U e5dõã"@sðdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddlZddlZGdd„deƒZddddd d d d d g Zdd„Zdd„Zdd„ZGdd„deƒZdZGdd„dejejƒZedk rnd ddddddddd d!d"d#d$d%d&d'd(dd)d*d+d,d-d.d/d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7g"ZeD]"Zeeed8eƒj ¡d97Zq:eej j7Z[[dJd:d„Z!dKd;d„Z"dœd?d „Z%dLd@d „Z&dAd„Z'dBZ(dCdD„Z)dEd „Z*dFZ+dGdH„Z,e-dIkrìddl.Z.e. ,¡dS)Ma½ The Python Debugger Pdb ======================= To use the debugger in its simplest form: >>> import pdb >>> pdb.run('') The debugger's prompt is '(Pdb) '. This will stop in the first function call in . Alternatively, if a statement terminated with an unhandled exception, you can use pdb's post-mortem facility to inspect the contents of the traceback: >>> >>> import pdb >>> pdb.pm() The commands recognized by the debugger are listed in the next section. Most can be abbreviated as indicated; e.g., h(elp) means that 'help' can be typed as 'h' or 'help' (but not as 'he' or 'hel', nor as 'H' or 'Help' or 'HELP'). Optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets. Alternatives in the command syntax are separated by a vertical bar (|). A blank line repeats the previous command literally, except for 'list', where it lists the next 11 lines. Commands that the debugger doesn't recognize are assumed to be Python statements and are executed in the context of the program being debugged. Python statements can also be prefixed with an exclamation point ('!'). This is a powerful way to inspect the program being debugged; it is even possible to change variables or call functions. When an exception occurs in such a statement, the exception name is printed but the debugger's state is not changed. The debugger supports aliases, which can save typing. And aliases can have parameters (see the alias help entry) which allows one a certain level of adaptability to the context under examination. Multiple commands may be entered on a single line, separated by the pair ';;'. No intelligence is applied to separating the commands; the input is split at the first ';;', even if it is in the middle of a quoted string. If a file ".pdbrc" exists in your home directory or in the current directory, it is read in and executed as if it had been typed at the debugger prompt. This is particularly useful for aliases. If both files exist, the one in the home directory is read first and aliases defined there can be overridden by the local file. This behavior can be disabled by passing the "readrc=False" argument to the Pdb constructor. Aside from aliases, the debugger is not directly programmable; but it is implemented as a class from which you can derive your own debugger class, which you can make as fancy as you like. Debugger commands ================= éNc@seZdZdZdS)ÚRestartzBCauses a debugger to be restarted for the debugged python program.N)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__©rrú/usr/lib64/python3.8/pdb.pyrWsrÚrunÚpmÚPdbÚrunevalÚrunctxÚruncallÚ set_traceÚ post_mortemÚhelpc Csˆt dt |¡¡}zt |¡}Wntk r8YdSX|@t|ddD],\}}| |¡rL|||fW5QR£SqLW5QRXdS)Nzdef\s+%s\s*[(]é)Ústart)ÚreÚcompileÚescapeÚtokenizeÚopenÚOSErrorÚ enumerateÚmatch)ÚfuncnameÚfilenameZcreÚfpÚlinenoÚlinerrrÚ find_function^s &r!cCsXt |¡\}}t |¡r,|j|jkr,|dfSt |¡r>|dfSt ||d…¡|dfS)Nr)ÚinspectZ findsourceZisframeÚ f_globalsÚf_localsZismoduleZgetblock)ÚobjÚlinesrrrrÚgetsourcelinesks  r'cCs8tt |¡ƒ}| ¡|D]\}}||kr|SqdS©Nr)ÚlistÚdisZfindlinestartsÚreverse)ÚcodeZlastiZ linestartsÚirrrrÚ lasti2linenots   r.c@seZdZdZdd„ZdS)Ú_rstrz#String that doesn't quote its repr.cCs|S©Nr©ÚselfrrrÚ__repr__sz_rstr.__repr__N)rrrrr3rrrrr/}sr/z -> c@seZdZdZd£dd„Zdd„Zd d „Zd d „Zd d„Zdd„Z dd„Z dd„Z dd„Z dd„Z dd„Zdd„Zdd„Zdd „Zd!d"„Zd#d$„Zd%d&„Zd'd(„Zd)d*„Zd+d,„Zd-d.