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f# gopen-output-string gget-output-string g close-port gcall-with-output-string* gopen-bytevector-output-port gcall-with-output-bytevector* g string-ci=? futf-8 g string->utf8 gset-port-encoding! gcall-with-encoded-output-string gdisplay g encode-string g utf8->string gopen-bytevector-input-port g read-string g decode-string gstring->char-set f0123456789abcdefABCDEF g hex-chars gencodingS   gdecode-plus-to-space?S    g string-length gchar-set-contains? gstring gput-u8 g char->integer f'Invalid character in encoded URI ~a: ~s f>abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 gascii-alnum-chars f:/?#[]@ g gen-delims f !$&'()*+,l= g sub-delims gchar-set-union greserved-chars f-._~ gunreserved-chars gunescaped-charsS    gstring-for-each gbytevector-length g string-upcase gfilter g string-split g string-join f/C5h}]4   !"3546>"G7h]Cgscheme  guserinfo  ghost   gport   gpath   gquery   gfragment   gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,    gnameg%make-uri-procedureC8R4;<=@Ch]Cg t-50eea-3  g t-50eea-4  g t-50eea-5   g t-50eea-6   g t-50eea-7   g t-50eea-8   g t-50eea-9      C<hN]L6Fga  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,   CAh>]L66gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,    Ch]C   C hp]45$@45$ O@45$4O?$@  6  6wgx  ngtmp ngtmp  " ngtmp  > ngfilenamef web/uri.scm ,   n C5"G 8i7R7hk]$CCcgobj  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,    gnameg%uri?-procedureCR4;#=@bh2]C*g t-50eea-22    C#hN]L6Fga  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,   CAh>]L66gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,    Cdh]C   C hp]45$@45$ O@45$4O?$@  6  6wgx  ngtmp ngtmp  " ngtmp  > ngfilenamef web/uri.scm ,   n C5#R7g$ho]& C6ggs  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,    gnameg%uri-scheme-procedureChR4;$=@h:]C2gerr  gs    Ch:]C2gerr  gs    Ch:]C2gerr  gs    Ch2]C*g t-50eea-2e    C$hN]L6Fga  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,   CAh>]L66gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,    Ch]C   Ch]145$@45$@45$@45$ @4 5$  O@4 5$4 O?$@66gx  gtmp gtmp  " gtmp  9 gtmp  P gtmp  g gtmp  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,   C5$R7g%hq]& C6igs  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,    gnameg%uri-userinfo-procedureCR4;%=@h:]C2gerr  gs    C h:]C2gerr  gs    C"h:]C2gerr  gs    C>h2]C*g t-50eea-49    C%hN]L6Fga  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,   CAh>]L66gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,    C@h]C   Ch]145$@45$@45$@45$ @4 5$  O@4 5$4 O?$@66gx  gtmp gtmp  " gtmp  9 gtmp  P gtmp  g gtmp  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,   C5%R7g&h m]& C6egs  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,    gnameg%uri-host-procedureCAR4;&=@OV[h:]C2gerr  gs    C^dih:]C2gerr  gs    Clrwh:]C2gerr  gs    Ch2]C*g t-50eea-64    C&hN]L6Fga  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,   CAh>]L66gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,    Ch]C   Ch]145$@45$@45$@45$ @4 5$  O@4 5$4 O?$@66gx  gtmp gtmp  " gtmp  9 gtmp  P gtmp  g gtmp  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,   C5&R7g'h m]& C6egs  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,    gnameg%uri-port-procedureCR4;'=@h:]C2gerr  gs    Ch:]C2gerr  gs    Ch:]C2gerr  gs    Ch2]C*g t-50eea-7f    C'hN]L6Fga  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,   CAh>]L66gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,    Ch]C   Ch]145$@45$@45$@45$ @4 5$  O@4 5$4 O?