3 iRV` @sddlZyddlmZWn ek r8ddlmZYnXddlZddlmZddlm Z m Z m Z m Z dZ ejdZddlmZmZmZmZmZddlmZGd d d ZGd d d ZGd ddeZGdddeZdS)N)RLock)process_introspection_data) DBusExceptionIntrospectionParserExceptionMissingErrorHandlerExceptionMissingReplyHandlerExceptionZrestructuredtextz dbus.proxies)BUS_DAEMON_IFACEBUS_DAEMON_NAMEBUS_DAEMON_PATHINTROSPECTABLE_IFACE LOCAL_PATH)is_py2c@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) _DeferredMethodzXA proxy method which will only get called once we have its introspection reply. cCs||_|j|_||_||_dS)N) _proxy_method _method_name_append_block)self proxy_methodappendblockr/usr/lib64/python3.6/proxies.py__init__6sz_DeferredMethod.__init__cOs@d|ks|jddr(|j|j||dS|j|j||SdS)N reply_handler ignore_replyF)getrrr)rargskeywordsrrr__call__=s  z_DeferredMethod.__call__cOs|j|j||dS)N)rr)rrrrrr call_asyncHsz_DeferredMethod.call_asyncN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrr rrrrr2s rc@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) _ProxyMethodzA proxy method. Typically a member of a ProxyObject. Calls to the method produce messages that travel over the Bus and are routed to a specific named Service. cCsX|tkrtdt||_||_||_||_tj|||_|dk rNtj |||_ dS)Nz1Methods may not be called on the reserved path %s) r r_proxy _connection_named_service _object_path_dbus_bindingsZvalidate_member_namerZvalidate_interface_name_dbus_interface)rproxyZ connectionbus_name object_pathZ method_nameZifacerrrrSs  z_ProxyMethod.__init__c Os|jdd}|jdd}|jdd}|jdd}|dk s@|dk rl|dkrPtn|dkr`tn |rltd|jd|j}|dkr|dkr|j}n|d|j}|jjj|d}|s|dk r|j j |j |j ||j||||f|n |j j |j |j ||j||f|SdS) Nr error_handlerrF signaturez6ignore_reply and reply_handler cannot be used togetherdbus_interface.)poprr TypeErrorr+rr&_introspect_method_maprr'r r(r)Z call_blocking) rrrrr/rr0r1keyrrrrgsD       z_ProxyMethod.__call__c Os|jdd}|jdd}|jdd}|jd|j}|dkrd|rN|d|j}n|j}|jjj|d}|jj|j|j ||j||||f|dS)Nrr/r0r1r2) r3r+rr&r5rr'r r(r))rrrrr/r0r1r6rrrr s$    z_ProxyMethod.call_asyncN)r!r"r#r$rrr rrrrr%Ls,r%c@seZdZdZeZeZdZdZ dZ d%dd Z e d d ddd Z e d d dddZe dd dddZd&ddZddZddZddZddZddZddZdd Zd'd!d"Zd#d$ZeZdS)( ProxyObjectzA proxy to the remote Object. A ProxyObject is provided by the Bus. ProxyObjects have member functions, and can be called like normal Python objects. rNTFc Ks<|jdd}|dk rB|dk r$td|}ddlm}|dtdd|jd d} | dk r|dk rftd | }ddlm}|d tdd|rtd d j|j|r|j||_|dk rt j |||_ |_ t j |||_|s|j||_ d|_g|_i|_t|_| s|jtkr&|j|_n|j|_|j|_dS)aInitialize the proxy object. :Parameters: `conn` : `dbus.connection.Connection` The bus or connection on which to find this object. The keyword argument `bus` is a deprecated alias for this. `bus_name` : str A bus name for the application owning the object, to be used as the destination for method calls and the sender for signal matches. The keyword argument ``named_service`` is a deprecated alias for this. `object_path` : str The object path at which the application exports the object `introspect` : bool If true (default), attempt to introspect the remote object to find out supported methods and their signatures `follow_name_owner_changes` : bool If true (default is false) and the `bus_name` is a well-known name, follow ownership changes for that name busNz%conn and bus cannot both be specifiedr)warnz`Passing the bus parameter to ProxyObject by name is deprecated: please use positional parametersr9) stacklevel named_servicez3bus_name and named_service cannot both be specifiedzjPassing the named_service parameter to ProxyObject by name is deprecated: please use positional parametersz>ProxyObject.__init__ does not take these keyword arguments: %sz, )r3r4warningsr;DeprecationWarningjoinkeysZ_require_main_loop_busr*Zvalidate_bus_namer(_requested_bus_nameZvalidate_object_path__dbus_object_path__Zactivate_name_owner_pending_introspect_pending_introspect_queuer5r_introspect_lockr INTROSPECT_STATE_DONT_INTROSPECT_introspect_state'INTROSPECT_STATE_INTROSPECT_IN_PROGRESS _Introspect) rZconnr-r.Z introspectZfollow_name_owner_changeskwargsr:r;r=rrrrsJ           zProxyObject.