„Zd/d0„Zd1d2„Zd3d4„Zd5d6„ZeZd¤d8d9„Zd:d;„ZeZ eZ!eZ"dd?„Z%d@dA„Z&dBdC„Z'eZ(dDdE„Z)eZ*dFdG„Z+eZ,dHdI„Z-eZ.dJdK„Z/e/Z0eZ1eZ2dLdM„Z3e3Z4e3Z5dNdO„Z6dPdQ„Z7e7Z8dRdS„Z9e9Z:dTdU„Z;e;ZdXdY„Z?e?Z@dZd[„ZAeAZBd\d]„ZCeCZDd^d_„ZEeEZFZGd`da„ZHeHZIdbdc„ZJeZKddde„ZLeLZMeLZNdfdg„ZOdhdi„ZPePZQdjdk„ZReRZSdldm„ZTd¥dndo„ZUdpdq„ZVdrds„ZWeZXeZYeZZdtdu„Z[e[Z\dvdw„Z]e]Z^dxdy„Z_eZ`d¦d{d|„Zad}d~„ZbeZcdd€„ZdeZedd‚„Zfdƒd„„Zgd…d†„Zhd‡dˆ„Zid‰dŠ„Zjd‹dŒ„ZkddŽddd‘d’gZld“d”„Zmenfd•d–„Zod—d˜„ZpepZqd™dš„Zrd›dœ„Zsddž„ZtdŸd „Zud¡d¢„ZvdS)§r NÚtabFTc Cs>tjj||dtj ||||¡t d¡|r6d|_d|_i|_ i|_ d|_ d|_ i|_ zddl}| d¡Wntk r„YnXd|_||_g|_|rz,ttj d¡ƒ}|j |¡W5QRXWntk rÞYnXz$td ƒ}|j |¡W5QRXWntk rYnXi|_i|_i|_d|_d|_dS) N)Úskipzpdb.Pdbrz(Pdb) ÚFz `@#$%^&*()=+[{]}\|;:'",<>?z~/.pdbrcz.pdbrc)ÚbdbÚBdbÚ__init__ÚcmdÚCmdÚsysÚauditZ use_rawinputÚpromptÚaliasesÚ displayingÚ mainpyfileÚ_wait_for_mainpyfileÚ tb_linenoÚreadlineZset_completer_delimsÚ ImportErrorÚ allow_kbdintÚnosigintÚrcLinesrÚosÚpathÚ expanduserÚextendrÚcommandsÚcommands_dopromptÚcommands_silentÚcommands_definingÚ commands_bnum) r2Ú completekeyÚstdinÚstdoutr5rGZreadrcrDZrcFilerrrr9ŽsF  z Pdb.__init__cCs*|jr t‚| d¡| ¡| |¡dS)Nz- Program interrupted. (Use 'cont' to resume).)rFÚKeyboardInterruptÚmessageÚset_stepr)r2ZsignumÚframerrrÚsigint_handler½s  zPdb.sigint_handlercCstj |¡| ¡dSr0)r7r8ÚresetÚforgetr1rrrrZÄs z Pdb.resetcCs&d|_g|_d|_d|_|j ¡dSr()rÚstackÚcurindexÚcurframerCÚclearr1rrrr[Ès z Pdb.forgetcCsh| ¡| ||¡\|_|_|rDt|jj|jƒ}||j|j<|j }q|j|jd|_ |j j |_ |  ¡Sr()r[Z get_stackr\r]r.Útb_frameÚf_codeÚtb_lastirCÚtb_nextr^r$Úcurframe_localsÚ execRcLines)r2ÚfÚtbrrrrÚsetupÏs  z Pdb.setupcCsd|js dS|j}| ¡g|_|r`| ¡ ¡}|r|ddkr| |¡r|jt|ƒ7_dSqdS)Nrú#T)rHr+ÚpopÚstripÚonecmdÚreversed)r2rHr rrrreás  zPdb.execRcLinescCs.|jr dS| |¡r*| d¡| |d¡dS)znThis method is called when there is the remote possibility that we ever need to stop in this function.Nz--Call--)rBZ stop_hererVÚ interaction)r2rXZ argument_listrrrÚ user_callõs   z Pdb.user_callcCsH|jr.|j| |jj¡ks$|jdkr(dSd|_| |¡rD| |d¡dS)z;This function is called when we stop or break at this line.rNF)rBrAÚcanonicraÚ co_filenameÚf_linenoÚ bp_commandsrn)r2rXrrrÚ user_lineþsÿ z Pdb.user_linecCs”t|ddƒr|j|jkr|j}d|_|j}| |d¡|j|D]}| |¡q@||_|j|sr| |j|j ¡|j |r„|  ¡|  ¡dSdS)z¾Call every command that was set for the current active breakpoint (if there is one). Returns True if the normal interaction function must be called, False otherwise.Ú currentbpFrNr) ÚgetattrrurMÚlastcmdrhrlrOÚprint_stack_entryr\r]rNÚ_cmdloopr[)r2rXruZ lastcmd_backr rrrrss"  ÿ    zPdb.bp_commandscCs.|jr dS||jd<| d¡| |d¡dS)z7This function is called when a return trap is set here.NÚ __return__z --Return--)rBr$rVrn)r2rXZ return_valuerrrÚ user_return s   zPdb.user_returncCsh|jr dS|\}}}||f|jd<|s2|tkr2dnd}| d|t ||¡d ¡f¡| ||¡dS)zoThis function is called if an exception occurs, but only if we are to stop at or just below this level.NZ __exception__z Internal r6z%s%séÿÿÿÿ)rBr$Ú StopIterationrVÚ tracebackÚformat_exception_onlyrkrn)r2rXÚexc_infoÚexc_typeÚ exc_valueÚ exc_tracebackÚprefixrrrÚuser_exception(s ÿÿÿzPdb.user_exceptioncCsBzd|_| ¡d|_Wq>Wqtk r:| d¡YqXqdS)NTFz--KeyboardInterrupt--)rFÚcmdlooprUrVr1rrrry<sz Pdb._cmdloopcCs^|j |j¡}|rZ| ¡D]>\}}| |¡}||k r||kr|||<| d|||f¡qdS)Nzdisplay %s: %r [old: %r])r@Úgetr^ÚitemsÚ_getval_exceptrV)r2r@ÚexprZoldvalueZnewvaluerrrÚpreloopIs ÿz Pdb.preloopcCsttjr6zt tjtj¡Wntk r.YnXdt_| ||¡rN| ¡dS| |j|j ¡|  ¡| ¡dSr0) r Ú_previous_sigint_handlerÚsignalÚSIGINTÚ ValueErrorrhr[rxr\r]ry)r2rXr~rrrrnVs zPdb.interactioncCs|dk r| t|ƒ¡dS)z{Custom displayhook for the exec in default(), which prevents assignment of the _ variable in the builtins. N)rVÚrepr)r2r%rrrÚ displayhookhszPdb.displayhookc CsÈ|dd…dkr|dd…}|j}|jj}zdt|dddƒ}tj}tj}tj}z(|jt_|jt_|jt_t|||ƒW5|t_|t_|t_XWn4t  ¡dd…}|  t j |Žd  ¡¡YnXdS)Nrú!