$@66gx  gtmp gtmp  " gtmp  9 gtmp  P gtmp  g gtmp  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,   C5'R7g(h m]& C6egs  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,    gnameg%uri-path-procedureCR4;(=@h:]C2gerr  gs    Ch:]C2gerr  gs    C!h:]C2gerr  gs    C=h2]C*g t-50eea-9a    C(hN]L6Fga  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,   CAh>]L66gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,    C?h]C   Ch]145$@45$@45$@45$ @4 5$  O@4 5$4 O?$@66gx  gtmp gtmp  " gtmp  9 gtmp  P gtmp  g gtmp  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,   C5(R7g)h n]& C6fgs  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,    gnameg%uri-query-procedureC@R4;)=@NUZh:]C2gerr  gs    C]chh:]C2gerr  gs    Ckqvh:]C2gerr  gs    Ch2]C*g t-50eea-b5    C)hN]L6Fga  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,   CAh>]L66gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,    Ch]C   Ch]145$@45$@45$@45$ @4 5$  O@4 5$4 O?$@66gx  gtmp gtmp  " gtmp  9 gtmp  P gtmp  g gtmp  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,   C5)R7g*h q]& C6igs  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,    gnameg%uri-fragment-procedureCR4;*=@h:]C2gerr  gs    Ch:]C2gerr  gs    Ch:]C2gerr  gs    Ch2]C*g t-50eea-d0    C*hN]L6Fga  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,   CAh>]L66gfilenamef web/uri.scm  ,    Ch]C   Ch]145$@45$@45$@45$ @4 5$  O@4 5$4 O?$@66gx  gtmp gtmp  " gtmp  9 gtmp  P gtmp  g gtmp  gfilenamef web/uri.scm ,   C5*R4;=@"#h v]45Cngdummy  gcheck? 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SCHEME should be a symbol, PORT either a positive, exact integer or  #f , and the rest of the fields are either strings or  #f . If VALIDATE? is true, also run some consistency checks to make sure that the constructed URI is valid.C+R4GiH5IR4GiJ5KR4GiL5MR4GiN5ORPISTUhF]L6>gfilenamef web/uri.scm l  l   ChS-13CKgargs gfilenamef web/uri.scm l  CKTVhF]L6>gfilenamef web/uri.scm n  n   ChS-13CKgargs gfilenamef web/uri.scm n  CWMXO h]45$O645$O6">4 .5$!4 4 55$ "C 6 "ghost  gstart < zgend  G zgfilenamef web/uri.scm i  k   j   l   m  * j  8 n  < p  = q  G q  O r  P s  U t  a s  e s h u  n u  z v z p   gnameg valid-host?C1RYZR[\R]^R_`R4Gi4aibZi\i^i`i55cRdPc1e,fh]$D45$44 5$" 4 55$^4 54 5$" 4 54 5$45$"45"D66g authority  gfail  gm   gt  - Ggt  _ ygport  gfilenamef web/uri.scm            !  "  % $ - < $ I  M N  W  _  n  z   %     gnamegparse-authorityCgRhiRjkRlmRnoRpqR4airiikimioiqi5sR4Gisi5tRwPtxeyzg7 hi]I45U45$"4>"G4 5$4455"4 54 54 54 5$4>"  " G   XCXFGCagstring  gm  gstr  : Vgscheme  z g authority  z gpath  z gquery  z gfragment  z guserinfo  ghost  gport gk  gfilenamef web/uri.scm        "  2 :  B  C F 0 N W  `  i  r  z       gnameg string->uri*g documentationkurig documentationk"G4,i >"G7g$%&'()*FdWh]9& " 45& " 45&  " 45&  " 45&  " 45&  " 45&  " 4 5 $4 4 5 5" $w4 $ 4 5" 4:5$4 5"4& " 455$ "4  4555" $ 4 5" $ 4 5" 6guri  gscheme  guserinfo  8 ghost  U gport  r gpath  gquery  gfragment  gfilenamef web/uri.scm     !  8  =  U  Z  r  w         0    % =  %          +  4   &  + + F  J  L  Q  U + V / ^  ` f n  o s  w }         :   gnameg uri->stringg documentationfSerialize URI to a string. If the URI has a port that is the default port for its scheme, the port is not included in the serialization.C.Rh@]454>"G454>"GCgproc  9gport  9gstr  " 9gfilenamef web/uri.scm        "  %   9 gnamegcall-with-output-string*CRh@]4> G4>"G454>"GCgproc  @gport @gget-bytevector  @gbv  ) @gfilenamef web/uri.scm           %   )   ,    @ gnamegcall-with-output-bytevector*CRh d]4L>"GL6\gport  gfilenamef web/uri.scm          Ch(]45$ 456O6gencoding  'gproc  'gfilenamef web/uri.scm                  '    ' gnamegcall-with-encoded-output-stringCRh[]L6Sgport  gfilenamef web/uri.scm  '  )  Ch(]45$6O6gstr  "gencoding  "gfilenamef web/uri.scm               "    " gnameg encode-stringCRhP]45$6454>"G454>"GCgbv  Pgencoding  Pgp   Pgres  9 Pgfilenamef web/uri.scm                        3   9   < !   