3 iRÛVã@s4dZdZddlmZddlmZGdd„deƒZdS)ÚServerZreStructuredTexté)Ú_Server)Ú ConnectioncsfeZdZdZeddf‡fdd„ Zdd„Zdd„Zd d „Zd d „Z e e j ƒZ e e jƒZe e jƒZ‡ZS) ra%An opaque object representing a server that listens for connections from other applications. This class is not useful to instantiate directly: you must subclass it and either extend the method connection_added, or append to the list on_connection_added. :Since: 0.83 Ncstt|ƒj|||||ƒS)a Construct a new Server. :Parameters: `address` : str Listen on this address. `connection_class` : type When new connections come in, instantiate this subclass of dbus.connection.Connection to represent them. The default is Connection. `mainloop` : dbus.mainloop.NativeMainLoop or None The main loop with which to associate the new connections. `auth_mechanisms` : sequence of str Authentication mechanisms to allow. The default is to allow any authentication mechanism supported by ``libdbus``. )ÚsuperrÚ__new__)ÚclsÚaddressZconnection_classZmainloopZauth_mechanisms)Ú __class__©ú/usr/lib64/python3.6/server.pyr)szServer.__new__cOsi|_g|_g|_dS)N)Z_Server__connectionsÚon_connection_addedÚon_connection_removed)ÚselfÚargsÚkwargsr r r Ú__init__=szServer.__init__cCs|j|jƒ|j|ƒdS)N)Zcall_on_disconnectionÚconnection_removedÚconnection_added)rÚconnr r r Ú_on_new_connectionLs zServer._on_new_connectioncCs"|jrx|jD] }||ƒqWdS)a´Respond to the creation of a new Connection. This base-class implementation just invokes the callbacks in the on_connection_added attribute. :Parameters: `conn` : dbus.connection.Connection A D-Bus connection which has just been added. The type of this parameter is whatever was passed to the Server constructor as the ``connection_class``. N)r )rrÚcbr r r rPs  zServer.connection_addedcCs"|jrx|jD] }||ƒqWdS)aÀRespond to the disconnection of a Connection. This base-class implementation just invokes the callbacks in the on_connection_removed attribute. :Parameters: `conn` : dbus.connection.Connection A D-Bus connection which has just become disconnected. The type of this parameter is whatever was passed to the Server constructor as the ``connection_class``. N)r )rrrr r r ras  zServer.connection_removed)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__rrrrrrÚpropertyrZ get_addressrZget_idÚidZget_is_connectedZ is_connectedÚ __classcell__r r )r r rs   N)r)Ú__all__Z __docformat__Z_dbus_bindingsrZdbus.connectionrrr r r r Ús