U e5dA ã@s>ddlmZGdd„deƒZd dd„Zedkr:edeƒƒdS) é)ÚDialogc@s$eZdZdZdZdd„Zdd„ZdS)ÚChoosera Create a dialog for the tk_chooseColor command. Args: master: The master widget for this dialog. If not provided, defaults to options['parent'] (if defined). options: Dictionary of options for the tk_chooseColor call. initialcolor: Specifies the selected color when the dialog is first displayed. This can be a tk color string or a 3-tuple of ints in the range (0, 255) for an RGB triplet. parent: The parent window of the color dialog. The color dialog is displayed on top of this. title: A string for the title of the dialog box. Ztk_chooseColorcCs@z&|jd}t|tƒr$d||jd<Wntk r:YnXdS)zvEnsure initialcolor is a tk color string. Convert initialcolor from a RGB triplet to a color string. Ú initialcolorz #%02x%02x%02xN)ÚoptionsÚ isinstanceÚtupleÚKeyError)ÚselfÚcolor©r ú,/usr/lib64/python3.8/tkinter/colorchooser.pyÚ _fixoptions!s   zChooser._fixoptionscCs>|r t|ƒsdS| |¡\}}}|d|d|dft|ƒfS)z±Adjust result returned from call to tk_chooseColor. Return both an RGB tuple of ints in the range (0, 255) and the tk color string in the form #rrggbb. )NNé)ÚstrZ winfo_rgb)r ZwidgetÚresultÚrÚgÚbr r r Ú _fixresult.s zChooser._fixresultN)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__Zcommandr rr r r r rs rNcKs"|r| ¡}||d<tf|Ž ¡S)z¬Display dialog window for selection of a color. Convenience wrapper for the Chooser class. Displays the color chooser dialog with color as the initial value. r)ÚcopyrZshow)r rr r r ÚaskcolorBsrÚ__main__r )N)Ztkinter.commondialogrrrrÚprintr r r r Ú s 3