File_MARC Parse, modify, and create MARC records The standard for machine-readable cataloging (MARC) records is documented at This package enables you to read existing MARC records from a file, string, or (using the YAZ extension), from a Z39.50 source. You can also use this package to create new MARC records. This package is based on the PHP MARC package, originally called "php-marc", that is part of the Emilda Project ( Christoffer Landtman generously agreed to make the "php-marc" code available under the GNU LGPL so it could be used as the basis of this PEAR package. Dan Scott dbs yes 2013-09-13 0.7.3 0.7.0 beta beta GNU Lesser General Public License 0.7.3-beta * Merge patch from Karen Coombs ( adding default namespace to record elements 5.2 1.4.0 Structures_LinkedList Validate_ISPN