U e5dxã@sXdZddlmZmZddlmZdd„Zdd„Zdd „Z e d krTe ƒZ e e ƒeƒd S) a— turtle-example-suite: tdemo_tree.py Displays a 'breadth-first-tree' - in contrast to the classical Logo tree drawing programs, which use a depth-first-algorithm. Uses: (1) a tree-generator, where the drawing is quasi the side-effect, whereas the generator always yields None. (2) Turtle-cloning: At each branching point the current pen is cloned. So in the end there are 1024 turtles. é)ÚTurtleÚmainloop)Ú perf_counterccsr|dkrng}|D]>}| |¡| ¡}| |¡| |¡| |¡| |¡qt|||||ƒD] }dVqbdS)z¤ plist is list of pens l is length of branch a is half of the angle between 2 branches f is factor by which branch is shortened from level to level.éN)ÚforwardZcloneÚleftÚrightÚappendÚtree)ZplistÚlÚaÚfZlstÚpÚqÚx©rú'/usr/lib64/python3.8/turtledemo/tree.pyr s     r cCsttƒ}| d¡| ¡| d¡| ¡ dd¡| d¡| ¡| d¡|  ¡t |gdddƒ}|D]}qjdS)NrééZi.ÿÿÿéÈéAgffffffä?) rZ setundobufferZ hideturtleZspeedZ getscreenZtracerrZpenuprZpendownr )rÚtrrrrÚmaketree's    rcCstƒ}tƒtƒ}d||S)Nzdone: %.2f sec.)Úclockr)r ÚbrrrÚmain5srÚ__main__N) Ú__doc__ZturtlerrÚtimerrr rrÚ__name__ÚmsgÚprintrrrrÚs