi   %gresult   %gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ â ŒŒ  ã ŒŒ å ŒŒ  å ŒŒ  ç ŒŒ  ç ŒŒ  ç ŒŒ % ç ŒŒ % ã ŒŒ ( ã ŒŒ ) ä ŒŒ 1 ã ŒŒ  1 gnameg %vector->listŒCG;¦5Ûpöhx¯)23‹$"4>"GL 456)‰3‹$"4>"G45"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²L6] ‹$"4>"G45"4>"_G"X45$I45$6 “$&“$“$""ÿÿ¬""ÿÿ¤""ÿÿœ""ÿÿ”""ÿÿŒL6§gvec 8gvec A Çgstart A Çglen  i Çgvec É ugstart É ugend  É uglen  ñ ugfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ è ŒŒ ï ŒŒ  ï ŒŒ  ï ŒŒ 0 𠌌 8 𠌌 A è ŒŒ D ò ŒŒ Q ò ŒŒ S ò ŒŒ c ó ŒŒ i ó ŒŒ p ô ŒŒ t ô 'ŒŒ v ô ŒŒ Ç õ ŒŒ É è ŒŒ Ì ÷ ŒŒ Ù ÷ ŒŒ Û ÷ ŒŒ ë ø ŒŒ ñ ø ŒŒ ø ù ŒŒ ü ù +ŒŒ þ ù ŒŒ u ú ŒŒ 8  A Ç  É u g documentationfÀ(vector->list vec [start [end]]) -> proper-list Return a newly allocated list containing the elements in VEC between START and END. START defaults to 0 and END defaults to the length of VEC.ŒCO;Rh0]"•$C—£Œ"ÿÿá"ÿÿÖgvec  0gstart  0gend   0gi   %gresult   %gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ þ ŒŒ  ÿ ŒŒ  ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ %  ŒŒ % ÿ ŒŒ (  ŒŒ 0 ÿ ŒŒ  0 gnameg%reverse-vector->listŒCG,¦5ÛpöhxÈ)23‹$"4>"GL 456)‰3‹$"4>"G45"4>";G"445$% “$“$""ÿÿÂ""ÿÿº""ÿÿ²L6] ‹$"4>"G45"4>"_G"X45$I45$6 “$&“$“$""ÿÿ¬""ÿÿ¤""ÿÿœ""ÿÿ”""ÿÿŒL6Àgvec 8gvec A Çgstart A Çglen  i Çgvec É ugstart É ugend  É uglen  ñ ugfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ  ŒŒ  ŒŒ   ŒŒ   ŒŒ 0  $ŒŒ 8  ŒŒ A  ŒŒ D  ŒŒ Q  ŒŒ S  ŒŒ c  ŒŒ i  ŒŒ p  ŒŒ t  'ŒŒ v  ŒŒ Ç  ŒŒ É  ŒŒ Ì  ŒŒ Ù  ŒŒ Û  ŒŒ ë  ŒŒ ñ  ŒŒ ø  ŒŒ ü  +ŒŒ þ  ŒŒ u  ŒŒ 8  A Ç  É u g documentationfÙ(reverse-vector->list vec [start [end]]) -> proper-list Return a newly allocated list containing the elements in VEC between START and END in reverse order. START defaults to 0 and END defaults to the length of VEC.ŒCO,Rr0shpZ-.,3# # 45˜45""‘$C¤—Ž"ÿÿÞ 45"ÿÿÌRglst lgstart lgend  lglen  ) lgresult  2 lgi  8 Zglst  8 Zgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ  ŒŒ   5ŒŒ )  ŒŒ )  ŒŒ ,  ŒŒ 2  ŒŒ 8 ! ŒŒ = " ŒŒ A " ŒŒ K $ 'ŒŒ L $ ŒŒ O % ŒŒ R % ŒŒ Z % ŒŒ Z ! ŒŒ \ ! ŒŒ l ! ŒŒ l gnameg list->vectorŒg documentationfÜ(list->vector proper-list [start [end]]) -> vector Return a newly allocated vector of the elements from PROPER-LIST with indices between START and END. START defaults to 0 and END defaults to the length of PROPER-LIST.ŒC:Rr0shp…-.,3# # 45˜45"! ’$C¤™Ž"ÿÿß™45"ÿÿË}glst mgstart mgend  mglen  ) mgresult  2 mgi  8 Yglst  8 Ygfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ ( ŒŒ  ( =ŒŒ ) . ŒŒ ) . ŒŒ , / ŒŒ 2 . ŒŒ 8 0 ŒŒ ; 1 ŒŒ @ 1 ŒŒ J 3 'ŒŒ K 3 ŒŒ N 4 ŒŒ Q 4 ŒŒ Y 4 ŒŒ Y 0 ŒŒ \ 0 ŒŒ ] 0 "ŒŒ m 0 ŒŒ m gnamegreverse-list->vectorŒg documentationfö(reverse-list->vector proper-list [start [end]]) -> vector Return a newly allocated vector of the elements from PROPER-LIST with indices between START and END, in reverse order. START defaults to 0 and END defaults to the length of PROPER-LIST.ŒC-RCdgm  4g%vector-reverse-copy /7 3øgall-of-length? @K GSg=up-to? @K GSg%vector-binary-search ”cšÀgguile-vector-fill! ­á³[g %vector-fill! ¯³Xg%copy! Æ!Ìög %vector->list Î\Ò§g%reverse-vector->list ÔØh gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-43.scmŒ   ŒŒ 5 ) ŒŒ : ) ŒŒ B ) &ŒŒ G ) ŒŒ D + ŒŒ ¹ U ŒŒ þ ] ŒŒ ¶ d ŒŒ &ð – ŒŒ &÷ È ŒŒ -k Ë ŒŒ 3û é ŒŒ 6…  ŒŒ :  ŒŒ