Ú zZsingleér|)rdr^r#rr<rTrSr‘Úexecr€Úerrorr~rrk) r2r ÚlocalsÚglobalsr,Z save_stdoutZ save_stdinZsave_displayhookr€rrrÚdefaultps(  z Pdb.defaultcCsØ| ¡s |S| ¡}|d|jkr†|j|d}d}|dd…D] }| dt|ƒ|¡}|d7}q@| dd |dd…¡¡}| ¡}q|ddkrÔ| d¡}|dkrÔ||d d… ¡}|j  |¡|d|…  ¡}|S) z*Handle alias expansion and ';;' separator.rrNú%z%*ú Úaliasz;;r”) rkÚsplitr?ÚreplaceÚstrÚjoinÚfindÚlstripÚcmdqueueÚappendÚrstrip)r2r ÚargsZiiZtmpArgZmarkerÚnextrrrÚprecmd†s(ÿ     z Pdb.precmdcCs"|jstj ||¡S| |¡SdS)zÒInterpret the argument as though it had been typed in response to the prompt. Checks whether this line is typed at the normal prompt or in a breakpoint command list definition. N)rPr:r;rlÚhandle_command_def)r2r rrrrlŸsz Pdb.onecmdcCsÄ| |¡\}}}|sdS|dkr0d|j|j<dS|dkrBg|_dS|j|j}|rf| |d|¡n | |¡zt|d|ƒ}Wntk rœ|j}YnX|j |j krÀd|j |j<g|_dSdS) z8Handles one command line during command list definition.NZsilentTÚendrr›Údo_F) Z parselinerOrQr£rMr¤rvÚAttributeErrorr™rÚcommands_resumingrN)r2r r:ÚargZcmdlistÚfuncrrrr©«s,      zPdb.handle_command_defcCst||jddS)N©Úfile©ÚprintrT©r2ÚmsgrrrrVÉsz Pdb.messagecCstd||jddS)Nz***r°r²r´rrrr–Ìsz Pdb.errorcCs¦| ¡ d¡rgSz| ||||¡}Wntk r>g}YnXt t |¡d¡}|D]H}tj |¡rx|  |d¡qXtj  |¡rX|  ¡ d¡rX|  |d¡qX|S)N)ú:ú,Ú*ú/)ú.pyz.pywr¶) rkÚendswithÚ_complete_expressionÚ ExceptionÚglobrrIrJÚisdirr¤ÚisfileÚlower)r2Útextr ÚbegidxÚendidxZretÚglobsÚfnrrrÚ_complete_locationÒs  zPdb._complete_locationcs‡fdd„ttjjƒDƒS)Ncs.g|]&\}}|dk rt|ƒ ˆ¡rt|ƒ‘qSr0)rŸÚ startswith)Ú.0r-Úbp©rÂrrÚ ésÿz*Pdb._complete_bpnumber..)rr7Ú BreakpointÚ bpbynumber©r2rÂr rÃrÄrrËrÚ_complete_bpnumberåszPdb._complete_bpnumberc s¼|js gS|jj|j–}dˆkr¢ˆ d¡‰z,|ˆd}ˆdd…D]}t||ƒ}qDWnttfk rrgYSXd ˆdd…¡d‰‡‡fdd„t|ƒDƒS‡fdd„|  ¡DƒSdS)NÚ.rrr|cs"g|]}| ˆd¡rˆ|‘qS)r|©rÈ©rÉÚn)Údottedr„rrrÌsz,Pdb._complete_expression..csg|]}| ˆ¡r|‘qSrrÒrÓrËrrrÌs ) r^r#rdrrvÚKeyErrorr¬r ÚdirÚkeys)r2rÂr rÃrÄÚnsr%Úpartr)rÕr„rÂrr¼ìs   zPdb._complete_expressioncCs,|sttjjƒd}n&z t|ƒ}Wn| d¡YdSX||_||jkrj|j||j||j |f}nd}g|j|<d|j|<d|j |<|j }d|_ d|_ zzz |  ¡Wnht k r|rî|d|j|<|d|j|<|d|j |<n|j|=|j|=|j |=| d ¡YnXW5d|_ ||_ XdS) a4commands [bpnumber] (com) ... (com) end (Pdb) Specify a list of commands for breakpoint number bpnumber. The commands themselves are entered on the following lines. Type a line containing just 'end' to terminate the commands. The commands are executed when the breakpoint is hit. To remove all commands from a breakpoint, type commands and follow it immediately with end; that is, give no commands. With no bpnumber argument, commands refers to the last breakpoint set. You can use breakpoint commands to start your program up again. Simply use the continue command, or step, or any other command that resumes execution. Specifying any command resuming execution (currently continue, step, next, return, jump, quit and their abbreviations) terminates the command list (as if that command was immediately followed by end). This is because any time you resume execution (even with a simple next or step), you may encounter another breakpoint -- which could have its own command list, leading to ambiguities about which list to execute. If you use the 'silent' command in the command list, the usual message about stopping at a breakpoint is not printed. This may be desirable for breakpoints that are to print a specific message and then continue. If none of the other commands print anything, you will see no sign that the breakpoint was reached. rz.Usage: commands [bnum] ... endNTFz(com) rr”z1command definition aborted, old commands restored)Úlenr7rÍrÎÚintr–rQrMrNrOr>rPr†rU)r2r®ZbnumZold_command_defsZ prompt_backrrrÚ do_commands sB%   þ    zPdb.do_commandsrc