XML_Util pear.php.net XML utility class Selection of methods that are often needed when working with XML documents. Functionality includes creating of attribute lists from arrays, creation of tags, validation of XML names and more. Chuck Burgess ashnazg ashnazg@php.net yes Stephan Schmidt schst schst@php-tools.net no Davey Shafik davey davey@php.net no 2014-06-07 1.2.3 1.2.0 stable stable BSD License Bug #20293 Broken installation for 1.2.2 4.3.0 1.4.3 pcre 0.1 0.1 stable stable 2003-08-01 PHP License inital release 0.1.1 0.1.1 stable stable 2003-08-02 PHP License bugfix: removed bug in createTagFromArray 0.2 0.2 stable stable 2003-08-12 PHP License added XML_Util::getDocTypeDeclaration() 0.2.1 0.2.1 stable stable 2003-09-05 PHP License fixed bug with zero as tag content in createTagFromArray and createTag 0.3 0.3 stable stable 2003-09-12 PHP License added createStartElement() and createEndElement() 0.4 0.4 stable stable 2003-09-21 PHP License added createCDataSection(), added support for CData sections in createTag* methods, fixed bug #23, fixed bug in splitQualifiedName() 0.5 0.5 stable stable 2003-09-23 PHP License added support for multiline attributes in attributesToString(), createTag*() and createStartElement (requested by Yavor Shahpasov for XML_Serializer), added createComment 0.5.1 0.5.1 stable stable 2003-09-26 PHP License added default namespace parameter (optional) in splitQualifiedName() (requested by Sebastian Bergmann) 0.5.2 0.5.2 stable stable 2003-11-22 PHP License now creates XHTML compliant empty tags (Davey), minor whitespace fixes (Davey) 0.6.0beta1 0.6.0beta1 beta beta 2004-05-24 PHP License - Fixed bug 1438 (namespaces not accepted for isValidName()) (thanks to davey) - added optional parameter to replaceEntities() to define the set of entities to replace - added optional parameter to attributesToString() to define, whether entities should be replaced (requested by Sebastian Bergmann) - allowed second parameter to XML_Util::attributesToString() to be an array containing options (easier to use, if you only need to set the last parameter) - introduced XML_Util::raiseError() to avoid the necessity of including PEAR.php, will only be included on error 0.6.0 0.6.0 stable stable 2004-06-07 PHP License - Fixed bug 1438 (namespaces not accepted for isValidName()) (thanks to davey) - added optional parameter to replaceEntities() to define the set of entities to replace - added optional parameter to attributesToString() to define, whether entities should be replaced (requested by Sebastian Bergmann) - allowed second parameter to XML_Util::attributesToString() to be an array containing options (easier to use, if you only need to set the last parameter) - introduced XML_Util::raiseError() to avoid the necessity of including PEAR.php, will only be included on error 0.6.1 0.6.1 stable stable 2004-10-28 PHP License - Added check for tag name (either as local part or qualified name) in createTagFromArray() (bug #1083) 1.0.0 1.0.0 stable stable 2004-10-28 PHP License - Added reverseEntities() (request #2639) 1.1.0 1.1.0 stable stable 2004-11-19 PHP License - Added collapseEmptyTags (patch by Sebastian Bergmann and Thomas Duffey) 1.1.1 1.1.1 stable stable 2004-12-23 PHP License - fixed bug in replaceEntities() and reverseEntities() in conjunction with XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML - createTag() and createTagFromArray() now accept XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_NONE and XML_UTIL_CDATA_SECTION as $replaceEntities parameter 1.1.2 1.1.2 stable stable 2006-12-01 PHP License - fixed bug #5419: isValidName() now checks for character classes - implemented request #8196: added optional parameter to influence array sorting to createTag() createTagFromArray() and createStartElement() 1.1.4 1.1.4 stable stable 2006-12-16 PHP License - Fixed bug #9561: Not allowing underscores in middle of tags 1.2.0a1 1.2.0 alpha alpha 2008-05-04 BSD License Changed license to New BSD License (Req #13826 [ashnazg]) Added a test suite against all API methods [ashnazg] Switch to package.xml v2 [ashnazg] Fixed Bug #4950: Incorrect CDATA serializing [ashnazg|ja.doma] 1.2.0a2 1.2.0 alpha alpha 2008-05-22 BSD License Changed license to New BSD License (Req #13826 [ashnazg]) Added a test suite against all API methods [ashnazg] Switch to package.xml v2 [ashnazg] Added Req #13839: Missing XHTML empty tags to collapse [ashnazg|drry] Fixed Bug #5392: encoding of ISO-8859-1 is the only supported encoding [ashnazg] Fixed Bug #4950: Incorrect CDATA serializing [ashnazg|drry] -- (this fix differs from the one in v1.2.0a1) 1.2.0RC1 1.2.0 beta beta 2008-07-12 BSD License Changed license to New BSD License (Req #13826 [ashnazg]) Added a test suite against all API methods [ashnazg] Switch to package.xml v2 [ashnazg] Added Req #13839: Missing XHTML empty tags to collapse [ashnazg|drry] Fixed Bug #5392: encoding of ISO-8859-1 is the only supported encoding [ashnazg] Fixed Bug #4950: Incorrect CDATA serializing [ashnazg|drry] -- (this fix differs from the one in v1.2.0a1) 1.2.0 1.2.0 stable stable 2008-07-26 BSD License Changed license to New BSD License (Req #13826 [ashnazg]) Added a test suite against all API methods [ashnazg] Switch to package.xml v2 [ashnazg] Added Req #13839: Missing XHTML empty tags to collapse [ashnazg|drry] Fixed Bug #5392: encoding of ISO-8859-1 is the only supported encoding [ashnazg] Fixed Bug #4950: Incorrect CDATA serializing [ashnazg|drry] -- (this fix differs from the one in v1.2.0a1) 1.2.1 1.2.0 stable stable 2011-12-31 BSD License Fixed Bug #14760: Bug in getDocTypeDeclaration() [ashnazg|fpospisil] 1.2.2 1.2.0 stable stable 2014-06-07 BSD License QA release Bug #18343 Entities in file names decoded during packaging Bug #19174 upgrade PHPUnit require statements & other fixes (for PEAR QA Team) Request #19750 examples/example.php encoding 1.2.3 1.2.0 stable stable 2014-06-07 BSD License Bug #20293 Broken installation for 1.2.2