__init__cCs|jS)N)r()rrrr szProxyObject.aThe bus name to which this proxy is bound. (Read-only, may change.) If the proxy was instantiated using a unique name, this property is that unique name. If the proxy was instantiated with a well-known name and with ``follow_name_owner_changes`` set false (the default), this property is the unique name of the connection that owned that well-known name when the proxy was instantiated, which might not actually own the requested well-known name any more. If the proxy was instantiated with a well-known name and with ``follow_name_owner_changes`` set true, this property is that well-known name. cCs|jS)N)rC)rrrrrMsz[The bus name which was requested when this proxy was instantiated. cCs|jS)N)rD)rrrrrM$szThe object-path of this proxy.cKs"|jj|f|||j|jd|S)ax Arrange for the given function to be called when the given signal is received. :Parameters: `signal_name` : str The name of the signal `handler_function` : callable A function to be called when the signal is emitted by the remote object. Its positional arguments will be the arguments of the signal; optionally, it may be given keyword arguments as described below. `dbus_interface` : str Optional interface with which to qualify the signal name. If None (the default) the handler will be called whenever a signal of the given member name is received, whatever its interface. :Keywords: `utf8_strings` : bool If True, the handler function will receive any string arguments as dbus.UTF8String objects (a subclass of str guaranteed to be UTF-8). If False (default) it will receive any string arguments as dbus.String objects (a subclass of unicode). `byte_arrays` : bool If True, the handler function will receive any byte-array arguments as dbus.ByteArray objects (a subclass of str). If False (default) it will receive any byte-array arguments as a dbus.Array of dbus.Byte (subclasses of: a list of ints). `sender_keyword` : str If not None (the default), the handler function will receive the unique name of the sending endpoint as a keyword argument with this name `destination_keyword` : str If not None (the default), the handler function will receive the bus name of the destination (or None if the signal is a broadcast, as is usual) as a keyword argument with this name. `interface_keyword` : str If not None (the default), the handler function will receive the signal interface as a keyword argument with this name. `member_keyword` : str If not None (the default), the handler function will receive the signal name as a keyword argument with this name. `path_keyword` : str If not None (the default), the handler function will receive the object-path of the sending object as a keyword argument with this name `message_keyword` : str If not None (the default), the handler function will receive the `dbus.lowlevel.SignalMessage` as a keyword argument with this name. `arg...` : unicode or UTF-8 str If there are additional keyword parameters of the form ``arg``\ *n*, match only signals where the *n*\ th argument is the value given for that keyword parameter. As of this time only string arguments can be matched (in particular, object paths and signatures can't). ) signal_namer1r-path)rBZadd_signal_receiverr(rD)rrNhandler_functionr1rrrrconnect_to_signal0s < zProxyObject.connect_to_signalc Cs>i}trd|d<|jj|j|jtddf|j|jfddi|S)NTZ utf8_stringsZ IntrospectZrequire_main_loopF)r rBr r(rDr _introspect_reply_handler_introspect_error_handler)rrLrrrrKss zProxyObject._IntrospectcCs*x|jD]\}}}|||qWg|_dS)N)rF)rrrrrrr_introspect_execute_queue~sz%ProxyObject._introspect_execute_queuecCsp|jjzTyt||_Wn*tk rD}z|j|dSd}~XnX|j|_d|_|j Wd|jj XdS)N) rGacquirerr5rrT INTROSPECT_STATE_INTROSPECT_DONErIrErUrelease)rdataerrrrSs   z%ProxyObject._introspect_reply_handlerc Cshtjtjd|j|j|jj|jj||j j z$tj d|j |_ d|_|jWd|j jXdS)Nz$Introspect error on %s:%s: %s.