CsB|s8|jr4| d¡tjjD]}|r| | ¡¡qdSd}d}d}| d¡}|dkrz||dd… ¡}|d|… ¡}|  d¡}d} |dkr|d|… ¡}|  |¡} | sÂ|  d|¡dS| }||dd… ¡}z t |ƒ}Wn&t k r |  d|¡YdSXnÀz t |ƒ}Wn²t k rÎzt||jj|jƒ} Wn|} YnXz.t| d ƒrj| j} | j} | j} | j}| j}WnD| |¡\} }}| s¸|  d |¡YYdS| } t |ƒ}YnXYnX|sÞ| ¡}| ||¡}|r>| ||||| ¡}|r|  |¡n*| ||¡d }| d |j|j|jf¡dS) a²b(reak) [ ([filename:]lineno | function) [, condition] ] Without argument, list all breaks. With a line number argument, set a break at this line in the current file. With a function name, set a break at the first executable line of that function. If a second argument is present, it is a string specifying an expression which must evaluate to true before the breakpoint is honored. The line number may be prefixed with a filename and a colon, to specify a breakpoint in another file (probably one that hasn't been loaded yet). The file is searched for on sys.path; the .py suffix may be omitted. z!Num Type Disp Enb WhereNr·rrr¶z%r not found from sys.pathzBad lineno: %sÚ__func__zJThe specified object %r is not a function or was not found along sys.path.r|zBreakpoint %d at %s:%d) ÚbreaksrVr7rÍrÎZbpformatr¡r¢r¥ÚrfindÚ lookupmoduler–rÜrÚevalr^r#rdÚhasattrrÞÚ__code__Úco_nameÚco_firstlinenorqÚlineinfoÚ defaultFileÚ checklineZ set_breakÚ get_breaksÚnumberr±r )r2r®Z temporaryrÊrrÚcondZcommaZcolonrrfr¯r,ÚokZlnr ÚerrrrrÚdo_breakXs„         þ   ÿ  ÿz Pdb.do_breakcCs"|jjj}|dkr|jr|j}|S)zProduce a reasonable default.z)r^rarqrA)r2rrrrrèµs zPdb.defaultFilecCs| |d¡dS)z¶tbreak [ ([filename:]lineno | function) [, condition] ] Same arguments as break, but sets a temporary breakpoint: it is automatically deleted when first hit. rN)rï©r2r®rrrÚ do_tbreakÁsz Pdb.do_tbreakc CsÌd}| d¡}t|ƒdkr(|d ¡}nt|ƒdkrB|d ¡}n|S|dkrR|S| d¡}|ddkr~|d=t|ƒdkr~|S| ¡}t|ƒdkrœ|d}n| |d¡}|r²|}|d}t||ƒ} | pÊ|S) N)NNNú'rrér6rÑr2)rrÛrkrèrár!) r2Z identifierZfailedZidstringÚidÚpartsZfnameÚitemrfZanswerrrrrçÊs.         z Pdb.lineinfocCs€t|dƒr|jjnd}t |||¡}|s6| d¡dS| ¡}|rn|ddksn|dd…dksn|dd…dkr|| d ¡dS|S) zÈCheck whether specified line seems to be executable. Return `lineno` if it is, 0 if not (e.g. a docstring, comment, blank line or EOF). Warning: testing is not comprehensive. r^Nz End of filerriróz"""z'''zBlank or comment)rãr^r#Ú linecacheÚgetlinerVrkr–)r2rrrÅr rrrréës ÿÿ z Pdb.checklinec Csh| ¡}|D]V}z| |¡}Wn,tk rJ}z| |¡W5d}~XYq X| ¡| d|¡q dS)z†enable bpnumber [bpnumber ...] Enables the breakpoints given as a space separated list of breakpoint numbers. Nz Enabled %s)rÚget_bpbynumberrr–ÚenablerV©r2r®r¦r-rÊrîrrrÚ do_enablesz Pdb.do_enablec Csh| ¡}|D]V}z| |¡}Wn,tk rJ}z| |¡W5d}~XYq X| ¡| d|¡q dS)aNdisable bpnumber [bpnumber ...] Disables the breakpoints given as a space separated list of breakpoint numbers. Disabling a breakpoint means it cannot cause the program to stop execution, but unlike clearing a breakpoint, it remains in the list of breakpoints and can be (re-)enabled. Nz Disabled %s)rrùrr–ÚdisablerVrûrrrÚ do_disableszPdb.do_disablec CsÂ| dd¡}z |d}Wntk r0d}YnXz| |d ¡¡}WnHtk rf| d¡YnXtk r}z| |¡W5d}~XYn.X||_|s®| d|j¡n| d|j¡dS)a#condition bpnumber [condition] Set a new condition for the breakpoint, an expression which must evaluate to true before the breakpoint is honored. If condition is absent, any existing condition is removed; i.e., the breakpoint is made unconditional. r›rNrúBreakpoint number expectedz#Breakpoint %d is now unconditional.z$New condition set for breakpoint %d.) rÚ IndexErrorrùrkr–rrìrVrë)r2r®r¦rìrÊrîrrrÚ do_condition%s   zPdb.do_conditionc CsÜ| ¡}zt|d ¡ƒ}Wnd}YnXz| |d ¡¡}WnHtk rb| d¡Ynvtk rŒ}z| |¡W5d}~XYnLX||_|dkrÈ|dkr®d|}nd}| d||j f¡n| d|j ¡dS) a–ignore bpnumber [count] Set the ignore count for the given breakpoint number. If count is omitted, the ignore count is set to 0. A