module.exports = { diffApply: diffApply, jsonPatchPathConverter: jsonPatchPathConverter, }; /* const obj1 = {a: 3, b: 5}; diffApply(obj1, [ { "op": "remove", "path": ['b'] }, { "op": "replace", "path": ['a'], "value": 4 }, { "op": "add", "path": ['c'], "value": 5 } ] ); obj1; // {a: 4, c: 5} // using converter to apply jsPatch standard paths // see import {diff, jsonPatchPathConverter} from 'just-diff' const obj2 = {a: 3, b: 5}; diffApply(obj2, [ { "op": "remove", "path": '/b' }, { "op": "replace", "path": '/a', "value": 4 } { "op": "add", "path": '/c', "value": 5 } ], jsonPatchPathConverter); obj2; // {a: 4, c: 5} // arrays const obj3 = {a: 4, b: [1, 2, 3]}; diffApply(obj3, [ { "op": "replace", "path": ['a'], "value": 3 } { "op": "replace", "path": ['b', 2], "value": 4 } { "op": "add", "path": ['b', 3], "value": 9 } ]); obj3; // {a: 3, b: [1, 2, 4, 9]} // nested paths const obj4 = {a: 4, b: {c: 3}}; diffApply(obj4, [ { "op": "replace", "path": ['a'], "value": 5 } { "op": "remove", "path": ['b', 'c']} { "op": "add", "path": ['b', 'd'], "value": 4 } ]); obj4; // {a: 5, b: {d: 4}} */ var REMOVE = 'remove'; var REPLACE = 'replace'; var ADD = 'add'; var MOVE = 'move'; function diffApply(obj, diff, pathConverter) { if (!obj || typeof obj != 'object') { throw new Error('base object must be an object or an array'); } if (!Array.isArray(diff)) { throw new Error('diff must be an array'); } var diffLength = diff.length; for (var i = 0; i < diffLength; i++) { var thisDiff = diff[i]; var subObject = obj; var thisOp = thisDiff.op; var thisPath = transformPath(pathConverter, thisDiff.path); var thisFromPath = thisDiff.from && transformPath(pathConverter, thisDiff.from); var toPath, toPathCopy, lastToProp, subToObject, valueToMove; if (thisFromPath) { // MOVE only, "fromPath" is effectively path and "path" is toPath toPath = thisPath; thisPath = thisFromPath; toPathCopy = toPath.slice(); lastToProp = toPathCopy.pop(); prototypeCheck(lastToProp); if (lastToProp == null) { return false; } var thisToProp; while (((thisToProp = toPathCopy.shift())) != null) { prototypeCheck(thisToProp); if (!(thisToProp in subToObject)) { subToObject[thisToProp] = {}; } subToObject = subToObject[thisToProp]; } } var pathCopy = thisPath.slice(); var lastProp = pathCopy.pop(); prototypeCheck(lastProp); if (lastProp == null) { return false; } var thisProp; while (((thisProp = pathCopy.shift())) != null) { prototypeCheck(thisProp); if (!(thisProp in subObject)) { subObject[thisProp] = {}; } subObject = subObject[thisProp]; } if (thisOp === REMOVE || thisOp === REPLACE || thisOp === MOVE) { var path = thisOp === MOVE ? thisDiff.from : thisDiff.path; if (!subObject.hasOwnProperty(lastProp)) { throw new Error(['expected to find property', path, 'in object', obj].join(' ')); } } if (thisOp === REMOVE || thisOp === MOVE) { if (thisOp === MOVE) { valueToMove = subObject[lastProp]; } Array.isArray(subObject) ? subObject.splice(lastProp, 1) : delete subObject[lastProp]; } if (thisOp === REPLACE || thisOp === ADD) { subObject[lastProp] = thisDiff.value; } if (thisOp === MOVE) { subObject[lastToProp] = valueToMove; } } return subObject; } function transformPath(pathConverter, thisPath) { if(pathConverter) { thisPath = pathConverter(thisPath); if(!Array.isArray(thisPath)) { throw new Error([ 'pathConverter must return an array, returned:', thisPath, ].join(' ')); } } else { if(!Array.isArray(thisPath)) { throw new Error([ 'diff path', thisPath, 'must be an array, consider supplying a path converter'] .join(' ')); } } return thisPath; } function jsonPatchPathConverter(stringPath) { return stringPath.split('/').slice(1); } function prototypeCheck(prop) { // coercion is intentional to catch prop values like `['__proto__']` if (prop == '__proto__' || prop == 'constructor' || prop == 'prototype') { throw new Error('setting of prototype values not supported'); } }