U e5d ã@sHdZddlTd dd„Zd dd„Zdd„Zed krDeƒZeeƒeƒd S) ap turtle-example-suite: tdemo_paint.py A simple event-driven paint program - left mouse button moves turtle - middle mouse button changes color - right mouse button toggles between pen up (no line drawn when the turtle moves) and pen down (line is drawn). If pen up follows at least two pen-down moves, the polygon that includes the starting point is filled. ------------------------------------------- Play around by clicking into the canvas using all three mouse buttons. ------------------------------------------- To exit press STOP button ------------------------------------------- é)Ú*cCs(tƒdrtƒtƒn tƒtƒdS)NZpendown)ZpenZend_fillZupZdownZ begin_fill©ÚxÚy©rú(/usr/lib64/python3.8/turtledemo/paint.pyÚ switchupdowns  rcCs(tdd…tdd…attdƒdS)Nér)ÚcolorsÚcolorrrrrÚ changecolor sr cCs`tdƒtdƒtdƒtdƒddddgattd ƒtƒttd ƒtt d ƒttdƒd S) NZcircleÚusergà?éZredZgreenZblueZyellowrr éZ EVENTLOOP) ÚshapeZ resizemodeZ shapesizeÚwidthr r rZ onscreenclickZgotor rrrrÚmain%s     rÚ__main__N)rr)rr) Ú__doc__Zturtlerr rÚ__name__ÚmsgÚprintZmainlooprrrrÚs