breakpoint becomes active when the ignore count is zero. When non-zero, the count is decremented each time the breakpoint is reached and the breakpoint is not disabled and any associated condition evaluates to true. rrrÿNz %d crossingsz 1 crossingz%Will ignore next %s of breakpoint %d.z-Will stop next time breakpoint %d is reached.) rrÜrkrùrr–rÚignorerVrë)r2r®r¦ÚcountrÊrîZcountstrrrrÚ do_ignore@s,   ÿÿz Pdb.do_ignorec Cs€|stz tdƒ}Wntk r(d}YnX| ¡ ¡}|dkrpdd„tjjDƒ}| ¡|D]}| d|¡q\dSd|kr|  d¡}|d|…}||d d…}z t |ƒ}Wnt k rÌd |}YnX|  ||¡}|  ||¡}|rö| |¡n|D]}| d|¡qúdS| ¡} | D]\}z| |¡}Wn.t k r^}z| |¡W5d}~XYnX| |¡| d|¡qdS) a=cl(ear) filename:lineno cl(ear) [bpnumber [bpnumber...]] With a space separated list of breakpoint numbers, clear those breakpoints. Without argument, clear all breaks (but first ask confirmation). With a filename:lineno argument, clear all breaks at that line in that file. zClear all breaks? Zno)ÚyZyescSsg|] }|r|‘qSrr)rÉrÊrrrrÌqsz Pdb.do_clear..z Deleted %sNr¶rzInvalid line number (%s))ÚinputÚEOFErrorrkrÁr7rÍrÎZclear_all_breaksrVràrÜrrêZ clear_breakr–rrùZclear_bpbynumber) r2r®ZreplyZbplistrÊr-rrrîZ numberlistrrrÚdo_clearcsF           z Pdb.do_clearcCs | ¡dS)zâw(here) Print a stack trace, with the most recent frame at the bottom. An arrow indicates the "current frame", which determines the context of most commands. 'bt' is an alias for this command. N)Úprint_stack_tracerðrrrÚdo_where–sz Pdb.do_wherecCs>||_|j|jd|_|jj|_| |j|j¡d|_dSr()r]r\r^r$rdrxr)r2rërrrÚ _select_frame s  zPdb._select_framecCsz|jdkr| d¡dSzt|p"dƒ}Wn$tk rL| d|¡YdSX|dkr\d}ntd|j|ƒ}| |¡dS)z‚u(p) [count] Move the current frame count (default one) levels up in the stack trace (to an older frame). rz Oldest frameNrúInvalid frame count (%s))r]r–rÜrÚmaxr ©r2r®rZnewframerrrÚdo_up¨s  z Pdb.do_upcCs˜|jdt|jƒkr"| d¡dSzt|p,dƒ}Wn$tk rV| d|¡YdSX|dkrpt|jƒd}ntt|jƒd|j|ƒ}| |¡dS)z…d(own) [count] Move the current frame count (default one) levels down in the stack trace (to a newer frame). rz Newest frameNr r)r]rÛr\r–rÜrÚminr rrrrÚdo_down¼s z Pdb.do_downcCsh|rRz t|ƒ}Wn$tk r4| d|¡YdSX||jjkrV| d¡dSnd}| |j|¡dS)aNunt(il) [lineno] Without argument, continue execution until the line with a number greater than the current one is reached. With a line number, continue execution until a line with a number greater or equal to that is reached. In both cases, also stop when the current frame returns. úError in argument: %rNz7"until" line number is smaller than current line numberr)rÜrr–r^rrZ set_until)r2r®rrrrÚdo_untilÐs   z Pdb.do_untilcCs | ¡dS)z§s(tep) Execute the current line, stop at the first possible occasion (either in a function that is called or in the current function). r)rWrðrrrÚdo_stepèsz Pdb.do_stepcCs| |j¡dS)zxn(ext) Continue execution until the next line in the current function is reached or it returns. r)Zset_nextr^rðrrrÚdo_nextòs z Pdb.do_nextcCs<|r4ddl}tjdd…}| |¡t_|tjdd…<t‚dS)arun [args...] Restart the debugged python program. If a string is supplied it is split with "shlex", and the result is used as the new sys.argv. History, breakpoints, actions and debugger options are preserved. "restart" is an alias for "run". rNr)Úshlexr<Úargvrr)r2r®rZargv0rrrÚdo_runûs  z Pdb.do_runcCs| |j¡dS)zPr(eturn) Continue execution until the current function returns. r)Z set_returnr^rðrrrÚ do_return s z Pdb.do_returncCs>|js2zt tj|j¡t_Wntk r0YnX| ¡dS)z]c(ont(inue)) Continue execution, only stop when a breakpoint is encountered. r)rGrrŽrYr rŒrZ set_continuerðrrrÚ do_continuesÿzPdb.do_continuec Cs¾|jdt|jƒkr"| d¡dSz t|ƒ}Wntk rL| d¡YnnXz:||j_|j|jd|f|j|j<| |j|j¡Wn0tk r¸}z| d|¡W5d}~XYnXdS)a£j(ump) lineno Set the next line that will be executed. Only available in the bottom-most frame. This