%s: %sz'Executing introspect queue due to error)loggingZ basicConfig_loggererrorr(rD __class__r"r!rGrVdebugrHrIrErUrX)rr]rrrrTs    z%ProxyObject._introspect_error_handlerc Cs4|jjz|jdk r |jjWd|jjXdS)N)rGrVrErrX)rrrr_introspect_blocks   zProxyObject._introspect_blockc CsJ|jjz.|j|jkr,|jj|||fn |||Wd|jjXdS)N)rGrVrIrJrFrrX)rcallbackrrLrrr_introspect_add_to_queues   z$ProxyObject._introspect_add_to_queuecCs,|jdr|jdrt|n |j|SdS)N__) startswithendswithAttributeErrorget_dbus_method)rmemberrrr __getattr__s zProxyObject.__getattr__cCs<|j||j|j|j||}|j|jkr8|j||j|j}|S)a,Return a proxy method representing the given D-Bus method. The returned proxy method can be called in the usual way. For instance, :: proxy.get_dbus_method("Foo", dbus_interface='com.example.Bar')(123) is equivalent to:: proxy.Foo(123, dbus_interface='com.example.Bar') or even:: getattr(proxy, "Foo")(123, dbus_interface='com.example.Bar') However, using `get_dbus_method` is the only way to call D-Bus methods with certain awkward names - if the author of a service implements a method called ``connect_to_signal`` or even ``__getattr__``, you'll need to use `get_dbus_method` to call them. For services which follow the D-Bus convention of CamelCaseMethodNames this won't be a problem. ) ProxyMethodClassrBr(rDrIrJDeferredMethodClassrbr`)rrhr1retrrrrgs   zProxyObject.get_dbus_methodcCsd|j|j|jt|fS)Nz&)rBr(rDid)rrrr__repr__szProxyObject.__repr__)NNNTF)N)N)r!r"r#r$r%rjrrkrHrJrWrpropertyr-requested_bus_namer.rQrKrUrSrTr`rbrirgrn__str__rrrrr7s6 R  C    &r7c@seZdZdZddZedddddZeZeddddd Zed dddd Z ed dddd Z edddddZ dddZ ddZ dddZddZeZdS) InterfacezAn interface into a remote object. An Interface can be used to wrap ProxyObjects so that calls can be routed to their correct D-Bus interface. cCs$t|tr|j|_n||_||_dS)a:Construct a proxy for the given interface on the given object. :Parameters: `object` : `dbus.proxies.ProxyObject` or `dbus.Interface` The remote object or another of its interfaces `dbus_interface` : str An interface the `object` implements N) isinstancerr proxy_object_objr+)robjectr1rrrrs  zInterface.__init__cCs|jjS)N)rur.)rrrrrMszInterface.Nz.The D-Bus object path of the underlying objectcCs|jjS)N)rur-)rrrrrMsz:The bus name to which the underlying proxy object is boundcCs|jjS)N)rurp)rrrrrM szGThe bus name which was requested when the underlying object was createdcCs|jS)N)ru)rrrrrM szThe underlying proxy objectcCs|jS)N)r+)rrrrrMszThe D-Bus interface representedcKs|s |j}|jj|||f|S)aaArrange for a function to be called when the given signal is emitted. The parameters and keyword arguments are the same as for `dbus.proxies.ProxyObject.connect_to_signal`, except that if `dbus_interface` is None (the default), the D-Bus interface that was passed to the `Interface` constructor is used. )r+rurQ)rrNrPr1rrrrrQs  zInterface.connect_to_signalcCs2|jdr|jdrt|n|jj||jSdS)Nrc)rdrerfrurgr+)rrhrrrri"s zInterface.__getattr__cCs|dkr|j}|jj||S)a&Return a proxy method representing the given D-Bus method. This is the same as `dbus.proxies.ProxyObject.get_dbus_method` except that if `dbus_interface` is None (the default), the D-Bus interface that was passed to the `Interface` constructor is used. N)r+rurg)rrhr1rrrrg(szInterface.get_dbus_methodcCsd|j|jt|fS)Nz%)rur+rm)rrrrrn4szInterface.__repr__)N)N)r!r"r#r$rror.rDr-rprtr1rQrirgrnrqrrrrrrs&      rr)r[Z threadingr ImportErrorZdummy_threadingr*Zdbus._expat_introspect_parserrZdbus.exceptionsrrrrZ __docformat__Z getLoggerr\rr r r r Z dbus._compatr rr%rvr7rrrrrrs"   `B