U e5d @s8dZddlTddZddZedkr4eeedS) aF turtle-example-suite: tdemo_round_dance.py (Needs version 1.1 of the turtle module that comes with Python 3.1) Dancing turtles have a compound shape consisting of a series of triangles of decreasing size. Turtles march along a circle while rotating pairwise in opposite direction, with one exception. Does that breaking of symmetry enhance the attractiveness of the example? Press any key to stop the animation. Technically: demonstrates use of compound shapes, transformation of shapes as well as cloning turtles. The animation is controlled through update(). )*cCsdadS)NF)runningrr./usr/lib64/python3.8/turtledemo/round_dance.pystopsrc Csttdtdtdd}d}d}d}td}td D]D}t|t}||9}||9}t| | ||d d|fd q>t d |tdtd t t d dg}tdD]:}t dtdtdt|dd kr|tqtdatttd}trd} |D]6} | d| d| | | d krPdnd} q |dkrztdt||d9}tqdS)NZgray10FZtriangleg}Rc?gy!"@Zcompound g?ZblackZmultitriri8 TgGz?zDONE!)Z clearscreenZbgcolorZtracershapeZShaperangeZ shapesizeZ get_shapepolyZtiltZ addcomponentZregister_shapeZpuZsetposfdltupdateappendZclonehomerZ onkeypressrZlistenright) fZphiscZshipZdancersZcsZtaZdancerrrrmains^           r__main__N)__doc__Zturtlerr__name__printZmainlooprrrrs 5