lets you jump back and execute code again, or jump forward to skip code that you don't want to run. It should be noted that not all jumps are allowed -- for instance it is not possible to jump into the middle of a for loop or out of a finally clause. rz)You can only jump within the bottom frameNz)The 'jump' command requires a line numberrzJump failed: %s) r]rÛr\r–rÜrr^rrrx)r2r®ÚerrrÚdo_jump&s   z Pdb.do_jumpcCs¼t d¡|jj}|j}t|j|j|jƒ}d|j   ¡|_ |  d¡zt  |j |||f¡Wn<tk r˜t ¡dd…}| tj|Žd  ¡¡YnX|  d¡t |j¡|j|_dS)zÆdebug code Enter a recursive debugger that steps through the code argument (which is an arbitrary expression or statement to be executed in the current environment). Nz(%s) zENTERING RECURSIVE DEBUGGERr”r|zLEAVING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER)r<Úsettracer^r#rdr rRrSrTr>rkrVÚ call_tracingr r½r€r–r~rZtrace_dispatchrw)r2r®r˜r—Úpr€rrrÚdo_debugCs    z Pdb.do_debugcCsd|_| ¡dS)z[q(uit) exit Quit from the debugger. The program being executed is aborted. Tr)Ú_user_requested_quitÚset_quitrðrrrÚdo_quitZsz Pdb.do_quitcCs| d¡d|_| ¡dS)z=EOF Handles the receipt of EOF as a command. r6Tr)rVr!r"rðrrrÚdo_EOFes z Pdb.do_EOFcCsŽ|jj}|j}|j|j}|jtj@r.|d}|jtj@rB|d}t |ƒD]>}|j |}||krx|  d|||f¡qJ|  d|f¡qJdS)zHa(rgs) Print the argument list of the current function. rz%s = %rz%s = *** undefined ***N) r^rardÚ co_argcountÚco_kwonlyargcountÚco_flagsr"Z CO_VARARGSZCO_VARKEYWORDSÚrangeÚ co_varnamesrV)r2r®ÚcoÚdictrÔr-ÚnamerrrÚdo_argsns     z Pdb.do_argscCs.d|jkr | t|jdƒ¡n | d¡dS)zQretval Print the return value for the last return of a function. rzzNot yet returned!N)rdrVrr–rðrrrÚ do_retvals z Pdb.do_retvalcCsPzt||jj|jƒWSt ¡dd…}| tj|Žd  ¡¡‚YnXdS)Nr”r|) râr^r#rdr<r€r–r~rrk)r2r®r€rrrÚ_getval‰s z Pdb._getvalcCsrz2|dkrt||jj|jƒWSt||j|jƒWSWn:t ¡dd…}tj|Žd  ¡}t d|ƒYSXdS)Nr”r|z** raised %s **) râr^r#rdr$r<r€r~rrkr/)r2r®rXr€rîrrrr‰‘szPdb._getval_exceptcCs*z| t| |¡ƒ¡Wn YnXdS)z@p expression Print the value of the expression. N)rVrr/rðrrrÚdo_pœszPdb.do_pcCs,z| t | |¡¡¡Wn YnXdS)zHpp expression Pretty-print the value of the expression. N)rVÚpprintZpformatr/rðrrrÚdo_pp¥sz Pdb.do_ppcCsfd|_d}|rœ|dkrœz^d|krX| d¡\}}t| ¡ƒ}t| ¡ƒ}||krr||}nt| ¡ƒ}td|dƒ}WqÌtk r˜| d|¡YdSXn0|jdks®|dkrÂtd|jj dƒ}n |jd}|dkrÜ|d}|jj j }|  |¡}zZt  ||jj¡}| ||d|…|||j¡t|t|ƒƒ|_t|ƒ|krH| d ¡Wntk r`YnXdS) a°l(ist) [first [,last] | .] List source code for the current file. Without arguments, list 11 lines around the current line or continue the previous listing. With . as argument, list 11 lines around the current line. With one argument, list 11 lines starting at that line. With two arguments, list the given range; if the second argument is less than the first, it is a count. The current line in the current frame is indicated by "->". If an exception is being debugged, the line where the exception was originally raised or propagated is indicated by ">>", if it differs from the current line. r)NrÑr·réré z[EOF])rwrrÜrkr rr–rr^rrrarqÚget_file_breaksr÷Úgetlinesr#Ú _print_linesrrÛrVrU)r2r®ZlastÚfirstrÚ breaklistr&rrrÚdo_list²s@         ÿz Pdb.do_listc Csp|jjj}| |¡}zt|jƒ\}}Wn2tk rX}z| |¡WY¢dSd}~XYnX| ||||j¡dS)z\longlist | ll List the whole source code for the current function or frame. N)r^rarqr5r'rr–r7)r2r®rr9r&rrîrrrÚ do_longlistås   zPdb.do_longlistc Csvz| |¡}WnYdSXzt|ƒ\}}Wn6ttfk rd}z| |¡WY¢dSd}~XYnX| ||¡dS)z^source expression Try to get source code for the given object and display it. N)r/r'rÚ TypeErrorr–r7)r2r®r%r&rrîrrrÚ do_sourceós z Pdb.do_sourcerc Cs®|r|j}|j |d¡}nd}}t||ƒD]|\}}t|ƒ d¡} t| ƒdkrV| d7} ||krh| d7} n| d7} ||kr‚| d7} n||kr’| d7} | | d| ¡¡q,d S) zPrint a range of lines.r|róér›ÚBz->z>>ú N) rrrCr‡rrŸÚrjustrÛrVr¥) r2r&rrßrXZcurrent_linenoZ exc_linenorr Úsrrrr7s    zPdb._print_linescCsÊz| |¡}WnYdSXd}z |jj}Wntk rBYnX|r\| d|j¡dSz |j}Wntk rzYnX|r”| d|j¡dS|jtkr¸| d|j|j f¡dS| t|ƒ¡dS)z;whatis arg Print the type of the argument. Nz Method %sz Function %sz Class %s.