P gnameg decode-stringCR4i5R-f& h0m]!"#L$4L5" L$f%$X4L54L 545$&45$445 5""""$4>"G "N45 $"445>"G" L6+$'L$4 >"G"""C "egport  0gi  )gch   'ga  I gb  I gt  gfilenamef web/uri.scm K  L M   M   N   N  # S  & S  * S  / S , 3 S  4 T % ; T 5 = T % > U % G U 5 I U % I T  N V # Z V  [ W # g V  h X # k X 3 w X # O  Z  [ [  \  \  O  ]  ] $ ]  ^  ^  ` " `  O  P  O   P   Q   Q $  Q   R   R  ) L 2  0 ChX -/03##454O5$6Cgstr  Rgencoding  Rgdecode-plus-to-space?   Rglen  - Rgbv  ? Rgfilenamef web/uri.scm 2  2 ) ' H  - H  0 J ? H  G b  O c   R gencodingS gdecode-plus-to-space?S gnameg uri-decodeg documentationkPercent-decode the given STR, according to ENCODING, which should be the name of a character encoding. Note that this function should not generally be applied to a full URI string. For paths, use  split-and-decode-uri-path instead. For query strings, split the query on  & and  = boundaries, and decode the components separately. Note also that percent-encoded strings encode _bytes_, not characters. There is no guarantee that a given byte sequence is a valid string encoding. Therefore this routine may signal an error if the decoded bytes are not valid for the given encoding. Pass  #f for ENCODING if you want decoded bytes as a bytevector directly.  set-port-encoding! , for more information on character encodings. If DECODE-PLUS-TO-SPACE? is true, which is the default, also replace instances of the plus character (+) with a space character. This is needed when parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded data. Returns a string of the decoded characters, or a bytevector if ENCODING was  #f .C/R4i5R4i5R4i5R4iii5R4ii4i55RWh}]4L5Cugch  gfilenamef web/uri.scm        gnamegneeds-escaped?Ch]!4L5$L6445L545"p$e4%L>"G $40L>"G"444 55L>"G"C "gch  gbv % glen  . gi  4 gbyte  B gfilenamef web/uri.scm               * %   %   (   .   4   9   =   B  $ B   E   ]  a   b   z   }  #  2  #          Ch[]LLOL6Sgport  gfilenamef web/uri.scm        ChPe-/03##4O5$O6C]gstr  Kgencoding  Kgunescaped-chars   Kgfilenamef web/uri.scm {  { ) (   9   H    K gencodingS gunescaped-charsS gnameg uri-encodeg documentationkdPercent-encode any character not in the character set, UNESCAPED-CHARS. The default character set includes alphanumerics from ASCII, as well as the special characters  - ,  . ,  _ , and  ~ . Any other character will be percent-encoded, by writing out the character to a bytevector within the given ENCODING, then encoding each byte as  %HH , where HH is the uppercase hexadecimal representation of the byte.C0R,ha]45CYgx  gfilenamef web/uri.scm        C /hX]6Pgs  gfilenamef web/uri.scm      Che]44/556]gpath  gfilenamef web/uri.scm             gnamegsplit-and-decode-uri-pathg documentationkSplit PATH into its components, and decode each component, removing empty components. For example,  "/foo/bar%20baz/" decodes to the two-element list,  ("foo" "bar baz") .C1R 0hI]456Agparts  gfilenamef web/uri.scm       &      gnamegencode-and-join-uri-pathg documentationkURI-encode each element of PARTS, which should be a list of strings, and join the parts together with  / as a delimiter. For example, the list  ("scrambled eggs" "biscuits&gravy") encodes as  "scrambled%20eggs/biscuits%26gravy" .C2RCgm  ,grtd I qgfilenamef web/uri.scm   B , +5 7 + : , = 0i @ 6 R 6 a  6 a  6 a  6 ` 6 c  6 c  6 c  6 b 6 e  6 e  6 e  6 d 6 g  6 g  6 g  6 f : i : y  : x : {  : z : }  : | :   : ~ :  :  :  :  :  : =] =`  =d =g  =k =n  =r =u  =y =|  = =  = =  = =  = B% Dx Dy  D E FW FX F_  Ff Fo Fv  F~ L- MZ N  PV  Q  SN  SO 0  SW 0  SY 0  S] / h 2 h h  h i  h h  h g h m  h m  h m  h l h o  h o  h o  h n h q  h p h u  h v  i v $ i v  i u  i t th { y  }|  f  }~ C6