3 iRV @sfdZdgZddlmZddlZGdddejjejjZ d ddZ d Z e dejejj fe e d Z dS) z6Support code for implementing D-Bus services via PyGI.ExportedGObject)GObjectNc@seZdZdZddZdS)ExportedGObjectTypezA metaclass which inherits from both GObjectMeta and `dbus.service.InterfaceType`. Used as the metaclass for `ExportedGObject`. cCs,tjjj||||tjjj||||dS)N)r __class____init__dbusservice InterfaceType)clsnamebasesZdctr "/usr/lib64/python3.6/gi_service.pyr,szExportedGObjectType.__init__N)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rr r r rr(srcKsT|jdd}|jdd}|dk r*|j|tjj|f|tjjj||||ddS)a:Initialize an exported GObject. :Parameters: `conn` : dbus.connection.Connection The D-Bus connection or bus `object_path` : str The object path at which to register this object. :Keywords: `bus_name` : dbus.service.BusName A bus name to be held on behalf of this object, or None. `gobject_properties` : dict GObject properties to be set on the constructed object. Any unrecognised keyword arguments will also be interpreted as GObject properties. bus_nameNgobject_properties)conn object_pathr)popupdaterrrrObject)selfrrkwargsrrr r rExportedGObject__init__1s    rz)A GObject which is exported on the D-Bus.)rr)NN)r__all__Z gi.repositoryrZ dbus.servicerrrr rrZExportedGObject__doc__rrr r r rs