%s) r/rÞrär½rVråÚ __class__Útyperr)r2r®Úvaluer,rrrÚ do_whatiss.   z Pdb.do_whatiscCsl|s8| d¡|j |ji¡ ¡D]}| d|¡q"n0| |¡}||j |ji¡|<| d||f¡dS)zâdisplay [expression] Display the value of the expression if it changed, each time execution stops in the current frame. Without expression, list all display expressions for the current frame. zCurrently displaying:z%s: %rzdisplay %s: %rN)rVr@r‡r^rˆr‰Ú setdefault)r2r®röÚvalrrrÚ do_display<s  zPdb.do_displaycCsT|r@z|j |ji¡|=WqPtk r<| d|¡YqPXn|j |jd¡dS)z·undisplay [expression] Do not display the expression any more in the current frame. Without expression, clear all display expressions for the current frame. znot displaying %sN)r@r‡r^rÖr–rjrðrrrÚ do_undisplayOs zPdb.do_undisplaycs‡fdd„|j |ji¡DƒS)Ncsg|]}| ˆ¡r|‘qSrrÒ)rÉrrËrrrÌ_s ÿz*Pdb.complete_undisplay..)r@r‡r^rÏrrËrÚcomplete_undisplay^szPdb.complete_undisplaycCs |jj|j–}tjd|ddS)z interact Start an interactive interpreter whose global namespace contains all the (global and local) names found in the current scope. z *interactive*)ZlocalN)r^r#rdr,Úinteract)r2r®rÙrrrÚ do_interactbszPdb.do_interactcCs¤| ¡}t|ƒdkrHt|j ¡ƒ}|D]}| d||j|f¡q&dS|d|jkr„t|ƒdkr„| d|d|j|df¡nd |dd…¡|j|d<dS)acalias [name [command [parameter parameter ...] ]] Create an alias called 'name' that executes 'command'. The command must *not* be enclosed in quotes. Replaceable parameters can be indicated by %1, %2, and so on, while %* is replaced by all the parameters. If no command is given, the current alias for name is shown. If no name is given, all aliases are listed. Aliases may be nested and can contain anything that can be legally typed at the pdb prompt. Note! You *can* override internal pdb commands with aliases! Those internal commands are then hidden until the alias is removed. Aliasing is recursively applied to the first word of the command line; all other words in the line are left alone. As an example, here are two useful aliases (especially when placed in the .pdbrc file): # Print instance variables (usage "pi classInst") alias pi for k in %1.__dict__.keys(): print("%1.",k,"=",%1.__dict__[k]) # Print instance variables in self alias ps pi self rz%s = %sNrr›)rrÛÚsortedr?rØrVr )r2r®r¦rØrœrrrÚdo_aliasks "z Pdb.do_aliascCs6| ¡}t|ƒdkrdS|d|jkr2|j|d=dS)z9unalias name Delete the specified alias. rN)rrÛr?)r2r®r¦rrrÚ do_unaliasŽs  zPdb.do_unaliascs‡fdd„|jDƒS)Ncsg|]}| ˆ¡r|‘qSrrÒ)rÉÚarËrrr̘s z(Pdb.complete_unalias..)r?rÏrrËrÚcomplete_unalias—szPdb.complete_unaliasrrrrr#rcCs4z|jD]}| |¡qWntk r.YnXdSr0)r\rxrU)r2Ú frame_linenorrrr ¦s  zPdb.print_stack_tracecCs6|\}}||jkrd}nd}| || ||¡¡dS)Nz> z )r^rVZformat_stack_entry)r2rSZ prompt_prefixrXrr„rrrrx­s  ÿzPdb.print_stack_entrycCs¨|stj ||¡Sz@zt|d|ƒ}|ƒWWStk rNt|d|ƒ}YnXWn"tk rt| d|¡Yn0Xtjjdkr”| d|¡dS|  |j   ¡¡dS)zýh(elp) Without argument, print the list of available commands. With a command name as argument, print help about that command. "help pdb" shows the full pdb documentation. "help exec" gives help on the ! command. Zhelp_r«zNo help for %rr”zJNo help for %r; please do not run Python with -OO if you need command helpN) r:r;Údo_helprvr¬r–r<ÚflagsÚoptimizerVrr¥)r2r®ZtopicZcommandrrrrT¸s   ÿz Pdb.do_helpcCs| |jjpd ¡¡dS)až(!) statement Execute the (one-line) statement in the context of the current stack frame. The exclamation point can be omitted unless the first word of the statement resembles a debugger command. To assign to a global variable you must always prefix the command with a 'global' command, e.g.: (Pdb) global list_options; list_options = ['-l'] (Pdb) r6N)rVÚ help_execrrkr1rrrrWÒs z Pdb.help_execcCs tƒdSr0)rr1rrrÚhelp_pdbÞsz Pdb.help_pdbcCsÊtj |¡rtj |¡r|Stj tjd|¡}tj |¡rP| |¡|jkrP|Stj |¡\}}|dkrp|d}tj |¡r€|StjD]>}tj  |¡r¢t  |¡}qŠtj ||¡}tj |¡r†|Sq†dS)z·Helper function for break/clear parsing -- may be overridden. lookupmodule() translates (possibly incomplete) file or module name into an absolute file name. rr6rºN) rIrJÚisabsÚexistsr r<rprAÚsplitextÚislinkÚreadlink)r2rrfÚrootZextÚdirnameÚfullnamerrrráãs"      zPdb.lookupmodulec Csrd|_d|_ddl}| |¡\}}}| |j¡|_ddl}|j  ¡|j  d|j|j |j |t dœ¡| |¡dS)NTFrÚ__main__)rÚ__file__Ú __package__Ú __loader__Ú__spec__Ú __builtins__)rBr!ÚrunpyZ_get_module_detailsrprqrAraÚ__dict__r_ÚupdateÚparentÚloaderrfr )r2Z module_namergZmod_nameZmod_specr,rarrrÚ _runmoduleûs  úzPdb._runmodulec Cstddl}|j ¡|j d|tdœ¡d|_| |¡|_d|_t   |¡}d|  ¡|jf}W5QRX|  |¡dS)Nrra)rrbrfTFzexec(compile(%r, %r, 'exec'))) rarhr_rirfrBrprAr!ÚioÚ open_codeÚreadr )r2rrarÚ statementrrrÚ _runscript s þ    ÿzPdb._runscript)r4NNNFT)r)N)rN)wrrrrŒr9rYrZr[rhrerortrsr{r…ryr‹rnr‘r™r¨rlr©rVr–rÇrÐr¼rÝZcomplete_commandsrïrèZdo_bZcomplete_breakZ complete_brñZcomplete_tbreakrçrérüZcomplete_enablerþZcomplete_disablerZcomplete_conditionrZcomplete_ignorerZdo_clZcomplete_clearZ complete_clr Zdo_wZdo_btr rZdo_urZdo_drZdo_untrZdo_srZdo_nrZ do_restartrZdo_rrZdo_cZdo_contrZdo_jr Zcomplete_debugr#Zdo_qZdo_exitr$r-Zdo_ar.Zdo_rvr/r‰r0r2Zcomplete_printZ complete_pZ complete_ppr:Zdo_lr;Zdo_llr=Zcomplete_sourcer7rFZcomplete_whatisrIZcomplete_displayrJrKrMrOrPrRr­r Ú line_prefixrxrTZdo_hrWrXrárlrqrrrrr Šsðÿ /     M ]!!.    1  ! # ÿ   ÚwhereZdownZupÚbreakZtbreakr_rýrúrZ conditionrMÚstepr§ZuntilZjumpÚreturnZretvalÚcontinuer)Zlonglistr¦rZppZwhatisÚsourceZdisplayZ undisplayrLrœZunaliasÚdebugÚquitr«z cCstƒ |||¡dSr0)r r ©rpr˜r—rrrr <scCstƒ |||¡Sr0)r r )Z expressionr˜r—rrrr ?scCst|||ƒdSr0)r r{rrrr BscOstƒj||ŽSr0)r r)r¦ÚkwdsrrrrFs)ÚheadercCs,tƒ}|dk r| |¡| t ¡j¡dSr0)r rVrr<Ú _getframeÚf_back)r}ÚpdbrrrrIs cCsB|dkrt ¡d}|dkr$tdƒ‚tƒ}| ¡| d|¡dS)Nr”zAA valid traceback must be passed if no exception is being handled)r<r€rr rZrn)ÚtrrrrrQs cCsttjƒdSr0)rr<Úlast_tracebackrrrrr _szimport x; x.main()cCs ttƒdSr0)r ÚTESTCMDrrrrÚtestgsr„cCsddl}| t¡dSr()ÚpydocZpagerr)r…rrrrksausage: pdb.py [-c command] ... [-m module | pyfile] [arg] ... Debug the Python program given by pyfile. Alternatively, an executable module or package to debug can be specified using the -m switch. Initial commands are read from .pdbrc files in your home directory and in the current directory, if they exist. Commands supplied with -c are executed after commands from .pdbrc files. To let the script run until an exception occurs, use "-c continue". To let the script run up to a given line X in the debugged file, use "-c 'until X'".c Csddl}| tjdd…dddg¡\}}|s>ttƒt d¡g}d}|D]B\}}|dkrlttƒt ¡qJ|d kr€| |¡qJ|d krJd }qJ|d}|s¼tj  |¡s¼td |d ƒt d¡|tjdd…<|sìtj  |¡}tj  |¡tjd<t ƒ}|j  |¡z6|r| |¡n | |¡|jr*WqtdƒWqþtk rrtd|dƒtdd tjdd…¡ƒYqþtk r¢tdddtt ¡dƒYqþtk rÈt ¡t d¡Yqþt ¡tdƒtdƒt ¡d} | d| ¡td|dƒYqþXqþdS)Nrrzmhc:rzcommand=r”F)z-hz--help)z-cz --command)z-mTzError:zdoes not existz*The program finished and will be restartedZ Restartingzwith arguments:r@r›z/The program exited via sys.exit(). Exit status:)rªz2Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debuggingz1Running 'cont' or 'step' will restart the programz#Post mortem debugger finished. The z will be restarted)Úgetoptr<rr³Ú_usageÚexitr¤rIrJrZÚrealpathr_r rHrLrlrqr!rr Ú SystemExitr€Ú SyntaxErrorr~Ú print_excrn) r†Zoptsr¦rMZ run_as_moduleÚoptZoptargrAr€rrrrÚmain~sd                 ÿrŽra)NN)NN)N)/rrIrmrr<r:r7r*r,r¾r1rr"rr~r÷r½rÚ__all__r!r'r.rŸr/rrr8r;r Z _help_orderZ_commandrvrkrWr r r rrrr rƒr„rr‡rŽrr€rrrrÚs¸Cÿ    * û     D